David Moyes West Ham Manager | Gone (pedantic sod Sarni)


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
I really do not understand with this current fetish of running more than the opposition. If your footballing ability is much better than the opposition then all you need is out pass them and keep control of the ball and score more goals. You can run non stop but if your team cannot play football as well as the opposition then invariably you will lose.
West ham's issue is not that they cannot run. They simply are not good enough or the tactics are not good enough. I have a feeling that the Hammers Board has actually played a blinder as far as they are concerned. If they go down, they can clear a lot of the players and blame Moyes for going down. Then they will get a new Manager and try to get up and get more money for going up. Kill two birds with one stone. Don't have to pay Moyes anything extra and if he keeps them up by the skin of their teeth then also they can not renew his contract and let him go for free.
Its not as if they havent been here before, they know they are shite, this is exactly what they are doing.

Sassy Colin

Death or the gladioli!
Jan 29, 2010
Aliens are in control of my tagline & location
Is nt that true to some extent ?

If we forget his antics off the pitch - one thing which he does know is how to organize a team and not concede. I think he will thrive at west ham if he is able to survive relegation this year. Mid table club, decent money on transfers ,excellent academy
Based on what, we got tonked home and away by City & Liverpool!


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
The owners probably think the players are lazy, spoilt & overpaid...'cos barrow boys like West Ham's owners tend to think that way. So, it's easy for Moyes to impress Sullivan & co by promising to 'shake things up' ("Another hundred laps, lads!") by acting like a thick PE teacher in a fleece tracksuit with a whistle on a piece of string.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
I really do not understand with this current fetish of running more than the opposition. If your footballing ability is much better than the opposition then all you need is out pass them and keep control of the ball and score more goals. You can run non stop but if your team cannot play football as well as the opposition then invariably you will lose.
West ham's issue is not that they cannot run. They simply are not good enough or the tactics are not good enough. I have a feeling that the Hammers Board has actually played a blinder as far as they are concerned. If they go down, they can clear a lot of the players and blame Moyes for going down. Then they will get a new Manager and try to get up and get more money for going up. Kill two birds with one stone. Don't have to pay Moyes anything extra and if he keeps them up by the skin of their teeth then also they can not renew his contract and let him go for free.

I agree with this completely.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
I agree with this completely.
Just expanding on what I said The Press cannot have a go at them for giving it to Moyes even if he takes them down, because they were pushing the agenda for him to be appointed. So now matter what happens the Hammers owners are winners in this.

Distracted Steward

Full Member
Mar 16, 2014
The hatred on here is unbelievable. Ok the guy wasn't good enough for United I get that but how many other managers who have been sacked for previous job failures are moving around to other clubs without being slated.
There is an element of that, but the core of the criticism on here matches the pundits’: the man seems to have lost whatever drove his earlier success, and he has had a markedly negative effect in his last three appointments. That is fair. The vitriol may be a little harsh, but the criticism is absolutely fair. Appointing Moyes was a bewilderingly poor decision in any reasonable analysis of it.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
The hatred on here is unbelievable. Ok the guy wasn't good enough for United I get that but how many other managers who have been sacked for previous job failures are moving around to other clubs without being slated.
Thought Moyes sympathisers were rare around these parts after being found out as a fraud at Sociedad and Sunderland. You think he gets slated on here? Take yourself over to the Everton and Sunderland forums, the vitriol on those is amazing.

Moyes deserves all the scrutiny he gets. At no point in his last three failed jobs has he said "you know what, I could have done some things better", instead it's excuse after excuse. "I thought I had 7 years to fix this", "Sociedad was a rip-roaring success", "Sunderland was a set up". I could literally go on all night but I'm presuming unlike Moyes, you have access to the internet and are able to see all the stats and bullshit he spouts. Even the British press think he's a joke now and they always back their own.

Sassy Colin

Death or the gladioli!
Jan 29, 2010
Aliens are in control of my tagline & location
And you are judging based on just 2 games ?

Would you do the same to Jose based on Chelsea away last year ?
We were shit under Moyes, absolute, embarrassing shit.

We'll make it difficult for Newcastle, fecking charlatan.

On what planet does he make his teams difficult to beat.

Good grief, I can't believe there are still Moyes apologists out there. Would you want him instead of José? Seriously?


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
And you are judging based on just 2 games ?

Would you do the same to Jose based on Chelsea away last year ?
Moyes' season saw us finish with our joint worst goals conceded record since 01-02. So...based on that.


Last Man Standing champion 2019/20
Oct 26, 2008
We were shit under Moyes, absolute, embarrassing shit.

We'll make it difficult for Newcastle, fecking charlatan.

On what planet does he make his teams difficult to beat.

Good grief, I can't believe there are still Moyes apologists out there. Would you want him instead of José? Seriously?
Would be good if you actually read my post !


