Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

I don't understand the robot thing. They are a sign of Tesla's weakness - as in a lack of focus. They need to get the cars right, but don't seem to be interested.

Robots may be the future (although humanoid robots creep me out and I'll be damned if I have a Musk one in my house) but I'm not really sure if anyone really knows what the market is. Doubt it is bartenders.

Teslas share price is based purely on future expectations of them becoming an extremely large, important and safe company/investment.

Previously that idea came from that they would crack self driving cars and dominate the market. Now that seems less likely they need to push other bullshit like “we’re going to have a robot maid in every home”.

It’s weird, because they are a good company by most normal standards, but they are also kind of a meme coin now as well. As in, their number one critical success factor is maintaining hype.
The people thinking Elmo is advancing humanity are the same kind of people who watch James Bond and think Blofeld is the good guy.

It's also fecking funny that Fleming predicted him 70 years ago, the world's richest man with a link to mining in colonial territory, building a rocket to space, who turned out to be a racist supervillain with links to Russia. Life imitates arts.
People siding with Trump or Musk on this make me think of that weird woman in superman 2 thats for some reason happy that General zod, his misses and his mute friend are as strong as superman.

But in all seriousness, I think many people crave to be led by what they see as strong people. Probably comes more out of a disenfranchised sentiment towards status quo. I think most of us can relate to that on some level and the low standard alternatives, but the difference is that many of us don’t want to burn the house down to rebuild one room.

Some people will roll the dice on crazy and we are possibly gonna see how it plays out. What scares me more is that Americans already had a taste of Trumps absolute corrupted sh*t show and they are potentially asking for more. Regardless of outcome of election, that country is collectively very sick.

And unless the Dems get in and actually try to properly heal it (by addressing the grievances that have led people to go so extreme and follow a fascist like Trump), Harris winning will only kick the problem down the road.
What’s the end game for musk in all this?

Well if @ROFLUTION gets their way, Musk gets Nuanced!

I think it's clear Musk just wants world domination. I've often wondered what real life Bond villains look like and Musk absolutely is one. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if his space rockets were designed to steal Russian or Chinese satellites or space craft. Or that they were designed to intercept the International Space Station or if he had a Tesla that fired missiles, had rail guns and shot smoke and oil out the back.

On a serious note though, that's not as far fetched as it sounds when you look at how he has Starlink and the way he's been accused of using it or how he's let other countries use it or not let them, or it's gone down (been turned off?) at certain times for certain countries yet not others. So many governments use it in some way or another, including the US and UK. It's been reported to have been used by the US to aid Ukraine, but also it's also been reported Russia are using it too, be it illegally or not, that's hardly the point. It was also reported Musk wanted to turn it off to upset a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian warships.

Next look at his Twitter feed since he purchased it. His feed has progressively descended in to the online equivalent of Rupert Murdoch thinking out loud, with the thoughts and all his publications future front page headlines, it's just they get published instantly and as Tweets. To me it appears as if Musk has been testing the water with his Twitter influence in politics and elections around the world and he has publically sided with many right wing or far right parties, leaders and politicians from different countries.

None of that even covers the influence he's trying to exert around the world amongst racists and climate change deniers, anti Vaxers etc.. He's gone hard down the far right conspiracy tunnel which is ironic not only because of Tesla, but also because of his continued announcing the importance of colonising Mars being the only way to save the human race. He's all over the place morally and politically and definitely ethically too.

I mean, you even have Tommy Robinson directly appealing to him. Tommy and his mates have been touting Elon as the saviour of Free Speech in the modern world for months now and because of that Elons name is now all over tens of thousands of posts promoting Tommy Robinson's Stand Up To Tyranny, Unite The Nation hate march (nuanced view required) that's scheduled for this Saturday in London.

That march has just been changed to Unite Europe as apparently the parasitic little cnut has got some French, German, Italian and Dutch nationalists to speak at the event and they are trying to get similar events take place in their own countries.

So Elon's money, wealth and influence are everywhere and he has been consistently pushing it all more and more around the world, regularly meeting political and religious leaders, giving interviews, attending political rallies or featuring as part of their campaign, heck, he's now giving $1m dollars a day to people who sign his petition that's all part of his aim of getting Trump elected ...

If Trump gets elected it will grant Elon access, information and power to things that not being a natural born US citizen, he wouldn't normally be allowed access to. He knows Trump is easily manipulated and played so he sees this as his best chance.

Imagine if Trump does get in and then you have a dementia riddled power hungry, dictator loving, Hitler admiring, sociopathic bigoted, compulsively lying, narcissist with delusions of grandeur that is hell bent on revenge against anyone who ever even looked at him funny alongside the worlds richest man who has access to a powerful network of satellites, a social media platform that has access to hundreds of millions of people and who clearly has many personality issues and mental health problems as well as a raging Ketamine habit.....

I mean, what could possibly go wrong? (Nuanced opinion required)
US President.

The apartheid dipshit literally created a company called 'United States of America Inc.'. He can't be president due to birth so he will just do it through a puppet. Same with Thiel.

Is he getting ahead of The Heritage foundation, Vladimir Putin, Saudi Arabia, Deutsche Bank and Vance though? Plenty of people who want a piece of that pie.
This is a common occurrence on X now highlighted here where people just repeat the same message of the original posts to gain replies. What is the point of this? To gain interactions or are they just bots?

Saw on Reddit that his weird jump thing he’s started doing on stage is likely him trying to do a star jump to form the X symbol. It physically hurt when I saw this I was cringing so hard.

I do sympathise with @Pogue Mahone on this, his raw uncoolness is fast outpacing his fascism at this point.
Saw on Reddit that his weird jump thing he’s started doing on stage is likely him trying to do a star jump to form the X symbol. It physically hurt when I saw this I was cringing so hard.

I do sympathise with @Pogue Mahone on this, his raw uncoolness is fast outpacing his fascism at this point.
Eminem vs. Musk. Think Elon might take a cave dive on this one.

He has previous here. I’d love the fella to knock out a quick 3 minutes over the ‘Not Like Us’ beat for shits n giggles.

He released Mosh in 2004 as an anti bush track but didn’t give it enough of a push.

He must have millions of Republicans white male fans. Him going hard at Trump and Musk would have more value than his effort in 2004. And certainly better than that awful Fcuk Trump cypher.

Saw on Reddit that his weird jump thing he’s started doing on stage is likely him trying to do a star jump to form the X symbol. It physically hurt when I saw this I was cringing so hard.

I do sympathise with @Pogue Mahone on this, his raw uncoolness is fast outpacing his fascism at this point.

Yeah but that's just part of the fascist package, isn't it? I know it's a meme that Hugo Boss designed their unforms, but the Nazis were fundamentally uncool.

The projection is so wild.

Saw on Reddit that his weird jump thing he’s started doing on stage is likely him trying to do a star jump to form the X symbol. It physically hurt when I saw this I was cringing so hard.

I do sympathise with @Pogue Mahone on this, his raw uncoolness is fast outpacing his fascism at this point.

So that’s what it was?! I honestly think Trump himself could make a more realistic X
Him, Trump and Farage on a MAGA SpaceX test flight combusting into smithereens shortly after launch, and the world becomes a better place overnight.

Its notable that bezos went up on the first flight of his space toy, and musk has never been on one of his.