Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

I think I just threw up in my mouth. The notion that Musk is motivated by doing something good for humanity, and that he will succeed in doing that is laughable to me.
Laugh all you want. He's motivated by innovating stuff for civilizations which he probably more thinks of in a bigger scale than he'd think about one's sorry aunt with diabetes.
He might be a sort of autist severely lacking empathy, which is why he is so terrible to listen to on X, but the companies he's put out there (specifically Tesla) proves that he's doing stuff that benefits humanity. I don't really care if he's motivated to do stuff for people like you, I just care that his companies end products does just that. To me it's like saying Wayne Rooney is ugly. Okay, yeah, you're completely right, but he scores the goals you want. He might say controversial or stupid stuff, but you can't deny that he's done good for the planet by electrifying cars and the energy-grid now and in the future.

For so many years, philantropists like Bill Gates have looked for ways to save the planet, and we've heard about new innovations that was supposed to help the planet out from overheating. Fission is yet to happen on a greater scale, atomic micro reactors, etc, the same. Yet, what he and Tesla's with their megapacks all over the World is such a wild feat. Like with electric cars, his pioneering of making these technologies affordable and scalable is what makes him such a great innovator. (No, not inventor - innovator).

No regular person actually pays attention to this, which is why people in this thread can't fathom that he's actually not just a stupid guy on X.

Even Bill Gates (his arch-enemy of now) and probably one of the most has tipped the hat:

"Well, it's important to say that what Elon did with Tesla is one of the greatest contributions to climate change anyone's ever made," - Bill Gates

.. and that was before Tesla began mass scale production of megapacks to save energy and help out the planet.

I'll probably agree with you on many things regarding Elon Musk's personal views, but you seem so blinded by the hate that you can't see the factual things he's doing. Hero with his companies, Villain on X.
Again, both are not mutually exclusive.
I know many people thinking exactly like you, so I decided to take an hour of my time to actually try and debunk some of this, as I think it would benefit everyone if they realized some of this when buying a car or just listening to horror stories from the mainstream media.

I hope you and others who consider the abovementioned cliches true, will listen. I'd say most of you lot are sensible posters, so I'd say you and most others would find logic in these debunkings. It's still alright to hate Elon Musk for what he says on X btw. Can't disagree that much of it is just pure bullshit. I'm just here to argue that what he is doing with Tesla is simply mindboggling and will be only more clear over the next couple of years.

Everything below is with links to articles and I've been fact-checking these things. Fair enough if you can find an article that zooms in on a tiny part, but it's the sum of it all and the direction that truly matters.

Rare materials in the 3rd World - Not true
- Tesla materials for batteries are sourced from all over the World. Tesla use minerals that are not rare. They used to however, so on to my next point
- Tesla used to make batteries with 10% cobalt (Cobalt's a rare mineral mostly seen in Congo). They then went on to innovate batteries and use less than other manufacturers making them progress and switch to 5% cobalt. Then 2 years ago they moved half their productions to completely cobalt-free and they have now moved completely to a production without rare minerals.
- Tesla just made a new 4680 battery, which is re-inventing the battery as we know it - and has big impact on current production. (No one's really heard of these news, because they just read the outrageous news about Elon Musk). Tesla's 4680 battery reduces the cost of producing the battery by 30%. They spend 5 years on it, and it basically lowers the cost of using these batteries. Sadly few can understand what impact this has on a great scale with transportation. The lowered production costs ultimately makes it possible with more lower end electric products like, say a car - but also soon in the future more trucks, maybe even boats and flying or trains. All from non-rare minerals. This'll further help saving the planet with emissions on a great scale. Again: Hate Elon Musk's views all you want but this is something that will change a lot of things for the good, benefitting the planet in so many ways. Elon Musk can be an idiotic person at the same time. The two are not mutually excluding.
- In case anyone forgot: Electric cars save 1/3rd of emissions from buying a normal vehicle seen over a typical 10 year lifetime. Hybrids are roughly speaking around 2/3rd less emissions, last time I checked.

Impossible to put out in a fire - True, but extremely rare.
- Yes, you're completely right here - Battery fires are really difficult to put out and takes many hours to put out. It's around 10 times tougher to put out than a normal fire. HOWEVER: The risk of a battery catching fire is 0.0012% vs 0.1% for internal combustion cars (a factor of 83 times x less flamable compared).
- On top of that Tesla claims (unverified) to be 11 x more safe with incidents than the average (i.e 830 x less flamable). True or not the media's really blown it all completely of proportion - fear rules the narrative about electric cars - I wonder which old dinosaur of cars that benefits the narrative? ahh the dying combustion engines that runs on the same fossil fuels.

