Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

That democracy well end if Trump is elected?

You do realize there are quotes from Trump about that, not just baseless accusations?
And the whole "trying to overturn the election" bit.
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.
wtf is this crap. :lol:
Elon "might say stupid stuff", Netanyahu might not be particularly fond of Palestinians, Trump might use a tiny bit of makeup, etc.
Elon "might say stupid stuff", Netanyahu might not be particularly fond of Palestinians, Trump might use a tiny bit of makeup, etc.
If only radical left didn't look into specific stuff they said or did, those visionnaires would get their rightful recognition.
Elon owns a company who make electric cars so that balances out his attempt to toxify social media, platform nazis, general racism, sexism, employee abuse, calling people paedophiles, crushing unions, sexual harassment, transphobia, promotion of conspiracy theories, etc... and he does more good for the world than people researching & developing life saving vaccines and cures for diseases.

For feck's sakes, even his harshest critics begrudgingly admit that Musk is a brilliant visionary entrepreneur with unparalleled business acuity, gifted at recognizing and harnessing transformative technologies. He has a remarkable talent for turning seemingly impossible ideas into thriving ventures—Tesla and SpaceX being prime examples.

As for Twitter, let’s not get too carried away with a few temporary hiccups. It’s worth remembering that Tesla faced endless skepticism in its early years before becoming a juggernaut, and SpaceX endured its share of early stumbles before revolutionizing space exploration. If history has taught us anything, it’s that Musk’s ventures—while occasionally messy at first—have a way of proving doubters wrong. Twitter, or rather X, is likely on the same trajectory toward long-term success.
You gotta laugh sometimes at how hatred can make some people this blind. “Elon’s businesses are doing bad”. SpaceX speaks for itself. On to Tesla:

Except for BYD (who is statebacked, and makes nowhere near the profit pr car as Tesla), Tesla sells the most EVs on the planet. Most sold car in 2023? Tesla Model Y. Most sold car so far in 2024? Tesla Model Y. Plus Tesla’s solar energy earning like crazy these years.

Then you got the Cybertruck, which is currently selling more than any truck in the states … combined that is. At a more premium price.

The revamped and bettered Model 3 also now has a (proven) range of 700 km.

And this is achieved with decent profits in an environment where legacy automakers struggle even to make a profit.

As If we’re not already seeing trouble in Germany, within 1-3 years some of the biggest german automakers will be royally fecked as they dont live up to EU regulations for transforming themselves fully into EV companies. They’re lightyears behind serious companies Toyota with their hybrids and Tesla.

We can all discredit Elon Musk for his doings on X and rightly so, but let’s have all the details and both sides, else we’re just defining Elon only as a bad guy. That would never be fair, even if he platforms hatespeech.
Investment guys that think they know everything are such great entertainment.
You gotta laugh sometimes at how hatred can make some people this blind. “Elon’s businesses are doing bad”. SpaceX speaks for itself. On to Tesla:

Except for BYD (who is statebacked, and makes nowhere near the profit pr car as Tesla), Tesla sells the most EVs on the planet. Most sold car in 2023? Tesla Model Y. Most sold car so far in 2024? Tesla Model Y. Plus Tesla’s solar energy earning like crazy these years.

Then you got the Cybertruck, which is currently selling more than any truck in the states … combined that is. At a more premium price.

The revamped and bettered Model 3 also now has a (proven) range of 700 km.

And this is achieved with decent profits in an environment where legacy automakers struggle even to make a profit.

As If we’re not already seeing trouble in Germany, within 1-3 years some of the biggest german automakers will be royally fecked as they dont live up to EU regulations for transforming themselves fully into EV companies. They’re lightyears behind serious companies Toyota with their hybrids and Tesla.

We can all discredit Elon Musk for his doings on X and rightly so, but let’s have all the details and both sides, else we’re just defining Elon only as a bad guy. That would never be fair, even if he platforms hatespeech.
What both sides? He's a bad guy. Like Bond villain level bad. He's also a massive cnut, a shite father and an unfunny arsehole with the saddest cult of personality of all time surrounding him. He's also the very rich owner of some companies, which is no counterweight to the former in any way shape or form.

Having money doesn't actually makes you a good person, it just makes you a rich person.

