E3 2010

That's a very stupid trick, but believe it or not it seems to con investors. Not mentioning names, but I've known artists to sit in front of CGI running with a control pad to con people into believing it's real-time gameplay.
Some good games in there. I really, really want to go away and have a marathon game on Civilization now though. Wish to feck I had bohered to install it on my laptop.

They should release a new Alpha Centauri an' all, I was addicted to that game when it came out.
Does anyone notice something a little odd with this?



To be fair that was from a sequence of games being shown in quick succession. It was a performance as opposed to a tech demo.
Either way, it's in the Killzone 2 class of deception. We'll find out today I suppose if it's real or not, or whether it's what they think that they can get to. They have not publicly shown this thing off properly, not once. If the thing can do that, then performance or not, why not let it do it?
:lol: dont go there weaste, last year was like a kick in the gonads to a MGS fan.
I've had a chat with Peter about game design, mostly about the original syndicate though. I may have been younger and ballsy, but I insisted to him I could have got rooftops and grappling hooks on the amiga back in the day - which I could and would have I still maintain.
someone pm me when new hardware, that isn't that konect bollocks, or when anything COD or FIFA related is mentioned. Cheers.