Pick up truck that's too big - Question of taste, but not a safety issue
Sure Cybertruck is huge, but in the rare event you're hit, then the Cybertruck's design also hits you lower than most popular trucks due to it's lower front, which reduces the risk of death if you're hit. Last time I checked (Admittedly Tesla-biased channels) the early stats showed that we don't really see a lot of incidents with Cybertrucks involved, but it's still early days and no stats are really out there to prove either side completely right or wrong. The Cybertruck just got Full self driving - "FSD" (unsupervised) a month ago, which'll further improve safety. On average Teslas with Tesla Autopilot (used on highways) are involved 7 times less in crashes than the average crashrate by regular vehicles on highways. Tesla's technology clearly improves their cars, and FSD (Supervised) will do that over time too, as stats already show this some extent (see the last point).

Sabotaging rail road connections? (Not sure what you mean here?)
Not sure what you mean by this, but probably an article about a guy not paying attention to his Supervised FSD (as he should) while driving in foggy conditions at 60 mph furthermore blaming (a now old version of) FSD? Considering the fact that Tesla is about to end all car-competition, if Tesla achieves full self driving/RoboTaxi on a mass scale, you can also understand why some news outlets want to smear a revolutionising technology like this. I'm not saying FSD is perfect (it isn't - yet) but there should be some evidence for stories like these/when they're faulty. The new neural approach that FSD and most AI runs on is currently evolving like crazy and we might be 2-3 years away from fully autonomous driving and a much lower death rate other manufacturers adapts this revolutionizing system (if current increments in advancement can actually tell you anything about the progress - it has yet to regret and looks to improve x 2 pr version which is released roughly every 1-2 months). It has to be said that Elon's been wrong about the self driving timeline again and again. He might be late, but he rarely fails to deliver. Over time the FSD system will eventually be not just better than human's driving but completely outdo even the best drivers.

On that note, the last point:
Full Self driving (Supervised) - Eventually there'll be little or no deaths on the road
- Currently, Tesla's Supervised Full Self Driving-system has evolved greatly. It's already either bettering average current traffic deaths or being better than a human driver. You'll only notice this if you pay attention to Tesla these months and days where FSD is doing the laps and impressing even your grandma (if she lives in the states and has eyes, that is). FSD looks to be saving lives overall already and it constantly improves those stats until it becomes a RoboTaxi where you don't even have to drive. If/when RoboTaxi is achieved, it'll reduce so many deaths if not 99% of current deaths and injuries that cribble people and the possibilities of transport will just be out of this World - What a terrible guy that Elon fella and his companies are, eh? Even if RoboTaxi is not achieved, FSD will still evolve so much that it's many times better than a human driver. Each and single traffic death is horrible, but the technology should always be measured on a greater scale against how many tragic deaths they prevent/and the lives they save compared to the regular driver.

Anyways, that was a long one, and I'll happily debate (and listen) to anyone who wants to listen to the above, but yeah - if it gets unnuanced or non-factual, shitposting, I'm out. I can't disagree with the fact that Elon Musk - the political one - says incredibly stupid stuff. He totally does, so that part is irrelevant for me to debate, we already agree. But his actual body of work and innovation is fascinating and will completely outdo all of the controversial stuff he's currently involved in. He's basically a villain and a hero at the same time.

Jesus Christ lad, what planet do you live on?

You’re shilling for a fascist. He doesn’t say ‘stupid stuff’. He’s demonstrably racist, a fan of apartheid and he relies on the stupidity of disciples to get away with it.

You are enabling him.

And the Cybertruck sh1te? We’re months away from those pointy corners giving pedestrians some life-ruining or ending lacerations. It’s a disastrous piece of design, bordering on criminally negligent.

1) His hyperloop idea was to kill high speed rail in California.

2) His materials come from all over the world but most coming from developing countries



They've pledge to stop using cobalt but they're still using it and they kicked off the trend of doing so. Musk does not care about the environment.

3) Cyber trucks are too big for many a street and grossly oversized in any case.

He's been claiming self-driving would be here before 2020

1) Are you kidding me? Who wouldn't want to do just that? The high speed rail in california is a complete farce which is why you'd want to look for other solutions in the first place - they've spent trillions on something that doesn't work and is yet to be build. It's all dying in regulations and in incompetence.

2) Sure, but those articles are from 2022 - It's now 2024 and production now and in the future is with non-rare minerals sourced from all over the World as that's how innovative Tesla really is. It's good that they're pressured on this however, yet I doubt they were really that bad compared to others. If you have a huge amount of suppliers, it's bound to go wrong here and there, but it's not fair to magnify it all and judge Tesla's future production on this.

3) That's highly subjectical. For my taste it's big too, but it's not illegal to drive any other truck neither. I love the design though. Again, matter of personal taste.

4) Yes. That's my biggest problem with him too. Specifically on how he believed RoboTaxi to come true fast in the early years is mind boggling knowing what we know now of when FSD was 11.0. Tesla switched to FSD 12 to run entirely on neural nets last year, which basically said "in the trashcan with the previous technology" and the improvements have been fantastic so far pr my previous post. It's still not credible to say RoboTaxi will be a thing, but the progressionrate of miles pr critical intervention is being bettered by factor x 1,5 to 2 by each version that comes out every second month or so.
Jesus Christ lad, what planet do you live on?

