Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Giuliani and Trump = Berk and Hair.
This whole thing is all about ego, isn't it?

Of course, he doesn't want to be seen as an abomination of a president. He's the white knight. The saviour of the "Hard Working" American people. "Make American Great Again". Of course History is going to abolsutely slaughter this clown to the extent that Bush is going to look like a hardworking decent president.

Its becoming more and more obvious that world leaders who aren't sociopathic dictators, want very little to do with him, or when in his presence, take the absolute piss out of him.
I doubt the golden shower sex tape would be enough at this rate

Long said for it to exist and be kompromat it’ll have to be him raping a child sex slave or something similarly unbelievably repulsive because his supporters will laugh and cheer at a golden shower sex tape and make some owning the libs style memes from it.

I also think that there’s the problem of the people actually seeing it with their own eyes because news channels won’t broadcast it and the government won’t release it which allows for deep state and fake news and all that bullshit.
They preffer Alternative Facts™, thank you very much

Exactly, the Q nutters actually believe the holocaust didn't happen and that the genocide of their own Native Americans didn't happen either. You simply cannot argue or get through to deluded lunatics like that. To be honest, they scare the living shit out of me.
You just have to shake your head in disbelief. The person who is president has publicly called for a foreign country to interfere in their countries election.

Much like he asked Russia to during his campaign?

He doesn't see anything wrong with it. His supporters either don't, or don't give a shit. He truly thinks and believes his is omnipotent. He has literally bitched and moaned about his Presidential powers not reaching far enough and questioned why he isn't Lord of the Galaxy. He has also Tweeted and Retweeted countless posts that have quoted people comparing him to God and countless more having him stay President beyond a 2nd Term.

I don't know why this is still even a debate. He's fecking insane. He's a narcissistic sociopath who is only out for himself no matter what the cost to anyone or anything else on the planet and he will do or say anything to ensure his survival.

How the feck is he not in a padded cell? The answers to those questions show how fecked the USA is. The rest of us aren't too far behind either.
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In years to come students will be scratching their fecking heads in amazement at how in such a supposedly evolved and educated world, people still went out of their way to act against their best wishes and in a way that would contradict their very being and everything they professed to believe in.

Republicans truly are the antithesis of everything Darwin thought he had proved. They are the devolution of our species.

Narrative set. Justification made. Defence initiated.

I don't know what's more depressing, how inept the Dems are. How gullible or corrupt Republicans and Trump supporters are, or how inept the US is to be seemingly defenceless against everything Trump has done.

This is what you are fighting against. The dishonesty, anger and rage is unbelievable. Just imagine for one minute if Obama or Hillary had done this as President. Or 1000 of the things Trump has?

This is a war. The Dems, Libs and independents nèed to wake the feck up and start fighting. They need to fight hard for what they believe in, what they want to defend and what they want as a future and they need to get along soon, otherwise Captain fecktard of the feckwafffle brigade will get elected again and then all bets are off.
In years to come students will be scratching their fecking heads in amazement at how in such a supposedly evolved and educated world, people still went out of their way to act against their best wishes and in a way that would contradict their very being and everything they professed to believe in.

Republicans truly are the antithesis of everything Darwin thought he had proved. They are the devolution of our species.

I'm pretty sure that already happened with arguably the most educated and advanced society in Europe (Germany) bringing the Nazis to power. This is just another example, albeit in my opinion, a less bad one.
I still maintain him as president is a pr stunt gone wild, he never expected to win, but the people where sick of political powerhouses like the r clintons. I hate Trump and everything the man stands for (so does his wife), he's a cancer and needs to be removed by any means necessary.
Apart from that there are plenty of countries who are sitting on piles of dirt on Trump and the GOP and they are most definitely not going to sit back and let him destroy the US or damage it purely to benefit Putin.

let me get this straight. plenty of countries (like 10-20?) have dirt on donald trump and they arent going to let him damage the us? why do they care about the us? and if they do why have they done nothing? hes been president for almost 3 years

Narrative set. Justification made. Defence initiated.

I don't know what's more depressing, how inept the Dems are. How gullible or corrupt Republicans and Trump supporters are, or how inept the US is to be seemingly defenceless against everything Trump has done.

Where have they dropped the ball in this current saga in your view?

Narrative set. Justification made. Defence initiated.

I don't know what's more depressing, how inept the Dems are. How gullible or corrupt Republicans and Trump supporters are, or how inept the US is to be seemingly defenceless against everything Trump has done.

TBF hard to argue with that, the dems are fighting on semantics, jargons, and rules, Donald just say it as it is.

I can see it's wrong, but when he put it like that... I can see people saying yup. nothing wrong with that
I do wonder if MBS has ever asked Trump for any 'favours' that resulted in the capture of Jamal Khashoggi.
TBF hard to argue with that, the dems are fighting on semantics, jargons, and rules, Donald just say it as it is.

