Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

Dunno but catching something the length of a Boeing 747 that's just flown in from space is worth a small round of applause, no?

And this is the problem with allowing musk to be the face of everything.

Even the ones that are doing great stuff, and spacex is, get viewed through the lens of it being dodgy because of his name.

Most of the people at space X and a good chunk of the money comes from Nasa, musk had little to do with any of it, we can say its a great thing while still thinking he's a dick.

This is geneuinely good stuff, especially when you compare it to the fanfare for the tesla nonsense, with remote control robots posing as autonomous, and I'd bet the cabs were too.
It is word a small round of applause. But the overt ‘crowds gone wild’ cheering and fist punching is the whole nine yards of America. I’d say the same if it was NASA doing the same, and I’m sure they probably do.
I went to the launch event of an American online wealth manager last week and the level of whooping and cheering at that was remarkable, so can only imagine what it's like with a much bigger crowd.
It is word a small round of applause. But the overt ‘crowds gone wild’ cheering and fist punching is the whole nine yards of America. I’d say the same if it was NASA doing the same, and I’m sure they probably do.
I was lucky enough to see a space shuttle launch, and the roadsides surrounding the launchpad were jammed with spectators for miles around. People love that stuff there, and rightly so IMO.
And this is the problem with allowing musk to be the face of everything.

Even the ones that are doing great stuff, and spacex is, get viewed through the lens of it being dodgy because of his name.

Most of the people at space X and a good chunk of the money comes from Nasa, musk had little to do with any of it, we can say its a great thing while still thinking he's a dick.

This is geneuinely good stuff, especially when you compare it to the fanfare for the tesla nonsense, with remote control robots posing as autonomous, and I'd bet the cabs were too.

I think it's noticeable that of all the companies he owns, it's the one he seems to not get directly involved in so much and just relays information from the team.
I went to the launch event of an American online wealth manager last week and the level of whooping and cheering at that was remarkable, so can only imagine what it's like with a much bigger crowd.

To be fair, they’re a nation of folks that clap when a plane lands. Those same folks watching a rocket land must have left the room reeking of ejaculate.
To be fair, they’re a nation of folks that clap when a plane lands. Those same folks watching a rocket land must have left the room reeking of ejaculate.
Hey, I actually like that about Americans.

It’s sweet. The clapping at corporate events however disgusts me; it’s like worshipping greed.

You can hate the man all you want, but he is a genius way ahead of his time.
Did what NASA couldn't even dream of doing. Wrote history yesterday.

I presume most of them were originally NASA scientists/engineers. Perhaps if the US government hadn't scaled back investment into space exploration we may have had this tech years/decades ago.
Wouldn’t it be better to save the fuel and have the thing return by chute?

There's no way that would land with any precision. They're trying to land it in a position where they can refuel and send the booster back up with a new manned section attached without any transportation.
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.
I presume most of them were originally NASA scientists/engineers. Perhaps if the US government hadn't scaled back investment into space exploration we may have had this tech years/decades ago.

I'm not sure the issue was investment, they just gave hundreds of billions to Boeing and the like who stagnated the industry for decades. They've given Boeing over 10 billion to refurbish Shuttle engines which has overrun and cost loads more.

You're right about the engineers though, why would NASA engineers stay in a place that's outsourcing for vast cost and no improvements to technology.
Imagine if he wins Nobel Price for Physics, some posters from this thread might need to go on suicide watch. Already precedent on it with Demis Hassabis winning the one in Chemistry this year for Deepmind's work in protein folding.
Yes Musk is innovating by making cars that require mining of rare materials in the 3rd world, being impossible to put out in a fire, a pick up that's too big for many roads and sabotaging rail connections.
Imagine if he wins Nobel Price for Physics, some posters from this thread might need to go on suicide watch. Already precedent on it with Demis Hassabis winning the one in Chemistry this year for Deepmind's work in protein folding.
Can you link me to Musk’s last peer reviewed research paper I’d love to read it
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.
It’s hard to look past the whole ‘stoking up racial hatred deliberately’ aspect, for me.
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.

Good lord. I bet you loved Hitlers artwork too.
Say what you want about Hitler but at least the trains ran on time
They didn’t, by the way. There were actually constant delays and other issues. And especially freight trains were incredibly unreliable, as there just weren’t enough of them and even during the total war era, many were used to deport people to the concentration camps, instead of transporting material to the front, creating gigantic supply issues.

