Television Doctor Who

Sad that the sexist trolls decided to jump online straight away going on about Jodie crashing the TARDIS as she is a woman driver, forgetting that Matt also crashed it.

Trolls will always troll these kind of the events. I loved Capaldis speech and Jodies introduction was fantastic
I made a point earlier this year of watching as many films starring the various actors who have portrayed The Doctor as I could.

Apart from the fact that David Tennant desperately needs a new agent, I found that Jodie is a fantastic actress, and seemingly a great fit for Doctor Who. So I'm really looking forward to her playing the part.
Really enjoyed that. Good story, good humour & a fitting ending for Capaldi. Loved his speech, he had some terrific moments as the Doctor and his second season (one with all the two parter episodes) is one of my favourite seasons on tv. David Bradley was very good too.

Looking forward to how Jodie does & what new stories they have planned. Hope they don’t spend much time discussing/joking that she’s a woman.
Really enjoyed that. Good story, good humour & a fitting ending for Capaldi. Loved his speech, he had some terrific moments as the Doctor and his second season (one with all the two parter episodes) is one of my favourite seasons on tv. David Bradley was very good too.

Looking forward to how Jodie does & what new stories they have planned. Hope they don’t spend much time discussing/joking that she’s a woman.
Just watched it and 100% agree with you.
Much better than I was expecting it to be.
Back tomorrow... Apparently they're all standalone episodes. Imo, the best series in recent times was Capaldi's with the 2-parters throughout - it allowed the story to really develop & didn't feel rushed.

Hopefully Whittaker does well.
Little worried about Chibnall...his Who episodes haven't been great and his "Cyberwoman" Torchwood episode was the worst thing ever to be broadcast on TV. I hear Broadchurch was well done though so I live in hope. I'm sure Whittaker will be great though. Good casting I think.
I'm a traditionalist - I don't want a female doctor. I'd prefer it if she was his daughter or a relative of some sort. I do like Jodie Whittaker but Dr Who was written as a man, not as someone of no specific gender, which Jodie said. If the Doctor is of no specific gender, how did River Song come about.
I'm hoping the writing veers away from too pleased with itself fanwankery and gets back to solid standalone tight stories.
I'm a traditionalist - I don't want a female doctor. I'd prefer it if she was his daughter or a relative of some sort. I do like Jodie Whittaker but Dr Who was written as a man, not as someone of no specific gender, which Jodie said. If the Doctor is of no specific gender, how did River Song come about.
I don't think there's anything about the way the Doctor is written that suggests it needs to be a man.

As for River Song, she came about after Rory and Amy doinked in the Tardis.
Sidney Newman suggested the Doctor could turn into a woman way back when. It was the BBC who resisted until now.
I don't think there's anything about the way the Doctor is written that suggests it needs to be a man.

As for River Song, she came about after Rory and Amy doinked in the Tardis.
Duh, I’m an idiot...I knew that. RS was the Docs love interest.

Still prefer a man though. #stuckinmyways
She was ok story was boring and would have expected a lot better for the first episode .

Hopefully will get better
Liked that. A good introduction to the new cast. Also, first time we've seen The Doctor build that.
She was ok story was boring and would have expected a lot better for the first episode .

Hopefully will get better
First episodes of new Doctors rarely have particularly good storylines: they're all about introducing the new Doctor, the new "feel" of the show an, sometimes, provide a jumping on platform for a new audience. I think it accomplished those aims pretty well, but not with the panache of The Eleventh Hour, Smith's first episode (which had a similarly weak plot). I like Jodie. She's got the feel of the role I think.
That was alright, which is to say better than probably any Who episode in about 5 years.

Not sure I'm sold on some of the characters yet though; I don't think Bradley Walsh will ever not just be Bradley Walsh.
Good episode that, but bloody hell it wasn't half dark for a series premier :lol: thought even the music seemed melancholy. Quite liked Walsh and the Yasmin character. Think this season has a lot of promise, was really well shot too, very pretty cinematography.
Really enjoyed the first episode, but I have to agree that it was pretty dark. Still haven't adjusted to the idea of a new Doctor, but thought Jodie did a cracking job.
Duh, I’m an idiot...I knew that. RS was the Docs love interest.

Still prefer a man though. #stuckinmyways
That's fair, not going to knock you for your preferences, but I'm hoping you'll give Jodie a chance. Based on the first episode, I think she's going to be a good Doctor.
Really enjoyed the first episode, but I have to agree that it was pretty dark. Still haven't adjusted to the idea of a new Doctor, but thought Jodie did a cracking job.

That's fair, not going to knock you for your preferences, but I'm hoping you'll give Jodie a chance. Based on the first episode, I think she's going to be a good Doctor.

I think she’s an amazing actress so liking her is a good start.

Silva mentioned The Chasers....sounds like a great name for a new bunch of antagonists.
I don't think it matters who plays the Doctor, that character is still too much on the "wacky", irritating side, and they are always surrounded by some of the most dreadful, wooden actors around.

I always try to get into this when they introduce a new Doctor, as my wife is a fan, but I can't get past how awful it inevitably turns out to be. I don't get why that's the case though, as they have iconic characters, decades of lore and a decent budget. There's no reason that it's so badly written, directed and performed.
I don't think it matters who plays the Doctor, that character is still too much on the "wacky", irritating side, and they are always surrounded by some of the most dreadful, wooden actors around.

I always try to get into this when they introduce a new Doctor, as my wife is a fan, but I can't get past how awful it inevitably turns out to be. I don't get why that's the case though, as they have iconic characters, decades of lore and a decent budget. There's no reason that it's so badly written, directed and performed.
I know a lot of people who can't get into it, and I know not to try and get people who don't like it to like it. Wouldn't say it's awful or badly acted, that comes off as more of an irrational dislike of it on your part. Won't argue the point about the writing, though, it can be pretty hit-and-miss.
Biggest problem I have is that it never makes any sense. To me, anyway. I do watch sci-fi and like a lot of things, stuff can go over your head but at least you know there is an explanation in there. With Dr Who, it's so lazily written a lot of the time, there's no attempt to explain, probably because that would put an end to the whole idea, as they can't explain it themselves. So it all
I enjoyed it - I stopped watching Dr Who as soon as Matt Smith got the gig as I can't stand the guy and I just didn't get around to giving Capaldi much of a chance but I thought I would watch this weekend to see if I could get back into it. I'll watch it from now on.
I could see bits of David Tennant in what she was doing which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned .

Wasn't impressed with the story that much but then it did have to introduce all the new characters to be fair .
Seems like those who aren't the biggest dr who fans enjoyed it the most which is probably unsurprising.

I wasn't the biggest fan, thought it was passable but didn't have the charm and showmanship just yet. Hopefully grows
Seems like those who aren't the biggest dr who fans enjoyed it the most which is probably unsurprising.

I wasn't the biggest fan, thought it was passable but didn't have the charm and showmanship just yet. Hopefully grows

For some reason I never appreciated Capaldi to the extent I missed most of the last series and I had watched everything previous to this. I have no idea why as I think he's a good actor but he didn't click with me as Doctor Who in the slightest.

I'm just happy that from the first episode there is an actress who seems likeable in the role again for me personally. Its always a role which takes a while to grow into, so hopefully the end of this series / the next we'll start getting some classic episodes.
I thought Jodie was good. Makes me wonder what Jane Horrocks would have done with it.
I only watched the first Capaldi episode, is it worth catching up on the rest of them?