Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Just finished the atlantic articel. And i mostly agree with what they have to say. Theres alot of stuff that just dont look good and are legal and have to change. but thats not the conspiracy you are peddling.

The article you posted even concedes what I just posted to you.

"There are no indications that Hunter’s activities swayed any decision his father made as vice president. Joe Biden did pressure Ukraine’s fledgling post-Yanukovych president to remove a public prosecutor—as part of concerted U.S. policy. So did every other Western government and dozens of Ukrainian and international pro-democracy activists. The problem was not that the prosecutor was too aggressive with corrupt businessman-politicians like Hunter Biden’s boss; it was that he was too lenient."

I put it in bold so you dont miss that very important part and why there is a false equivalence to what the POTUS is currently doing. Everyone is making it out that Biden got this man fired on his own so he didnt procecute his son. That is complete nonsense and simple untrue and has no facts to substaciate it. I have no problem if you say that probably Biden got him the job or the fact that Biden was VP is why he got the job. Thats fair play. But the right wing conspiracy that Biden is out here getting procecutors fired to rescue his son is just innacurate based on the facts.

next up

This story is written by non other than JOHN SOLOMON himself the crazy right wing conspiracy journalist that started this whole non story. I am not even going to start to read his "opinion" . It would be like reading a story from Alex Jones. It probably is littered with no facts , crazy conspiracy stretches and his own opinions on theories he has cooked up. Do better than that. If memory serves he is the same person that came up with the silly uranium one consiracy . He is an aweful reporter and should not be taken seriously.
White House restricted Trump call transcripts - US media

Never understood why presidents and such don’t find a better way to make personal and controversial phone calls.

Surely he could pop down the shops and buy some cheap phones and SIM cards and call and destroy phone after like they do in movies and TV drama? Or however else criminals make their untraced phone calls?
White House restricted Trump call transcripts - US media

Never understood why presidents and such don’t find a better way to make personal and controversial phone calls.

Surely he could pop down the shops and buy some cheap phones and SIM cards and call and destroy phone after like they do in movies and TV drama? Or however else criminals make their untraced phone calls?
Alright Marlo
Well see, because I'm not interested in a tedious, thread derailing back and forth where you for some reason refuse to own your position, but I am interested in giving posters who might otherwise waste their time a heads up.

I don't give a rat's arse what you're interested in. Nobody's forcing you to read anybody's posts. I suggest you just ignore mine from now on and we'll get along swimmingly.
White House restricted Trump call transcripts - US media

Never understood why presidents and such don’t find a better way to make personal and controversial phone calls.

Surely he could pop down the shops and buy some cheap phones and SIM cards and call and destroy phone after like they do in movies and TV drama? Or however else criminals make their untraced phone calls?

With most of these covert communications the key is in the concealment of the communication actually taking place rather than the content of the communication. If a burner phone was used anywhere near the president every man woman and child in the intelligence community would know
With most of these covert communications the key is in the concealment of the communication actually taking place rather than the content of the communication. If a burner phone was used anywhere near the president every man woman and child in the intelligence community would know
You mean they would know of any telecoms device being used within a certain distance? So impossible for someone like Trump to carry a digital device without his detail knowing about it on their scan device?

Got it.
There’s loads of ways for presidents to have off record calls. It’s not uncommon.
There’s loads of ways for presidents to have off record calls. It’s not uncommon.

How? Some posters above think I’m stupid for thinking so!

Assuming there are, Trump’s an idiot or got too arrogant to get caught.
There’s loads of ways for presidents to have off record calls. It’s not uncommon.

These calls were generally announced because at least one side puts out a read out of what was discussed. This administration initially eliminated the details of what was discussed very early on before delaying or eliminating the public notice that the call took place. The calls have to be documented to be useful for policy or governance. If they aren't documented, policymakers, intel people, and others won't know what's going on and can't account for it. Documentation also provides a record so that both sides know what took place so there's evidence if one side decides to lie about the call.

Of course there are off the record calls, normally between close allies where the call may have a narrow policy impact because it is about specific issues, one leader wants to advise the other of upcoming plans, or they want outside input on a problem. It wouldn't be surprising for POTUS to have a few private calls with the UK, France, or another NATO member, but the calls aren't very useful for governing without being documented. It is highly irregular for calls with non-allies (Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, etc.) to be undocumented or for the documentation to be hidden from everyone.

It's the same with in-person meetings and why it's damaging to the US government for Trump to meet with Putin or anyone else alone or when he takes meeting notes from the translator, who was the only other American in the room. It opens up the president to blackmail if they have information that will be harmful from the meeting, see: Trump saying he's not worried about Russian election interference. There is no good reason for Trump to meet with or call a foreign leader alone or to hide/destroy the records of the calls.
How? Some posters above think I’m stupid for thinking so!

Assuming there are, Trump’s an idiot or got too arrogant to get caught.

Trump's problem isn't that he doesn't know how to cheat, he more or less doesn't understand ethics and what constitutes criminal behavior in government. In his newyork real estate mind, settling scores and doing under the table deals are how everyone gets ahead.
Theres definitely some Republicans who would very much like to be seen as the "new" and "moral" face of the party when this shit show all ends. The GOP won't wilt and die with Trump, theres no way the Democrats will allow it otherwise the illusion of choice will be broken.

I very much doubt it. I still think impeachment is a good idea though and force the Republicans to take a stand and to show the later generation that these idiots supported the clown in chief
I can see someone like Gardner in Colorado backing impeachment if it gets really hot, due to the state’s population makeup. The problem is there is no doubt a big bunch of GOP will go for it if it’s ‘a secret vote’, but it isn’t, so the great Cheeto still has them by the balls because increased polarisation means the majority of them have to constantly look to their right.

Ultimately, 2019 is not 1973 and judging from the reaction to Trump’s 3 years in office, I doubt there’s going to be any real repercussions to Republicans even if they stood by him to the bitter end. Mississippi ain’t gonna elect a Democrat.
It kills me when he says "rebuilt the military".
I am sure I know the answer, but is that map even correct?
Republicans are bad-faith actors. Jordan knows theose thingsbare not true.
Presidential harassment:
President Donald Trump's administration is investigating the emails of dozens of current and former senior State Department officials who sent emails to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

Current and former officials tell the Post that as many as 130 officials have been contacted in recent weeks by investigators at the State Department. Those targeted, including senior officials as well as others in lower-level jobs, have been notified that emails they sent years ago have been retroactively classified and now are potential security violations, according to letters reviewed by the Washington Post.
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