Die Hard

Good point. I'd forgotten about Die Hard 4. As I think we all should do. Along with Indiana Jones 4 and Alien 3.

"We've had a report of 8 reindeer going through here" [shoots the driver] "Yeah, a jolly old fat guy in a big red suit, surprised you didn't see him" :lol:

I love Bruce Willis so much. No homo.
I'm really looking forward to Jezza's last stutter, its a good one.
Vest Watch: 85 minutes - got a bit of a wash in that tunnel, but then he landed in a pool of mud. He really just can't catch a break the poor lamb.

This film should really be called Die Hard with a Vest on
Don't think I can't smash in a villans head with a cabin door? Wrong.
Hard call there man. Arnie had more ammo tho. Actually, he had half the feckin worlds ammo, the greedy cuntbag!

I always like the scene where he is stocking up in the gun shop.

The woman in the film is really annoying though.
We're busy playing the curséd 20 Questions.
Sensible people go out on a friday night and tell their other halves to "shut up, Die Hard's on"

That stammer was brilliant. :lol:
:lol: So over the top that stutter, I love it even if I am laughing at a mans disability.
I'm going to watch The 100 Greatest Repeats again.
Well, I think we can all go to bed safe in the knowledge that that was one of the greatest films ever made.

Peace out bitches. Until one of them (not 4) is on again. Take care of yourselves, and each other.
I was very confused that you keep referring to a wife-beater as a vest. You learn something new in English every day here.
Hans Gruber, too extreme even for the radical Volksfrei Movement. One of the best villains ever.

Sad it took him so long to find another classic role to play.