Gaming Destiny 2 • RedCafe Clan in OP

Finally got my first Leviathan clear and got 1 piece of gear at the very end and tokens everywhere else. With a good group its fun but compared to Wrath of the machine and Kings Fall the loot feels really lacking.
You need to use the keys in the "underbelly" which is under the map, has to be opened up using a special sequence, then find the correct chest for the key you have. A lot of people don't even bother to do this which is strange as that's half your loot!

Yes the raid stuff is quite random but once you've done it a few times it soon starts stacking up especially once you speak to the sweeperbot.
Done pretty much all the solo stuff now and got to 283 light. Really wanna try nightfall, trials and the raid. I'm on usually around 9.30pm (PS4 doomham). So if any other guys wanna try it with me hit me up (I am chill don't like it when peope are too competetive or get frustrated easy; my biggest gripe with LFG and the general community).

Loving Vigilance Wing so far and the hakke sub machine gun. Wish I hadnt chosen hunter though, feel like its lacking a lot compared to titan and warlock. Been grinding for the Iron Banner helm for ages but no luck! ;-;
Done pretty much all the solo stuff now and got to 283 light. Really wanna try nightfall, trials and the raid. I'm on usually around 9.30pm (PS4 doomham). So if any other guys wanna try it with me hit me up (I am chill don't like it when peope are too competetive or get frustrated easy; my biggest gripe with LFG and the general community).

Loving Vigilance Wing so far and the hakke sub machine gun. Wish I hadnt chosen hunter though, feel like its lacking a lot compared to titan and warlock. Been grinding for the Iron Banner helm for ages but no luck! ;-;
Have you joined the redcafe clan? there's always a few of us online so we can run you through a nightfall etc.
It's absolutely maddening, i grinded on Nessus today to get either the Last Hope or some of the armor (legs and gloves) and after like 15 level ups i did not get anything i wanted, i did get about 10 fecking Uriel's Gift's though

The absolute worst though is getting fecking shards as a reward, i soon have 1k of those. Why on earth did they include those in the rewards?

That might be because the last hope isn't in the loot pool for Nessus. I think it's Io you should have been farming.

I finally got mine from the gunsmith rank up.

I tried it out in iron banner and was still getting killed at close quarters by the Uriel's.
Yeah, over the MIDA scout rifle. Didn't know there was a taboo on using it.

People are probably just tired of dying to the same gun over and over tbh, Mida is one of the most popular guns in pvp right now so it's an easy target for people to blame. Personally I don't use it because I just don't really like the feel of it but it has a lot of desirable perks with third eye, hcr, lightweight, and 100 aim assist so it's not going anywhere unless they buff other guns.

Got almost all the guns from IB apart from the smg, which looks nice, so not done too bad overall, just wish quickplay would let us choose which mode we could play because it's been nice this week to be able to load up IB and know you're playing control and there's no chance of supremacy showing up.
People are probably just tired of dying to the same gun over and over tbh, Mida is one of the most popular guns in pvp right now so it's an easy target for people to blame. Personally I don't use it because I just don't really like the feel of it but it has a lot of desirable perks with third eye, hcr, lightweight, and 100 aim assist so it's not going anywhere unless they buff other guns.

Got almost all the guns from IB apart from the smg, which looks nice, so not done too bad overall, just wish quickplay would let us choose which mode we could play because it's been nice this week to be able to load up IB and know you're playing control and there's no chance of supremacy showing up.

Mida and Uriel's Gift are probably the two I see most often. Never got an angry message but I guess that is because I generally suck at crucible.
People are probably just tired of dying to the same gun over and over tbh, Mida is one of the most popular guns in pvp right now so it's an easy target for people to blame. Personally I don't use it because I just don't really like the feel of it but it has a lot of desirable perks with third eye, hcr, lightweight, and 100 aim assist so it's not going anywhere unless they buff other guns.

