Television Dexter

The trick cyclist was rubbish as is the Deb wanting to bone Dexter story arc.

Hanks was a decent villain but the script writing wasn't that great for this season. John Lithgow was so good that it has made it hard for anyone to live up to him.

That said the end of the finale was great and set up the next series really well.
"Oh God" :lol:

I felt like i saw that coming from the beginning of the episode and then when she asked him to go to the church it was all a ploy for her to open up to him (that kinda confirmed it to me that she'd catch him)

feck all the critics in here though. Bitching about every episode i fecking thoroughly enjoyed another season of dexter. Cant wait for next year.

Love the 'musical' flashback when he pulled the hand out of the box. Clever how they threw that in without it having jack shit to do with Travis
Oh God! What a shit season, even the 'shock' at the end of Debra finding out was not a suprise, it was bound to happen soon. I'd have preferred if they did it with Debra first suspecting Dexter and then seeing the kill rather than just watching him kill Travis.

Debra's character is going downhill fast. I hope they don't intend to have this incest storyline run for the next 2 seasons. It's fecking awful and wrong and it makes the ending seem less powerful as Debra's love of Dexter could let him off the hook. That said, it would be cool if she got him to kill the bad guys and they worked together.

Dexter's fake needle trick was predictable as it was shown in the preview last week.

If Travis was as dangerous as they feared then why place only 1 cop on each tall building? Surely they'd have 2 even if there is limited man-power - get SWAT teams; FBI involved. Also how the feck could nobody hear Dexter hammer the wall?

I thought last season's villain was poor but Travis was far worse - he offered nothing as the bad guy of the season. Trinity was brilliantly played by Lithgow but another reason I liked Trinity was they gave him a backstory: he had a family life and you could somewhat understand his pain during his kills. With Travis there was no backstory, there was no reason given for him blacking out and not remembering that he was killing people not Gellar - the only reason seems to be he's a religious nutcase. Colin Hanks was a poor actor but the character he played was pointless.

Overall a very poor season, best character was Mos Def and the Intern. I'm glad Angel's sister is still alive, Intern should have a bigger role next season and I hope they can get a proper villain for the final 2 seasons.
Car crash tv.

Characters are a joke. Debra is a caricature, Dexter is essentially a cnut who has now become impossible to sympathize with and Travis has to be the weakest villain in the history of television.
Oh God! What a shit season, even the 'shock' at the end of Debra finding out was not a suprise, it was bound to happen soon. I'd have preferred if they did it with Debra first suspecting Dexter and then seeing the kill rather than just watching him kill Travis.

Debra's character is going downhill fast. I hope they don't intend to have this incest storyline run for the next 2 seasons. It's fecking awful and wrong and it makes the ending seem less powerful as Debra's love of Dexter could let him off the hook. That said, it would be cool if she got him to kill the bad guys and they worked together.

Dexter's fake needle trick was predictable as it was shown in the preview last week.

If Travis was as dangerous as they feared then why place only 1 cop on each tall building? Surely they'd have 2 even if there is limited man-power - get SWAT teams; FBI involved. Also how the feck could nobody hear Dexter hammer the wall?

I thought last season's villain was poor but Travis was far worse - he offered nothing as the bad guy of the season. Trinity was brilliantly played by Lithgow but another reason I liked Trinity was they gave him a backstory: he had a family life and you could somewhat understand his pain during his kills. With Travis there was no backstory, there was no reason given for him blacking out and not remembering that he was killing people not Gellar - the only reason seems to be he's a religious nutcase. Colin Hanks was a poor actor but the character he played was pointless.

Overall a very poor season, best character was Mos Def and the Intern. I'm glad Angel's sister is still alive, Intern should have a bigger role next season and I hope they can get a proper villain for the final 2 seasons.

That's why I don't watch previews. :)
Was still predictable though!

I hope the new black cop gets more involved in the upcoming seasons. He doesn't seem like a total retard unlike the rest of Miami Metro. His character seemed a bit pointless this year - why introduce a new member of the staff, if he's going to play such a small part? He was the expert on all the religious crap in the start, but as the season progressed even that part seemed to be taken over by other people. Hoping he'll replace Quinn as Batista's partner.
How was Dexter able to take Travis' body to the Church without getting spotted? It was daylight, he had to use an elevator and go through a crowd of people just to get to his car. Or can he fly now?

I hope the new black cop gets more involved in the upcoming seasons. He doesn't seem like a total retard unlike the rest of Miami Metro. His character seemed a bit pointless this year - why introduce a new member of the staff, if he's going to play such a small part? He was the expert on all the religious crap in the start, but as the season progressed even that part seemed to be taken over by other people. Hoping he'll replace Quinn as Batista's partner.

