E3 2010

Wow, I can't believe they have copied Wii sports, Wii fit, Nintendogs etc and they want you to pay $150 dollars for the privilege.

Considering the Wii has sold so many units, is there a market left for this?

I have similar reservations about the Sony move. I guess we will find out later today!
What's this new XBox model going to be called, the Xbox 360 Short?

New xbox looks nice, but not arsed buying it.

The Wii rip off thing looks feckin terrible, I predict it will crash and burn.

Apart from the new Halo and Gears (which will both be class) what else have MS got this year?
Do sites like IGN and Gamespot still have the conferences available for download later? I wanted to watch the Nintendo one but have to go out.
they arent showing the conferences

go to gametrailers.com you can watch them whenever you want afterwards
Zelda please. Hopefully upfront so I can avoid the Vitality Sensor bullshit.
I'm gonna watch Nintendo's after all, just hope they dont have the pie charts out again.

I see Hideo has a special teaser site again, new game it looks like.

Anyone know where I can watch this apart from IGN and Gamespot? Both streams not 100% smooth for me.
Zelda demo showing off the wii's inaccuracy. But I can't believe even the Wii Motion Plus would be that inaccurate?
The amount of times he swinged the remote and nothing happened on screen made me sad.