Television Doctor Who

I only watched the first Capaldi episode, is it worth catching up on the rest of them?
It improved with time, started off slowly but finished very strongly IMO.
I only watched the first Capaldi episode, is it worth catching up on the rest of them?
I'd say so. Series eight is very uneven, quality wise (in other words, standard Doctor Who), but there are a few really good episodes in there. Series 9 is by many considered to be the best of the revival, and I think I agree with that. I don't think there's a single bad episode in it. Series 10 is pretty good. Not as good as 9, but better than 8.

Capaldi was a very good Doctor as well.
Loved Capaldi's dynamics with The Mistress. Two outstanding actors giving nothing less than outstanding performances. I miss them already. :(

Whittaker was good. Thought I would never accept a woman doctor but I honestly didn't realize she was a she at times. If they leave romance out and just concentrate on decent storylines then I'll be happy.
Oh, Jodie's Doctor starting.. think I'll wait for the season for it to wrap up then marathon run. Interesting mixed review so far.

When I first try the series (revived era), found it so hard to follow and swallow. I just don't get it. Abed (Community) influenced me to have another good go. Me and Doctor Who have an unfinished business. Attempted a marathon run from Eccleston's Doctor to Tennant's to Smith's and to Capaldi's. At first, the first two seasons is underwhelming. Start the 3rd season (Tennant's 2nd season) is the first time I start to "get it" and found the show to be so interesting. Rewatch the previous first two seasons and I wonder why I didn't like it before. Fun journey to the end of Capaldi's final season and christmas special.

All the 4 Doctors are interesting and strong lead actors. Four different spins of the same character. Adding to that, each of the seasons has their own spins, it's different. There's charm of that kind of setting. Love it. War Doctor is also nice, short scenes but has his own charm. Overall unique, a series genre of its own, not perfect, has flaws, but glad I gave this series a second go.
I enjoyed it - I stopped watching Dr Who as soon as Matt Smith got the gig as I can't stand the guy and I just didn't get around to giving Capaldi much of a chance but I thought I would watch this weekend to see if I could get back into it. I'll watch it from now on.

How do you dislike Matt Smith :eek: Guy is such a loveable goofball.
How do you dislike Matt Smith :eek: Guy is such a loveable goofball.
Smith was a fine Doctor but I never thought he had the role down as well as Tennant, who was a very hard act to follow to be fair. The Doctor is meant to be eccentric but at times I felt Smith being eccentric bordered on obnoxious. Some of his story lines were awful too.
Smith was a fine Doctor but I never thought he had the role down as well as Tennant, who was a very hard act to follow to be fair. The Doctor is meant to be eccentric but at times I felt Smith being eccentric bordered on obnoxious. Some of his story lines were awful too.

Tennant was my first doctor (I discovered this show by accident) so he will always be my favorite, and I agree, he was a very difficult act to follow. I really didn’t think that anyone would have been able to do it properly, but Smith won me over from his first episode with that “Hello, I’m the Doctor” monologue at the end.

He was far more of a “come at me” type of doctor, as opposed to the more brooding tennant. Definitely agree that he was given some horrible stories, that was probably my main complain about his time, but even the crappy stories he made enjoyable for me. The stuff with the silence and the pandorica was brilliant.
Tennant was my first doctor (I discovered this show by accident) so he will always be my favorite, and I agree, he was a very difficult act to follow. I really didn’t think that anyone would have been able to do it properly, but Smith won me over from his first episode with that “Hello, I’m the Doctor” monologue at the end.

He was far more of a “come at me” type of doctor, as opposed to the more brooding tennant. Definitely agree that he was given some horrible stories, that was probably my main complain about his time, but even the crappy stories he made enjoyable for me. The stuff with the silence and the pandorica was brilliant.
I do understand why he's popular, my sister loves Matt Smith I just couldn't get past him. He suffered a lot from Russel T. Davies stepping back, I don't think Moffat ever really got to Davies's level. There was still a lot of fun stuff in the Smith seasons though, just liked Tennant a lot better.
I do understand why he's popular, my sister loves Matt Smith I just couldn't get past him. He suffered a lot from Russel T. Davies stepping back, I don't think Moffat ever really got to Davies's level. There was still a lot of fun stuff in the Smith seasons though, just liked Tennant a lot better.

My first ever episode was the Satan pit. Suffice it to say I was hooked after that :drool:
Tennant was a fantastic doctor , I have seen most of them over the years and IMHO he was the best , Smith was not far behind him , some of his eps were amongst the very best, some some were also amongst the very worst.
Not a fan of the new Doctor yet. It all feels a little too much like someone rehearsing ideas for what type of Doctor they're going to be and they don't want to Capaldi was the same though and got great after the first couple of episodes I've still got hope.

Edit: also surprised with the scenery chewing
I don't know if Smith is my favourite (I'd probably lean towards Tennant), but he was absolutely fantastic at those epic sounding speeches.
Thought the first episode was pretty good. Was a bit sceptical of a female doctor but I've really been proven wrong by her performance. Only issues so far are really writing and dialogue but hopefully it continues to get better as the series progresses. As for the best Doctor, I really liked Eccleston and Capaldi as they were 'darker' Doctor's and that's the sort of writing I like but both Tennant and Smith were also fantastic Doctors.
Tennant’s the best so far for me, pretty much the perfect balance between goofy & serious and also had some solid stories to work with. Although I think Capaldi got better each season & I rate his second season as my personal favourite (in terms of overall story).

