Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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He is not, there is nothing in the constitution that says that. This entire ‘President is above the law’ bullshit is purely from the DoJ’s internal policies that sprang up after Nixon.

I think it was Sherman who got fined by the police for riding a horse too fast through the streets of Washington way back when. Back then no-one tried to claim a President was above the law.
Regardless of whether Trump's going to be impeached, I just find this desperation from Democrats and their followers in in mass media and social networks highly amusing. Somehow they're not bothered at all by the fact that Joe Biden may very well have abused his position as vice president not only to interfere in another country's business but also to help out his son. They're just so blinded by their hatred, they either don't realize how hypocritical they appear or they don't even care.

In the early 2014 a pro-western coup takes place in Ukraine, heavily supported by Obama administration.Couple of months later Hunter Biden joins the Board of Directors of Burisma, the largest private natural gas producer in Ukraine. In 2016 during his visit to Ukraine Joe Biden demands from the president and the prime minister of the country to remove the general prosecutor (who at the time was investigating Burisma for corruption) or the country wouldn't receive the next IMF credit tranche worth around 1 billion USD. The prosecutor gets fired, the investigation stops.

Now swap Trump or Pence in place of Biden in this story and just imagine the shitstorm it would generate.
Oh my lord. Not this again. It would please me to no end to see Biden investigated for some wrong doing he did and it cost him the nomination. But this ain't it.

This is a right wing conspiracy that has fallen apart countless times and you have fallen right back into it.

Yes Biden and the whole world demanded Shokin be fired. Do you know why? Because he wasn't investigating.

"The U.S. sent a letter to Ukrainian prosecutors in December 2014 complaining that they weren’t assisting the U.K. authorities with their Zlochevsky investigation and warned of negative consequences if the lack of cooperation continued. In January 2015, the U.K. case collapsed and a court released the $23 million in seized funds."

Via Bloomberg

The investigation was prior to Hunter Biden being on the board. He was forced out because he wasn't investigating. said:
Patriot, if you'd like to help your favourite president DRAIN THE SWAMP, purchase this exclusive plastic straw (f*ck you libs and Greta!) - it's all yours for just $975!

"This straw equals FREEDOM!" (Ronald Reagan)
"My life was incomplete until I bought this plastic straw" (Robert E. Lee)
"Hey...some f*cker's stolen all our straws..." (McDonald's employee)
Oh my lord. Not this again. It would please me to no end to see Biden investigated for some wrong doing he did and it cost him the nomination. But this ain't it.

This is a right wing conspiracy that has fallen apart countless times and you have fallen right back into it.
Trump also foolishly fell for it and it may cost him his presidency. Shame really, a quick Google search was all that was needed.
Trump also foolishly fell for it and it may cost him his presidency. Shame really, a quick Google search was all that was needed.
Yeh but Trumps an idiot that has a crazy fanbase that will believe any wild shit he says. Expect better from posters in the CE forum
He may lose the election next year. But he wont be impeached by the Senate. Not one Republican will vote against him because it is now his party.

See the Jeff Flake tweet from yesterday. There is growing sentiment that we are close to a tipping point. It may not happen but if even one GOP Senator flips, a couple dozen could follow.
See the Jeff Flake tweet from yesterday. There is growing sentiment that we are close to a tipping point. It may not happen but if even one GOP Senator flips, a couple dozen could follow.

If we do get to that tipping point, then GOP senators will inform the WH that the senate has the votes to convict and they will demand that Trump resign.
If we do get to that tipping point, then GOP senators will inform the WH that the senate has the votes to convict and they demand that Trump resign.
Yes; I guess it’s down to self preservation, and not wanting a bloodbath. I have always felt the end will be an anti-climax
If we do get to that tipping point, then GOP senators will inform the WH that the senate has the votes to convict and they will demand that Trump resign.

Agreed. I'm keeping my eye on Romney. He isn't up for reelection and is from a state where Trump isn't particularly popular. If anyone on the GOP side with a bit of stature were to lead the flock it would be him.
The death spiral should be entertaining. The knives will be out in full force as the camps within the administration scramble to protect themselves. Trump will get nuttier and nuttier, more distrustful of everyone. The GOP establishment will continue to put out the "let's wait for all the facts to come out" line in public while maneuvering behind the scenes to insulate themselves.
Trump also foolishly fell for it and it may cost him his presidency. Shame really, a quick Google search was all that was needed.
On all the conservative forums they are running with the Hero Trump trying to expose Biden corruption theory and it's working. These are the 40% that are going to vote for their hero again, so that he can drain the swamp according to them. It looks bad for trump, but ultimately the people will decide and they will vote for him again.
Agreed. I'm keeping my eye on Romney. He isn't up for reelection and is from a state where Trump isn't particularly popular. If anyone on the GOP side with a bit of stature were to lead the flock it would be him.
If someone like Marco Rubio comes out and calls for his removal then we will know the tide has turned. Romney has zero political fall out for calling a spade a spade.
If someone like Marco Rubio comes out and calls for his removal then we will know the tide has turned. Romney has zero political fall out for calling a spade a spade.