You’re shilling for a fascist. He doesn’t say ‘stupid stuff’. He’s demonstrably racist, a fan of apartheid and he relies on the stupidity of disciples to get away with it.

You are enabling him.

And the Cybertruck sh1te? We’re months away from those pointy corners giving pedestrians some life-ruining or ending lacerations. It’s a disastrous piece of design, bordering on criminally negligent.

I'll never understand how someone can be a Musk fan boy in 2024 - especially not someone living in Scandinavia! Musk absolutely detest our labour laws and unions and would love nothing more than to skirt those.
It’s funny because people like this are exactly the sort to throw around the word “simping”
Jesus Christ lad, what planet do you live on?

You’re shilling for a fascist. He doesn’t say ‘stupid stuff’. He’s demonstrably racist, a fan of apartheid and he relies on the stupidity of disciples to get away with it.

You are enabling him.

And the Cybertruck sh1te? We’re months away from those pointy corners giving pedestrians some life-ruining or ending lacerations. It’s a disastrous piece of design, bordering on criminally negligent.
Again - It's possible to be both a hero and a villain at the same time. I can't help you if you think he's only bad because of shit he post on X. Eventually his posts on X leads to more aggression, but eventually his innovations has far more great implications if you really were to compare it. The problem is, a regular guy like you don't dive into what he actually delivers and innovates. You just read the bad stuff and want the guy cancelled.

Imagine I had the same hot take on you. Switch sides for a moment: You're disabling one of the greatest innovators of our time, who created stuff that leads to change in so many ways.

I'll see both the bad and the good sides of him and his doing, thank you.
Isn't the Cybertruck illegal to register in the EU due to lack of crumple zones, the weight, size, and sharp edges?
Isn't the Cybertruck illegal to register in the EU due to lack of crumple zones, the weight, size, and sharp edges?

It’s because the MSM hate musk because he’s so successful and a bro
I'll never understand how someone can be a Musk fan boy in 2024 - especially not someone living in Scandinavia! Musk absolutely detest our labour laws and unions and would love nothing more than to skirt those.
That's quite alright - you can just listen to what I have to say, problem solved.

I'm not black and white, I think that his view on our labour views and unions are a bad thing. I don't like the sole power that Elon Musk holds. I just like what his company Tesla is doing.
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.

He's a racist thundercnt who's rightfully hated.

Imagine if he wins Nobel Price for Physics, some posters from this thread might need to go on suicide watch. Already precedent on it with Demis Hassabis winning the one in Chemistry this year for Deepmind's work in protein folding.

Yes Musk is innovating by making cars that require mining of rare materials in the 3rd world, being impossible to put out in a fire, a pick up that's too big for many roads and sabotaging rail connections.

It’s hard to look past the whole ‘stoking up racial hatred deliberately’ aspect, for me.

Good lord. I bet you loved Hitlers artwork too.

Say what you want about Hitler but at least the trains ran on time

They didn’t, by the way. There were actually constant delays and other issues. And especially freight trains were incredibly unreliable, as there just weren’t enough of them and even during the total war era, many were used to deport people to the concentration camps, instead of transporting material to the front, creating gigantic supply issues.

I know you were joking. Just thought it might be of interest to some.

Yep, the good ol bastion of free speech our Elon. That's why he selectively bans outlets and accounts on twitter he doesn't agree with, while artificially bumping the traffic of accounts that spout pro Trump, often horrifically vile racial content instead. Not to mention propagating fake news himself (remember him retweeting the fake story about Keir Starmer locking away rioters in internment camps abroad?).

As for his businesses - almost all of them doing poorly. Twitter's stock price has nosedived since he took over and Tesla is also facing a similar trajectory. Real visionary.

See if he just stuck to the Tony Stark facade, kept his mouth shut, passed off the work of his companies as his own, and not indulged in race-baiting, far-right conspiracy nonsense while trying to get a convicted felon an fascist elected, then he could have carried on the facade of him being this brilliant visionary.

These creepy perverts never go away, they wait there drooling in the shadows, for the day when Elon (or Tate or whoever), does something that isn't instantly repugnant to anyone with a sense of decency, so they can burst into the light screaming "See! See! I told you Elon is not a warped degenerate".


Elon is a creep, you are a creep. feck off you creeps.
Page #285 was a... journey
Laugh all you want. He's motivated by innovating stuff for civilizations which he probably more thinks of in a bigger scale than he'd think about one's sorry aunt with diabetes.
He might be a sort of autist severely lacking empathy, which is why he is so terrible to listen to on X, but the companies he's put out there (specifically Tesla) proves that he's doing stuff that benefits humanity. I don't really care if he's motivated to do stuff for people like you, I just care that his companies end products does just that. To me it's like saying Wayne Rooney is ugly. Okay, yeah, you're completely right, but he scores the goals you want. He might say controversial or stupid stuff, but you can't deny that he's done good for the planet by electrifying cars and the energy-grid now and in the future.