Agreed, he seems an interesting character. I'd rather see more of him than Quinn & Angel. Perhaps, if Debra helps Dexter he will be the one to suspect them of doing wrong deeds.
Another thing I've noticed, although I might be wrong:
Has anyone else noticed how almost all episodes this season ended on a cliffhanger? I don't remember that being the case in previous seasons, at least not in the same degree. Probably an admission from the writers that the plot was took weak to keep the majority interested, so they had to make people watch next week's episode some other way. Not that I mind it really, just an observation.
I have shamelessly stolen this from the IMDB forums, some posters have put together their idea for how the opening scene of season 7 goes:

Deb looks at Dexter in disbelief, she says nothing and draws her gun. Pointing it at her brother. They make eye contact.
"I'm in love with you." Deb explains, tensing her arm and aiming at his face, showing a grimace, bordering on tears.
Dexter, is no temporarily more shocked than Deb, (Narration from Dexter"What did my sister just say?")
A short pause and Deb finds the strength to speak again looking around the crime scene.
"I have seen this before (end of season 5 behind the plastic), your the vigilante." Deb whispers to him.
Dexter takes his hand of the knife and raises his hands.
"You got me Deb." he moves away from Travis. "I guess if I was gonna be caught, it should be by you."
"What the *beep* is this Dex? Why?" asks Deb frantically. " I love you." she screams, and this time she makes sure he hears her and nothing else in his mind.
"Your my sister Deb(pretending he didn't understand the context), and no matter what I love you too, I have saved you many times because of those feelings." states Dex.

Then suddenly Travis wakes up with a dagger in the center of his chest, revealing he is not actually dead and he is Satan himself
. :lol:

Nobody can deny it was a weak season compared to the others. I think they bottled having Deb find out last season and have now tried to right it. I think it was the only way the show could go without getting stale. Somebody needed to find out his secret who he can't kill or silence. It will be interesting to see where that goes now. I think Hanks was quite drab, I could never take him seriously really. I completely forgot Mos Def was even in it too.

The bit where they were all outside waiting for Dexter was fecking ridiculous. I love the show but that is schoolboy writing. Like somebody said earlier, they have no problem going in without him every other time. Suddenly when his face is on the wall they decide to wait outside for him and let him go in first. Weak. They could have come up with so many better explanations for him going in first. You could tell Deb was going to find him killing Travis as soon as she asked him to go to the church but I still felt quite tense waiting for it to happen.

With that said, I'm looking forward to Season 7. I myself am going to give the writers a chance and trust they'll do much better, after all they've given us the first few incredible seasons. There's much to be optimistic about and for them to work with. The intern is interesting, what does he know, why does he know it? Quinn should hopefully be transferred. Anderson should have a bigger role, he's a good character. The Deb, Dexter thing obviously (hopefully without the incest), Batista's sister was a good addition, etc... So they have all the elements of a good season. They need a good villain, a good actor who we believe can be fecked up and with a decent backstory. Not weedy Colin Hanks
I thought that was so feckin' weak. The Debra-Dexter thing is shite and they've left themselves nowhere to go. The whole crux of the show is Dexter's morality, not transposing that onto Debra just because she suddenly wants to bang him.
Dexter is on contract for two more seasons so the Deb knowing story is going to seriously drag on unless he kills her.

Dexter is adopted by the way so it's not incest if they get it on... still gross though, I won't deny.
I've seen a lot of TV over the years, but the number of plotholes they have been able to cram into each episode is staggering ... especially this season.

Let's take the last episode and that too only the main plot with DDK and Dexter -
1. How the feck did he teleport himself out of the boat? Not explained. He's Dexter, he does what he wants.
2. So Dexter is stranded in the middle of the gulf stream for hours and manages to survive with no visible side effects. And to have him murder the robber on the boat? WTF, why was that even necessary. None of his friends and family seem to care enough beside giving him the odd hug. Things are just so random with this show right now. How are they writing this shit?
3. Travis is the most wanted man by Miami Metro, the FBI ... his picture is all over posters, newspapers, the TV ... but he can comfortably walk into a school, sing songs on the road in plain view, enter a high profile building, kill a cop who didn't bother covering the entrance to the roof.
4. The cops didn't enter the crime scene because they were waiting for Dexter? Seriously, they don't enter the scene without the blood spatter analyst ? .. that's a first, even on this show. And he was able to deface the picture without anyone noticing. What was even the point of writing this in?
5. How did Dexter leave the Transcorp building with an unconscious adult without anyone raising an eyebrow? This building has the worst security in Miami and if I worked there, i would be very worried.
Dexter is on contract for two more seasons so the Deb knowing story is going to seriously drag on unless he kills her.

