E3 2010

star wars ain't gonna work too well on kinnect. Lag will screw the whole game up, let alone the lack of direction controls.
star wars ain't gonna work too well on kinnect. Lag will screw the whole game up, let alone the lack of direction controls.

:lol: You like the world lag don't you? I doubt it's going to be an issue when you're actually playing this stuff.

This is because if the lag is that bad, they'll have to take the challenge out (as it seems with the SW game), which means you won't play it anyway ;)
It has wifi...about time
Redefining the meaning of buying the audience there.
Oh I know, I've sat through many of them.

However Nintendo have always been about innovation, even if a lot of it is what you and I would consider gash. MS and Sony are just making copies of stuff that is already been a hit years ago.

If anything in the whole motion control business, it was Sony that was the innovator, they simply didn't have the foggiest idea about what to do with it.
20:00: Just as it looks like the conference is rounding up, Don Mattrick takes to the stage and removes a sheet to reveal a slim Xbox 360. "It's sleeker, smaller and whisper quiet." It'll offer built in WiFi 802.11N and 250GB HDD, and will launch at the same price as existing Elite systems. It will ship to retailers today and be available in stores by the end of the week. This is for North America, by the way, but we assume Europe will receive the same treatment.
If anything in the whole motion control business, it was Sony that was the innovator, they simply didn't have the foggiest idea about what to do with it.

Well as you've rightly pointed out, motion control goes back further than consoles.

In any case, Nintendo are always the innovators with this sort of thing, no one else would ever make it the focal point of an entire hardware release, hence why it's even worse on the Xbox/PS3. Plus add the fact that many people are now bored of the Wii, why would they revisit it with this shit?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's only going to get worse with gash like this. It started with the obsession with online multiplayer, and it's going deeper and deeper into that and motion control territory at the expense of all other facets of gameplay.

The only way any of it would be of any use to me is if you could play Forza with a wheel, and use it to look around the cockpit/track. But that's hardly new technology.
20:00: Just as it looks like the conference is rounding up, Don Mattrick takes to the stage and removes a sheet to reveal a slim Xbox 360. "It's sleeker, smaller and whisper quiet." It'll offer built in WiFi 802.11N and 250GB HDD, and will launch at the same price as existing Elite systems. It will ship to retailers today and be available in stores by the end of the week. This is for North America, by the way, but we assume Europe will receive the same treatment.

So it's out this week, not November?