Got almost all the guns from IB apart from the smg, which looks nice, so not done too bad overall, just wish quickplay would let us choose which mode we could play because it's been nice this week to be able to load up IB and know you're playing control and there's no chance of supremacy showing up.
I don't know if MIDA is that bad in that respect. I feel like I get killed by Uriel's Gift more than anything. I mostly use Auto Rifles anyway.

But you know, if you're sending abusive messages to strangers about the type of gun they're using on a PS4 game, life's going to be pretty hard on you.
I don't know if MIDA is that bad in that respect. I feel like I get killed by Uriel's Gift more than anything. I mostly use Auto Rifles anyway.

But you know, if you're sending abusive messages to strangers about the type of gun they're using on a PS4 game, life's going to be pretty hard on you.

Unfortunately a lot of people take video games too seriously and feel the need to be toxic, sometimes I get frustrated in pvp but I've never thought of sending an abusive message, the last time someone sent me one I just thanked them and reported them for abusive language on psn so they probably got a short communications ban.
Unfortunately a lot of people take video games too seriously and feel the need to be toxic, sometimes I get frustrated in pvp but I've never thought of sending an abusive message, the last time someone sent me one I just thanked them and reported them for abusive language on psn so they probably got a short communications ban.

The only game that's had me actually yelling from playing online is FIFA and, believe it or not, Hearthstone. I never given anyone the joy of sending them salty messages though, once you do that you pretty much admit they got under your skin

Mida and Uriel's Gift are probably the two I see most often. Never got an angry message but I guess that is because I generally suck at crucible.

Mida and UG have been a godsend for me during MP D2. I'm a very below average PVP player but I'm pretty sure that I've got a positive K/D ratio (at the moment).
Mida and UG have been a godsend for me during MP D2. I'm a very below average PVP player but I'm pretty sure that I've got a positive K/D ratio (at the moment).

Uriel's Gift is powerful as feck, not only does it kill very fast, it also has ridiculous range and stability for an auto rifle as well as being very forgiving. I expect it to be hit with the nerf bat pretty soon
@Damien can you add me to this as well.
Will do when I'm next on.

Mida and UG have been a godsend for me during MP D2. I'm a very below average PVP player but I'm pretty sure that I've got a positive K/D ratio (at the moment).
You can see stats here (overall including assists it is positive). Of late mine has been positive but I think that is a mix of using UG and Control being the mode I'm most comfortable with.
@Damien is there a separate Destiny based PS4 chat for the Caf or was it the RedCafe community? If it's different could you add me too, please.

That DestinyKD website is handy, I think my game on PVP has improved dramatically during the Iron Banner. I'm now a 0.96 overall & I was a 1.02 on Iron Banner - based on that site.

Mida and UG have been a godsend for me during MP D2. I'm a very below average PVP player but I'm pretty sure that I've got a positive K/D ratio (at the moment).

I have to agree with MIDA & UG improving players on PVP, it definitely worked for me. Although, personally I think Nameless Midnight is a better scout rifle and I'm also liking The Forward Path auto rifle, the IB drop, well worth giving it a go if you have it.
@Damien is there a separate Destiny based PS4 chat for the Caf or was it the RedCafe community? If it's different could you add me too, please.

That DestinyKD website is handy, I think my game on PVP has improved dramatically during the Iron Banner. I'm now a 0.96 overall & I was a 1.02 on Iron Banner - based on that site.

I have to agree with MIDA & UG improving players on PVP, it definitely worked for me. Although, personally I think Nameless Midnight is a better scout rifle and I'm also liking The Forward Path auto rifle, the IB drop, well worth giving it a go if you have it.
Yeah, its a PS4 message convo. I'll add you to it when I'm on.

Ugh, Exodus Crash NF.
Will do when I'm next on.

You can see stats here (overall including assists it is positive). Of late mine has been positive but I think that is a mix of using UG and Control being the mode I'm most comfortable with.
That websites good, you can choose between all 3 characters also in the top left, they are different for each character.

Across my 3 for iron banner i've got 1.44, 1.48 and 1.22 KD

then with KA/D I have 1.84, 1.95 and 1.66, so all fairly positive which is nice. Definitely been playing better recently.

