Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Someone who s gonna get the rights to publish a book of all Trump's tweets in chronological order with blurbs describing what was happening in the time line at the point he tweeted is going to make bank.
In a fair few years when medical science looks back and tells new students to the field about what dementia looks and how it's played out in an online twitter variety, they'll use Trumps account now stored in the history vault of the Wayback Machine / Mad Magazine.
" 's " or "the Ukrainian" but no, let's just go with "WITH UKRAINE PRESIDENT". That'll do it.

You can see what has happened here. He's been told by so many people not to say 'The Ukraine' so he's convinced himself that you can never place the word 'The' before Ukraine in any instance, ever. Moron :lol:
You can see what has happened here. He's been told by so many people not to say 'The Ukraine' so he's convinced himself that you can never place the word 'The' before Ukraine in any instance, ever. Moron :lol:

:lol: Fantastic spot!
Rudy will end up dropping everyone in it because he can’t keep quiet. Trump will just say he can’t remember or tell us all how wonderful he is so Rudy’s testimony will be the entertainment show.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Though it would be fun to see Donnie starting to fume and probably just go from orange to red, cross his arms and start puckering his lips like a pissy child.
I keep reading mixed messages. Some say this is now serious and gaining traction and others just saying it won't lead to anything. Which is it?
I keep reading mixed messages. Some say this is now serious and gaining traction and others just saying it won't lead to anything. Which is it?
It won't lead to him being removed from office because of the politics. But we always knew that. It is quite clearly the largest, most easily understandable abuse of power by his administration and they have clearly gone to lengths to cover it up. Whether that causes him to resign, or lose re-election, or grow even stronger into MechaTrump, is still to be determined.

It ain't going away any time soon though. And Dems are moving fast to capitalize, as the Pompeo subpoena and planned depositions show
It won't lead to him being removed from office because of the politics. But we always knew that. It is quite clearly the largest, most easily understandable abuse of power by his administration and they have clearly gone to lengths to cover it up. Whether that causes him to resign, or lose re-election, or grow even stronger into MechaTrump, is still to be determined.

It ain't going away any time soon though. And Dems are moving fast to capitalize, as the Pompeo subpoena and planned depositions show

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