Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

Yes. I’m a borderline anarchist. If we still lived in a time where anarchy could achieve anything I’d be supporting any cause that was attempting to burn shit down. It ain’t gonna be me because I’m of an age that knows the alphanumeric designations of my vertebrae.

But when people like you get sucked into this paper thin facade that an egomaniac has put in front of reality… I just Fcuking despair.

So yeah, keep your Bigly research alternative maths, believe your alternative facts. I honestly don’t care. One day you may reassess, I hope so. Because you’re shilling for Musk at a stage in his life that mirrors where Trump was at when he launched the Apprentice. All fart and no shit.

It’s ok to change your mind when new information comes along. At one point Musk looked like an industry Titan. Robo taxis! Hyperloop! Mars! Fully autonomous cars! Solar Roofs on every home! Energy Independence! Peace in our time! Inteerrrr Planetarrryyyy Species! It’s only ever been Jam tomorrow. And it won’t ever be more than that.

You’ve seen nothing beyond cars running on batteries and a man using tax payer funds to leave regions and nations dependent on his satellites. That’s it. I don’t know about you, using the apparatus of Capitalism to decide whether Ukraine should have satellite access should have been the nadir for everyone. Basically ‘If you want your people to live you must pay’.

But you’ll write off his character as ‘annoying’ as if it’s a fly while you’re giving a speech. His character is what DRIVES the nefarious. The power hungry ‘more at all costs’ manipulation of social norms and structures that only exist to protect people…. From people…. Like him… So he can get MORE. Downplay it all you like mate.

And, sorry about the lube comment. Keep taking it raw from the cuttlefish skinned Cnut if you like.
Ahh, there’s the anarchistic rage!
Go get’ em tiger. Get out there and burn some eco friendly cars, you big genius!

Oh, and besides not using any facts, spreading misinformation about electric cars, sucking at simple maths, you’ve spelled “Pseudo” wrong in your username. What was that big title of yours again?
Ahh, there’s the anarchistic rage!
Go get’ em tiger. Get out there and burn some eco friendly cars, you big genius!

Oh, and besides not using any facts, spreading misinformation about electric cars, sucking at simple maths, you’ve spelled “Pseudo” wrong in your username. What was that big title of yours again?
I must say, this was a pretty cool reply.

…Continues having popcorns.
Ahh, there’s the anarchistic rage!
Go get’ em tiger. Get out there and burn some eco friendly cars, you big genius!

Oh, and besides not using any facts, spreading misinformation about electric cars, sucking at simple maths, you’ve spelled “Pseudo” wrong in your username. What was that big title of yours again?
Ahh, there’s the anarchistic rage!
Go get’ em tiger. Get out there and burn some eco friendly cars, you big genius!

Oh, and besides not using any facts, spreading misinformation about electric cars, sucking at simple maths, you’ve spelled “Pseudo” wrong in your username. What was that big title of yours again?

Is it spelled wrong or is it unrelated?

Thanks lots for not posting more about your lord and saviour though.
That’s the thing. His companies does good stuff. They save the planet from CO2 emission on an extreme scale. Tesla’s made it visible to big players like China that electric vehicles and solar energy is both a great business for states and for the environment compared to dirty energy. But you can’t “feel” this as you can with a post on X that makes you rage.

This all gets lost though, as we’re all just supposed to throw away the fantastic innovations of a man because he’s a cnut in real life. (He sure sounds like it). You can’t say his companies (X excepted) don’t benefit the planet.

And I see such strange arguments from other posters too like “he just sells cars” - if you truly looked and considered what selling cars and solar packs does for the planet, you’d hate him a little bit less. + all the things he’ll do in the future.

I’m arguing with a wall here it seems, so not gonna waste more time today nuancing what this so called evil man does.
Tesla are almost irrelevant now as an innovator and will be increasingly so. Even if his product was the best on the market I wouldn't buy it. And he only does anything to enrich himself, largely using government money. If he disappeared tommorow the world would be a better place. Nothing he does wouldn't be better either not happening at all or being done by others (preferably governments).
Well you can definitely tell Elon is for Trump. All my Twitter is filled with pro Trump posts. I'm sick and tired of hearing about the man. I've uninstalled it now. My feeds were my interests and people I followed. Not anymore.
It's interesting anecdotally how many times I've heard recently that 'We were considering a Tesla, but now f*ck that guy'.

