Donkai Havertz | Arsenal Watch

I say it again Havertz needs to slightly strengthen his slender frame. While his technique is sound, his ability to control the ball is significantly affected when surrounded by many players.

It seems not to be a lack of skill, but rather a physical capability issue and having higher center of gravity due to his lean frame.

Just my opinion though may be I am wrong.
I think that's true but the weird thing is he looks fine fighting off defenders when he's moving and running. When he receives the ball standing he's the easiest player to fend off in the league. He's too slow scanning around him and often loses the ball. Weird player but as long as he keep scoring and be that focal point in the air, he'll be fine.
Putting "Plan" at the end of that tweet is an incredible bit of mental gymnastics. Shocking to have two players not complete a pass in a game.