Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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It's not just limited to the NRA. There are plenty of organizations that are labeled nonprofit but are anything but in reality. The Slave Owner National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is but one example.
House Democrats have now asked the IRS to investigate the NRA to establish whether them being paid for access to Republican politicians is grounds to strip the NRA of it's tax exempt status.

If they can force the NRA into insolvency, they're killing two nasty birds with one stone. Republican funding will drop and the gun lobby will have a less focused line of attack.
How does NRA have tax exempt status in the first place? Was it established as a charity for men with micro penises?
How does NRA have tax exempt status in the first place? Was it established as a charity for men with micro penises?

Someone else's words: The NRA used to be an organisation for gun owners, it is now an organisation for gun manufacturers.
This is America. We also have hospitals literally generating billions that in some cases were exempt from I. E. property taxes. Non-profit my ass - when your stakeholder reports boast about income generated and the number of patients your ran through the mill in any given year.

A travesty. System broken
It's not just limited to the NRA. There are plenty of organizations that are labeled nonprofit but are anything but in reality. The Slave Owner National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is but one example.

I know what you mean, but you can sell a university sports organization as NPO, but a gun owner organization? Crazy
I think they should tax the people who get shot, they get the bullets for free so it’s only fair they pay towards it.

Saw this earlier. Seems like the whistleblower (correctly) had no faith it would be handled properly and likely feared for the impact it could have on their career/life so had their lawyer contact Schiff and explain the magnitude but no details. Schiff told him it needed to go through the proper channels and that’s what happened.
What have I continually said about the GOP dumping trump. This prick is a goner. There is far more dirt on this prick and he's about to implode and they know it.
What you have continually said is wrong. There is no way in hell RNC is 'dropping' Trump. The only ones in the world that can 'drop' him, are twenty R-senators .
You really dont know how any of this works.

Its politics.

You have a sitting president who is in grave danger of being impeached. There is an election in 2020. You have the GOP who is currently massively on the nose because of the President. While Trump has a large supporter base, the longer this continues to unravel, the less likely part of that base will support 20 of those senators at the next election. The gop want to continue to Control the senate. Why as a strategic move for the good of the party, would those senators not move for impeachement? At the end of the day, that are damened if they do, or damned if they dont.
Its politics.

You have a sitting president who is in grave danger of being impeached. There is an election in 2020. You have the GOP who is currently massively on the nose because of the President. While Trump has a large supporter base, the longer this continues to unravel, the less likely part of that base will support 20 of those senators at the next election. The gop want to continue to Control the senate. Why as a strategic move for the good of the party, would those senators not move for impeachement? At the end of the day, that are damened if they do, or damned if they dont.

This is what would happen if they weren't bat-shit insane.
There is about 0.1% chance you get even 5 GOPers to break with the base on Trump.

Current opinion polling has the GOP base 9-85 in favour of impeachment. 27% of registered voters say there would be next to nothing to make them dump Trump, that accounts for at least 80% of the GOP base.

Kin ell... I don't see this ending well
I'm pretty sure he will tell the NRA to take to the streets to defend democracy (i.e. him and their charitable status) if there looks like a hint of a real chance he gets impeached in the sennet
The stress of it all is getting to him. Something will give before too long.

As an aside...with Melania not living at the WH what’s he doing for sex I wonder?
He's a million years old. He probably does nothing for it.

Kin ell... I don't see this ending well
I'm pretty sure he will tell the NRA to take to the streets to defend democracy (i.e. him and their charitable status) if there looks like a hint of a real chance he gets impeached in the sennet

Quoted for posterity.
'And he can fly!'
It's a fairly simple tactic but I think Pelosi is really on to something with her pressing over the issue of "saving the Republic". It really should resonate with Republicans who have been doing some absolute mental gymnastics by arguing that the President is essentially a monarch if he is above any scrutiny from both Congress and the DOJ.
The way I see it, there's only 2 types of republicans / Trumpies; the ones that are genuinely dumb enough to think Trump is a good president and the ones that know he's a deranged twat, but seek to profit from it.

So, dumb or a cnut, form up in two distinguishable lines please.

It's quite a mystery to me that it took the land of televengalists this long to elect someone this ridiculous as president honestly.
Yeah @langster, there's not a lot to get excited about there other than what we already knew: Barr is working on discrediting the Mueller report and is reaching out to allied governments for any information that could help that.

The problem with Barr doing this is that he's not going to give a balanced report. He's not doing the role in good faith as a neutral judge or jury, he's working for the defence. The problem with this is that he's not going to include anything which damages his and Trump's narrative. It's going to be a very one sided report which you can absolutely guarantee will misrepresent any intelligence these countries provide them with absolute disregard of future diplomatic relations with said country and said countries intelligence services.
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