As for his contribution to his companies. I doubt Tesla and SpaceX would sink if he died tomorrow. Too bad we won't find out.

Not saying I hope he dies of course, that would be awful.

And I have now engaged with a WUM in the Elon Musk thread. New low.
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.
As a fan of his business ventures, you might want to read this article for a more balanced view:

My wife came across this article:


Long, yes, but apart from being a brilliant review of the inanity of the Musk biography in question, it's also a great portrayal (no, not positive) of Musk himself. Well, I suppose it's nothing new for most people in this thread, but I thought this interesting - especially the bit about how Tesla made money through California's ZEV scheme.
Complete fanboy delusion.
In basically all of my posts I’ve being critical of Elon Musk the person, as owner of X. Maybe 95% of my posts says that I don’t agree with Elon with his doings on X.

Gotta say this is pretty shameless and a useless disrespectful post, when I try and be nice and nuanced to people like you and list both the bad and good sides about Elon. Imagine I argued and talked the same way about you?

My posts are even mostly just factual posts about what numbers Tesla put out - and what Elon does good on the innovation side. But hey, if namecalling and labeling is more important to you, then there’s not even any point trying to have a nuanced discussions about it all. It’s pretty easy to just hate Elon Musk and be blind to the good stuff he does too for the planet.
We can all discredit Elon Musk for his doings on X and rightly so, but let’s have all the details and both sides, else we’re just defining Elon only as a bad guy. That would never be fair, even if he platforms hatespeech.
Again, disingenuous to keep stating that this is the only reason people dislike him. It's also simultaneously incredibly dismissive about how damaging some of his "doings on X" have been and can be.
What both sides? He's a bad guy. Like Bond villain level bad. He's also a massive cnut, a shite father and an unfunny arsehole with the saddest cult of personality of all time surrounding him. He's also the very rich owner of some companies, which is no counterweight to the former in any way shape or form.

Having money doesn't actually makes you a good person, it just makes you a rich person.

As for his contribution to his companies. I doubt Tesla and SpaceX would sink if he died tomorrow. Too bad we won't find out.

Not saying I hope he dies of course, that would be awful.

And I have now engaged with a WUM in the Elon Musk thread. New low.
That’s the thing. His companies does good stuff. They save the planet from CO2 emission on an extreme scale. Tesla’s made it visible to big players like China that electric vehicles and solar energy is both a great business for states and for the environment compared to dirty energy. But you can’t “feel” this as you can with a post on X that makes you rage.

This all gets lost though, as we’re all just supposed to throw away the fantastic innovations of a man because he’s a cnut in real life. (He sure sounds like it). You can’t say his companies (X excepted) don’t benefit the planet.

And I see such strange arguments from other posters too like “he just sells cars” - if you truly looked and considered what selling cars and solar packs does for the planet, you’d hate him a little bit less. + all the things he’ll do in the future.

I’m arguing with a wall here it seems, so not gonna waste more time today nuancing what this so called evil man does.
Tesla’s made it visible to big players like China that electric vehicles and solar energy is both a great business for states and for the environment compared to dirty energy.
Please don't tell me that you're legitimately giving him credit for popularisation of solar energy too. This is beyond absurd.

In July, Elon Musk made a bold prediction: that his artificial intelligence startup xAI would release “the most powerful AI in the world,” a model called Grok 3, by this December. The bulk of that AI’s training, Musk said, would happen at a “massive new training center” in Memphis, which he bragged had been built in 19 days.

But many residents of Memphis were taken by surprise, including city council members who said they were given no input about the project or its potential impacts on the city. Data centers like this one use a vast amount of electricity and water. And in the months since, an outcry has grown among community members and environmental groups, who warn of the plant’s potential negative impact on air quality, water access, and grid stability, especially for nearby neighborhoods that have suffered from industrial pollution for decades. These activists also contend that the company is illegally operating gas turbines.
That’s the thing. His companies does good stuff. They save the planet from CO2 emission on an extreme scale. Tesla’s made it visible to big players like China that electric vehicles and solar energy is both a great business for states and for the environment compared to dirty energy. But you can’t “feel” this as you can with a post on X that makes you rage.

This all gets lost though, as we’re all just supposed to throw away the fantastic innovations of a man because he’s a cnut in real life. (He sure sounds like it). You can’t say all these things don’t benefit the planet.