No idea if it's impacting stock price (basically flat from 2021, which isn't great given the market) but it is notable.
Tesla are almost irrelevant now as an innovator and will be increasingly so. Even if his product was the best on the market I wouldn't buy it. And he only does anything to enrich himself, largely using government money. If he disappeared tommorow the world would be a better place. Nothing he does wouldn't be better either not happening at all or being done by others (preferably governments).
Sure! I’ll bite. Then you can throw immature names like fanboy at me like everyone else in this thread afterwards:

- Best selling car in the World for 2 years now while fossil fuel manufacturers are struggling. All achieved in a high rate environment. If/when they release a cheaper model, that car will likely be the most sold car (promised for first half of 2025 currently).

- Best selling EV truck in the states (sells more than any other EV trucks combined) (edited, should say EV truck).

- Top private company for providing battery solutions (which is saving the planet now and employed on great scales by governments to go with solar - you know, making the air you breathe less dirty)

- Innovating Self driving and currently on par with a human for safety. People driving Tesla’s with Supervised FSD are among the safest in statistics and involved in less crashes pr mile than the average.

- Optimus close to factory use during the next years, and already sorting batteries at Tesla’s factories. Tesla in general is seen as the leader in robotics along with Figure

Yes, of course there’ll be big regulations on robots for home use for safety; but who wouldn’t want to have their laundry done, cooked a meal now and then, doing pragmatical stuff so you can relax yourself. This all might happen in the next 10 years, and is pretty feasable with current progression and investment rates.

I’ll leave this thread for now as there’s no further things that haven’t been discussed before I believe. Even though it got heated, then thanks for the debate everyone. I’ll revisit it in some time to see if Elon Musk goes mad or when Tesla revolutionizes again.
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Well you can definitely tell Elon is for Trump. All my Twitter is filled with pro Trump posts. I'm sick and tired of hearing about the man. I've uninstalled it now. My feeds were my interests and people I followed. Not anymore.

I don't miss it at all. I feel a bit less informed, and I lack some context here and there, but it was worth it.
Take it from the greatest biased anti-Tesla mainstream source there probably is: The Verge

Those numbers have only been better in Tesla’s favor since july, as they continue to ramp/scale production.
Even your own source says it's not more than all others of its type combined. 5100 vs 5500. It's also registrations, not sales, and it's not all trucks, it's other hugely expensive EV trucks.

The sales are also less than half of what Elon predicted, but I guess his predictions are known to be slightly optimistic.
So yes it was indeed bullshit to claim it’s the best selling truck.
Sorry, I did forget to type EV truck. You’re completele right here. Apologies for wrong info/misspelling and credit where it’s due. Should say best selling EV truck. I’ll correct my original post.
Even your own source says it's not more than all others of its type combined. 5100 vs 5500. It's also registrations, not sales, and it's not all trucks, it's other hugely expensive EV trucks.

The sales are also less than half of what Elon predicted, but I guess his predictions are known to be slightly optimistic.
See my post above around mistyping.

Edit: Numbers are from July, you can easily find numbers for the months after/Q3. Cybertruck is now the 3rd most sold EV car in the states after model Y and 3.

Just proves that there’s not really many players out there innovating the EV industry, who makes cars that are sold in the states. But of course the argument for many would be that Elon is bad, and Boeing/Stellantis/Insert manufacturer for cars or spacecraft would have done the same (sure).

The fact is, there’s just not that many doing it because they can’t produce electric cars that make a profit, so they stick to produce their regular polluting cars.
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See my post above around mistyping.

Edit: Numbers are from July, you can easily find numbers for the months after/Q3. Cybertruck is now the 3rd most sold EV car in the states after model Y and 3.

Just proves that there’s not really many players out there innovating the EV industry, who makes cars that are sold in the states. But of course the argument for many would be that Elon is bad, and Boeing/Stellantis/Insert manufacturer for cars or spacecraft would have done the same (sure).