Best thing about the first episode was that she seems natural as the character & it wasn’t forced.
Kinda surprised by how much love/praise it’s getting. Whitaker was indeed very good and likeable, but the story itself was incredibly tepid. Not to mention their decision to introduce all the new side characters at once (but give all the dynamic personality beats to the doomed Nan so you were suitably sad when she died) meant that there were 3 whole adult people just standing around doing absolutely nothing for about 2/3rds of the, literally just alternating asking questions, like the script writing software was on auto-shuffle. Or like when Aaron Sorkin had his black characters only speak sequentially in that show about Superhero newsreaders.

I liked that the baddy was called Tim, and that it was a vague piss take of Predator, but otherwise... meh.
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Didn’t enjoy that as much as last week. Story wasn’t the best & I never felt they were in real danger (the robots are worse at shooting than stormtroopers).

I also felt this episode that having 3 sidekicks is too many. I hope they cut down soon & focus more on the Doctor doing stuff herself.
Didn’t enjoy that as much as last week. Story wasn’t the best & I never felt they were in real danger (the robots are worse at shooting than stormtroopers).

I also felt this episode that having 3 sidekicks is too many. I hope they cut down soon & focus more on the Doctor doing stuff herself.
Felt that a bit, doesn't help that Ryan's actor isn't particularly brilliant. I've quite liked the other two but not so sure about him, hopefully just teething issues and he'll get better with more episodes.
new doctor new characters both still settling in, good start without being great going to stick with it liked new TARDIS though new console was meh.
Really enjoyed this week's episode they all seem to be working
well together and Jodie is doing a great job as the Doctor
Jodie's doing fine, but I don't like Chibnall in these first two. I have bad memories of the tragic "Cyber-Women" ep he wrote for Torchwood. Looking forward to what the other writers bring into it.
:smirk: Would be interesting to have a poll to know who's everyone's most fav doctor?

Mine would be Eccleston's Ninth Doctor - prefer his portrayal of the Doctor the most. His simple appearance and manner are perfect to blend in with the surroundings. I mean when the Doctor is moving around travel here and there, his kind Doctor is not too noticeable, compare to Tennant's, Smith's and even Capaldi's (inconsistent here) who can be very showy, animated and attract attentions. Jodie's not bad either (seen some clips). A look at the Ninth Doctor and you would not get suspicious whether he's an alien or anything special. A silent hero basically. Eccleston's delivery of his lines are also so good - confident, direct, strong, and there is consistent good tempo and good tone of feeling. His explanation of the science mumbo jumbo is also well.. believable. Pleasing. He still the same character though as the rest - can often be so rude and funny at times, etc.

Love the Fourth Doctor cool appearance the best. Tenth have strong dominating presence. Eleventh is so hilarious. Twelfth is cool and his lines delivery is so good, but the story consistency and script lines can be so bad, not helping Capaldi. Most fav character is the Master/Misty, wish he/she would play more central roles, they make the episodes so much better. Fav companion is Martha, but Donna combo with Tenth is the best. Fav episode is forever "Blink".
Eccleston is my favourite of the new doctors too. Dalek (third of his series) was my favourite episode. Hovering Dalek! Mind blown! :D
Quantum leap did it much better. Another utterly easily dispatched antagonist with zero credible threat. No backstory, no clue as to motivations. Whittaker did really well again but I don’t like Chibnall. His exposition and dialogue is weak and sloppy.
Don't know what I watched earlier but it couldn't have been Dr Who as it made sense.

Still not sure about a female doctor, but I love Jodie Whittaker, and it was great to watch without having to ask what was going on.
Eccleston is my favourite of the new doctors too. Dalek (third of his series) was my favourite episode. Hovering Dalek! Mind blown! :D

Eccleston the best of the modern era for me too .You can tell he us the best actor of the four or five now and played the role to perfection

Tennant runs him close Smith was average at best .

Calpadi born to play the role but the stories let him down and played second fiddle to Clara way too much .

Jodie is doing a great job so far I'm really impressed and hopefully she will be around for a while
Find it interesting how there's so many Ecclestone fans on the internet. Never actually met one in person - everyone I've ever met always preferred Tennant.
Find it interesting how there's so many Ecclestone fans on the internet. Never actually met one in person - everyone I've ever met always preferred Tennant.

I know a few hardcore fans who hate him because he only did the one season .

You have to look at the quality though and for me the guy nailed it
I liked Ecclestone and Tennant. Watched the first episodes from Capaldi and Smith, and the odd Christmas special but didn't got hooked on either. I'm not sure if that was the writing or the actors.

I'm enjoying the new series so far. I thought last night's episode was a really good story, well told and played. Though I'm not sure what the core Dr Who devotees would have made of it. But I felt like in some ways it was a back to its roots episode - small scale time travel and human scale actions.