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Just jumped in to CE with the German guys again. They were just doing the bridge. I dropped Abyss Defiant. 
Is anyone on here a swordbearer? I've just been watching the video of Crota going down in two swords and feel like our entire failure last week when I was raiding was based entirely on useless random swordbearers.Anyone looking to do any raids at any point let me know. In meantime I'll probably be doing some bounties
Gonna do a VoG run, if you fancy it, mate...?Can't hear clearly I btw
I've done it, so I can run the sword if we get a group going.I think Makki's the only one who has attempted it
I'll grab that off you now if I couldI've got the VoG exotic chest checkpoint if anyone wishes to grab it at any point.
I'll grab that off you now if I could
Still no blackhammer or hunger
Time to go back to power leveling my titan. If anyone wants to jump in and kill everything for me, feel free.
Thanks Damien, I'll switch characters over after the movie thing and meet you down there. I'll grab it first with my two and then wait for you to grab it however many times you still needI'll jump on you to help with the mission then we can go to the labyrinth
Thanks Damien, I'll switch characters over after the movie thing and meet you down there. I'll grab it first with my two and then wait for you to grab it however many times you still need
Would be handy. If your lucky you can get a whole lot of bounties done at the same time.Alright, cool. Afterwards I'll help you with the missions for a bit, that was pretty easy.
ok will go back to my titan now. Start the next mission at max difficultyThanks, that's me done. Feel free to switch to your Titan and I'll join you after I've got the chest and bounties.
same, got nothing but shards. My next mission is that annoying movie clip at the reefThat was a waste, only got shards and energy.
Remaining chances to get a Gjallar for the week:
- 3x Atheon
- 3x Ir Yut
- 3x Crota
Thanks for that, was much quicker. At a point in the missions now when I can't select them anymore due to being to low a level. Will have to do some bounties and patrol now anyway.I'm done for now. Hope that helped.
Anyone in for a CE run tonight?
I was....but it seems that I can't get on to PSN, for some reason...
Mine was on all day.I already had my PS4 on from a few hours ago (forgot to turn it off), so was able to get on fine just now. Let me know if you manage to log in at some point