Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Where's Basil Exposition?
I assume Trump and the NRA arent familiar with "18 U.S. Code § 201. Bribery of public officials" :lol:
I keep reading mixed messages. Some say this is now serious and gaining traction and others just saying it won't lead to anything. Which is it?

It already moved the needle when it comes to public support for impeachment far more than the Mueller report ever did. Impeachment basically went overnight from quite unpopular to just about evenly popular. Obviously Trump isn't going to get impeached by the senate unless things get much worse, but since this is such a clear and simple to understand abuse of power, it'll probably hurt Trump politically. At the very least it should make him a little less likely to win in 2020.
It already moved the needle when it comes to public support for impeachment far more than the Mueller report ever did. Impeachment basically went overnight from quite unpopular to just about evenly popular. Obviously Trump isn't going to get impeached by the senate unless things get much worse, but since this is such a clear and simple to understand abuse of power, it'll probably hurt Trump politically. At the very least it should make him a little less likely to win in 2020.
One very notable difference this time is there's no strategy in messaging. They are trying to attack the process which was squeaky clean and its not working at the moment.

What's worse is the transcript of the call is trumps own words that he himself released. Its not Comeys recollection, its not a leaked document that he can refute. Its almost impossible to spin. It's really bad this time and public hearings may only make this worse. I was skeptical at first but this is looking interesting
This whole thing seems to have gained alot of traction, Trump is clearly rattled but if you think his supporters are going to let this slide then think again, Trump will only stoke the flames and when i previously mentioned it's like the Manson family cult then it'll be abit similar, the leader asks the questions, his followers do the bidding.

Welcome to the American Civil War: Part Deux
Maybe I'm not quite paying attention enough but I have to say I find the general response from the right underwhelming. They haven't come out the gates swinging like they have with other scandals surrounding this POTUS. At least it doesn't feel that way - in particular because some on the right either never started to defend any of this and those that have seem to have done so rather meekly. I hope that means even with them there is a belief that even they do not feel there is a win to be had in this.
Maybe I'm not quite paying attention enough but I have to say I find the general response from the right underwhelming. They haven't come out the gates swinging like they have with other scandals surrounding this POTUS. At least it doesn't feel that way - in particular because some on the right either never started to defend any of this and those that have seem to have done so rather meekly. I hope that means even with them there is a belief that even they do not feel there is a win to be had in this.

The problem this time round for them is that this is a easy scandal to get your head around. The evidence is there in plain sight and the WH has already confirmed some of the damaging stuff that the whistleblower alleged.

This is going off the rails quickly for Trump and the Republicans. It surprises no one that he would say this, but it's stunning that the President of the United States would say he's not bothered about Russian interference in American elections.

This is the same meeting where he told the Russians that firing Comey helped ease the pressure of the Russia investigation. He also told the Russians about ISIS operations which were deemed highly classified.
The cowards need to speak up

They're republicans, we shouldn't get our hopes up, they have no visible sort of spine. These people are so scared of little kids that they lock them in cages, only god knows how scared they are of the big orange ape.
Feels like we went from 0-60 real quick. I'm a little suspicious though that some stories may now be fabricated by the Trump camp to try and distract and obstruct (again).
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