Television Dexter

This new guy seems pointless too, purely a plot device thrown in to progress the Hannah story.

Hm, not sure it's just that. He already basically told Deb that Dexter fecked up and she'll most likely - correctly - think it was deliberate. Beyond that, let's see what he knows. There seems to be quite a few opportunities with the vast research he does, but you never know what it develops into of course - if anything.

When they are talking about heart disease, why does Harry say to Dexter "Hell, it got me"? I thought he commited suicide...

Yeah, I found that very odd as well. Poor memory from everyone involved it seems.
I may have had this entire season ruined for me. Bugger.
I'm wondering whether

this writer is actually investigating Dexter, or at least anomalies in the homicide department and is using Deb to get information/closer
I'm wondering whether

this writer is actually investigating Dexter, or at least anomalies in the homicide department and is using Deb to get information/closer

I was thinking that, but thought:

He was a bit too calm and not arsed around Dexter for it to be about him. May well be the case, but perhaps he's investigating her? That'd cause an absolute shitstorm between her and Dexter, and would give Deb some serious decisions to make if anything comes up that could incriminate her.
Don't worry about the writer, the writers (of the show) will probably realise in another two episodes they haven't got a clue what to do with him, and kill him off and forget all about him.
Gotta say I cringed a bit at the opening 5 minutes... There really is no realistic way to write what just happened between them, but whatever. Lol @ the writer though, you don't wanna be a minor character getting involved in Dexters shit in this series, it just doesn't last long :lol:

I am loving every scene between Dexter and Isaac... looking forward to that stand off.
:wenger: worst episode of the season for me.Not a single plot makes any sense to me.
Dexter is being a complete real fecking idiot.Whatever happened to his "code" ? Shit series and shit acting
One average episode doesn't make it a shit series but yes this one was a disappointment after the previous one.
:wenger: worst episode of the season for me.Not a single plot makes any sense to me.
Dexter is being a complete real fecking idiot.Whatever happened to his "code" ? Shit series and shit acting

Chemistry happened! :lol:
Looks like the rest of the season is going to be based on the fact that Dex didn't kill a serial killer because she was hot.

And what was that list LeGuerta was going over when she paused at Dexter's name?
Yvonne Strovaspaghetti didn't get her tits out there either. Disappointing.

It looks unlikely she'll do it - as Solius said, if it was going to happen last weeks episode would have been the perfect moment to do it.

Saying that, the girl Quinn knows didn't look like she was going to do it either but she did this week.

Looks like the rest of the season is going to be based on the fact that Dex didn't kill a serial killer because she was hot.

And what was that list LeGuerta was going over when she paused at Dexter's name?

She was looking at a list of boat owners on the first list. The second list looked like a list of people who work in the department.
She was looking at a list of boat owners on the first list. The second list looked like a list of people who work in the department.

Yeah, but how did she make a meaningful connection? Watched it back a few times and paused, but I just can't see any information on the boat owner list with any direct connection to Dexter. Besides, it's not really a secret that Dexter owns a boat, is it? I might be missing something though.

The boat list contains following information:
Name, DOB, applicant no., TIN and boat number.

The three top names are:
Bovender, Kevin
Bondry, Samantha
Bowerman, Hugo
And she seems to stop at the middle one.

The other list does indeed seem to be some employee list and she has ticked out a handful of names (presumably persons she still suspects), but there's no information on it to make a direct link to the other sheet of paper. I suppose she used some other information that we haven't seen to make the link, which makes that scene completely useless. We might as well just have seen her highlight "Morgan, Dexter" with a pink marker.
I liked this episode, mainly because Yvonne is just lovely, tits or no tits.
I think I'm a hopeless serial killer romantic, the season with Lumen was also among my favorites, while most hated it - I like when Dexter falls for someone and he's completely honest with them.
Yeah, but how did she make a meaningful connection? Watched it back a few times and paused, but I just can't see any information on the boat owner list with any direct connection to Dexter. Besides, it's not really a secret that Dexter owns a boat, is it? I might be missing something though.

The boat list contains following information:
Name, DOB, applicant no., TIN and boat number.

The three top names are:
Bovender, Kevin
Bondry, Samantha
Bowerman, Hugo
And she seems to stop at the middle one.

The other list does indeed seem to be some employee list and she has ticked out a handful of names (presumably persons she still suspects), but there's no information on it to make a direct link to the other sheet of paper. I suppose she used some other information that we haven't seen to make the link, which makes that scene completely useless. We might as well just have seen her highlight "Morgan, Dexter" with a pink marker.

