Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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Injuries are part and parcel of the game. Squad building should be made with such in mind, and a manager should be expected to adapt and adjust, when needed, to account for them and maximise results and performances despite. You can’t be having all around shambolic performances and seasons and just “injuries!” your way out of responsibility/accountability. We weren’t even the only club to be ravaged by injuries last season. Does this just go on indefinitely whenever we get injuries to core players?

Exactly, Newcastle, Chelsea, Brighton, Brentford all had injury issues, surprisingly they had poor campaigns too..
Injuries to core players will always effect the team however, when the core players are injured along with the backups, it does create an issue.

When you have your 2nd LB injured all season and having to play Lindelof a 4th choice CB at LB, clearly its going to make it harder to play the way the manager wants.

When you have a CB that is 36 being relied upon on along with Casemiro who forgets he is playing in the PL and goes sliding into tackles up the field.

Its about having the right backups.
Well next season won't be more of the same, can't blame injuries and if they do sign players who get injured (cough *Mount* cough) then it's solely on ETH having the luxury of signing off on players, there's no more excuses, no allowing every team and it's mascot to have 55million shots at Onana , put it simple, if you are crap then won't get more than half a season at best before International Break hits and he's gone.

Read it again:

....only 8 points behind Aston Villa....

Let it sink in.
We are Manchester United, btw.

Injury luck? Do you really believe it is luck and not the training regime that has caused the injuries?
What about the total lack of identity and the poor overall play on the pitch?

I'll gladly eat my words, but I think you'd have a better chance of winning the Lottery than we have of becoming one of the 4 best teams in England next season with ETH as manager.
You seem fixated on the word Villa. They had a good season but the point is they occupied the last CL place.

‘We are Man United’ the most cringe inducing, overused phrase along with United DNA. We are a football club, like all the other football clubs and if we recruit poorly or have telling injuries it will affect us like any other football club.

Injuries I think is a mix of luck but it’s not unique to ETH we’ve had issues with that department for years. Mou and Ole had similar issues with repeat injuries. The issue ETH had - which shouldn’t need explaining to you - is it was very specific to certain roles and players.

Play style has been the issue but then we’ve also seen the emergence/improvement over the season of younger players and the hope that we’re now ready to start next season with the single DM (hopefully we can buy one). Let’s see, you seem to think ETH is a mid table manager, I reckon we’ll be good next season.
Well next season won't be more of the same, can't blame injuries and if they do sign players who get injured (cough *Mount* cough) then it's solely on ETH having the luxury of signing off on players, there's no more excuses, no allowing every team and it's mascot to have 55million shots at Onana , put it simple, if you are crap then won't get more than half a season at best before International Break hits and he's gone.
Why would we think this when we were crap for the entire last season and a good part of the season before that and manager is being rewarded with a new contract? What reason do we have to believe he will be under big pressure now to deliver asap?
We really kept him because of a cup win :lol: We are a ridiculous club. Nothing ever changes.
We’re keeping him because the available targets are shite. If the likes of alonso were available this could have gone very different.
We were awful in the CL, awful in the league and lucky in the cup. That he is incapable of getting a squad with injuries to play half decent football says it all about him. He's a dead man walking for me - I really do not expect much improvement next season, although it could hardly be worse so that'll be another pass for him potentially. Remember, he is the reason we have Antony.
I think it is a terrible decision but then I also don't know what has been going on behind closed doors, for all we know Tuchel, McKenna and Poch may have all turned down the offer once they saw it, ETH is already hooked so may have been the only option open.... or maybe INEOS have just decided to go with ETH.

Either which way please FFS do not enter into contract extension talk until at least 10 games in and we can see where things are at, we were told last season it would take £9m to pay him out, why would we want to burden ourselves by increasing that if he does fail.

So being firmly ETH out that is my last on this, the die is cast and for now he gets my full backing, I hope he sees the error of his ways and plays more pragmatically when necessary, I hope he proves me and all the other naysayers wrong, because ultimately all I care about is us playing football I want to watch and being as successful as possible doing it, if he brings that to the table I will happily eat humble pie!
Being humble means knowing that there are things you don't know and you don't know the reasons for the decisions he made to know they were mistakes he made. But I will leave it there, there is nothing in his track record to say he is not humble and doesn't adjust learn, we saw that in his first season plenty and even last season too.