For so many years, philantropists like Bill Gates have looked for ways to save the planet, and we've heard about new innovations that was supposed to help the planet out from overheating. Fission is yet to happen on a greater scale, atomic micro reactors, etc, the same. Yet, what he and Tesla's with their megapacks all over the World is such a wild feat. Like with electric cars, his pioneering of making these technologies affordable and scalable is what makes him such a great innovator. (No, not inventor - innovator).

No regular person actually pays attention to this, which is why people in this thread can't fathom that he's actually not just a stupid guy on X.

Even Bill Gates (his arch-enemy of now) and probably one of the most has tipped the hat:

"Well, it's important to say that what Elon did with Tesla is one of the greatest contributions to climate change anyone's ever made," - Bill Gates

.. and that was before Tesla began mass scale production of megapacks to save energy and help out the planet.

I'll probably agree with you on many things regarding Elon Musk's personal views, but you seem so blinded by the hate that you can't see the factual things he's doing. Hero with his companies, Villain on X.
Again, both are not mutually exclusive.
I'm not going to go point by point on this - will try to make it short.

I don't deny that he has had vision for development in certain areas, and that he has had the ability and tenacity to set a direction and get the right people on board to drive progress in some interesting companies. That much is clear.

What I object to is this whole deification of billionaires that are clearly bad people. You use the word hero several times. To me, it's vomit-inducing. For instance, you can't seriously claim that Musk is genuinely interested in electrifying the grid, while he is simultaneously supporting Trump for president, who is out there screaming about how wind turbines give the birds cancer, or whatever. Whatever positive impact Musk can claim by a slightly accelerated transition to electric vehicles, he is more than offsetting by openly supporting fascism and white supremacy in the worlds largest democracy.

Musk strikes me as deeply narcissistic psychopath, who is motivated by his own enrichment, power, and validation. In his current iteration, I firmly believe the world would be a better place if the ketamine finally got the better of him tomorrow.
Isn't the Cybertruck illegal to register in the EU due to lack of crumple zones, the weight, size, and sharp edges?
Yes, the regulations are currently what holds it back (rightly so - The EU probably wants data first as this is such a new design that doesn't tick any regular truck's boxes). Current considerations from Tesla is whether to make a

Again, no stats since Tesla has launched Cybertruck have actually shown it to be a worse performing Truck than other trucks regarding safety. It's all just people in here looking at it, and buying the premise that it's big and has sharp edges. No actual proof is there to say it's worse than any other truck. From what I've read so far, in contrast, the Cybertruck has a lower front than the main truck Ford 150, which would help with the damage if it hit a person. Good thing is that Cybertruck now has FSD (supervised) which is now a better driver than most humans (and bettering over time). It's not hard to make the case that it wont really be an issue when FSD becomes better and better, making the "brutal and dangerous" design-concerns a non issue.
On that note, the last point:
Full Self driving (Supervised) - Eventually there'll be little or no deaths on the road
- Currently, Tesla's Supervised Full Self Driving-system has evolved greatly. It's already either bettering average current traffic deaths or being better than a human driver. You'll only notice this if you pay attention to Tesla these months and days where FSD is doing the laps and impressing even your grandma (if she lives in the states and has eyes, that is). FSD looks to be saving lives overall already and it constantly improves those stats until it becomes a RoboTaxi where you don't even have to drive. If/when RoboTaxi is achieved, it'll reduce so many deaths if not 99% of current deaths and injuries that cribble people and the possibilities of transport will just be out of this World - What a terrible guy that Elon fella and his companies are, eh? Even if RoboTaxi is not achieved, FSD will still evolve so much that it's many times better than a human driver. Each and single traffic death is horrible, but the technology should always be measured on a greater scale against how many tragic deaths they prevent/and the lives they save compared to the regular driver.
Musk did not invent the concept of self-driving cars, wasn't the first person to work on it, is not the only one introducing it, yet somehow he is the one that gets 100% of praise in those discussions for societal benefit that might hypothetically exist in the future. This is such a ridiculous moral framework, that I legitimately don't remember seeing applied to anyone else. And somehow the sheer fact that he's working on it is enough to cover every overpromise for a decade.
Musk did not invent the concept of self-driving cars, wasn't the first person to work on it, is not the only one introducing it, yet somehow he is the one that gets 100% of praise in those discussions for societal benefit that might hypothetically exist in the future. This is such a ridiculous moral framework, that I legitimately don't remember seeing applied to anyone else. And somehow the sheer fact that he's working on it is enough to cover every overpromise for a decade.
Steve Jobs didn’t invent the graphical user interface, or the mobile phone, or the personal computer or the MP3 player etc etc etc
That's quite alright - you can just listen to what I have to say, problem solved.

