71hrs in, and I keep trying I really do. I keep changing weapons and play styles, but my god I'm just so bored.
It's just so very bland and dull. "oh look, there's a cool looking area!" run over, oh it's just another mini-dungeon that has a status effect type that is more tedious than hard and...what's this?...oh, it's a reskinned boss and for it all you'll get nothing of value. The balances are all wrong, the "content" is mostly superficial and the worst thing a souls game can do, it's just so forgettable. I've beaten so many bosses, been to so many areas, and yet nothing is imprinted on my brain.
Absolutely no disrespect to people who haven't played a souls and love this or even to those that have and still do, but it's not a forward step it's more an attempt to jump on a trend. On that front, there are positives, it still plays more or less like a souls and there are some, albeit misguided, attempts at altering the formula...but unfortunately, exactly like 2, it has no real direction or path it's a throw shit at the wall and see what sticks approach rather than a focused new direction. And for the love of god...CHANGE THE TRASHCAN ENGINE! Any other company releasing a game with the same engine with the same bugs from over 10 years ago would get shit for it. Somehow FROM have some mystical power that lets people overlook just how bad it is, especially the fact that both Sekiro and DS3 managed to do a better job at covering them
People are using the bloodfang and all the OP weapons/summons/magic to go through this game thinking it's great. Nothing wrong with that, but it 100% skews the enjoyment towards "oh this is ok". But if you don't play it like that and want to enjoy the roots of souls, then this is way off. It's just so unbalanced, bland and uninspired.
I blame that lazy prick G.R.R.Martin. I mean the best thing he came up with was changing "souls" to "runes" which is way less interesting and ominous sounding. Useless prick.