The fact is, there’s just not that many doing it because they can’t produce electric cars that make a profit, so they stick to produce their regular polluting cars.
I'm not reading the whole thread, so I dunno what everyone says, but my point before is that Elon personally does no innovating. He does tweeting and in the past he did financing. You can't deny that he's a smart investor and played some very devious tricks with government subsidies, but he's not some sort of genius innovator himself. He has them working for him. He's an extremely successful venture capitalist. This is entirely seperate from the fact that Elon Musk as a person is in fact bad. Very bad. He deserves all the flack he gets.

I appreciate the fact that you apperently really like Tesla, but it kind of sounds like you just really like Elon Musk.
I'm not reading the whole thread, so I dunno what everyone says, but my point before is that Elon personally does no innovating. He does tweeting and in the past he did financing. You can't deny that he's a smart investor and played some very devious tricks with government subsidies, but he's not some sort of genius innovator himself. He has them working for him. He's an extremely successful venture capitalist. This is entirely seperate from the fact that Elon Musk as a person is in fact bad. Very bad. He deserves all the flack he gets.

I appreciate the fact that you apperently really like Tesla, but it kind of sounds like you just really like Elon Musk.
Also really sounds like you haven’t dived into any of the many posts on here or just his actual work before simplifying him as just an investor.

Huge difference between inventor and innovator. I think a lot of people really want to say “he’s no inventor”. And no he’s an innovator that understands how to make a product viable in ways no one thought of / was able to before. That part I’ll gladly give him credit for (not his use of X).


  1. a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products.

Ticks off all those boxes for sure.
Sure! I’ll bite. Then you can throw immature names like fanboy at me like everyone else in this thread afterwards:

- Best selling car in the World for 2 years now while fossil fuel manufacturers are struggling. All achieved in a high rate environment. If/when they release a cheaper model, that car will likely be the most sold car (promised for first half of 2025 currently).

- Best selling EV truck in the states (sells more than any other EV trucks combined) (edited, should say EV truck).

- Top private company for providing battery solutions (which is saving the planet now and employed on great scales by governments to go with solar - you know, making the air you breathe less dirty)

- Innovating Self driving and currently on par with a human for safety. People driving Tesla’s with Supervised FSD are among the safest in statistics and involved in less crashes pr mile than the average.

- Optimus close to factory use during the next years, and already sorting batteries at Tesla’s factories. Tesla in general is seen as the leader in robotics along with Figure

Yes, of course there’ll be big regulations on robots for home use for safety; but who wouldn’t want to have their laundry done, cooked a meal now and then, doing pragmatical stuff so you can relax yourself. This all might happen in the next 10 years, and is pretty feasable with current progression and investment rates.

I’ll leave this thread for now as there’s no further things that haven’t been discussed before I believe. Even though it got heated, then thanks for the debate everyone. I’ll revisit it in some time to see if Elon Musk goes mad or when Tesla revolutionizes again.
Tesla sales in AU are declining and why wouldn't they when you can get cheaper and better Chinese cars?


And the home battery business is going the same way.

But to me it is all irrelevant as I won't give the cnut $1. I cancelled my Twitter account and hopefully that is the last I have to have to do with him or his companies.
Tesla sales in AU are declining and why wouldn't they when you can get cheaper and better Chinese cars?


And the home battery business is going the same way.

But to me it is all irrelevant as I won't give the cnut $1. I cancelled my Twitter account and hopefully that is the last I have to have to do with him or his companies.
They’re declining in Europe too, probably because the guy’s so divisive on X, but globally Tesla’s doing as good as their best year last year. Their sales are surging in China, which is by far the most competitive market to be in. Competing against statebacked cars is a bit like competing against City.

And credits to China for actually doing a Manhattan project with solar and battery. I wish there’d be anyone actually innovating in Europe, so we’d have more options and didn’t have to be as dependent on chinese solutions to pollute less.

China’s also an actor many, including myself, thinks of as the bad guy, just look at what they did with the Uighurs, but they’re providing one of the solutions for solving pollution Worldwide currently. Nuclear energy takes years to build, and they provide solutions here and now.