I know you were joking. Just thought it might be of interest to some.
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.
I think I just threw up in my mouth. The notion that Musk is motivated by doing something good for humanity, and that he will succeed in doing that is laughable to me.
I think I just threw up in my mouth. The notion that Musk is motivated by doing something good for humanity, and that he will succeed in doing that is laughable to me.
He already has. I mean I think he’s a despicable man these days but you can’t deny the role Tesla have had in making EVs and green energy cool.
He already has. I mean I think he’s a despicable man these days but you can’t deny the role Tesla have had in making EVs and green energy cool.

I suspect that was motivated by profits rather than wanting to do something good for society though
He already has. I mean I think he’s a despicable man these days but you can’t deny the role Tesla have had in making EVs and green energy cool.
If Musk was even slightly motivated by the green energy transition, he would not be jumping up and down like a little child at a Trump rally. Period.
Funny to watch this thread. Replies in this thread are mostly seen through European eyes, ridiculing Musk (often for good reasons).

I'll just chip in with my 2 cents, and yes, full disclosure: I'm a Tesla investor and observe Tesla-stuff every day:

Greatest innovator of maybe your lifetime - he might say stupid stuff, but does stuff that will improve the World more than anyone:
I get that he says some dumb and radical stuff on X now and then, but he's possibly the biggest entrepreneur of all time. Not many pay attention to his work as they just blindly read stuff from mainstream media and hate on him, but with Tesla's energy-department, they're in the middle of transforming the World and electrifying so many things to the benefit of the planet. The World is shifting towards solar energy as of now, and it might combat many of the climate crisis fears. In 2-4 years we might have self-driving cars thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk, and in 5-10 years home-robots might do your laundry, thanks to him and the companies he directs. Quite surprised to see there was almost no mentionings here on RedCafe too on the 10/10 event where Tesla showed their future tech. (Quite big news, but Elon's awkward ways sort of muddied it all).

Mainstream journalism:
It's mindblowing to me, how badly he's covered by mainstream media and by most people who mostly get their news about him and Tesla/SpaceX/etc from mainstream media. But you understand why: Newspapers bring the most outrageous stuff to get clicks, and filters out all the interesting things he have to bring to the table.

The X part where he e-mailed an auto-reply with "feck all journos" of course helped with journalists sometimes hating him, but it's almost every mainstream article I read about him or Tesla that is just not up to speed with facts, recent developments in tech, roadmaps, etc. You really notice when you follow news on a day-to-day basis. As a guy who've consumed news through maintream media my entire life, I'm a bit shocked about the state of mainstream media. I can totally understand why you'd want to go to X and skip mainstream media, when all most mediahouses are doing is coloured/subjective news based on the same tweets you can get from the horse's mouth anyways.

When Trump was shot, the state of journalism vs direct news on X really showed what crap state most journalism is in. Just the whole questioning and angling of whether he was really shot or not was just absurd. Danish well renowned media Politiken which was my standard of journalism has also just been non-factual in some articles about Elon Musk.

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk's personal views when he tries to be political btw. He should basically just keep his mouth shut on most political stuff if you ask me, but he wants to make noise to make X relevant. Elon Musk says outrageous and borderline-conspiratoric stuff on X, but you just can't deny what he and his companies overall will do for us and the planet.

It just throws me off when people ridicule someone who will eventually elevate the World's standard of living (measured on GDP), while many posters themselves probably just sits on their phone doom-scrolling doing nothing at all for humanity compared to a guy like him.

He's not understood by many now, but in 10, or 20 years time you'll see the everyday impact of his current doings.
In 100 years he'll be seen as the GOAT of both innovation and someone who greatly helped save the Earth, imo. For now, he's just hated on.
Yep, the good ol bastion of free speech our Elon. That's why he selectively bans outlets and accounts on twitter he doesn't agree with, while artificially bumping the traffic of accounts that spout pro Trump, often horrifically vile racial content instead. Not to mention propagating fake news himself (remember him retweeting the fake story about Keir Starmer locking away rioters in internment camps abroad?).

As for his businesses - almost all of them doing poorly. Twitter's stock price has nosedived since he took over and Tesla is also facing a similar trajectory. Real visionary.

See if he just stuck to the Tony Stark facade, kept his mouth shut, passed off the work of his companies as his own, and not indulged in race-baiting, far-right conspiracy nonsense while trying to get a convicted felon an fascist elected, then he could have carried on the facade of him being this brilliant visionary.
These creepy perverts never go away, they wait there drooling in the shadows, for the day when Elon (or Tate or whoever), does something that isn't instantly repugnant to anyone with a sense of decency, so they can burst into the light screaming "See! See! I told you Elon is not a warped degenerate".


Elon is a creep, you are a creep. feck off you creeps.