E3 2010

I'm pretty sure attempting emulate the missing analogue stick with ball tracking would render a large portion of games unplayable. The lack of a fixed central postion, deadzone and directional limits would be horrible.

Quite possible, but even still, it can be done, even implementing a basic dead zone. Right stick should be easy enough to emulate, even if not perfect. The game itself wouldn't have a clue.

Yeah, but 120gb is more than enough, which is what I have, so 250gb is overkill.

You should see what my HDD looks like, and it's not down to me, it's always full and it's one hell of a lot bigger than 250GB. There are times I go to install or download something and there isn't any space left. This is what happens when you allow women to control such a device.
in what way the ps eyetoy is similar to natal? other than they're both cameras

I'm being told the technology is totally different?
The thing is large also, it can't be cheap to make.

I used to love that game where you 'washed windows' on the EyeToy.
It's always been a source of amusement to me when people who spend countless hours of their lives reading, watching tv/films, looking at art and listening to music look down on gamers.

Games can and often do provide all those mediums in one package and more.
Are we expecting a GT5 release date? If so are we expecting it to be soon?!

Why it will be just like every other GT game that has gone before, once you get past the shine and the limitless options you'll realise it's quite boring.
It's always been a source of amusement to me when people who spend countless hours of their lives reading, watching tv/films, looking at art and listening to music look down on gamers.

Games can and often do provide all those mediums in one package and more.

And is a far bigger industry than any of those.
It's always been a source of amusement to me when people who spend countless hours of their lives reading, watching tv/films, looking at art and listening to music look down on gamers.

Games can and often do provide all those mediums in one package and more.

True, playing a good game can be far more stimulating on a lot of levels than the typical vegging in front of a TV that most people do.

Although you argue games can and often do provide all those packages, I have to argue they can and often don't, the very best of games will be visually stunning, a beautiful score and and engaging story with rich characters, but those games really are few and far between.

Of course I love games, but I don't think comparing them to other forms of entertainment really plays to its strengths since it's never really going to excel in one area over forms of media dedicated to a specific type of entertainment. Really games are great because of the immersion factor - the ability to engross yourself in another world on a far more interactive level than anything else offers.

What I'm saying is it is hardly a nerdy niche market as many critics who look down on video games would claim, it is the biggest entertainment industry there is by a long distance, since 2005 for instance there has been 300 million sales of the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS and and PSP - let's say the average is £200 each, that works out at £12 billion / $18-25 billion a year just on hardware before you talk about the billions of games that have been sold in that five year period, and on xbox live subscriptions, extra controllers, etc. etc. There are estimates that say the whole market is worth beyond $50 billion a year - to put that into perspective, worldwide cinema ticket sales are about $13/14 billion.

For instance, the video game market in Britain is valued at $10 billion whilst the cinema stateside is valued at $8 billion.

EDIT: The US, British and Japanese markets as the biggest three combined according to studies are currently worth $55 billion before the rest of the world is considered.
Although you argue games can and often do provide all those packages, I have to argue they can and often don't, the very best of games will be visually stunning, a beautiful score and and engaging story with rich characters, but those games really are few and far between.

Tell that to the artists creating them. Besides art in games, just like real life is subjective. I can take just as much pleasure in a game with great geometry but mediocre texturing, as I can with the opposite. The masses can't, but that's their loss I suppose.

Of course I love games, but I don't think comparing them to other forms of entertainment really plays to its strengths since it's never really going to excel in one area over forms of media dedicated to a specific type of entertainment. Really games are great because of the immersion factor - the ability to engross yourself in another world on a far more interactive level than anything else offers.

Oh I'm not comparing them as such, however there are plenty of games with great stories, great art and great music. Maybe not often in one package, but you can usually find at least one.

When I create games, I think of the controls and playability first and foremost, which instantly sets them apart from all other forms of entertainment. I wish more games were made that way.
New trailers for 'The Old Republic', the most expensive game ever produced by EA:

They seem to not have done a KOTOR II and instead are building on what has gone before

And for good measure, this is the trailer at E3 last year that blew away everything else shown:

I've just read that retailers in the US are pricing Kinect at $150, I am surprised Microsoft would develop and release such a costly peripheral.

Do you really believe this? I mean it's a massive industry, but far bigger than both movies and music?

You are fully aware that the evolution of media and storage is based on two things.

Porn and Video Games.

Hence the reason Blue Ray was so successful. Sony bundled it with their PS3 from the get go unlike Microsoft who had the HD DVD Video player as an item that needed to be bought separately.
I'm tempted to trade in my old Xbox 360 to get the new one! I've no reason to, I just have an urge to do so!
I'm tempted to trade in my old Xbox 360 to get the new one! I've no reason to, I just have an urge to do so!

same here, it is so sexy looking, although i also want a slim PS3 because my large PS3 is a pain in the arse when i want to move it from lounge to bedroom
That new xbox is fecking sexy :drool:

Still gonna keep my Resi Evil Elite though
Any news on a game called Agent? Developed by Rockstar exclusively for PS3.
Are we expecting a GT5 release date? If so are we expecting it to be soon?!

I'd be extremely surprised if a release date isn't announced at this E3. I assume it will be around October or the Christmas period where they'll have it as a bundle. It will sell absolutely shit loads.
Well at the GDC they confirmed it would be released before the end of 2010 so we don't have long to wait I suppose. Call of Duty on 9/11 aswell. I wonder if they did that on purpose.
They seem to not have done a KOTOR II and instead are building on what has gone before

How do you mean? It's going to be nothing like KotOR 1. Can't believe they're making this a MMORPG I love KotOR 1 and 2, and was dead excited when I heard they were making a 3rd. Trust EA to go and shit on my dreams though