Dexter is adopted by the way so it's not incest if they get it on... still gross though, I won't deny.

All Deb knows is that they're adopted, but didn't it come out a few seasons ago that Harry had been sleeping with Dexter's mum so they're actually half siblings too?
All Deb knows is that they're adopted, but didn't it come out a few seasons ago that Harry had been sleeping with Dexter's mum so they're actually half siblings too?
Harry is not Dexter's real father, he was sleeping with his mother, but that was after Dexter was born. I believe there was a DNA test done proving it in Season 1. It would have made sense though, given that Dexter and his brother appear to be of different ethnicities.
I've seen a lot of TV over the years, but the number of plotholes they have been able to cram into each episode is staggering ... especially this season.

Let's take the last episode and that too only the main plot with DDK and Dexter -
1. How the feck did he teleport himself out of the boat? Not explained. He's Dexter, he does what he wants.
2. So Dexter is stranded in the middle of the gulf stream for hours and manages to survive with no visible side effects. And to have him murder the robber on the boat? WTF, why was that even necessary. None of his friends and family seem to care enough beside giving him the odd hug. Things are just so random with this show right now. How are they writing this shit?
3. Travis is the most wanted man by Miami Metro, the FBI ... his picture is all over posters, newspapers, the TV ... but he can comfortably walk into a school, sing songs on the road in plain view, enter a high profile building, kill a cop who didn't bother covering the entrance to the roof.
4. The cops didn't enter the crime scene because they were waiting for Dexter? Seriously, they don't enter the scene without the blood spatter analyst ? .. that's a first, even on this show. And he was able to deface the picture without anyone noticing. What was even the point of writing this in?
5. How did Dexter leave the Transcorp building with an unconscious adult without anyone raising an eyebrow? This building has the worst security in Miami and if I worked there, i would be very worried.

And at the end:

6. Using the church as a kill room even though he told Deb that he'd be there that evening. I know that the kill room is usually a place that is important to the victim, and the church was a big part of Travis, but it was hardly the safest of places to kill. The church has been abandoned, yes, but there was always a chance of him being caught there and he was in the end.

You do raise some great points there which aren't even that hard to spot. Point 4 was especially weak, and like others have said, with the officers going on top of the buildings there'd surely be two and not just one.

With regards to the Deb/Dexter love thing, I can't see it going much/any further. I think it's been mainly used as a way of making Deb more receptive to accepting Dexter for what he is when she did eventually find out about him being a killer. The ending wasn't a surprise and could have been done much better, but finally she knows.

The season itself hasn't been set out that great either. I loved Brother Sam as well as the return of Brian, but at times it felt like things were rushed, when another episode could have been cut and the rushed scenes (including the reveal at the end) could have just been expanded upon and improved with the extra time gained from the cut episode.

I still enjoyed this season but I can see why some didn't enjoy it too.

I think Hanks was quite drab, I could never take him seriously really. I completely forgot Mos Def was even in it too.

:lol: I thought the exact thing earlier. Someone on here mentioned Mos Def as a highlight on the season and I thought it was the new black detective. I then IMDB'ed the name and "oh yeah, the priest guy".

As for Hanks I can't really decide if it was his fault or the writers'. As you say, I found it a bit hard to take him seriously as a villain, but maybe the point was that he should just look like an average guy. I don't think it'd been that big of a problem, if the season as a whole had been better.

The main weakness of this season for me has been all the different story lines. Actually, calling them "lines" might be a bit too generous. "Story bits" is probably a better term. What did Dex actually learn from Mos Def's character? The little he might reluctantly accept he discarded within the next few episodes. Was it needed so Harrison could attend a Christian kindergarten, so he could reenact Noah's Ark? He might as well have done that in some regular kindergarten. Jonah coming back for one episode - what was the point of that? I thought it was a pretty decent episode, but as far as I can see it had nothing to do with the series as a whole, which makes it all a bit odd.

I missed more continuity this season. There seemed to be way too many filler episodes/scenes/stories which is too bad really, especially when you only get 12 episodes each season.

I've seen a lot of TV over the years, but the number of plotholes they have been able to cram into each episode is staggering ... especially this season.