Last Man Standing champion 2019/20
Oct 26, 2008
Moyes' season saw us finish with our joint worst goals conceded record since 01-02. So...based on that.
Well united job was always a misfit though and we agree on it. He would do well where he need to make a club difficult to beat - thats a solid mid table team.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Well united job was always a misfit though and we agree on it. He would do well where he need to make a club difficult to beat - thats a solid mid table team.
He drastically failed at Sunderland and was conceding almost two goals a game with them.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Thought Moyes sympathisers were rare around these parts after being found out as a fraud at Sociedad and Sunderland. You think he gets slated on here? Take yourself over to the Everton and Sunderland forums, the vitriol on those is amazing.

Moyes deserves all the scrutiny he gets. At no point in his last three failed jobs has he said "you know what, I could have done some things better", instead it's excuse after excuse. "I thought I had 7 years to fix this", "Sociedad was a rip-roaring success", "Sunderland was a set up". I could literally go on all night but I'm presuming unlike Moyes, you have access to the internet and are able to see all the stats and bullshit he spouts. Even the British press think he's a joke now and they always back their own.
That is without doubt probably the most annoying thing about Moyes, he doesn't have an ounce of honesty in him. He can't hold his hands up and even say ''look i made mistakes but if given another chance i would do things differently''.

He actually said about the United job ''I wouldn't have do anything differently,". Which is mind boggling when you think about it. So he failed abysmally at the biggest job he will ever be given, dragged the champions down to 7th, broke numerous 40-50-60 year records, only won two games against the top half of the league that year. And if given another chance he wouldn't do anything differently, really?

So basically going off these comments he thinks he did a good job at United. He thinks the Sociedad job went well also, the man is an utter moron and a cretin.

^^This^^Exactly This^^
Also worth mentioning that he rejected signing Alcantara 'because he'd never heard of him'
He wasted an entire summer chasing Fabregas & Bale, when he'd already been told the players had no interest in joining, and instead panic bought Fellaini on deadline day for £4m more than his release clause.

Yet he is so smug that he still bleats on about how unfairly treated he was by United...!!

The man is an absolute spunk-trumpet of the highest order...!!
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Last Man Standing champion 2019/20
Oct 26, 2008
He drastically failed at Sunderland and was conceding almost two goals a game with them.
Sunderland? Destined for relegation for many years. Lets not let his off field antics cloud the judgement on him. From a career standpoint, he has made some suicidal choices but the truth is he is at best a mid table manager. He will not challenge for titles and he wouldn't inspire teams to come out of relegation but he would certainly be okay for mid table clubs. West Ham will not be in a relegation fight this year and so I expect him to get better in this job.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Sunderland? Destined for relegation for many years. Lets not let his off field antics cloud the judgement on him. From a career standpoint, he has made some suicidal choices but the truth is he is at best a mid table manager. He will not challenge for titles and he wouldn't inspire teams to come out of relegation but he would certainly be okay for mid table clubs. West Ham will not be in a relegation fight this year and so I expect him to get better in this job.
And yet they didn't get relegated for years under many other managers. It took David ''mid-table magician'' Moyes to come in and lead them to one of the worst Premier League seasons by any team since the league's formation. Then he fecks off and leaves them in the lurch because he didn't have the balls to try to get them promoted. With the damage he did to the club they are now rock bottom of the championship.

The truth is at this stage Moyes has had one top level job where he did well and that was 15 years ago. If he was actually a decent manager then or it was a perfect storm for him to do well who knows. But in 2017 he's done, West Ham will find that out soon enough. I doubt he will last the season there, i give it until the end of January before he starts squirming again and bleating on about the players not being good enough and not being backed in the transfer market.


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
Martinez school of defending
And yet they didn't get relegated for years under many other managers. It took David ''mid-table magician'' Moyes to come in and lead them to one of the worst Premier League seasons by any team since the league's formation. Then he fecks off and leaves them in the lurch because he didn't have the balls to try to get them promoted. With the damage he did to the club they are now rock bottom of the championship.

The truth is at this stage Moyes has had one top level job where he did well and that was 15 years ago.
If he was actually a decent manager then or it was a perfect storm for him to do well who knows. But in 2017 he's done, West Ham will find that out soon enough. I doubt he will last the season there, i give it until the end of January before he starts squirming again and bleating on about the players not being good enough and not being backed in the transfer market.
The "15 years ago" comment has me baffled. He left Everton 4 years ago, a season where they came 6th.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Sunderland? Destined for relegation for many years. Lets not let his off field antics cloud the judgement on him. From a career standpoint, he has made some suicidal choices but the truth is he is at best a mid table manager. He will not challenge for titles and he wouldn't inspire teams to come out of relegation but he would certainly be okay for mid table clubs. West Ham will not be in a relegation fight this year and so I expect him to get better in this job.
Except for all those other years under other managers where they didn't get relegated. They weren't great but a good manager would've put up a much better fight. West Ham are absolutely in a relegation battle this year, so he's not really taking on some cushy mid-table job. He did well with Everton but failed drastically with Sociedad, who I'd argue would be considered a relatively mid-table job. And if the retort to that is "But that was in Spain..." then he's probably not a good manager if we're adding on a multitude of excuses.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
I think what he wants to say (but cannot) is this: "The players at those clubs were useless/unprofessional." Even if there were a smidgen of truth in that, to claim it about three clubs would expose him.