Like with the rest of this thread, the bad guy can do actual good things. If Europe actually had innovators and great thinkers and doers, we wouldn’t be dependent on a state to provide sollutions.
Nothing he does wouldn't be better either not happening at all or being done by others (preferably governments).
I think in the case of spaceX that's debatable because the governments record is so bad. There are contractors that are far far worse when it comes to leeching government funding, than SpaceX. You should read about the scandal of Bechtels 6x cost overrun on just the launching platform for Artemis, to $2.7billion - the contrast with mechazilla should be shaming.
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Also really sounds like you haven’t dived into any of the many posts on here or just his actual work before simplifying him as just an investor.

Huge difference between inventor and innovator. I think a lot of people really want to say “he’s no inventor”. And no he’s an innovator that understands how to make a product viable in ways no one thought of / was able to before. That part I’ll gladly give him credit for (not his use of X).

Ticks off all those boxes for sure.
Yes, he's a good and unscrupulous venture capitalist and salesman. He wouldnt be this rich otherwise.

All technical innovation is done by people at his company. Which is fine if he didn't take all their credit for it.

No one in this entire thread is saying EV's are bad. People are saying Musk has reached a point where the good has now been monumentaly outdone by the bad. He enables, encourages and applauds LITERAL (and I mean literal not internet literal) nazies. Not pretend nazies or somewhat racist people, but actual supports of Nazies. You keep downplaying this by saying, the dumb things he does with X. It's not dumb, it's deliberate and it's evil.

If he dies tomorrow the world would be a better place. Tesla made it's mark, everyday he now draws breaths he's making the world a significantly worse place. He's a cnut. And people being less inclined to praise him for other things is very logical.
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Yes, he's a good and unscrupulous venture capitalist and salesman. He wouldnt be this rich otherwise.

All technical innovation is done by people at his company. Which is fine if he didn't take all their credit for it.
He really doesn’t. Almost every single time he’s interviewed and of course when he launches anything he always says thanks to the amazing team at either SpaceX and Tesla. He puts a great deal into thanking his team.
He really doesn’t. Almost every single time he’s interviewed and of course when he launches anything he always says thanks to the amazing team at either SpaceX and Tesla. He puts a great deal into thanking his team.
So we agree he doesnt deserve the credit and is just the megalomaniacal cnut with the money?

Glad we sorted it out then :p
If Trump loses the election I might follow his TWITTER account just to relish in his inevitable meltdown. If he wins I'll probably just delete the app.
Yes, he's a good and unscrupulous venture capitalist and salesman. He wouldnt be this rich otherwise.

All technical innovation is done by people at his company. Which is fine if he didn't take all their credit for it.

No one in this entire thread is saying EV's are bad. People are saying Musk has reached a point where the good has now been monumentaly outdone by the bad. He enables, encourages and applauds LITERAL (and I mean literal not internet literal) nazies. Not pretend nazies or somewhat racist people, but actual supports of Nazies. You keep downplaying this by saying, the dumb things he does with X. It's not dumb, it's deliberate and it's evil.

If he dies tomorrow the world would be a better place. Tesla made it's mark, everyday he now draws breaths he's making the world a significantly worse place. He's a cnut. And people being less inclined to praise him for other things is very logical.

This is usually the case with any startup/venture though.

The CEOs job is to sell the vision, raise money, hire right folks and ensure they are doing their job. The CTO/Head of product is technically the lead innovator.
This is usually the case with any startup/venture though.

The CEOs job is to sell the vision, raise money, hire right folks and ensure they are doing their job. The CTO/Head of product is technically the lead innovator.
Musk is SpaceX’s CTO, and Tesla does not have a CTO.

I do not think that he does much nowadays except post conspiracy theories and video gaming streams in Twitter, but by all accounts he was heavily involved in the technical part of SpaceX during the early days. I have no idea if he ever did much technical in Tesla, but my guess is probably not. Also, hearing him at times in technicalities in fields where I know some stuff, it gets quite clear that he knows less about that stuff than he claims to know, which makes me doubt him when he talks about technicalities of stuff I do not know (space exploration for example).