I'm not black and white, I think that his view on our labour views and unions are a bad thing. I don't like the sole power that Elon Musk holds. I just like what his company Tesla is doing.
Then you can celebrate the people running it day to day, and not the racist pathetic and bloated edgelord.
Steve Jobs didn’t invent the graphical user interface, or the mobile phone, or the personal computer or the MP3 player etc etc etc
Your point being? He also doesn't get moral credit for everything good that came out of them and those things actually got finished and popularised, not just perpetually promised for next year.
From what I've read so far, in contrast, the Cybertruck has a lower front than the main truck Ford 150, which would help with the damage if it hit a person.
Cool. Do you think that this help will offset damage from bigger weight and advertising it to people that have no business getting pickup truck in the first place?
Yes, the regulations are currently what holds it back (rightly so - The EU probably wants data first as this is such a new design that doesn't tick any regular truck's boxes). Current considerations from Tesla is whether to make a

Again, no stats since Tesla has launched Cybertruck have actually shown it to be a worse performing Truck than other trucks regarding safety. It's all just people in here looking at it, and buying the premise that it's big and has sharp edges. No actual proof is there to say it's worse than any other truck. From what I've read so far, in contrast, the Cybertruck has a lower front than the main truck Ford 150, which would help with the damage if it hit a person. Good thing is that Cybertruck now has FSD (supervised) which is now a better driver than most humans (and bettering over time). It's not hard to make the case that it wont really be an issue when FSD becomes better and better, making the "brutal and dangerous" design-concerns a non issue.

You have no clue what you’re talking about with regards to the truck.
I'm not going to go point by point on this - will try to make it short.

I don't deny that he has had vision for development in certain areas, and that he has had the ability and tenacity to set a direction and get the right people on board to drive progress in some interesting companies. That much is clear.

What I object to is this whole deification of billionaires that are clearly bad people. You use the word hero several times. To me, it's vomit-inducing. For instance, you can't seriously claim that Musk is genuinely interested in electrifying the grid, while he is simultaneously supporting Trump for president, who is out there screaming about how wind turbines give the birds cancer, or whatever. Whatever positive impact Musk can claim by a slightly accelerated transition to electric vehicles, he is more than offsetting by openly supporting fascism and white supremacy in the worlds largest democracy.

Musk strikes me as deeply narcissistic psychopath, who is motivated by his own enrichment, power, and validation. In his current iteration, I firmly believe the world would be a better place if the ketamine finally got the better of him tomorrow.
Not fair to paint my views as one where I think he's only a hero, as I also used the word villain a couple of times to. I believe him to be both hero and villain and I myself find it pretty worrying that he has his hands on so many modern power structures. Also his venture with Trump is one I can mostly think negative of. It's hard for me to understand why such an intelligent guy wants to tie knots with Trump, but of course it is to get more power. Personally, after having studied the person Elon for years, I think it's also to maybe run for president in the future. He likes to play with fire or even be in fire, and he's doing it again with Trump.

The Trump-Elon pact/deal seems to be this:
If Trump is elected, Elon takes charge of the daunting task of effectivising the public sector and the huge mountain of entangled laws that's hindering a lot of stuff happening in the US. He's basically doing what both Trump and Kamala should be doing as the national debt is now growing very much out of control, but they're too afraid to do it themselves. Not a bad move for Trump if you ask me, but it'll end up in Elon Musk being even less understood, and even more hated (for doing an overall good thing for the economy) even if he succeeds. I do think however that he'll fail in this task, as I think he'll face too much shit he doesn't see in a private company where he can easily cut and effectivise, incentivise. This is the core of why his businesses are so successful really. When you look at it like that, it's probably easy to say Elon Musk hates people™️ but effectivising everything from the car sector (making electric vehicles affordable) to the regulations and public sector in USA would be a tremenduous feat benefitting everyone in the long run.

Trump doesn't really understand Elon Musk which makes this such an odd and strange match where it mostly seems Trump is there for the money Elon brings to the table, but of course you can't say that Elon Musk is in favor of oil and hates wind turbines like Trump. You can use it to pseudo-argument on a RedCafe debate: He supports trump, therefore he does everything that Trump want, but that's hardly nuanced.

In short: I just believe his/his companies' body of work over time will outdo the "bad things he says on twitter"-stuff. That's all. I thing his actions with his companies speak louder than his dumb words on X. I find all of the hate on his personal mutterings and critical viewing on the power he holds completley fair, but hate also blinds many people so much that they can't see what his companies are actually achieving for the greather benefit of society. It completely gets lost with all the hate, which I'm here to nuance.
Cool. Do you think that this help will offset damage from bigger weight and advertising it to people that have no business getting pickup truck in the first place?
Cool, but probably pretty irrelevant if they just use Supervised FSD, which'll cause less traffic injuries in the first place. In current state it's better than the regular human driver, and that rate currently improves x 1,5 to 2 whenever a new version is released (every 2nd month).

You do the maths.
Not fair to paint my views as one where I think he's only a hero, as I also used the word villain a couple of times to. I believe him to be both hero and villain and I myself find it pretty worrying that he has his hands on so many modern power structures. Also his venture with Trump is one I can mostly think negative of. It's hard for me to understand why such an intelligent guy wants to tie knots with Trump, but of course it is to get more power. Personally, after having studied the person Elon for years, I think it's also to maybe run for president in the future. He likes to play with fire or even be in fire, and he's doing it again with Trump.

