Television Doctor Who

No, it's because they remade a classic movie and made it really really shit. There was some people moaning about the female parts, but the main reason there was a backlash was because it's a cult classic.

Its hilarious how people are desperate to find things that are not there

Off course you are always going to get idiots on twitter and forums. but in general it was because their favourite movie was getting ruined. And they turned out to be correct

No, it wasn't shit. It was a bang average movie that got pilloried mainly because they dared cast women and colored people.

People aren't finding things that aren't there, they're looking at the actual abuse directed at the female cast, especially Leslie Jones. But hey, feel free to stick your head in the sand and pretend that it was no different from the backlash against the SW prequels.
No, it wasn't shit. It was a bang average movie that got pilloried mainly because they dared cast women and colored people.

People aren't finding things that aren't there, they're looking at the actual abuse directed at the female cast, especially Leslie Jones. But hey, feel free to stick your head in the sand and pretend that it was no different from the backlash against the SW prequels.

New Ghostbusters was horrendous movie with horrible script, had nothing to do with all women cast.
New Ghostbusters was horrendous movie with horrible script, had nothing to do with all women cast.
I agree, Paul Feig's movies are generally mindless fun but this just missed the mark completely. Films shouldn't be immune to criticism just because they have tried something revolutionary.
I have no opinion on the Dr Who casting, although it's faintly amusing to see the assertions made from certain posters who think they know everything.

I will say, however, that the Ghostbusters remake looked absolutely shit because Melissa McCarthy was starring in it. Her movies are shit not because she's a female, but because she makes painful unfunny movies.

A part of the problem with these debates is the assumptions certain people make. If I say all Adam Sandler movies are shit cos he's an irritating twat nobody would think twice but say all McCarthy movies are shit because she's an irritating twat and someone will be along to call you a bigot.

Note I said a part of the problem, not the main part.
No, it wasn't shit. It was a bang average movie that got pilloried mainly because they dared cast women and colored people.

People aren't finding things that aren't there, they're looking at the actual abuse directed at the female cast, especially Leslie Jones. But hey, feel free to stick your head in the sand and pretend that it was no different from the backlash against the SW prequels.

Everyone knows the original Ghostbusters were all a bunch of white guys!



I will say, however, that the Ghostbusters remake looked absolutely shit because Melissa McCarthy was starring in it. Her movies are shit not because she's a female, but because she makes painful unfunny movies.

A part of the problem with these debates is the assumptions certain people make. If I say all Adam Sandler movies are shit cos he's an irritating twat nobody would think twice but say all McCarthy movies are shit because she's an irritating twat and someone will be along to call you a bigot.
Come on, lets not pretend Sandler films get the kind of abuse ghostbusters got. Sandler's in the Michael Bay "uh his films are shit" section of criticism not the lets personally abuse the cast and crew and this film the moment it's announced until it's scrubbed off the planet treatment that ghostbusters got. If it was just (or even mostly) people saying the film is shit there wouldn't have been a controversy.

McCarthy is just an actress, she rarely gets any creative control like Sandler does. Amy Schumer is the female Sandler - in so far as they both have a fair amount of creative control in their projects, and should take the criticism themselves.

Can't say I've seen much of McCarthy but she's been great on SNL so it's not like she's bad or anything. The whole crew are good at acting in fact and don't lack the acting talent to make something good. It's also not a coincidence that it was almost exclusively men who were attacking them.
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I would say pretty much every Sandler movie is even worse then this shite heap

But I do have an unhealthy dislike for Adam Sandler

EDIT: just realised this is actually the Dr Who thread. Ive never watched an entire episode of the show
I would say pretty much every Sandler movie is even worse then this shite heap

But I do have an unhealthy dislike for Adam Sandler
His films exist in that unhappy medium where they try to appeal both to children and adults but aren't charming enough to be good kids movies and are too stupid to be good adult movies. It's like he watched the Simpsons heyday but didn't pay attention to what made the Simpsons good.
The control to see if it's sexism or not driving the criticism is to see what happens when men mediocre film in a beloved franchise/space. Something like Prometheus for example which was widely panned - the criticism started after people had seen the film, no one was sending the cast and crew death and rape threats the moment in was announced.

There's also the dozens of really shit superhero films made in the last decade. No controversy at all, no death threats, just some people like me saying "feck me why are they making so many shit superhero movies make something else else". What would happen if the exact same movies were made with the genders reversed?
The control to see if it's sexism or not driving the criticism is to see what happens when men mediocre film in a beloved franchise/space. Something like Prometheus for example which was widely panned - the criticism started after people had seen the film, no one was sending the cast and crew death and rape threats the moment in was announced.

