Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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It's just his usual tactic of normalising his behaviour.

He's not doing it covertly here, he's not doing it as a quid pro quo, he's just doing it out in the open for everyone to see. It's Biden the guilty one here you see and that's what we should be talking about.

"Can you believe they're trying to impeach me for doing what I said I would do on the campaign trail - trying to root out corruption. Once again the corrupt Democrats are doing their best to protect their own and they're trying to use it for an illegal coup too..."
'Check out sex tape'.
Dems will have to race I guess to get something more tangible before Barr produces a report with his spin on things. They probably have ensnared enough world leaders in their games to where they re concerned enough about their own credibility if they don't allow Barr to make statements like : supported by Australia, Italy, etc. we found evidence the whole Russia thing was a big conspiracy Yada Yada. There are enough other corrupt motherfeckers in the world of politics to be more concerned about themselves and what a Trump WH can do for them, than doing the right thing. Not to mention that China, like Russia would probably love the US to be in permanent upheaval.

This asking China for things follows an identical pattern to asking Russia to looking into Hillary s emails. Its like he s reverting to a strategy he thinks won him the election last time.
It's amazing, hes violating the constitution again in order to normalize his violating the constitution.

That's just not how crime works ffs. Well yeah I stole the candy, but I steal it every day your honour!
It's amazing, hes violating the constitution again in order to normalize his violating the constitution.

That's just not how crime works ffs. Well yeah I stole the candy, but I steal it every day your honour!

More like:

Trump: "I deny stealing a candy from that baby but I'm asking all parents out there nicely, please remove the candy from your baby and send it to me because I say the candy is poisonous".

Republicans: "So what if he stole candy from that Baby? The candy is poisonous."
The damage this toddler is doing to what in theory is a wonderful system of seperated powers in democracy is beyond staggering. I never thought things would get THIS bad. The most un-American president we ever had - even though some may argue this is what we had coming to us.
Dems will have to race I guess to get something more tangible before Barr produces a report with his spin on things. They probably have ensnared enough world leaders in their games to where they re concerned enough about their own credibility if they don't allow Barr to make statements like : supported by Australia, Italy, etc. we found evidence the whole Russia thing was a big conspiracy Yada Yada. There are enough other corrupt motherfeckers in the world of politics to be more concerned about themselves and what a Trump WH can do for them, than doing the right thing. Not to mention that China, like Russia would probably love the US to be in permanent upheaval.

This asking China for things follows an identical pattern to asking Russia to looking into Hillary s emails. Its like he s reverting to a strategy he thinks won him the election last time.
Why is Barr working on uncovering the ‘truth’ behind the ‘oranges’ of the Mueller Investigation? By Asking Barr, who works for the Government, to act like his personal Attorney, isn’t Trump misusing the power of the office for his Personal gains? Or am I missing something here?
The damage this toddler is doing to what in theory is a wonderful system of seperated powers in democracy is beyond staggering. I never thought things would get THIS bad. The most un-American president we ever had - even though some may argue this is what we had coming to us.

It's really sad for the half of the US that didn't want this clown, because the other half deserve him. They have not only what they deserve, but what they want.

In three years, the US moved from one of the most respected countries in the world to a joke.
Why is Barr working on uncovering the ‘truth’ behind the ‘oranges’ of the Mueller Investigation? By Asking Barr, who works for the Government, to act like his personal Attorney, isn’t Trump misusing the power of the office for his Personal gains? Or am I missing something here?

He’s been doing that for 3 years.
The damage this toddler is doing to what in theory is a wonderful system of seperated powers in democracy is beyond staggering. I never thought things would get THIS bad. The most un-American president we ever had - even though some may argue this is what we had coming to us.
Which is saying something as the last one was Kenyan
According to trump
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If he gets through this, stick a fork in the USA.
Better start sharpening that fork, he is not getting convicted in the senate. Amazing how many people don't know how this process works.

Still depends though. It’s not like the GOP senators actually like him. They just need enough concrete evidence to allow them to stab him in the back without screwing their own re-election chances.
Still depends though. It’s not like the GOP senators actually like him. They just need enough concrete evidence to allow them to stab him in the back without screwing their own re-election chances.
That's an actual impossibility.
There’s masses of dirt to uncover on Trump. If they find it it will shock enough of them to get a 2/3 majority.

No, it won’t. What possible dirt could they find on him that they haven’t already that would change their minds?
No, it won’t. What possible dirt could they find on him that they haven’t already that would change their minds?

He could punch McConnell in the face and it won't change anything. They're all in until the election now and I bet a lot of them are hoping he loses.
How have you not realised that we have barely seen the tip of the iceberg with Trump and his dirty dealings?

That's not the point, and I'm perfectly aware of what he's like.

The point is the GOP don't give a feck as they have shown over and over and over.
That's not the point, and I'm perfectly aware of what he's like.

The point is the GOP don't give a feck as they have shown over and over and over.
Because I think that enough will come to light that they will have to give a feck in the end because the majority of people in the US will give a very definite feck.

Apart from that there are plenty of countries who are sitting on piles of dirt on Trump and the GOP and they are most definitely not going to sit back and let him destroy the US or damage it purely to benefit Putin.
If there wasn't such an idiotic macho culture in America - the kind whose devotees admire a drab killer like Putin - Trump would've been under threat before he even got started.

Obligatory disclaimer: as it happens, literally every American I've met has been a fine & pleasant person. Truth.
Because I think that enough will come to light that they will have to give a feck in the end because the majority of people in the US will give a very definite feck.

Apart from that there are plenty of countries who are sitting on piles of dirt on Trump and the GOP and they are most definitely not going to sit back and let him destroy the US or damage it purely to benefit Putin.
No they won't. His supporters do not care. That's why you see so much mental gymnastics trying to make excuses for him. They don't care how silly it sounds to bring up "deep state" and "coup" and normalize everything he does.

Evangelicals EVER supporting a serial cheater, grifter, racist liar like him was always complete hypocrisy. But, they don't care if they think he can get them conservative judges and stop abortions and the gays.

They would rather re litigate Hillary's emails, or chase Biden debunked conspiracy theories than face the truth.
No they won't. His supporters do not care. That's why you see so much mental gymnastics trying to make excuses for him. They don't care how silly it sounds to bring up "deep state" and "coup" and normalize everything he does.

Evangelicals EVER supporting a serial cheater, grifter, racist liar like him was always complete hypocrisy. But, they don't care if they think he can get them conservative judges and stop abortions and the gays.

They would rather re litigate Hillary's emails, or chase Biden debunked conspiracy theories than face the truth.
Depends on what the truth turns out to be. They may have no choice but to face it.
Volker told Giuliani that the anti-Biden info was unreliable. But, hey, what do facts matter these days?
If there wasn't such an idiotic macho culture in America - the kind whose devotees admire a drab killer like Putin - Trump would've been under threat before he even got started.

Obligatory disclaimer: as it happens, literally every American I've met has been a fine & pleasant person. Truth.
Did you meet them over here or over there?
In the UK, mate.
In the UK, mate.

I have the same experience with Americans in Norway, but I suspect the ones who "got away" are generally more skeptical of some aspects of American life. The US is so large that if someone moves abroad, it feels like there's probably often more to it than just a change in scenery.
I have the same experience with Americans in Norway, but I suspect the ones who "got away" are generally more skeptical of some aspects of American life. The US is so large that if someone moves abroad, it feels like there's probably often more to it than just a change in scenery.
That's my mindset for desiring to move out. American culture ain't where it's at.
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