And I see such strange arguments from other posters too like “he just sells cars” - if you truly looked and considered what selling cars and solar packs does for the planet, you’d hate him a little bit less. + all the things he’ll do in the future.

I’m arguing with a wall here it seems, so not gonna waste more time today nuancing what this so called evil man does.
No one is supposed to throw away innovations. The point is that he invented none of these innovations. He's not an omnipotent genius who invented solar energy. He's a rich dude who invested in the right companies.

He's not trying to save the planet, he's in it to get rich and now that he is rich, being a bond villain is apparently what he wants to do.

Please read the article in @Cheimoon 's post if you are seriously looking for a balanced view.
That’s the thing. His companies does good stuff. They save the planet from CO2 emission on an extreme scale. Tesla’s made it visible to big players like China that electric vehicles and solar energy is both a great business for states and for the environment compared to dirty energy. But you can’t “feel” this as you can with a post on X that makes you rage.
They don't. First, you use plural, but his only possibly environmentally conscious company is Tesla. Space travel is extremely polluting, actually. Second, there is no sign Musk cares about the environment; if he did, surely he would mention it sometimes while cozying up with the Republicans. And third, for the longest time, Tesla's main source of income were ZEVs, which allow other companies to pollute.

He's definitely a good businessman, in that terrible self-centred capitalist sort of way, and he obviously likes the innovation sector. But he's not an inventor or innovator himself, and there is no sign he's in it for the good of humanity.
The guy is scum. I hope everything he touches crashes and burns.
I hope not, last thing I need is Tesla's crashing everywhere and giant rockets falling on my house

But if his companies went tits up that's a different matter
Musk is basically a modern Wernher von Braun but without the major contributions to engineering and rocket architecture.
As a fan of his business ventures, you might want to read this article for a more balanced view:
Cheers! I actually do listen to the criticisms around him as I tend to agree with a lot about him as a person. Long read that and I’d agree Isacsson’s biography of him was very technical instead of being critical at some events and missing to dive into tragic events more. I so think Isacsson touches on the most vital part - Elon Musks lack of empathy.

The article clearly however is completely against everything Elon Musk does. It mostly just disregards anything he has done or will do, like popularizing the EV or making space travel more possible. It’s a bit like most posts in here just written more eloquent.

This to me is completely biased.

“Elon Musk has not changed the world. He is not a great innovator. He is not a genius. He is not taking the human species anywhere in particular. He’s boring. Even his faults are boring! Musk is a very ordinary man. A con man; a fraudster. Worst of all, a government contractor.”

I could probably argue against everything in that sentence, but it seems there’s little point in wasting the time here. When the level is “Elon is like a Nazi” from many posters, it’s a waste of time.
No one is supposed to throw away innovations. The point is that he invented none of these innovations. He's not an omnipotent genius who invented solar energy. He's a rich dude who invested in the right companies.

He's not trying to save the planet, he's in it to get rich and now that he is rich, being a bond villain is apparently what he wants to do.

Please read the article in @Cheimoon 's post if you are seriously looking for a balanced view.
I'm sorry - but that article isn't really that good, it's as much about how crap the biography is than anything. There are a ton of criticisms to be made about Musk and his ventures but this article isn't it. The writer spends the first 1,000 words and the last 1,000 words on a complete tangent. He makes well known observations about Musks bizarre family life (and yes, he's from a toxic family and is clearly an awful human being). On the SpaceX side he condemns it for what it hasn't done - put something on Mars - and ignores what it has done (upend the entire space business) - and while the Mars stuff hasn't happened, the Mars goal is what has driven the focus on getting launch costs down to the point where we have a massive innovation like Starship coming into view - and Musk has been a key instigator of that process. He obfuscates the point about what differentiates SpaceX from say Rockwell, which is that SpaceX designs their rockets according to its own spec, while the Rockwell built the space shuttle to NASA's spec. He gives a good shoeing to Tesla's build quality which isn't anything new, and criticises Tesla for making hay on the ZEV scheme, the entire purpose of which was to encourage the growth of electric vehicles and the reduction of ICE cars.