As for his press conferences, the media were after him, even going to talk about getting to an FA cup final being a embarrassment and sacking him before the final, I don't perceive him being arrogant just having a back bone after getting hammered by the press all season
Well, look let’s agree to disagree. But I think we can all agree that we want him to prove everyone wrong this season that doubted him (including me)
We’re keeping him because the available targets are shite. If the likes of alonso were available this could have gone very different.
That's basically saying anybody but top 5 managers is shite. Don't agree with that, there were options. Ten Hag would not have survived at another big club.
We really kept him because of a cup win :lol: We are a ridiculous club. Nothing ever changes.

Taking a tiny piece of the data and obsessing on it is rarely the clever thing to do. It's also tedious to read over and over.
Let’s hope that he has become humble enough to learn from the mistakes last season. If he can do that he may last. If he can’t then I expect more results and performances like the season just ended and he will be out of a job by Christmas.

I really don’t see this as a thing to celebrate since the jury is pretty much still out on him. The pressure this season will be enormous and there can be no excuses.

however glad that we can now move on with preparing for the new season. Time will tell if INEOS got it right or wrong.

no need for people to be insulting each other. We all want what’s best for United.
Pretty much in this boat. Hoping massively he turns it around and Ineos shows a little more ruthlessness with the squad, than they have with keeping EtH on.

Bring on the new season
I don't see how they keep him to be honest.
Having one year left on his contract makes it really awkward. They either have to back him or let him go. If they do neither, it'll be this press coverage and uncertainty all season long. Some clubs can manage that quite well, we are just not one of them. Then again, how can they back him with a longer deal, giving the season he just had?

Fair play to him though, gambled it all on the City game and it paid off. Literally started practising that formation since the Newcastle game. It worked and now this is the strongest his stock has been this year.
Called it. They either had to back him with a new contract or let him go. Didn't think they would pick the back him option but I guess the cost, FA cup and the lack of elite alternatives saved him.
That's basically saying anybody but top 5 managers is shite. Don't agree with that, there were options. Ten Hag would not have survived at another big club.
Arteta at Arsenal (unless you don’t call them a big club) is proof otherwise, but I get your point. He’s a lucky, lucky man. I was EtH out btw, but bring on the new season. Let’s hope for a infinite improvement.
Either which way please FFS do not enter into contract extension talk until at least 10 games in and we can see where things are at, we were told last season it would take £9m to pay him out, why would we want to burden ourselves by increasing that if he does fail.
You accept the situation with all its consequences. If we were ready to accept last season and even looking to reward him with a new deal, this means we have accepted that there are certain individuals in the team whose absence is going to significantly reduce our team's potential. If the same players are out next year, we will probably do the same as this year. Let's hope they aren't.

So no expectations for the managerial staff to find solutions? A manager is supposed to manage. Manchester United faced more shots than any other side in Europe’s top 5 leagues in 2024. Like, a Martinez injury and 8th place becomes the acceptable floor indefinitely? Fair enough, I guess. I just have to make peace with it. It is what it is.

like I said, next season will be an interesting watch. Hope for the best.
There are any number of potential reasons:
  • To renegotiate a deal in which he has less influence on transfers, playing style or big picture decisions.
  • To show the squad that he is the head coach and has the long term backing of management in that role.
  • To include new minimum expectations and requirements for which he will be accountable.
  • To give him confidence and a sense of security so he can plan accordingly.
  • To prevent the inevitable mid-season circus of the media counting down the days until his contract runs out.
  • To avoid the distraction of entering such negotiations mid-season if he does begin to turn things around.
If we take a second to stop and think, rather than just lash out, it's not rocket science.

All the reasons you gave are for ETH none are beneficial to United unless he renews on a lower salary with an exit clause.

There are no consequences for failure at United. Fail massively and you get yourself an even longer contract.
So no expectations for the managerial staff to find solutions? A manager is supposed to manage. Manchester United faced more shots than any other side in Europe’s top 5 leagues in 2024. Like, a Martinez injury and 8th place becomes the acceptable floor indefinitely? Fair enough, I guess. I just have to make peace with it. It is what it is.
I think the new structure will have to ensure manager has the right players to execute his plan. His responsibility in terms of squad management is going to be limited.
We really kept him because of a cup win :lol: We are a ridiculous club. Nothing ever changes.

I don't think he stays because of the FA Cup win. If it played a part in the final decision to keep him, it's probably not what many fans have in mind.