Full Member
Feb 20, 2013
The whole "he'll make them solid" thing is a stupid meme perpetuated by lazy pundits. It's been objectively proven to be untrue.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
More apt would be: "He'll make them liquid."


likes: servals, breasts, rylan clark and zooey
Aug 11, 2010
There must be some competition with the newbies and mods to stick up for moyes or something, something fishy’s going on.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
The "15 years ago" comment has me baffled.
It shouldn't as you know what year he joined Everton. Or could very easily find out.

He left Everton 4 years ago, a season where they came 6th.

He joined them in 2002, it was then that he turned them around from finishing just above the relegation zone to being mid-table. That was the good job where he did well i was referring to. I was obviously speaking about his history of taking over clubs and turning them around. He's managed it with one club, in his other 3 top flight jobs he's failed abysmally.
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Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
I can only imagine that out of desperation, the West Ham owners called an emergency meeting and agreed that:

"Bilic just isn't cutting it anymore. We are in serious trouble right now and that can only mean one thing. What we need is a honest man. A hard-working man.
A living, breathing man."


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
GOLD: "So that's David Moyes signed up."

SULLIVAN: "Such a hard-working manager. Where is he now?"

GOLD: "On holiday."


New Member
Nov 16, 2013
Honest and hard-working manager.

Exactly what West Ham need.
Karen Brady - "I don’t know whether or not he is the dour Scot he is sometimes reputed to be but we know he has many of the characteristics of Sir Alex Ferguson"

So we now know what Moyes said in his job interview.

James Peril

New Member
Aug 10, 2016
Moyes never could handle egos and characters, stars, at Man United. That’s a huge part of being the manager of a top club, almost as important as the tactical, day-to-day basics. You could instantly see that he felt big-time, Ferguson’s chosen one to succeed him - a terrible mistake. The classic trap, just like Rafa at Real Madrid. They often say players/managers are not bigger than the club, but that is not true in some cases. The club lasts longer than any individual, but Ferguson was Man Utd - Ronaldo was bigger than everyone at Real Madrid. Moyes came in and asked Rio/Vidic to emulate Jagielka, you can see from later interviews that the squad obviously did not want to work with him. He acted big-time instead of proving his worth.

I think that’s going to be his problem at West Ham as well. He will walk in there beliving he is entitled to a bigger job, like he’s doing them a favor when it’s the other way around. Moyes is a dinasour without anything to back it up, what he did at Everton seems ages ago - that’s how football is these days. Instead of nurturing Arnautovic’s ego, he will demand respect and create trouble from day 1. I for one, am looking immensely forward to seeing him fail. He has said a lot of bullshit the last four years and it’s staggering to see him refusing to admit his own short-comings.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
Karen Brady - "I don’t know whether or not he is the dour Scot he is sometimes reputed to be but we know he has many of the characteristics of Sir Alex Ferguson"

So we now know what Moyes said in his job interview.
So the only thing that's getting him work now is the fact United decided to gamble on him because they felt he could emulate Fergie?


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Still doesn't make your statement any less wrong.
What are you talking about mate?

Within the context of the point i was making it wasn't wrong at all. What the feck relevance does Moyes finishing 6th in his 12th year at Everton have with taking over a new club in a relegation scrap and the likelihood of him turning them around?

He was doing "a good job" in the premier league 4 years ago.
I also don't recall saying he was doing a bad job in his last few years at Everton, so again what are you talking about?

Again i was clearly referring to his track record when taking clubs over.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
The hatred on here is unbelievable. Ok the guy wasn't good enough for United I get that but how many other managers who have been sacked for previous job failures are moving around to other clubs without being slated.
Think it's just that Moyes seems to be the current epitome of that phenomenon, he's not an evil person just a slightly socially awkward over rewarded mid level achiever.
Said on the radio the other day that he doesn't read the critics. He said it quite pointedly so I'm not sure its true, but I hope it is for his sake

Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
"So David, tell us a bit about how you see things progressing for us should you get the job. What sort of changes would you implement?"

"Well, I have access to numerous IPAD's and tablets and would like to install them at the training ground."


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
So the only thing that's getting him work now is the fact United decided to gamble on him because they felt he could emulate Fergie?
Maybe it was the accent as Karen Brady never understood the Scottish accent. That is the only thing that is similar to Fergie. Nothing else.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2013
"So David, tell us a bit about how you see things progressing for us should you get the job. What sort of changes would you implement?"

"Well, I have access to numerous IPAD's and tablets and would like to install them at the training ground."
ahh Moysies famous lost ipad bunker. I remember the spin on this, he had to painstakingly start from scratch and build up a scouting network all by himself, because there were no records of any players. Due to the selfish Ferguson keeping all the data in his mind