Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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There's not just a smoking gun but a blast crater of evidence out there.

It also looks like there’s a distinct pattern of behaviour as he’s tried the same tactic with a number of countries and they’ve locked all evidence in their code-word level security system which they’ve also just increased security on to ensure there is no leaks from it.
It also looks like there’s a distinct pattern of behaviour as he’s tried the same tactic with a number of countries and they’ve locked all evidence in their code-word level security system which they’ve also just increased security on to ensure there is no leaks from it.

Yeah I can't see this going anywhere but the supreme court in an epic legislative vs executive branch battle. One can only hope the supreme court judges don't have the same idolatry reverence for executive privilege like Barr does.

Narrative set. Justification made. Defence initiated.

I don't know what's more depressing, how inept the Dems are. How gullible or corrupt Republicans and Trump supporters are, or how inept the US is to be seemingly defenceless against everything Trump has done.

Same goes for his taxes. Congress and the American people have a right to know if there is corruption within the government and Congress have a duty to investigate and root out any corrupt officials.
I felt the first of feeling uneasy I've felt since this all began on Wednesday. I'm at work amd a song came on. Some dance tune regarding how shit the UK is and how great America is. I've never heard of it or the group. Leggitt and Platt radio? Legit and Platt sells adjustable beds...
So basically it was just shitting on everything from taxes, how we pay for nothing etc
Then it went on to praise America from freeing them and insulted Manchester, Liverpool, London etc. It said we hate guns but would wish we had some when the Americans come.
So I work with some real clowns but they've always liked me. Well they really got into it and started calling me an English cnut etc.
At first I played it off just stupid banter until one of them said he was going to break my legs. Then another one said something. In the end they were all at it. Finally I went to my manager and left two hours before I should have. He watched me walk out as one of them shouted "yeah feck you pussy and don't come fecking back"
Now they have cameras there that will prove this. I'm sure they don't have sound but the actions are good enough to show what they meant. If I go to management when I go in on Monday. Will they pull up the tapes from those time frames and watch them with me there?
Feck those guys, I hope you get it all sorted buddy and they get a good ass kicking at work.
so whats a realistic timeline on this playing out... will it be something that gets sorted one way or the other in the next few months - or does it drag into next year (and possibly over the election?)
I felt the first of feeling uneasy I've felt since this all began on Wednesday. I'm at work amd a song came on. Some dance tune regarding how shit the UK is and how great America is. I've never heard of it or the group. Leggitt and Platt radio? Legit and Platt sells adjustable beds...
So basically it was just shitting on everything from taxes, how we pay for nothing etc
Then it went on to praise America from freeing them and insulted Manchester, Liverpool, London etc. It said we hate guns but would wish we had some when the Americans come.
So I work with some real clowns but they've always liked me. Well they really got into it and started calling me an English cnut etc.
At first I played it off just stupid banter until one of them said he was going to break my legs. Then another one said something. In the end they were all at it. Finally I went to my manager and left two hours before I should have. He watched me walk out as one of them shouted "yeah feck you pussy and don't come fecking back"
Now they have cameras there that will prove this. I'm sure they don't have sound but the actions are good enough to show what they meant. If I go to management when I go in on Monday. Will they pull up the tapes from those time frames and watch them with me there?
By Monday they should have made the effort to have watched those videos for themselves and acted on what they saw. Are you working with MAGAs by any chance? If your manager is a Trump fan I doubt you’ll get much joy but I do hope they do something about the behaviour of their workers. No harm in asking them to watch the videos with you. What is your company far as management is concerned?
By Monday they should have made the effort to have watched those videos for themselves and acted on what they saw. Are you working with MAGAs by any chance? If your manager is a Trump fan I doubt you’ll get much joy but I do hope they do something about the behaviour of their workers. No harm in asking them to watch the videos with you. What is your company far as management is concerned?
I'm not really sure because I've only been with them a short time. Tbh if they say that they've seen it and they're still there then it might be time to pull out the race card. I'm not stupid. I went to the bathroom before the actual threat of violence came and had turned on the voice recorder on my phone. So I have them saying it.
I think having it turned on when they tell me that they watched it might be something a lawyer might like to see?
I felt the first of feeling uneasy I've felt since this all began on Wednesday. I'm at work amd a song came on. Some dance tune regarding how shit the UK is and how great America is. I've never heard of it or the group. Leggitt and Platt radio? Legit and Platt sells adjustable beds...
So basically it was just shitting on everything from taxes, how we pay for nothing etc
Then it went on to praise America from freeing them and insulted Manchester, Liverpool, London etc. It said we hate guns but would wish we had some when the Americans come.
So I work with some real clowns but they've always liked me. Well they really got into it and started calling me an English cnut etc.
At first I played it off just stupid banter until one of them said he was going to break my legs. Then another one said something. In the end they were all at it. Finally I went to my manager and left two hours before I should have. He watched me walk out as one of them shouted "yeah feck you pussy and don't come fecking back"
Now they have cameras there that will prove this. I'm sure they don't have sound but the actions are good enough to show what they meant. If I go to management when I go in on Monday. Will they pull up the tapes from those time frames and watch them with me there?

