Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Them little bitch bois playing with guns in the woods ain't no match for high level military ops and privatized militaries private security companies if anything were to go down.

I still wouldn't rule out any crazy shit from happening though.
I mean, imagine if some nut job sent homemade pipe bombs to the homes of Trump's political opponents? How crazy would that be!?
Apparently Dems now have to ask Russia for permission to listen to Trump’s Russia calls.
Management structures usually work like that tbf, Trump will need approval from his boss before releasing sensitive materials.
Pompeo can't be far behind

House of Cards is looking very unstable now...

I think we’re going to be seeing more of these sorts of stories coming out:
I can't stop laughing at this. :lol:
Of all the scandalous shite Trump has done, it would be depressingly ironic if one of, if not the most innocuous thing Trump has done since being President is what brings impeachment.
Bin Salman has taken responsibility for the death of Kashoggi today but he maintains he didn't order the killing.

Me thinks that there'll be more leaks concerning phone calls in the next few weeks..m

He just took responsibility as a leader of the Saudi Kingdom but still categorically denied any knowledge of the incident.
Barr has already made overtures to British intelligence officials, and last week the attorney general traveled to Italy, where he and Durham met senior Italian government officials and Barr asked the Italians to assist Durham, according to one person familiar with the matter. It was not Barr’s first trip to Italy to meet intelligence officials, the person said. The Trump administration has made similar requests of Australia, these people said.
What on earth must these countries think! None of them will be falling over themselves to help, except perhaps Italy (which seems to be Russian funded also). FVEY will be watching very closely.
If I was worried about my safety for sitting on something that will damage Trump - now would be the time id disclose it too. Shared responsibility and all that.
Rudi's the kind of layer that bargains his client's parking ticket down to a first degree murder charge.

Grab your popcorn.

And then what happens when Gouliani says "up yours" and makes up a bullshit excuse about executive privilege even though he's not an actual presidential advisor or he claims lawyer client privilege even though he's no longer an actual lawyer

Edit :
Guillianis answer to the subpoena

"Well I'll think about it" :lol:
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And then what happens when Gouliani says "up yours" and makes up a bullshit excuse about executive privilege even though he's not an actual presidential advisor or he claims lawyer client privilege even though he's no longer an actual lawyer
That's one advantage of making this a formal impeachment inquiry. There's no rock they can hide behind at least from the perspective of "obstruction or not?" - it would become more and more obvious that they're hiding something and the obstruction would be blatantly obvious to a judge.

But yes, would be interesting to see exactly how the House plans to enforce the subpoenas.
That's one advantage of making this a formal impeachment inquiry. There's no rock they can hide behind at least from the perspective of "obstruction or not?" - it would become more and more obvious that they're hiding something and the obstruction would be blatantly obvious to a judge.

But yes, would be interesting to see exactly how the House plans to enforce the subpoenas.

To be honest... This may sound like a thing but it isn't really a thing. Litigation for this can go on for years.
Jesus christ they re definitely not hiding scraping the bottom of the barrel yet again. Wonder how Barr and Gorka get along these days as well.

You would think given all the nonsense of the past week they would avoid associating with morons like Gorka. Unless of course they are deporting him back to Orban’s Hungary.
You find this innocuous?

Compared to everything scandalous Trump has done from his foreign flirtations from Putin to Bin Salman to Netanyahu to Kim Jong Ill, his selling out of cabinet positions to people like Devos, completing screwing over veterans to benefit his mar-a-lago profiteers, his attempts to reshape the entire career civil service of State Department, incentiviziing the FBI to pursue Black Lives Matter and "antifa" instead of the real white nationalist threat, his menu of massive deregulations that we are going to be unpacking the damage to the bottom 90% for another 10 years, ripping off taxpayers by forcing secret service to stay at Trump properties, etc... yeah this crap is the least scandalous and troublesome thing he has pulled since entering office.
You would think given all the nonsense of the past week they would avoid associating with morons like Gorka. Unless of course they are deporting him back to Orban’s Hungary.
Stepping up the crazy is honestly part of the plan. Divide attentions and conquer. The flurry of news that came out today - wouldn't surprise me if some of those came from Trump's allies. Especially since some of it seemingly connects the Ukraine issue with the Russia one. A public with a short attention span can be easily confused.
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