You have to look at the dissimilarity of styles among the main candidates for the gig (the names who were doing the rounds in the press). I believe it serves as an indication that INEOS were looking, as a prerequisite, for a personality they can work with. ETH obviously passed that test, even though INEOS interviewed other managers too.

Which brings us to the FA Cup victory that showed a team still playing for its manager. This matters because we have a difficult squad to manage (assembled without a bigger picture in mind, with players on big contracts who either blow hot and cold for whole seasons or need very specific roles on the pitch) and the money for a radical overhaul just doesn't seem to be available. People like to ignore that, had there been a new guy, he would have to manage this particular squad with a couple of additions. All in all, taking the United job on nowadays is less of a dream job and more of a poison chalice.
Summer will be so interesting now as the targets we are after will certainly shed a light on how much influence he still has on transfer decisions.
I'm also looking forward to how we handle the Sancho and Greenwood situations and our pre season and whether we start looking like a team that knows what it's doing on the pitch rather than what we saw last season.
If Ineos have any faith in him they can't send him into the season as a dead man walking.

Of course they can and they have good arguments too. Give him until winter to show he actually can manage that team to play proper football. If not he'll be gone next summer latest. Why hand out a contract now after our worst ever league position in the PL? If he thinks he can turn this around he better shows it before he gets a reward
OK.. he's staying some didn't want him I thought he's a gonner as well.
The only thing we can do now is back him club has to, I'm hoping there's a guiding hand in players coming in, as EtH now cannot make a mistake in transfer window..
Im delighted ETH is staying. I see no benefit to switching to Tuchel et al. The club was in right old a mess when Erik took over. It takes time to get on track. Two trophies in two seasons has kept us ticking over.

lets get behind him and see how his third season goes, hopefully a lot less injuries and a few new players in.

We need to sell Sancho Greenwood DVB and all the other deadwood. Id sell Anthony too. No more loaning.
Recoup some cash from these assets and spend wisely to stay in FFP rules.
Wonder if a straw poll of utd fans asked whether they would have preferred to lose the fa cup final to avoid this outcome would eventuate with more individuals wishing we had actually lost the final to avoid this outcome. It's definitely one of those imponderables like if you'd wished this or that relative had died instead of some celebrity. Piers Morgan is probably one of those that is if he was a utd fan which looks increasingly unlikely.
Arteta at Arsenal (unless you don’t call them a big club) is proof otherwise, but I get your point. He’s a lucky, lucky man. I was EtH out btw, but bring on the new season. Let’s hope for a infinite improvement.

I am hoping the FA Cup win kickstarts a resurgence. Its rare for managers to come out of the rut that last season became. I’m not sure how effective pre season will be with the euros but we should have injuries back and some new signings. Hopefully we kick on.

I was ETH out but if the board have given him the nod i’ll get behind him because I dont want him to do badly just to prove a point - if he does badly it means the team is doing badly. Hopefully by 6 games in this proves to be a good decision
Of course they can and they have good arguments too.

No, they have good arguments to get rid of him. There is no logic sending him in to a new season with all the residual pressure and hamstrung wth a lack of authority. Get rid or back are the options.
You accept the situation with all its consequences. If we were ready to accept last season and even looking to reward him with a new deal, this means we have accepted that there are certain individuals in the team whose absence is going to significantly reduce our team's potential. If the same players are out next year, we will probably do the same as this year. Let's hope they aren't.

Spot on. I’m happy he’s staying but there has to be some contingency planning for Martinez being injured, the success of the whole enterprise can’t rest on his fitness (and Shaw to a lesser extent)
No, they have good arguments to get rid of him. There is no logic sending him in to a new season with all the residual pressure and hamstrung wth a lack of authority. Get rid or back are the options.

If they have no proper replacement getting rid isn't such a good option though is it. Give him until winter to show he deserves to stay. Otherwise let him leave on a free and then we will have enough time to get a proper replacement in.
If Ineos have any faith in him they can't send him into the season as a dead man walking.
100% agree. We need to articulate our support for him, he can't be entering the new season under any risk of being fired midway through it, he must have proper assurances for the future.
What does that mean we are Manchester United? We shouldn't be competing with Villa? Can you explain what you mean by letting it sink in? I am confused.

There are some fans that want United to behave like the team with most titles in the land and some fans who are like this post….
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