I thought clowns were supposed to bring laughter? feck me.
It must be fun being his lawyer. Maybe Rudy went insane after spending enough time around him.

He should go through the proper channels to do this. Giuliani is not what I would say is a proper channel. More like intelligence agency to intelligence agency. Withholding aid is an underhand way to go about things and sounds as if he’s saying “one way or another (legit or made up) find me some dirt on Biden or you don’t get the money.
He should go through the proper channels to do this. Giuliani is not what I would say is a proper channel. More like intelligence agency to intelligence agency. Withholding aid is an underhand way to go about things and sounds as if he’s saying “one way or another (legit or made up) find me some dirt on Biden or you don’t get the money.

This is something that the Vox podcast was discussing yesterday. Suppose you are a banana republic that wants to curry favour from US government and get some money, what's stopping you from making up shit on Biden or whoever else is his opposition in 2020? The justice department is completely complicit and Barr would do anything to start a prosecution just before the election.
This is something that the Vox podcast was discussing yesterday. Suppose you are a banana republic that wants to curry favour from US government and get some money, what's stopping you from making up shit on Biden or whoever else is his opposition in 2020? The justice department is completely complicit and Barr would do anything to start a prosecution just before the election.

Just as I posted this:

KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine’s top prosecutor said on Friday that he would review several important cases previously handled by his predecessors, including a criminal case involving the owner of a natural gas company that employed a son of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The development came amid an impeachment inquiry against President Trump connected to a request he made to the Ukrainian president asking him to investigate Mr. Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate, and his son’s work in Ukraine.

It raised questions about whether Ukraine was, in effect, bowing to public and private pressure from the president of the United States, on which it has depended on for millions of dollars in aid.

The prosecutor general, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, who took office in August, said he intended to review 15 cases in all, including high-profile investigations of wealthy Ukrainians, among them the owner of the natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, where Mr. Biden’s son Hunter served on the board until earlier this year.

Shit hits the fan.
This is something that the Vox podcast was discussing yesterday. Suppose you are a banana republic that wants to curry favour from US government and get some money, what's stopping you from making up shit on Biden or whoever else is his opposition in 2020? The justice department is completely complicit and Barr would do anything to start a prosecution just before the election.
Exactly. Even China who is supposed to be resuming trade talks next week has had overtures to dig up dirt. Their economy has been blasted just as much as ours with this trade war. If they know trump could give them billions in concessions and relief just for some possible made up crap to sling at Biden. Why in the world would they not do it?

Ukraine is entirely dependent on our support and aid to hold Russia off of course they will say they are investigating Biden after it has been made ABUNDANTLY clear to them they must do it for continued support in this administration. That is why its a big deal. That is why it isn't a "perfect call".

You hear the trump administration and the supporters saying no quid pro quo. BS. Asking China to help you when you are holding a trade war over their heads is the definition of quid pro quo. And being so obvious as to use your PERSONAL lawyer to "look into" these things is just being blatant.
This is something that the Vox podcast was discussing yesterday. Suppose you are a banana republic that wants to curry favour from US government and get some money, what's stopping you from making up shit on Biden or whoever else is his opposition in 2020? The justice department is completely complicit and Barr would do anything to start a prosecution just before the election.
Surely now this is just a step or two away from a proper dictatorship in the "land of freedom". I can so easily see him disagreeing with the next election he loses citing non-existent voting fraud or whatever they can come up with and just asking for redoing the election or just canceling that election results altogether.
Surely now this is just a step or two away from a proper dictatorship in the "land of freedom". I can so easily see him disagreeing with the next election he loses citing non-existent voting fraud or whatever they can come up with and just asking for redoing the election or just canceling that election results altogether.

Michael Cohen said in his testimony that anyone expecting a peaceful transition of power if Trump loses the next election is being delusional.
Much like he asked Russia to during his campaign?