There's also the dozens of really shit superhero films made in the last decade. No controversy at all, no death threats, just some people like me saying "feck me why are they making so many shit superhero movies make something else else". What would happen if the exact same movies were made with the genders reversed?

Prometheus was an acclaimed directer and maker of the classic first film coming back to a franchise that had lost it's way, of course people waited til they'd seen it to criticise it. A more apt comparison would be if there were rumours for years of Ridely Scott & Sigourney Weaver coming back to do it but it turned out to be Michael Bay directing with Marky Mark as Ripley.
Prometheus was an acclaimed directer and maker of the classic first film coming back to a franchise that had lost it's way, of course people waited til they'd seen it to criticise it. A more apt comparison would be if there were rumours for years of Ridely Scott & Sigourney Weaver coming back to do it but it turned out to be Michael Bay directing with Marky Mark as Ripley.

I would absolutely riot if the ever remade the original Alien film and had a male in the role of Ripley! Ripley is a woman goddamn it!
The Ghostbusters fandango was the perfect storm of remake fatigue and nerd sexism, coming right off the back of Gamergate.
Come on, lets not pretend Sandler films get the kind of abuse ghostbusters got. Sandler's in the Michael Bay "uh his films are shit" section of criticism not the lets personally abuse the cast and crew and this film the moment it's announced until it's scrubbed off the planet treatment that ghostbusters got. If it was just (or even mostly) people saying the film is shit there wouldn't have been a controversy.

McCarthy is just an actress, she rarely gets any creative control like Sandler does. Amy Schumer is the female Sandler - in so far as they both have a fair amount of creative control in their projects, and should take the criticism themselves.

Can't say I've seen much of McCarthy but she's been great on SNL so it's not like she's bad or anything. The whole crew are good at acting in fact and don't lack the acting talent to make something good. It's also not a coincidence that it was almost exclusively men who were attacking them.
See you're doing it again.

I never said anything about the comparative levels of abuse the two sets of films get, nor defended every person who didn't like the Ghostbusters remake. I merely made the exact same comment about both Sandler and McCarthy but you have to make more of it when it comes to McCarthy in an attempt to drive a narrative.

There's obviously plenty of bigoted idiots out there, but you're often too liberal (no pun intended) with your tar brush, which weakens your general position.
The Ghostbusters fandango was the perfect storm of remake fatigue and nerd sexism, coming right off the back of Gamergate.
I somehow missed out on gamer gate, and when I look it up it makes no sense

Was there ever a thread about it on here?
See you're doing it again.

I never said anything about the comparative levels of abuse the two sets of films get, nor defended every person who didn't like the Ghostbusters remake. I merely made the exact same comment about both Sandler and McCarthy but you have to make more of it when it comes to McCarthy in an attempt to drive a narrative.

There's obviously plenty of bigoted idiots out there, but you're often too liberal (no pun intended) with your tar brush, which weakens your general position.
McCarthy is just an actor though, Sandler frequently writes and produces his own films. Hence you can't make the same assumption about the next thing either one will be in. Maybe she is shit, idk, like I said I've only really seen her in SNL where she's been great.
McCarthy is just an actor though, Sandler frequently writes and produces his own films. Hence you can't make the same assumption about the next thing either one will be in. Maybe she is shit, idk, like I said I've only really seen her in SNL where she's been great.
She's actually got production and writing credits for a few of her movies according to IMDB.

You just assumed she could only be an actress and not write or produce because you're a bloody great bigot you sexist bastard.
Prometheus was an acclaimed directer and maker of the classic first film coming back to a franchise that had lost it's way, of course people waited til they'd seen it to criticise it. A more apt comparison would be if there were rumours for years of Ridely Scott & Sigourney Weaver coming back to do it but it turned out to be Michael Bay directing with Marky Mark as Ripley.
I'm pretty sure the abuse would be aimed at Bay rather than Marky Mark in that scenario.

She's actually got production and writing credits for a few of her movies according to IMDB.

You just assumed she could only be an actress and not write or produce because you're a bloody great bigot you sexist bastard.
They're all recent. When actors get to a certain level of fame (i.e people will watch the thing just because you're on the poster) they tend to attach on to project early on as a producer so they can help raise money, Sandler does all that and gets a lot more creative control along with it.
I somehow missed out on gamer gate, and when I look it up it makes no sense

Was there ever a thread about it on here?

