Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Impeachment may well happen because that is voted on in the House, not the Senate. The Senate finds him guilty/not guilty which means removal if he’s found guilty on any of the charges. Can’t see that happening. Then again I can’t see Trump getting to the voting stage either. The stress is telling on him now and the longer this goes on the worse he will get.
New day new opinion?
He will build a moot around the White House and fill it with snakes and gators. Then he will build concession stands selling covfefe and hamberders for the protesters.

Is this an inside joke? I saw Pexbo posted a tweet that was later deleted and someone commented "moot" l o l

Embarrassing. This is the defense when asked a legitimate question about Trade talks with China being influenced by Trump requesting dirt.

It isn't even worth having these people on anything but Fox News. He calls an interview he accepted an "interrogation". He is the White House trade adviser, and we have trade talks coming up with China who just yesterday were requested on live TV to bring dirt to the negotiations. But, he didn't think he would be asked about it?
Odds on a future whistle blower saying a Trump appointee had them doctor the jobs figures?

Embarrassing. This is the defense when asked a legitimate question about Trade talks with China being influenced by Trump requesting dirt.

It isn't even worth having these people on anything but Fox News. He calls an interview he accepted an "interrogation". He is the White House trade adviser, and we have trade talks coming up with China who just yesterday were requested on live TV to bring dirt to the negotiations. But, he didn't think he would be asked about it?

He’s getting aggressive because he doesn’t want to answer tricky questions he just wants to have his voice heard and get the GOP message across. Trump’s staff are so unbelievably rude. Must be a cv requirement.
He’s getting aggressive because he doesn’t want to answer tricky questions he just wants to have his voice heard and get the GOP message across. Trump’s staff are so unbelievably rude. Must be a cv requirement.

The "tempered" ones were all fired

I have to give credit. He has spun it in a way that justifies it and will give even independents something to think about. Whoever is the GOP spin master deserves credit. No one is even talking about the withholding of military aid any more.
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I don't think anybody's beholden to giving him any credit whatsoever. Whoever's fool enough to fall for his most recent tranche of bullshit is just that - a fool (or y'know willingly complicit).
Looking forward to seeing Joker...oh, ^there^ he is.
He’s deflected everything that’s going on his world on to Biden with the intent of destroying him. We need to get accusations about Trump back on track.

What’s the plan?
I have to give credit. He has spun it in a way that justifies it and will give even independents something to think about. Whoever is the GOP spin master deserves credit. No one is even talking about the withholding of military aid any more.

Honestly it's all bs. He has made no substantiation to his claims. I'm not even clear on what the corruption was, for how much and what exactly did Hunter do.
It's been implied that on the call with China he also pressed for Warren to be investigated. If that's the case it blows his Biden narrative out of the water - though it would fit in just right with him saying he needs to investigate corruption etc. I agree his handlers are playing it well every time they reign him in. I do find it very interesting/of note that basically any time Trump follows a certain tactic it's identical to the one employed by Putin.

Dems need to pummel him/drown him in the airwaves because many folks clearly are not going to see what is fundamentally wrong with investigating those running in an American election against you and using your power as a president to press for foreign nations to influence that process. If he was so concerned about corruption then the state department, FBI, CIA, etc should be doing the investigation.. A state department that had already cleared Biden before but who s counting. The average voter is not attentive enough to pick up on the nuances.
Terrible idea for all involved, the only positive would be Trump not getting a pardon.

It's not really an idea, it's just what happens in the (never going to happen) scenario where both Trump and Pence are taken down by this investigation.
It's not really an idea, it's just what happens in the (never going to happen) scenario where both Trump and Pence are taken down by this investigation.

Yeah fair enough, there’s a small chance they will cannibalise Trump if his polls are looking toxic but I can’t imagine a scenario where they’d take Pence down too.
There is still time and I would think that Trump's base would be happy if the Muslims and Mexicans/immigrants were rounded up and executed.

Stephen Miller has a strange resemblance to Goebbels, hope I dont get attacked for saying that. When you read articles about his high school and college days, he comes across as fanatical against immigrants.
Germany at the time of Hitler's rise was completely bankrupt from world war 1. This civil unrest and poverty paved the way for him to rise to power. That's what populists do, they play to people's feeling of injustice and misery. And if there isn't enough of it, they will create it and scapegoat someone.

Yup, which supports my point that education and intellectual advancement shouldnt be the basis on predicting if a society will resort to awful actions.
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