Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Is Evangelicals the PC word for red necks?

No, they're a particular section of Christianity that believe strongly on the importance of being "born again" by rejecting sin and taking Jesus into their heart.

In doing this, they take on a real holier than thou attitude and think they're better and closer to God than everyone else. Of all a religious types, they're pretty high up on the charts for being the absolute worst and the exact opposite of what their faith teaches (i.e. they are highly judgemental despite judge not least ye be judged).

They also tend to really want the apocalypse to happen because that means Jesus will come again and having one (even a phony one) in the White House is a dangerous thing.
Can't even imagine what faux news and the GOP would be like right now if this was the other way around.
I love that these guys are willing to go through a constitutional crisis rather than just go testify, especially as they've done nothing wrong.

Send the fing feds to escort mr Pompeo to the hearing I say.
Someone must have dirt on Pompeo or the other way around. One of the most, if not THE most consistent ass kisser in the administration. If you can go from CIA Director to SOS under Trump you know you must be doing something good in Donnie s eyes.
Someone must have dirt on Pompeo or the other way around. One of the most, if not THE most consistent ass kisser in the administration. If you can go from CIA Director to SOS under Trump you know you must be doing something good in Donnie s eyes.

Yeah, our Russian friends call it kompromat and loads of the current administration are in the same boat.
To be fair, we had Bush + Cheney for 8 years and they are practically war criminals.

Bush, Trump or whichever president can be considered by the public opinion the way each one want. The problem would be that the US would recognize officially its president as a criminal, so basically, the US government being a criminal organization. And not even by surprise but confirming the outrageous behavior of the last 3 years and not doing nothing till now
Nice it looks like some people are finally ready to try to stop the insanity

To be a fly on Pompeo's wall in Rome when he hears about these developments...

Good thing he's got the wisdom of Seb Gorka, PhD at his disposal

Not like this didnt happen in 1973 or 1999 but isnt a coup usually done to overthrow a dictator? Your words Donny.

Civil War mk2.

Not like this didnt happen in 1973 or 1999 but isnt a coup usually done to overthrow a dictator? Your words Donny.

Civil War mk2.

Like with many other things I didn't think he could say anything more dumb or dangerous after the Civil War comment but this kinda talk should be grounds for immediate removal from the white house. What in the flying feck. Real smart to say all the key words to trigger his ardent supporters and the far right as a whole. This man is literally inciting civil unrest.
Like with many other things I didn't think he could say anything more dumb or dangerous after the Civil War comment but this kinda talk should be grounds for immediate removal from the white house. What in the flying feck. Real smart to say all the key words to trigger his ardent supporters and the far right as a whole. This man is literally inciting civil unrest.

I agree. This is further than I thought he'd go this quickly. A sign that he believes the end is really coming.
If I lived in America now, I wouldn’t be fearing any sort of Civil War or riots or anything like that. I’d be fearing another event like the Oklahoma City Bombing.

They’re going to target the head offices of NYT, CNN, MSNBC, SNL and whoever else he has painted as the enemy of the state.
The thing with people like Pompeo, they realise they will never work for government again. They don't have credibility. So they would rather go down with the ship. They have nothing to lose.
If I lived in America now, I wouldn’t be fearing any sort of Civil War or riots or anything like that. I’d be fearing another event like the Oklahoma City Bombing.

They’re going to target the head offices of NYT, CNN, MSNBC, SNL and whoever else he has painted as the enemy of the state.
Not just that.

Civil war occured because they were taking away free labour (along with other things). They take away Donald Trump and you're left with somebody else in his place. People are lazy. Unless it directly affects them, they couldn't give two fecks.

Donalds just trying to rile his base so that he has some shot at retaining preisdency. If there was any inclination that he was a shot duck within the GOP, they would turn on him like a pack of wolves.
Pompeo is cooked if his own staff are defying him to appear before congress. Next thing you know the DoJ underlings will start doing the same to that fat slob Barr.
Like with many other things I didn't think he could say anything more dumb or dangerous after the Civil War comment but this kinda talk should be grounds for immediate removal from the white house. What in the flying feck. Real smart to say all the key words to trigger his ardent supporters and the far right as a whole. This man is literally inciting civil unrest.

This was just about exactly what I thought as I read it. Can you imagine all those insane MAGA types reading that?

The latest standoff unfolded as lawmakers were unexpectedly put on notice on Tuesday afternoon that they could soon be provided with new evidence related to the State Department and Ukraine — a twist that could add crucial information to their investigation and, potentially, complicate Mr. Trump’s efforts to block it.

The department’s independent watchdog wrote to several House and Senate committees to request a last-minute meeting on Wednesday “to discuss and provide staff with copies of documents,” according to an invitation reviewed by The New York Times.

It said the documents had been given to the inspector general, Steve A. Linick, by the State Department’s acting legal adviser, but did not provide additional information or indicate whether Mr. Pompeo was aware of the action. Mr. Linick’s office has not responded to calls or emails seeking comment for two days.
Reminder that Pompeo is a total nut job, and most well known for the frothing at the mouth during the 16 hearings on Benghazi. He's trash that badly fills out a suit. Anyone expecting anything from him remotely moral is as delusional as those believing Trump can recite a single line of the bible.
Isn't it amazing how often the fake news media stories turn out to be true?

Calling it now that at least Trump will start citing Bible verses on his Twitter before this thing is over.
Exactly what I was thinking. And also saying he was sent by god to save america (if he hasn't said that already).
House Democrats have now asked the IRS to investigate the NRA to establish whether them being paid for access to Republican politicians is grounds to strip the NRA of it's tax exempt status.

If they can force the NRA into insolvency, they're killing two nasty birds with one stone. Republican funding will drop and the gun lobby will have a less focused line of attack.
House Democrats have now asked the IRS to investigate the NRA to establish whether them being paid for access to Republican politicians is grounds to strip the NRA of it's tax exempt status.

If they can force the NRA into insolvency, they're killing two nasty birds with one stone. Republican funding will drop and the gun lobby will have a less focused line of attack.
Biden simultaneously going hard on gun control too, which is great to see.
House Democrats have now asked the IRS to investigate the NRA to establish whether them being paid for access to Republican politicians is grounds to strip the NRA of it's tax exempt status.

If they can force the NRA into insolvency, they're killing two nasty birds with one stone. Republican funding will drop and the gun lobby will have a less focused line of attack.

Other gun lobbying groups will take their place and gun owners and the industry will send their money to them.
I don't get, why don't the NRA pay tax?

It's has 501(c)(4) status. 501(c)(4) refers to "social welfare organisations".

I kid you not.
It's has 501(c)(4) status. 501(c)(4) refers to "social welfare organisations".

I kid you not.

I guess you kill enough kids then retirement property prices don't shoot up (pardon the pun) in Florida. Welfare looks after the elderly. Boom. Again, pardon the pun.

4.5D chess.
This is America. We also have hospitals literally generating billions that in some cases were exempt from I. E. property taxes. Non-profit my ass - when your stakeholder reports boast about income generated and the number of patients your ran through the mill in any given year.
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