The Trump-Elon pact/deal seems to be this:
If Trump is elected, Elon takes charge of the daunting task of effectivising the public sector and the huge mountain of entangled laws that's hindering a lot of stuff happening in the US. He's basically doing what both Trump and Kamala should be doing as the national debt is now growing very much out of control, but they're too afraid to do it themselves. Not a bad move for Trump if you ask me, but it'll end up in Elon Musk being even less understood, and even more hated (for doing an overall good thing for the economy) even if he succeeds. I do think however that he'll fail in this task, as I think he'll face too much shit he doesn't see in a private company where he can easily cut and effectivise, incentivise. This is the core of why his businesses are so successful really. When you look at it like that, it's probably easy to say Elon Musk hates people™️ but effectivising everything from the car sector (making electric vehicles affordable) to the regulations and public sector in USA would be a tremenduous feat benefitting everyone in the long run.

Trump doesn't really understand Elon Musk which makes this such an odd and strange match where it mostly seems Trump is there for the money Elon brings to the table, but of course you can't say that Elon Musk is in favor of oil and hates wind turbines like Trump. You can use it to pseudo-argument on a RedCafe debate: He supports trump, therefore he does everything that Trump want, but that's hardly nuanced.

In short: I just believe his/his companies' body of work over time will outdo the "bad things he says on twitter"-stuff. That's all. I thing his actions with his companies speak louder than his dumb words on X. I find all of the hate on his personal mutterings and critical viewing on the power he holds completley fair, but hate also blinds many people so much that they can't see what his companies are actually achieving for the greather benefit of society. It completely gets lost with all the hate, which I'm here to nuance.

Honestly. Just tell us you like how his arsehole tastes first thing in the morning. This shit is certifiable.
It's hard for me to understand why such an intelligent guy wants to tie knots with Trump
Let me help you out: He is a fascist.
Personally, after having studied the person Elon for years, I think it's also to maybe run for president in the future. He likes to play with fire or even be in fire, and he's doing it again with Trump.
He can't, he's not a natural born citizen.
The Trump-Elon pact/deal seems to be this:
If Trump is elected, Elon takes charge of the daunting task of effectivising the public sector and the huge mountain of entangled laws that's hindering a lot of stuff happening in the US. He's basically doing what both Trump and Kamala should be doing as the national debt is now growing very much out of control, but they're too afraid to do it themselves. Not a bad move for Trump if you ask me, but it'll end up in Elon Musk being even less understood, and even more hated (for doing an overall good thing for the economy) even if he succeeds. I do think however that he'll fail in this task, as I think he'll face too much shit he doesn't see in a private company where he can easily cut and effectivise, incentivise. This is the core of why his businesses are so successful really. When you look at it like that, it's probably easy to say Elon Musk hates people™️ but effectivising everything from the car sector (making electric vehicles affordable) to the regulations and public sector in USA would be a tremenduous feat benefitting everyone in the long run.
I'm sorry, this is just complete nonsense. If you actually believe this, you need to give your head a wobble.
Okay. Deliver me the facts, stats and the holy truth then. Or is it mostly just a feeling-argument?

The bonnet and boot will cut your fingers off because they can't design a safety system for shite.

That alone prevents it being sold in about 90% of markets in the world.
Cool, but probably pretty irrelevant if they just use Supervised FSD, which'll cause less traffic injuries in the first place. In current state it's better than the regular human driver, and that rate currently improves x 1,5 to 2 whenever a new version is released (every 2nd month).

You do the maths.
Then why do you even bother pointing it out, if FSD means that it's irrelevant and they might as well put spikes on the front for edgier aestethics?
It is better than regular human driver on freeways in Tesla marketing claims, this is completely irrelevant for most car related casualties. Using that for prognosis under those assumptions is just laughable. This is a metric specifically chosen by Tesla marketing and you have no idea about either further improvement and time between updates.
Let me help you out: He is a fascist.

He can't, he's not a natural born citizen.