He doesn't see anything wrong with it. His supporters either don't, or don't give a shit. He truly thinks and believes his is omnipotent. He has literally bitched and moaned about his Presidential powers not reaching far enough and questioned why he isn't Lord of the Galaxy. He has also Tweeted and Retweeted countless posts that have quoted people comparing him to God and countless more having him stay President beyond a 2nd Term.

I don't know why this is still even a debate. He's fecking insane. He's a narcissistic sociopath who is only out for himself no matter what the cost to anyone or anything else on the planet and he will do or say anything to ensure his survival.

How the feck is he not in a padded cell? The answers to those questions show how fecked the USA is. The rest of us aren't too far behind either.

The difference is that he is now doing this as US president.

Its just a disgrace. I've posted this on here before, but Americans really are bone idle. You would think mass protests would be taking place, but people are too busy sat on their backsides and just complaining about it on Twitter.
The difference is that he is now doing this as US president.

Its just a disgrace. I've posted this on here before, but Americans really are bone idle. You would think mass protests would be taking place, but people are too busy sat on their backsides and just complaining about it on Twitter.
perhaps the same will happen if they pass a law to take automatic weapons off people and it wont be the mass rallies / bloodbaths because people cant be arsed?
The difference is that he is now doing this as US president.

Its just a disgrace. I've posted this on here before, but Americans really are bone idle. You would think mass protests would be taking place, but people are too busy sat on their backsides and just complaining about it on Twitter.
Yes all it needs are mass protests outside the WH with people loudly holding up signs saying “Trump Resign” or some such thing. Carry that on until he goes. He’ll hate it.

All that’s happening now is that folks are saying “well I’m doing ok financially” and never looking at the bigger picture. Never looking at Trump’s behaviour, never looking at the state of the country, never looking how he is affecting fellow Americans and other citizens, never looking at how he is affecting the rest of the world. It’s a very “I’m alright Jack’ type of country with people too wrapped up in themselves. If it wasn’t then Trump wouldn’t still be there.
Better than doing nothing because doing nothing won’t work. Well it hasn’t up to now anyway.
Voting is the "something". Impeachment will not happen. GOP and Mitch will not allow it no matter what they say or don't say. GOP have literally had a national campaign to hoard power regardless of the changing demographics including voter suppression and gerrymandering. The very idea that anyone thinks they will suddenly "do the right thing" and stand up to blatant trump corruption is silly.

Pelosi was right to be reticent and cautious on impeachment. But, now its so blatant and obvious hes literally asking China on live TV right before they meet for trade talks to get him some dirt to use politically. The inquiry is necessary.

But, what is even more necessary is voters showing up in 2020. His supporters will. He's got a massive war chest to spend on lies and conspiracy theory ads on Facebook. He will have the continued propaganda of Fox News save the few Shep Shepard and Chris Wallace trying to break through the trash on their own network.

The only way to combat that is vote him out. All the petty minor squabbles with who the Democratic candidate will be have to be put aside for the eventual nominee. If not we deserve trump.
Bone idle tweets are less likely to incite a Trump-voting reaction in the law and order well off suburbia than mass protest.
He will build a moot around the White House and fill it with snakes and gators. Then he will build concession stands selling covfefe and hamberders for the protesters.
Voting is the "something". Impeachment will not happen. GOP and Mitch will not allow it no matter what they say or don't say. GOP have literally had a national campaign to hoard power regardless of the changing demographics including voter suppression and gerrymandering. The very idea that anyone thinks they will suddenly "do the right thing" and stand up to blatant trump corruption is silly.

Pelosi was right to be reticent and cautious on impeachment. But, now its so blatant and obvious hes literally asking China on live TV right before they meet for trade talks to get him some dirt to use politically. The inquiry is necessary.

But, what is even more necessary is voters showing up in 2020. His supporters will. He's got a massive war chest to spend on lies and conspiracy theory ads on Facebook. He will have the continued propaganda of Fox News save the few Shep Shepard and Chris Wallace trying to break through the trash on their own network.

The only way to combat that is vote him out. All the petty minor squabbles with who the Democratic candidate will be have to be put aside for the eventual nominee. If not we deserve trump.
Impeachment may well happen because that is voted on in the House, not the Senate. The Senate finds him guilty/not guilty which means removal if he’s found guilty on any of the charges. Can’t see that happening. Then again I can’t see Trump getting to the voting stage either. The stress is telling on him now and the longer this goes on the worse he will get.
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