Last night with @Sied I think we won 7/8 games in a row with no losses.
I found iron banner completely nails this time.

I was slightly positive kdr in destiny 1. Currently 0.92 in destiny 2. Lost 11 iron banner games in a row.
That websites good, you can choose between all 3 characters also in the top left, they are different for each character.

Across my 3 for iron banner i've got 1.44, 1.48 and 1.22 KD

then with KA/D I have 1.84, 1.95 and 1.66, so all fairly positive which is nice. Definitely been playing better recently.

Last night with @Sied I think we won 7/8 games in a row with no losses.
That was a nice run we went on last night. In random groups I normally finish top of my group and lose, but I was happily finishing bottom and winning with you guys!

Cool website @Damien linked. I'm on 1.47 but only got over that once last night. Clearly you were both stealing my kills :wenger:
2 random questions:

1. Is there a website that guides what weapons are widely acknowledged to be decent and worth keeping? I've started storing everything to avoid accidentally dismantling something that I later find out was a good gun.
2. How do I turn fireteam audio on? Or is it automatically on but no one talks?
2 random questions:

1. Is there a website that guides what weapons are widely acknowledged to be decent and worth keeping? I've started storing everything to avoid accidentally dismantling something that I later find out was a good gun.
2. How do I turn fireteam audio on? Or is it automatically on but no one talks?

This post from Reddit has a huge breakdown of most if not all weapons, generally speaking the more blue stats the gun has the better but there'll still be some you enjoy using regardless, it also depends what you're using it for, some guns are great for pve and poor in pvp, like the sunshot handcannon, or the other way around.

You can join the fireteam voice channel by pressing left on the d-pad when you have your ghost up, it'll tell you in the bottom left of the screen when you do it or someone else does, though it's pretty rare for people to use it tbh and I don't think it's automatic so you have to opt in.
This post from Reddit has a huge breakdown of most if not all weapons, generally speaking the more blue stats the gun has the better but there'll still be some you enjoy using regardless, it also depends what you're using it for, some guns are great for pve and poor in pvp, like the sunshot handcannon, or the other way around.

You can join the fireteam voice channel by pressing left on the d-pad when you have your ghost up, it'll tell you in the bottom left of the screen when you do it or someone else does, though it's pretty rare for people to use it tbh and I don't think it's automatic so you have to opt in.
Wow that's even more detailed than I was expecting! Thanks.
For people looking for the quickest way to farm faction tokens:

I've just farmed 543 in an hour. Be warned - That was one very boring, monotonous and repetitive hour...
Saw Bungie's stream for Curse of Osiris, basically we're getting:

  • New story, according to people who got their hands on it early it's 2-4 hours in length.
  • New planet Mercury featuring a patrol zone and social space.
  • New weapons and armour, and a 'forge' to either craft or earn weapons through quests.
  • Heroic strikes playlist
  • "New raid content" turned out to be just a new section of Leviathan called a 'raid lair'. These are smaller, less time consuming raid level activities which will have different encounters and bosses to the leviathan raid. The second expansion will also come with raid lair.
There's a more detailed summary on r/DestinyTheGame but this is just a brief overview of what we're getting. In all it seems decent I wasn't expecting any of the real issues to be solved in the first expansion (likely it was developed alongside the rest of the game and then cut out to be packaged as DLC), very disappointed in the whole 'raid lair' thing, to have these in both expansions makes me feel like we won't be seeing a new raid til the first Taken King/Rise of Iron type expansion for D2. Fighting the Cabal has already gotten tiresome, and it seems like that's all we'll be doing for the next 9-12 months in terms of raids. I was holding out for a Vex raid on Mercury, really wished I hadn't been suckered into buying the season pass now.
It's "clarion call" this weekend, which is double xp if you do activities with a clan member in your fireteam, not overly useful but if anyone wants to get some nightfalls, trials, public events or whatever done this weekend just let me know.
I was going to buy Destiny 2 on ps4 with the black friday sale but I'm getting a bit hesistant, is it a game you'd recommend?