I can see it's wrong, but when he put it like that... I can see people saying yup. nothing wrong with that
Really? He's sounding a lot like a dictator.
I'm pretty sure that already happened with arguably the most educated and advanced society in Europe (Germany) bringing the Nazis to power. This is just another example, albeit in my opinion, a less bad one.
There is still time and I would think that Trump's base would be happy if the Muslims and Mexicans/immigrants were rounded up and executed.
I'm pretty sure that already happened with arguably the most educated and advanced society in Europe (Germany) bringing the Nazis to power. This is just another example, albeit in my opinion, a less bad one.
Germany at the time of Hitler's rise was completely bankrupt from world war 1. This civil unrest and poverty paved the way for him to rise to power. That's what populists do, they play to people's feeling of injustice and misery. And if there isn't enough of it, they will create it and scapegoat someone.
I felt the first of feeling uneasy I've felt since this all began on Wednesday. I'm at work amd a song came on. Some dance tune regarding how shit the UK is and how great America is. I've never heard of it or the group. Leggitt and Platt radio? Legit and Platt sells adjustable beds...
So basically it was just shitting on everything from taxes, how we pay for nothing etc
Then it went on to praise America from freeing them and insulted Manchester, Liverpool, London etc. It said we hate guns but would wish we had some when the Americans come.
So I work with some real clowns but they've always liked me. Well they really got into it and started calling me an English cnut etc.
At first I played it off just stupid banter until one of them said he was going to break my legs. Then another one said something. In the end they were all at it. Finally I went to my manager and left two hours before I should have. He watched me walk out as one of them shouted "yeah feck you pussy and don't come fecking back"
Now they have cameras there that will prove this. I'm sure they don't have sound but the actions are good enough to show what they meant. If I go to management when I go in on Monday. Will they pull up the tapes from those time frames and watch them with me there?
I felt the first of feeling uneasy I've felt since this all began on Wednesday. I'm at work amd a song came on. Some dance tune regarding how shit the UK is and how great America is. I've never heard of it or the group. Leggitt and Platt radio? Legit and Platt sells adjustable beds...
So basically it was just shitting on everything from taxes, how we pay for nothing etc
Then it went on to praise America from freeing them and insulted Manchester, Liverpool, London etc. It said we hate guns but would wish we had some when the Americans come.
So I work with some real clowns but they've always liked me. Well they really got into it and started calling me an English cnut etc.
At first I played it off just stupid banter until one of them said he was going to break my legs. Then another one said something. In the end they were all at it. Finally I went to my manager and left two hours before I should have. He watched me walk out as one of them shouted "yeah feck you pussy and don't come fecking back"
Now they have cameras there that will prove this. I'm sure they don't have sound but the actions are good enough to show what they meant. If I go to management when I go in on Monday. Will they pull up the tapes from those time frames and watch them with me there?

What the actual feck? And there was nothing leading up to it other than a song on the radio?!
I felt the first of feeling uneasy I've felt since this all began on Wednesday. I'm at work amd a song came on. Some dance tune regarding how shit the UK is and how great America is. I've never heard of it or the group. Leggitt and Platt radio? Legit and Platt sells adjustable beds...
So basically it was just shitting on everything from taxes, how we pay for nothing etc
Then it went on to praise America from freeing them and insulted Manchester, Liverpool, London etc. It said we hate guns but would wish we had some when the Americans come.
So I work with some real clowns but they've always liked me. Well they really got into it and started calling me an English cnut etc.
At first I played it off just stupid banter until one of them said he was going to break my legs. Then another one said something. In the end they were all at it. Finally I went to my manager and left two hours before I should have. He watched me walk out as one of them shouted "yeah feck you pussy and don't come fecking back"
Now they have cameras there that will prove this. I'm sure they don't have sound but the actions are good enough to show what they meant. If I go to management when I go in on Monday. Will they pull up the tapes from those time frames and watch them with me there?
That is horrible. You see on TV people saying go back where you came from or don't come back all the time but when it is said to you, it shocks you like few things can.
I guess management will take your sequence of events and watch the tapes and then ask your colleagues to explain. Good luck.
I felt the first of feeling uneasy I've felt since this all began on Wednesday. I'm at work amd a song came on. Some dance tune regarding how shit the UK is and how great America is. I've never heard of it or the group. Leggitt and Platt radio? Legit and Platt sells adjustable beds...
So basically it was just shitting on everything from taxes, how we pay for nothing etc
Then it went on to praise America from freeing them and insulted Manchester, Liverpool, London etc. It said we hate guns but would wish we had some when the Americans come.
So I work with some real clowns but they've always liked me. Well they really got into it and started calling me an English cnut etc.
At first I played it off just stupid banter until one of them said he was going to break my legs. Then another one said something. In the end they were all at it. Finally I went to my manager and left two hours before I should have. He watched me walk out as one of them shouted "yeah feck you pussy and don't come fecking back"
Now they have cameras there that will prove this. I'm sure they don't have sound but the actions are good enough to show what they meant. If I go to management when I go in on Monday. Will they pull up the tapes from those time frames and watch them with me there?

Man that is insane! Hope you get it all sorted, people's behaviour never ceases to amaze me. All the best, mate.
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