I think that he had great vision and entered markets that didn’t exist at a time where everybody said that is crazy and impossible and I do not think this was luck. Both Tesla and SpaceX were impossible missions and both did far more than anyone expected they might do. But on the other hand, if he ever did technical work, it has been a long time ago and at least since covid he is more interested in fecking things up than doing something ‘to save the world’. Dunno what happened, maybe he was always a cnut and the mask simply slipped off after the pedo comments and then the covid isolation, but he is now more similar to the likes of Tommy Robinson rather than a top inventor nowadays.

TLDR: I think Musk built some companies that probably no one else could have built. He might have done some technical work some time ago, but it is also quite possible that he just took credit while doing feck all. I do not think he has been doing technical work in the last few years, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he is a net negative for both those companies nowadays, heck, I would be very surprised if he is doing much CEO-ing these days, simply there is not much time to do that while tweeting all day long, playing video games and doing rallies for Trump. And he is a shitcnut of highest order. With other car companies catching up with Tesla nowadays, I have no interest in them and if that company ceases to exist will probably be for the good, but still really like what SpaceX does.
Tesla sales in AU are declining and why wouldn't they when you can get cheaper and better Chinese cars?


And the home battery business is going the same way.

But to me it is all irrelevant as I won't give the cnut $1. I cancelled my Twitter account and hopefully that is the last I have to have to do with him or his companies.
I was in a BYD recently and dead set they’re are incredible pieces of kit for their price.

I would happily buy one over a shit box tesla in a heart beat.

Also the polestars make the model 3’s look and feel cheap as well for a similar price point.
See my post above around mistyping.

Edit: Numbers are from July, you can easily find numbers for the months after/Q3. Cybertruck is now the 3rd most sold EV car in the states after model Y and 3.

Just proves that there’s not really many players out there innovating the EV industry, who makes cars that are sold in the states. But of course the argument for many would be that Elon is bad, and Boeing/Stellantis/Insert manufacturer for cars or spacecraft would have done the same (sure).

The fact is, there’s just not that many doing it because they can’t produce electric cars that make a profit, so they stick to produce their regular polluting cars.
The trucks thing is not what you're thinking. The average pick-up truck driver has zero interest in cutting emissions and there is almost no competion for the Tesla truck. Winning that market in the US means nothing in the grand scheme of things; the number of those Tesla sales wouldn't even register in a graph of overall truck sales.

Also, for what it's worth, I've seen several F150 Lightnings over here, but never yet a Tesla truck. But maybe it just isn't for sale her yet. (I hope it won't be, it's crazy ugly...)
The trucks thing is not what you're thinking. The average pick-up truck driver has zero interest in cutting emissions and there is almost no competion for the Tesla truck. Winning that market in the US means nothing in the grand scheme of things; the number of those Tesla sales wouldn't even register in a graph of overall truck sales.

Also, for what it's worth, I've seen several F150 Lightnings over here, but never yet a Tesla truck. But maybe it just isn't for sale her yet. (I hope it won't be, it's crazy ugly...)

The Cybertruck will never be sold in Europe, there can't have been a vehicle designed that's less likely to pass crash safety testing.
Adult fanboys are fascinating. No matter who they dedicate their time to, be it Ronaldo, Elon Musk or Ant & Dec. I just wonder what their real life is like and how they interact with people in reality.
Adult fanboys are fascinating. No matter who they dedicate their time to, be it Ronaldo, Elon Musk or Ant & Dec. I just wonder what their real life is like and how they interact with people in reality.

It’s the resoluteness of it all.

I’ll freely admit that I used to think Elon Musk was a cool guy that wanted to change the world for the better. Maybe he even did.

But given more information, I just change my mind.

These folks like ROFLUTION seem to just set their stall out and make allowances and excuses for terrible new discoveries and changes to the situation. Bending reality to allow them to cling to their original views.

For why though? So you can keep loving a billionaire? They act like battered spouses. It’s so childish.
Adult fanboys are fascinating. No matter who they dedicate their time to, be it Ronaldo, Elon Musk or Ant & Dec. I just wonder what their real life is like and how they interact with people in reality.
As a Ronaldo fanboy I shout siuuuu every time I have sex
Adult fanboys are fascinating. No matter who they dedicate their time to, be it Ronaldo, Elon Musk or Ant & Dec. I just wonder what their real life is like and how they interact with people in reality.
@Rado_N waking up on Sunday morning to find he took stray shots in the Elon thread