I'm sorry, this is just complete nonsense. If you actually believe this, you need to give your head a wobble.
Who knows what will be possible if Trump is elected. Might be 'appointed' president after Trump's 4th term.
The passage offers several arguments about Tesla's innovation and Elon Musk's leadership, which are largely based on real-world claims, but the accuracy and presentation of some points can be debated. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  1. Tesla's Use of Rare Materials:
    • It's correct that Tesla has been working on reducing the use of rare minerals like cobalt in its batteries. Tesla's development of the 4680 battery is a major innovation, and the reduction in cobalt is part of Tesla's strategy to lower costs and environmental impact. However, it's not entirely accurate to say Tesla has completely moved away from rare materials. Lithium, nickel, and other critical minerals used in electric vehicle (EV) batteries are still considered strategically important, even if not traditionally "rare."
    • The claim that Tesla's innovations will revolutionize transportation and lead to broader use in trucks, boats, and other transport modes is aspirational but grounded in current industry trends.
  2. Battery Fires:
    • The fire risk comparison (0.0012% for EVs vs 0.1% for internal combustion cars) is based on available data and aligns with some safety studies. EV fires are rarer, but when they happen, they tend to be more challenging to extinguish. The point that media sensationalism may exaggerate these risks is reasonable, though the passage leans heavily into dismissing concerns, which may not reflect the nuance of this issue.
  3. Cybertruck Safety:
    • The argument about the Cybertruck's design hitting lower than other trucks is speculative without hard data. At this point, it's still too early to draw strong conclusions about the safety statistics of the Cybertruck, as production has only recently started, and there’s limited data on real-world performance. The statement that Tesla’s self-driving system reduces accidents is generally supported by Tesla's own data, but it’s important to note that independent studies offer more mixed conclusions about Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) performance.
  4. Sabotaging Railroads/FSD Development:
    • This section is somewhat unclear, but the passage about Tesla's FSD system evolving quickly is partly accurate. Tesla's advancements in self-driving technology are notable, but Elon Musk has repeatedly overpromised on timelines for full autonomy. While there have been significant improvements in supervised FSD, the claim that we are 2-3 years away from fully autonomous driving remains speculative. Many experts are more cautious about how long it will take to achieve true Level 5 autonomy.
  5. Environmental Impact of EVs:
    • The claim that electric cars save a third of emissions compared to combustion vehicles over 10 years is generally supported by lifecycle analysis studies. The emissions benefits vary depending on factors like the energy mix used to charge EVs (fossil fuels vs renewable energy) and the carbon footprint of battery production, but the trend toward lower emissions is clear.
  6. Conclusion:
    • The passage reflects a strong pro-Tesla and pro-Musk bias, often downplaying counterarguments or dismissing concerns raised in the media. While many of the facts are correct, the tone of the writing suggests more certainty and optimism than some areas of debate warrant. For example, claims about Tesla's environmental benefits are well-founded, but broader claims about revolutionizing transportation or achieving full autonomy within a couple of years are more speculative.
In summary, while the passage contains a mix of factual information, some parts are overly optimistic and speculative, particularly when discussing future technologies and timelines. The reader should critically assess these claims, especially in the areas where real-world data is still evolving.
Cheers for fact-checking and overall agreeing with the stuff I put out there.

I do believe my post was quite transparent with the facts/missing stats yet to come with Cybertruck for the same reasons. So while you'd claim me to be overly optimistic - I'd say I was transparent too where little facts were available.

I do raise the concerns about Elon's timelines in other posts too, which would make my views rather factual and transparent about the stuff - even conservative/critical from a Tesla-community POV.

Saying RoboTaxi is 2-3 years away from happening within the Tesla community is actually highly conservative and not overly optimistic at all as Tesla believes it to partly happen next year (Texas and California will be the first rollout states in 2025).

According to Elon Musk fully autonomous is always close, but his overly enthusiasm/fake claims can't be trusted, so you look at data and roadmaps from the Tesla team (not Elon). So far they've delivered everything they said recently with regards to how FSD is progressing and implementing new features. By now it is feature complete, which means that in theory (!) it only needs to wait for enough data to be better and better and better, untill it can show a mountain of stats and drive for years without any critical intervention.

While I believe the tech will only improve 1,5 x or 2 x pr update, the Tesla Team (This is led by the head of FSD Ashok Elluswamy, not Elon Musk) believes it'll x 6 with the October FSD update. In short, we're in the middle of seeing a technology rapidly unfold. Just like any other AI, it'll be capable of much more than us regular people.
Then why do you even bother pointing it out, if FSD means that it's irrelevant and they might as well put spikes on the front for edgier aestethics?
It is better than regular human driver on freeways in Tesla marketing claims, this is completely irrelevant for most car related casualties. Using that for prognosis under those assumptions is just laughable. This is a metric specifically chosen by Tesla marketing and you have no idea about either further improvement and time between updates.
It would come under scrutiny by NHTSA (the american regulator) if that was not true. It clearly is true, but you choose your own biased hate-truth about Tesla just because you don't like Elon Musk.

You'll find it hard to argue with data though. Even current data shows it's great. I'll bump this post and thread in some years time, and you'll see how rapidly this technology will change your views too.
This thread got really fun all of a sudden.
Yeah - Who would have known, I'm enjoying it myself being 1 against 100.

I'm actually completely careless of whatever demonising and devilish names people want to throw at me - if you listen and read you'll find all the right nuances and sources to back my posts up. Also I think it just shows more about the poster itself by throwing names and labelling me an Elon fanboy without knowing me or listening to my points, than it does of me.

This thread is basically a good old fashioned "let's have an argument and both have more knowledge thread." That or people at least get to vent their hate, while I get to nuance their views that Elon Musk is not only a bad person. At least if you disagree, you'll be forced to know what revolutionising technology Tesla's bringing to the table. Win/win.

