Creator of the Caftards comics
All that sports stuff has already been fecking done!
"The fun of controller free gaming"!
I've only been watching the past 10 minutes, have I missed anything good?
I've only been watching the past 10 minutes, have I missed anything good?
I've only been watching the past 10 minutes, have I missed anything good?
So they have Wii Sports and Wii Fit!
Who is seriously going to play this shit? Especially the driving stuff!
Is it even doing anything the Eyetoy couldn't do?
Is it even doing anything the Eyetoy couldn't do?
But very few 3rd party games have sold well on the Wii. Why do they thing that it will sell on the PS3 or XB360? Doesn't make sense.
feck this im watching the game.
I just hope Sony don't waste their screen time tomorrow with this gimmicky bollocks.
feck this im watching the game.
I just hope Sony don't waste their screen time tomorrow with this gimmicky bollocks.
Because the Wii Fit and Wii Sports sold shit loads. That is why they've been the main focus here.
Does EA prevent their titles being shown off in the Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony shows?
Great, get a white man in glasses to dance.
Actually, I could see Weaste and Elvis playing this!