I've no idea if there was a thread, but I do remember posting "it's really about ethics in gaming journalism" whenever anyone made a really stupid statement for about a month.
I've no idea if there was a thread, but I do remember posting "it's really about ethics in gaming journalism" whenever anyone made a really stupid statement for about a month.
There was a thread. The highlight was mitchsomething claiming a girl who reviews games on youtube hasn't played enough games (she had played a lot of games).
Pretty sure there was a gamergate thread and it was actually pretty big. Kept staying on the page and getting in the way of actual normal threads.
Totally passed me by somehow

Seems like a thread I would have enjoyed too

Here's my TL;DR of the situation at the time if you can't be arsed trawling it.

Pretty much. Gamers get angry at the journalistic integrity in video game journalism and so attack an indie game developer who's only released a single, free to play, educational game about depression because she cheated on her boyfriend with a bloke who happened to be a writer for a small gaming blog but never actually reviewed her game. They've since gone on to harass pretty much any woman that's got involved with it and taken the opportunity to launch fresh attacks on Anita Sarkeesian because she said something about the identity of gamers and that's what the fight was about in the first place and definitely not journalistic integrity because if it had been about that they'd have obviously gone after the journalists who happen to be mostly male. Also, Anita Sarkeesian (and others) observed that gamers can be a bit aggressive when it comes to criticism of them as a group so the obvious response to this is to threaten to kill her and her family.
I think nostalgia was part of the reason I watch(ed) Doctor Who. So, I feel a bit non-plussed by the casting decision.
It feels like the showrunners have made the decision to feel all smug and self-congratulatory: "look how forward thinking we are! we've cast a woman as the Doctor!". It feels a bit like tokenism and a bit forced, tbh, perhaps the ego that is Moffat wanting something else as his legacy for the show.

Doctor Who has been patchy over recent years. I also was getting annoyed with the typical big set-up/ rushed 'deus ex machina' pay-off structure of some of the big storylines. Call me sexist if you must, but perhaps this has just given me a reason to ditch a show I was beginning to watch out of habit.
I'm completely fine with it...I'll judge on the episodes. However, I liked McCoy even, so what the feck do I know?
I think nostalgia was part of the reason I watch(ed) Doctor Who. So, I feel a bit non-plussed by the casting decision.
It feels like the showrunners have made the decision to feel all smug and self-congratulatory: "look how forward thinking we are! we've cast a woman as the Doctor!". It feels a bit like tokenism and a bit forced, tbh, perhaps the ego that is Moffat wanting something else as his legacy for the show.

Doctor Who has been patchy over recent years. I also was getting annoyed with the typical big set-up/ rushed 'deus ex machina' pay-off structure of some of the big storylines. Call me sexist if you must, but perhaps this has just given me a reason to ditch a show I was beginning to watch out of habit.
Moffat's leaving the show. But if you're going to stop watching just because they cast a woman, maybe you are somewhat sexist.
I think nostalgia was part of the reason I watch(ed) Doctor Who. So, I feel a bit non-plussed by the casting decision.
It feels like the showrunners have made the decision to feel all smug and self-congratulatory: "look how forward thinking we are! we've cast a woman as the Doctor!". It feels a bit like tokenism and a bit forced, tbh, perhaps the ego that is Moffat wanting something else as his legacy for the show.

Doctor Who has been patchy over recent years. I also was getting annoyed with the typical big set-up/ rushed 'deus ex machina' pay-off structure of some of the big storylines. Call me sexist if you must, but perhaps this has just given me a reason to ditch a show I was beginning to watch out of habit.

I'd like to point out that the bookies second favourite was Nick from My Family so I don't think it's a huge stretch to argue they've picked the better actor.
I'd like to point out that the bookies second favourite was Nick from My Family so I don't think it's a huge stretch to argue they've picked the better actor.
Was he that bloke who's career consisted of BT adverts for several years?
The Ghostbusters fandango was the perfect storm of remake fatigue and nerd sexism, coming right off the back of Gamergate.

I just hate remakes which is why I was happy that Ghost busters lost so much money .

I pray that Jaws and the Breakfast Club will never be remade among many other films but I fear the day they announce Jaws with Channing Tatum and Mellissa MC Carthy starring

I think that if a remake is generally considered rubbish and loses money then everyone involved should never be allowed to work again .
Quite enjoyed the Christmas special.

Yup same here. I thought the first half was a bit weird and turned out to be pointless. The second half had Capaldi go into full-on Shakespeare mode which suited him and was a decent ending.
Sad that the sexist trolls decided to jump online straight away going on about Jodie crashing the TARDIS as she is a woman driver, forgetting that Matt also crashed it.