Yeah true. The main reason (other than reelection for various members) the GOP haven't flipped yet is because they realize that Trump's fall would be the end of the GOP as we know it and almost certainly sweep the Dems into power in both the Presidency and Congress. They are fighting for their own political survival. If on the other hand they see a life after Trump, they will dump him fairly quickly. That's still a ways off at the moment.
That poster is best ignored when it comes to matters that, even incidentally, touch on Russia.
I don't see how this helps anyone. He has the courage to come to a lefty forum and put his view (although wrong) forward. The best course of action is to inform him of the facts rather than ignoring him.
I don't see how this helps anyone. He has the courage to come to a lefty forum and put his view (although wrong) forward. The best course of action is to inform him of the facts rather than ignoring him.

Well feel free to waste your time, but he earned his tagline for a reason and you only have to look back at his previous posts on this forum to know that facts don't concern him.
On all the conservative forums they are running with the Hero Trump trying to expose Biden corruption theory and it's working. These are the 40% that are going to vote for their hero again, so that he can drain the swamp according to them. It looks bad for trump, but ultimately the people will decide and they will vote for him again.
You go on these conservative “Trump supporting” forums?

Trump will fall, that’s a prediction from me and you can take it to the bank!
Never in a million years will any republican vote in favor of impeachment. Youse are all mad for hoping for it
Theres definitely some Republicans who would very much like to be seen as the "new" and "moral" face of the party when this shit show all ends. The GOP won't wilt and die with Trump, theres no way the Democrats will allow it otherwise the illusion of choice will be broken.
Oh my lord. Not this again. It would please me to no end to see Biden investigated for some wrong doing he did and it cost him the nomination. But this ain't it.

This is a right wing conspiracy that has fallen apart countless times and you have fallen right back into it.

Yes Biden and the whole world demanded Shokin be fired. Do you know why? Because he wasn't investigating.

"The U.S. sent a letter to Ukrainian prosecutors in December 2014 complaining that they weren’t assisting the U.K. authorities with their Zlochevsky investigation and warned of negative consequences if the lack of cooperation continued. In January 2015, the U.K. case collapsed and a court released the $23 million in seized funds."

Via Bloomberg

The investigation was prior to Hunter Biden being on the board. He was forced out because he wasn't investigating.

Here's something to read on that story.
You go on these conservative “Trump supporting” forums?

Trump will fall, that’s a prediction from me and you can take it to the bank!
I like to see what the other side to me is thinking. It helps understand them better.
He might lose the election but I doubt the GOP will stop backing Trump. The GOP have a base in Trump's cult and they are not going to shoot themselves in the foot.
On all the conservative forums they are running with the Hero Trump trying to expose Biden corruption theory and it's working. These are the 40% that are going to vote for their hero again, so that he can drain the swamp according to them. It looks bad for trump, but ultimately the people will decide and they will vote for him again.

How so? As you say, they're the devotees. They would vote for him regardless. It's all the rest of the people who aren't so devout that will make decisions - who to vote for or even whether to vote at all - which will determine the outcome. And so far it looks like the truth is having more of an influence on them than the gaslighting
How so? As you say, they're the devotees. They would vote for him regardless. It's all the rest of the people who aren't so devout that will make decisions - who to vote for or even whether to vote at all - which will determine the outcome. That's who you try to influence with the truth.
I agree that some independents will probably not vote for him when faced with these facts but for the GOP supporters and Trump devotees it's working. They are a significant number in US. I have friends and family members that will vote for the GOP again simply because of tax cuts and tax loop holes. There are lot of voters like that in addition to Trump's base. I hope Trump loses but with the electoral college you never know.
Insulting another member
That poster is best ignored when it comes to matters that, even incidentally, touch on Russia.
Well feel free to waste your time, but he earned his tagline for a reason and you only have to look back at his previous posts on this forum to know that facts don't concern him.

Are you refering to me? Because firstly I don't know you from the hole in the wall, secondly don't recall ever discussing anything here with you and thirdly, if you want to talk to me, you can do it directly instead of acting like a little bitch with your snidey comments.
Are you refering to me? Because firstly I don't know you from the hole in the wall, secondly don't recall ever discussing anything here with you and thirdly, if you want to talk to me, you can do it directly instead of acting like a little bitch with your snidey comments.

Well see, because I'm not interested in a tedious, thread derailing back and forth where you for some reason refuse to own your position, but I am interested in giving posters who might otherwise waste their time a heads up.
If we do get to that tipping point, then GOP senators will inform the WH that the senate has the votes to convict and they will demand that Trump resign.
Yes, and if he resigns he will surely get pardoned for whatever bullshit reason. As much I would like to see him out of the office as quickly as possible, I would like to see him lose the election bringing down the GOP numbers in the house and senate with him, get indicted afterwards and lose everything he has. And when he's out, he has live on unemployment checks, social security, and medicare that he's tried to take away from everyone. Seeing that might move me from being an atheist to an agnostic.
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