Let's take the last episode and that too only the main plot with DDK and Dexter -
1. How the feck did he teleport himself out of the boat? Not explained. He's Dexter, he does what he wants.
2. So Dexter is stranded in the middle of the gulf stream for hours and manages to survive with no visible side effects. And to have him murder the robber on the boat? WTF, why was that even necessary. None of his friends and family seem to care enough beside giving him the odd hug. Things are just so random with this show right now. How are they writing this shit?

1. Not sure I get what you mean. The boat had very low edges, so he could easily roll out if he wanted. Problem was the his hands and legs were tied, but he was shown working on the rope when Travis sailed away.

2. No idea what you mean. He killed him because he was a bad man. Dexter's inner voice also says "He's robbing us, and I've got nothing to give" so he might fear for his own life as well, when the robber realises Dexter is worth nothing to him. Not sure I get your point about his family and friends not giving a shit, as Debra seemed very worried.
2. No idea what you mean. He killed him because he was a bad man. Dexter's inner voice also says "He's robbing us, and I've got nothing to give" so he might fear for his own life as well, when the robber realises Dexter is worth nothing to him.

I think he means, it seemed pointless to actually include that in the episode at all, as it really served no purpose and led to nothing. It was like they'd come up with the story of Dexter being stranded in the sea and then thought, "Well how does he get back to the shore?", and they decided to have him picked up on a boat of immigrants. But then they thought this would all be a bit boring, so they just threw in some random bad guy threatening everyone onboard, who Dexter had to kill to be the hero. Then it was over with and never mentioned again. It was just to keep the pace of the episode moving I suppose, but really if they were able to write a remotely strong main plot, they wouldn't need to use things like that to fill in gaps. Like the many, many sub-plots that also go nowhere.
I think he means, it seemed pointless to actually include that in the episode at all, as it really served no purpose and led to nothing. It was like they'd come up with the story of Dexter being stranded in the sea and then thought, "Well how does he get back to the shore?", and they decided to have him picked up on a boat of immigrants. But then they thought this would all be a bit boring, so they just threw in some random bad guy threatening everyone onboard, who Dexter had to kill to be the hero. Then it was over with and never mentioned again. It was just to keep the pace of the episode moving I suppose, but really if they were able to write a remotely strong main plot, they wouldn't need to use things like that to fill in gaps. Like the many, many sub-plots that also go nowhere.

Thanks. That's precisely what I meant. For the first 4 seasons, Dexter was meticulous with his kills but he doesn't seem to give an eff anymore. He now has a boatload of people (and yes I know they are illegal immigrant etc and would never testify) who have seen him kill. What purpose did that serve in the finale of the season? It's lazy writing to keep the pace up. The man's boat supposedly sank in the middle of the gulf stream and he swam ashore. You would think they would ask more questions and be more concerned. Yes, its a TV show - but they aren't maintaining the same standards they set in previous seasons. It just looks like they've moved from a realistic, dark, edgy show to a daytime opera where anything goes and the justifications are non-existent or just plain silly.

Having Dexter escape by just wriggling free of the ropes moments before the boat exploded is another example. How did he do it? It's more MacGyver, less Dexter. So if we are to take for granted that he is going to escape from every tricky situation that he is in, it takes away from the suspense and enjoyment of the show. Am I saying that he should have been blown up in the explosion? No. It's bad writing to put him in that situation.
I think he means, it seemed pointless to actually include that in the episode at all, as it really served no purpose and led to nothing. It was like they'd come up with the story of Dexter being stranded in the sea and then thought, "Well how does he get back to the shore?", and they decided to have him picked up on a boat of immigrants. But then they thought this would all be a bit boring, so they just threw in some random bad guy threatening everyone onboard, who Dexter had to kill to be the hero. Then it was over with and never mentioned again. It was just to keep the pace of the episode moving I suppose, but really if they were able to write a remotely strong main plot, they wouldn't need to use things like that to fill in gaps. Like the many, many sub-plots that also go nowhere.

i thought it just showed that Dexter could kill spontaneously
This whole Debra being in love with Dexter is disturbing if not disgusting.It's a pointless twist in the series IMO.
This season has been incredibly bad, worse than last season and overall the worst of the series.The acting was bad, the villain was terrible (he wasn't made for the role.Colin Hanks, looks too nice), the scripts were bad (those shrink sessions :puke:).
There are episode whose the purpose is just to fill and this was the equivalent for the series.They the DDK appear so horrible throughout the entire season, only to make the final kill void of any intensity.
They have fecked up this season, I honestly it couldn't worse than last season but they did it.Having plot holes is one thing but to have so many of them destroyed the series.Normally if they did their job I'd be excited about the next season knowing how this season finished but tbh I ain't.I couldn't give a feck about this series anymore
i thought it just showed that Dexter could kill spontaneously

We know he can, he did it with the guy who killed Brother Sam. Maybe they wanted to show Dexter's morality slipping in that he isn't as selective over who he kills, and how he does it anymore or something, but either way it was a rubbish scene.
I don't really understand this argument. How should a serial killer look?

