E3 2010

I've only been watching the past 10 minutes, have I missed anything good?
Incredible, Molyneuxs test game excited more than any of this, last year. Once again the idea of whole new experiences just ends up being a rip off of whats already been done.
feck this im watching the game.

I just hope Sony don't waste their screen time tomorrow with this gimmicky bollocks.
feck this im watching the game.

I just hope Sony don't waste their screen time tomorrow with this gimmicky bollocks.

They'll probably spend the entire time talking about Move and the 3D capabilities of the PS3.

Natal or whatever its called will probably fail, it's a gimmick that will get boring after a week.
Does EA prevent their titles being shown off in the Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony shows?
Because the Wii Fit and Wii Sports sold shit loads. That is why they've been the main focus here.

Yes, but they were first party Nintendo games. There is only really that EA fitness game and that Ubisoft dancing thing that have done anywhere near as well. I want to see from Kinect running an old school game like Sony is doing with Socom 4.
Once again, laggard move by Microsoft to attract the largely untapped female audience to console gaming. But it looks a smarter move than Sony's. Just look at that dancing game. Girls will totally dig it, even if there's noticeable lag.
A few days ago, Valve said they weren't going to be at E3 apparently and before that they said that their presentation wouldn't be Portal 2 but another surprise. Honestly, I have no idea whether or not they will be there.
Great, get a white man in glasses to dance.

Actually, I could see Weaste and Elvis playing this!

If you could watch them dancing through video kinect then they are on to something.