So, not a very good article about a not very good biography.
When the level is “Elon is like a Nazi” from many posters, it’s a waste of time.
I'm going to be kind and keep it jovial because we are having some fun here. I'll attribute this to your own ignorance rather than malice.

But please make an effort to familiarise yourself with Elon's history:


This is but one example.
You gotta laugh sometimes at how hatred can make some people this blind. “Elon’s businesses are doing bad”. SpaceX speaks for itself. On to Tesla:

Except for BYD (who is statebacked, and makes nowhere near the profit pr car as Tesla), Tesla sells the most EVs on the planet. Most sold car in 2023? Tesla Model Y. Most sold car so far in 2024? Tesla Model Y. Plus Tesla’s solar energy earning like crazy these years.

Then you got the Cybertruck, which is currently selling more than any truck in the states … combined that is. At a more premium price.

The revamped and bettered Model 3 also now has a (proven) range of 700 km.

And this is achieved with decent profits in an environment where legacy automakers struggle even to make a profit.

As If we’re not already seeing trouble in Germany, within 1-3 years some of the biggest german automakers will be royally fecked as they dont live up to EU regulations for transforming themselves fully into EV companies. They’re lightyears behind serious companies Toyota with their hybrids and Tesla.

We can all discredit Elon Musk for his doings on X and rightly so, but let’s have all the details and both sides, else we’re just defining Elon only as a bad guy. That would never be fair, even if he platforms hatespeech.
No matter how well his companies perform, he will always be a bad person, because of his actions and words.
I'm sorry - but that article isn't really that good, it's as much about how crap the biography is than anything. There are a ton of criticisms to be made about Musk and his ventures but this article isn't it. The writer spends the first 1,000 words and the last 1,000 words on a complete tangent. He makes well known observations about Musks bizarre family life (and yes, he's from a toxic family and is clearly an awful human being). On the SpaceX side he condemns it for what it hasn't done - put something on Mars - and ignores what it has done (upend the entire space business) - and while the Mars stuff hasn't happened, the Mars goal is what has driven the focus on getting launch costs down to the point where we have a massive innovation like Starship coming into view - and Musk has been a key instigator of that process. He obfuscates the point about what differentiates SpaceX from say Rockwell, which is that SpaceX designs their rockets according to its own spec, while the Rockwell built the space shuttle to NASA's spec. He gives a good shoeing to Tesla's build quality which isn't anything new, and criticises Tesla for making hay on the ZEV scheme, the entire purpose of which was to encourage the growth of electric vehicles and the reduction of ICE cars.

So, not a very good article about a not very good biography.
It does kind of hit home the fact that Musk is barely anyone. He's just some sort of bizarre image with no one behind it.

Granted, there are more detailed articles about the history and origin of Tesla than this one.
They don't. First, you use plural, but his only possibly environmentally conscious company is Tesla. Space travel is extremely polluting, actually. Second, there is no sign Musk cares about the environment; if he did, surely he would mention it sometimes while cozying up with the Republicans. And third, for the longest time, Tesla's main source of income were ZEVs, which allow other companies to pollute.

He's definitely a good businessman, in that terrible self-centred capitalist sort of way, and he obviously likes the innovation sector. But he's not an inventor or innovator himself, and there is no sign he's in it for the good of humanity.
This is what is such a misunderstanding of the purpose of ZEVs. They’re there to transform the industry from fossil to EV.

Then Tesla comes along and makes a fortune of those because they actually make an EV and few others want to move away from fossil fuels, and then it’s all of a sudden a bad thing. They were dependent on them for a good amount of time, but those ZEVs have actually helped making the model 3 and Y which now is the best selling cars on the planet - without having the need for ZEVs now. They’re still great to have mind you, but fossil manufacturers gets a lot of subsidies too, so it’s not like it’s onesided.

What most people miss is, that in the end, the ZEVs given to Tesla will possibly make the polluting manufacturers go bankrupt in the long run as they dont transform their company to EV. The argument is that ZEVs allow old manufacturers to pollute, but while that’s partly true in the short run, it’ll also end their business if they don’t turn into profitable EV companies. Some of them even tried, but none have the technical engineering of Tesla who both can make the World’s best selling car and have a profit on it at the same time. Currently many fossil fuel manufacturers don’t even make a profit on their cars.

What a terrible thing those ZEVs are, eh?