Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Presidential harassment:

Potential violations because they’ve now been retroactively classified? What a giant pile of steaming horseshit. It might give Trump something to tweet about, not no way is this crap standing up in court.
brian stelter has one of those twitter profile pictures that is not at all accurate to how he looks. same with yashar ali. Its stolen valour

Just googled this fecking hell:eek::eek::eek: . Had no idea Yashar also looked like an elephant
Potential violations because they’ve now been retroactively classified? What a giant pile of steaming horseshit. It might give Trump something to tweet about, not no way is this crap standing up in court.
Trump is determined that by fair means or foul he will take down as many Dems and their staff as he can. He’s such a nasty, vindictive person that this will get ugly. Trump and his family will end up being the losers here.
brian stelter has one of those twitter profile pictures that is not at all accurate to how he looks. same with yashar ali. Its stolen valour

The Ali one is something else; biggest scandal in this thread. I don't know why people do this. It makes you look ten times worse than what you are when people the real thing.
I posted something about that yesterday and Pexbo said it wasn’t worth discussing.

You posted a tweet that listed 4 or 5 Russians who had been spotted in popular millionaire hotspots in Italy, all about 300-400 miles away from each other and only one of which in Rome where Barr was reporter to have been and he arrived after Barr was reported to be there.

Maybe there’s something in it but the minimal details you posted yesterday was stretching.
You posted a tweet that listed 4 or 5 Russians who had been spotted in popular millionaire hotspots in Italy, all about 300-400 miles away from each other and only one of which in Rome where Barr was reporter to have been and he arrived after Barr was reported to be there.

Maybe there’s something in it but the minimal details you posted yesterday was stretching.
Not really stretching considering all of the connections that the GOP seem to have with wealthy Russian Oligarchs and the fact that the AG needs to go to Italy. Why would the AG of the US have slid surreptitiously into Italy. Rome is where he landed from his flight, not where he might have ended up. Large yachts berth where there is room, which is not necessarily where their meeting is to held and anyway it would have caused suspicion if they had all berthed together.
Not really stretching considering all of the connections that the GOP seem to have with wealthy Russian Oligarchs and the fact that the AG needs to go to Italy. Why would the AG of the US have slid surreptitiously into Italy. Rome is where he landed from his flight, not where he might have ended up.

You understand that these people can just make phone calls to each other from other places in the world right?
You understand that these people can just make phone calls to each other from other places in the world right?
Not saying any of the Italy stuff is accurate of course but I doubt these are the types of conversations these people would want to have over phones.
I think far more damning stuff gets discussed over phones all the time.
Ok that's fair - I think what I mean is that I dont find it completely unrealistic given the situation that he would travel there, even if they could theoretically discuss on the phone.
So they’re all gathering in Italy to discuss what exactly?
Latest Trump rant is good fun. Plus I suspect he just committed obstruction of justice again, by threatening ‘big consequences’ to whoever supplies the information.

Perhaps this sounds over the top but it Trump was able to set the government to his hand like Putin for instance has it in Russia than that federal protection would mean nothing. In fact - in that case he would probably have more to fear, not less. Luckily we're not at that point, and hopefully we never will be. Another thought though I'm sure Trump fans would love to see become reality.
McCarthy probably shouldn't go on TV again on Trump's behalf. He made a complete mess of this.

Just watched the Steven Miller V Chris Wallace exchange. Wtf. Respect for Wallace asking fair and non-partisan to the point questions. Steven Miller is the kinda guy that gives you the creeps just looking at the cold expression in his eyes.
Perhaps this sounds over the top but it Trump was able to set the government to his hand like Putin for instance has it in Russia than that federal protection would mean nothing. In fact - in that case he would probably have more to fear, not less. Luckily we're not at that point, and hopefully we never will be. Another thought though I'm sure Trump fans would love to see become reality.
going public is his safest bet

Anyone can murder him, won't take much for Russia if they really want to kill him.

As godfather says "Don Corleone I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall Michael - if he is to be shot in the head by a police officer, or be found hung dead in a jail cell... or if he should be struck by a bolt of lightning - then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room and then I do not forgive"
He was never this off the rails during muller episode. He's going to have a stroke at this rate
Never seen anything like it. Between the tweeting, golfing and TV, what else does he do?
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