I think I'll call it a night and revisit this thread in some months or years time when the stats are more clear. I got a regular job too to take care of, but the previous posts sums up the improvements and advancements of Tesla pretty well while I still agree Elon Musk is an idiot (Yes, I have to obligatory say this, else people will think I love Elon Musk).

No one really understands or want to dive into the innovations Tesla is achieving as they will ruin the bad guy image they have of Elon Musk and have now permanent set on. Just like Elon Musk's personal views is currently ruining the impressive work his amazing employees at Tesla is unfolding.
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:lol: Probably time for Elon to consider selling and bring Jack back.

"The people of Brazil have a choice to make - democracy, or Alexandre de Moraes."

Know nothing if Brazilian politics but this gives Pep or money vibes.
Your point being? He also doesn't get moral credit for everything good that came out of them and those things actually got finished and popularised, not just perpetually promised for next year.
Didn't Steve Jobs get moral credit for his impact on society? He is the only business leader I can remember crowds mourning when he died, and I think it was because people recognised Jobs really did give a shit about the products he made and the purposes they were being put to. He was also a weapons grade sociopath and moral shit who denied his daughter then forced her to grow up poor, tried to cheat his best friend, and was sacked from the company he founded because he was such a nightmare to work for.

Musk is a bullshitter for sure, and I don't pay attention to his timelines, but he is a bullshitter whose companies tend to deliver.

That said, I have blocked him on twitter because I can't stand the fecker.
Fecking hell. You on the payroll at Tesla @ROFLUTION? If not you should be. You've put in some work this afternoon/evening.
Only pay I get is from paying close attention to what Tesla actually does on a day-to-day basis for years, which has rendered my Tesla stocks being an incredible investment.

In 5 years time the stock will have at least tripled if you ask me. If Elon Musk doesn't completely burn everything he owns down with his idiocy on X, that is. Even if Elon Musk is shot tomorrow, Tesla will still be one of the most innovative companies for years to come with all the work they're currently putting into AI and effectivising batteries, tech, solar and electric vehicles.
It would come under scrutiny by NHTSA (the american regulator) if that was not true. It clearly is true, but you choose your own biased hate-truth about Tesla just because you don't like Elon Musk.

You'll find it hard to argue with data though. Even current data shows it's great. I'll bump this post and thread in some years time, and you'll see how rapidly this technology will change your views too.
You ignored a point of the post to bold something I typed just to claim half a sentence later that I don't believe it. Is this some new technique for strawmaning that I'm not aware of?
Saying RoboTaxi is 2-3 years away from happening within the Tesla community is actually highly conservative and not overly optimistic at all as Tesla believes it to partly happen next year (Texas and California will be the first rollout states in 2025).
There are seriously no warning lights going in your head when you type something like this?
Didn't Steve Jobs get moral credit for his impact on society? He is the only business leader I can remember crowds mourning when he died, and I think it was because people recognised Jobs really did give a shit about the products he made and the purposes they were being put to. He was also a weapons grade sociopath who denied them forced his daughter to grow up poor, and was sacked from the company he founded because he was such a nightmare to work for.

Musk is a bullshitter for sure, and I don't pay attention to his timelines, but he is a bullshitter whose companies tend to deliver.
I wouldn't complain about him getting moral credit for his impact that much. With Musk I'm complaining about giving him credit about millions of lives every year saved by autonomous vehicles that are not yet to happen for at least years and feck knows how much will he be responsible for that if they ever happen.

I don't mind him being given credit when he or his companies do something good, but the discussions about him somehow regularly devolve to giving him credit for the potential downstream benefits of the stuff that he barely announced, despite him having an insane record of underdelivering.
Only pay I get is from paying close attention to what Tesla actually does on a day-to-day basis for years, which has rendered my Tesla stocks being an incredible investment.

In 5 years time the stock will have at least tripled if you ask me. If Elon Musk doesn't completely burn everything he owns down with his idiocy on X, that is. Even if Elon Musk is shot tomorrow, Tesla will still be one of the most innovative companies for years to come with all the work they're currently putting into AI and effectivising batteries, tech, solar and electric vehicles.

:lol: If Tesla aren't paying out you probably could get a decent bonus writing scripts for sitcoms.
Only pay I get is from paying close attention to what Tesla actually does on a day-to-day basis for years, which has rendered my Tesla stocks being an incredible investment.

In 5 years time the stock will have at least tripled if you ask me. If Elon Musk doesn't completely burn everything he owns down with his idiocy on X, that is. Even if Elon Musk is shot tomorrow, Tesla will still be one of the most innovative companies for years to come with all the work they're currently putting into AI and effectivising batteries, tech, solar and electric vehicles.
I don't agree. I think the Chinese EVs will take an axe to Tesla's valuation, the car designs look increasingly outdated and there are companies better placed to capitalise on robotics and AI than Tesla IMO. All at a time when the CEO seems to have lost interest and is actively damaging the brand.