I don't really understand this argument. How should a serial killer look?
There was something unnecessarily weedy about Colin Hanks. He didn't look threatening. His angry face looks like the face a child makes when someone offers them sprouts at the dining table.

I appreciate the criticism on here, but for me, I watch this programme to pass the time, not taking it too seriously. In that respect, the season wasn't so bad. The episodes as a whole were OK at best but they, more often than not, finished it on some sort of cliffhanger to keep you coming back for the next episode. Of course, if you delve a bit deeper into the analysis, the show really fell off this season but hey, I'm still going to tune in next season to see where they take the story from here.
There was something unnecessarily weedy about Colin Hanks. He didn't look threatening. His angry face looks like the face a child makes when someone offers them sprouts at the dining table.

I appreciate the criticism on here, but for me, I watch this programme to pass the time, not taking it too seriously. In that respect, the season wasn't so bad. The episodes as a whole were OK at best but they, more often than not, finished it on some sort of cliffhanger to keep you coming back for the next episode. Of course, if you delve a bit deeper into the analysis, the show really fell off this season but hey, I'm still going to tune in next season to see where they take the story from here.

Personally I thought Colin Hanks was quite good, especially towards the end when they really built up his psychological profile from a coerced accessory to a delusional murderer. I thought the line in the house he was staying in where he said "I can't stay here if you're going to smell like that!" was great. Also with regards to him being weedy, how many men do you know are built like a brick shithouse and also deeply religious to the extent of delusion like Hanks' character? He looks exactly like you'd imagine a religious nut to look in my opinion.
Personally I thought Colin Hanks was quite good, especially towards the end when they really built up his psychological profile from a coerced accessory to a delusional murderer. I thought the line in the house he was staying in where he said "I can't stay here if you're going to smell like that!" was great. Also with regards to him being weedy, how many men do you know are built like a brick shithouse and also deeply religious to the extent of delusion like Hanks' character? He looks exactly like you'd imagine a religious nut to look.
True, but Gellar looked more serial killer than Hanks and he's... rotund. Hanks didn't have that serial killer quality about him IMO. I'm sure he'd make a lovely hero.
True, but Gellar looked more serial killer than Hanks and he's... rotund. Hanks didn't have that serial killer quality about him IMO. I'm sure he'd make a lovely hero.

I think that's why he makes a good serial killer though. Before you knew someone like Harold Shipman, Peter Sutcliffe or Ted Bundy is a serial killer, would you have guessed it? I'd say probably not.
There's no such thing as a 'serial killer quality'

If there were, you can't trust anyone as most of the high profile serial killers are often pillars of the community or highly intelligent people that you would least expect to be a serial killer.
Personally I thought Colin Hanks was quite good, especially towards the end when they really built up his psychological profile from a coerced accessory to a delusional murderer. I thought the line in the house he was staying in where he said "I can't stay here if you're going to smell like that!" was great. Also with regards to him being weedy, how many men do you know are built like a brick shithouse and also deeply religious to the extent of delusion like Hanks' character? He looks exactly like you'd imagine a religious nut to look in my opinion.

Was a good line.
The problem with Travis wasn't that Colin Hanks didn't look like a serial killer. His acting as a serial killer isn't convincing. He was hitched to the old man's wagon for most of the season, then when the inevitable twist that the old man wasn't real came he had to be a convincing threat for the last few episodes and he wasn't up to it. The character himself wasn't up to it either, when you've seen the kind of guys Dexter has taken out before, even in single episodes never mind the 'big bad' of the season, how are you supposed to take weedy little Travis seriously? Little Chino would make mincemeat out of the guy.
The problem with Travis wasn't that Colin Hanks didn't look like a serial killer. His acting as a serial killer isn't convincing. He was hitched to the old man's wagon for most of the season, then when the inevitable twist that the old man wasn't real came he had to be a convincing threat for the last few episodes and he wasn't up to it. The character himself wasn't up to it either, when you've seen the kind of guys Dexter has taken out before, even in single episodes never mind the 'big bad' of the season, how are you supposed to take weedy little Travis seriously? Little Chino would make mincemeat out of the guy.
Is perhaps what I should have said. I just didn't believe that he could be a serial killer.