I'm not sure either. Like you say it isn't a secret that he owns a boat. Maybe it's just their (bad) way of showing that she's starting to go on Dexter's trail but that first list must have some sort of relevance.
Wasn't Doakes all crazy about Dexter and kept telling LeGuerta about him? You'd think LeGuerta would have picked up on that by now.
I'm not sure either. Like you say it isn't a secret that he owns a boat. Maybe it's just their (bad) way of showing that she's starting to go on Dexter's trail but that first list must have some sort of relevance.

Yeah, that's what I'm assuming too. But then again, you never really know with these writers. I mean, they seemingly forgot that Harry committed suicide, so maybe they forgot that Dexter didn't keep his boat secret. :p
How have loads of you always seen the episodes by the time I've gotten home from work? Students?
I'm in India and I get back from Univ and watch but that's still early enough by your times.
Average episode. The scene between Isaac & Dexter was good.

Do Americans just leave their PCs/laptops on all the time without a password? Also, has no-one in Miami thought of installing a house alarm system?
Average episode. The scene between Isaac & Dexter was good.

Do Americans just leave their PCs/laptops on all the time without a password? Also, has no-one in Miami thought of installing a house alarm system?
I do always get a laugh every time dexter turns a computer on and clicks once or twice only to come across exactly what he was looking for. Everyone seems to leave their computers unprotected with their most important/secret documents sitting in a file on the desktop.

I didn't mind the episode, nothing great though. Seems to be a lets move the story line along type of episode. Seems they want to keep introducing random minor characters and then when they start to look interesting kill them off with little warning in this season. It should be interesting in the next one though with lagurta and Issaca looking like they will both be after Dexter.
I liked this episode, mainly because Yvonne is just lovely, tits or no tits.
I think I'm a hopeless serial killer romantic, the season with Lumen was also among my favorites, while most hated it - I like when Dexter falls for someone and he's completely honest with them.

This. I thought it was a good episode. The writing is poor regardless but now that there is a Lumen-esque storyline, I find the show a lot more intriguing.
How naive was the writer when he accepted to go to Hannah's house having suspected her of being a killer ? Why not set the whole thing up in a neutral environment (not that it would have saved his life) ? Dumb writing tbh
Don't worry about the writer, the writers (of the show) will probably realise in another two episodes they haven't got a clue what to do with him, and kill him off and forget all about him.


That was so crap, I think the only thing I enjoy anymore is Isaac v Dexter, because Stevenson makes a good villain, despite the ridiculously cheesy lines they're giving him.

And we finally got to see Quinn's birds tits, which was nice.

I mean seriously, where the feck Is Harrison? It's hilarious that they just send him to live with Rita's parents for presumably what is quite some time now, without any mention of him at all, despite him being Dexter's only son and him apparently having such a great love for him. It's such a stupid show now, nothing makes sense anymore, they may as well add a laughter track into the background for all of Dexter's witty one liners in his head.
meh, don't know why so many of you are complaining. I enjoy the show, yes the writing at times is erm... patchy, but its still enjoyable to watch. It's always been a bit silly. Not every show can be a masterpiece in writing, Dex has been making dozens of mistakes for a while now, he's been wreckless for a few seasons now.
If Harrison is away to his grandparents then why is Batista's sister still doing Dexters washing?

Also why would Dexter have that kind of conversation with the writer if he knew she was only in the other room? I suppose she needed to be there to prove that dexter didn't kill him.

That was so crap, I think the only thing I enjoy anymore is Isaac v Dexter, because Stevenson makes a good villain, despite the ridiculously cheesy lines they're giving him.

And we finally got to see Quinn's birds tits, which was nice.

I mean seriously, where the feck Is Harrison? It's hilarious that they just send him to live with Rita's parents for presumably what is quite some time now, without any mention of him at all, despite him being Dexter's only son and him apparently having such a great love for him. It's such a stupid show now, nothing makes sense anymore, they may as well add a laughter track into the background for all of Dexter's witty one liners in his head.

To be fair, the Harrison storyline has been done and he'd just be a constant annoyance if they had to fit him in to every single action of Dexter's - it'd shackle Dexter too much - at least for me. So I am happy with them having written the kid more or less out of the show, however half-arsed it is.
If Harrison is away to his grandparents then why is Batista's sister still doing Dexters washing?

Also why would Dexter have that kind of conversation with the writer if he knew she was only in the other room? I suppose she needed to be there to prove that dexter didn't kill him.

She lives in the adjoining flat.
To be fair, the Harrison storyline has been done and he'd just be a constant annoyance if they had to fit him in to every single action of Dexter's - it'd shackle Dexter too much - at least for me. So I am happy with them having written the kid more or less out of the show, however half-arsed it is.

Oh I know yeah, they had to write him out, but it's just shoddy writing.