David Moyes Unemployed | European Champion

Just need one point to secure 6th.

All in all a solid B+ season for him. It'll be interesting to see what they can do next year.
Very surprised they didn't really sign anyone.

He'll do very well to equal their 6th place this year.
He’s doing (and has done) a cracking job. Helps that they have an absolute gem in Declan Rice but Moyes is getting top performances out of a squad full of players that seem, on paper, nowhere near the top clubs.

So frustrating he couldn’t perform the same alchemy when he was at MUFC (nor have any of his successors).
He’s doing (and has done) a cracking job. Helps that they have an absolute gem in Declan Rice but Moyes is getting top performances out of a squad full of players that seem, on paper, nowhere near the top clubs.

So frustrating he couldn’t perform the same alchemy when he was at MUFC (nor have any of his successors).

The problems with his time here, were that a) he followed on from Fergie and we didn't know what the preceding 8 or 9 years would look like. And b) we were champions.

Hindsight has told me that he perhaps wasn't as bad as he looked at the time. I mean, this team of champions really stumbled to the title the previous season and we were horrible to watch apart from RVP. But as soon as Moyes went, those champions were all flogged anyway over the next year or two...and all of them never looked the same again full stop after Fergie (Evra probably the best off the top of my head). It was every bit a poisoned chalice at that time.
The problems with his time here, were that a) he followed on from Fergie and we didn't know what the preceding 8 or 9 years would look like. And b) we were champions.

Hindsight has told me that he perhaps want as bad as he looked at the time. I mean, this team of champions really stumbled to the title the previous season and we were horrible to watch apart from RVP. But as soon as Moyes went, those champions were all flogged anyway over the next year or two...and all of them never looked the same again full stop after Fergie (Evra probably the best off the top of my head). It was every bit a poisoned chalice at that time.

Yeah, agreed. The whole “he inherited the title-winners!” argument makes it seem his job was way easier than it really was. All our best/oldest players went into sharp decline at once and none of the youngsters at the time ever turned out as good we’d hoped/assumed they would turn out. Welbeck, Chicharito, Nani, Anderson, Jones, Smalling, Januzaj, Lingard (ha!), Powell and Kagawa is a brutal amount of deadwood to inherit for any new manager. And they were supposed to be the core of a title-winning team!

We’ve basically had to replace that entire squad to get competitive again. Not to mention the enormous short term shock to the system of Fergie stepping down.

I actually think he had the toughest job of any of our post-Fergie managers.
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Funny to say but I think this is the Moyes we thought we were getting from Everton.

Ultimately though, the job was too big for him and it was probably the wrong time for him as well. Succeeding SAF needed a stronger personality than the comfort zone he was in at Everton and now at WHU. He couldn't deal with such pressure.
Every manager has his niche. I think Moyes is arguably the best midtable manager the PL has ever had. I don't think he's particularly great at the bottom (like Allardyce was) and he failed at the top end - but he's rock solid in the 5th - 10th spot.
Moyes owes us.

(waves fingers vaguely in the air like Obi-Wan)

<<<buy Lingaaaaard>>

<and we'll throw in Jones for free*!>

*you pay his wages, returns not accepted.
The problems with his time here, were that a) he followed on from Fergie and we didn't know what the preceding 8 or 9 years would look like. And b) we were champions.

Hindsight has told me that he perhaps wasn't as bad as he looked at the time. I mean, this team of champions really stumbled to the title the previous season and we were horrible to watch apart from RVP. But as soon as Moyes went, those champions were all flogged anyway over the next year or two...and all of them never looked the same again full stop after Fergie (Evra probably the best off the top of my head). It was every bit a poisoned chalice at that time.

That's true. People don't seem to get it but the team that won the title in SAF's last season was on its last legs and needed a massive, massive overhaul. A combination of old aged players making one final push for a title before retiring and average players masked by SAF's tactical and man management abilities and RVP's brilliance. This wasn't a good team at all. SAF just extracted the last possible achievement for them then left them for the next manager to start the rebuild cycle.

It showed later after Moyes and LVG came and just sold the majority of the team.

Doesn't change from the fact that he failed though. He couldn't cope with the pressure of succeeding SAF and he was probably also surprised by the fact that the team needed a massive rebuild. He had higher expectations of the quality of players the club could sign as shown by his interviews later about Kroos, Bale, Fabregas and stuff. He probably thought during the season that first season won't matter and the board will give him another market to try and bring some world class talent, but the board had different plans.
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I do wonder what sort of signings he would've made had he been given some time. Signings were a strength of his at Everton and has continued at West Ham, though he went off the rails at Sunderland with some terrible buys.

Can't have been worse than Van Gaal though who sold half the squad and replaced them with absolute dross. Set us back a good few years that did.
I do wonder what sort of signings he would've made had he been given some time. Signings were a strength of his at Everton and has continued at West Ham, though he went off the rails at Sunderland with some terrible buys.

Can't have been worse than Van Gaal though who sold half the squad and replaced them with absolute dross. Set us back a good few years that did.
He did have Kroos lined up in fairness. Hiring LVG who had been out of the club game and never known for signing players when we needed a complete rebuild and were rebuilding our recruitment infrastructure is easily Woodward’s shittest decision.
I think Moyes is arguably the best midtable manager the PL has ever had.

That's a little bit unfair to Woy. What he did with Fulham dwarves anything Moyes has acomplished with Everton and West Ham.
That's true. People don't seem to get it but the team that won the title in SAF's last season was on its last leagues and needed a massive, massive overhaul. A combination of old aged players making one final push for a title before retiring and average players masked by SAF's tactical and man management abilities and RVP's brilliance. This wasn't a good team at all. SAF just extracted the last possible achievement for them then left them for the next manager to start the rebuild cycle.

It showed later after Moyes and LVG came and just sold the majority of the team.

Doesn't change from the fact that he failed though. He couldn't cope with the pressure of succeeding SAF and he was probably also surprised by the fact that the team needed a massive rebuild. He had higher expectations of the quality of players the club could sign as shown by his interviews later about Kroos, Bale, Fabregas and stuff. He probably thought during the season that first season won't matter and the board will give him another market to try and bring some world class talent, but the board had different plans.

Personally, I am not sure anyone could've followed SAF full stop. However, with that squad on it's last legs and following SAF? Not sure anyone could've done, unless they got a grace period.

Moyes was out of his depth (although I think he is a great manager for a team that wants top 8 and the odd run at 4th) however he was given a poor hand to work with.
While never big enough or good enough to manage here it definitely ruined his reputation a lot as he did a great job with Everton and now West Ham. When he took over I remember many saying he could get them relegated but he has done fantastic.

This is his level and his comfort zone. But fair play
Impressive so far at West Ham, and I am glad for him, he's a very good manager no doubt, only question is if he could ever make it at a top club. Perhaps he gets another chance at some big club to prove himself.
I do wonder what sort of signings he would've made had he been given some time. Signings were a strength of his at Everton and has continued at West Ham, though he went off the rails at Sunderland with some terrible buys.

Can't have been worse than Van Gaal though who sold half the squad and replaced them with absolute dross. Set us back a good few years that did.

One thing is making transfers for Everton and West Ham, another thing is making them for United. On top of that, you have to match it with charisma and a whole lot of stuff he never got going for him. Saying that - I am hugely impressed and never, ever would have thought he’d return at this level. He must have had tons of mental fights, but the guy believes in himself - damn. West Ham are at times very fun to watch, it’s not just power and adrenaline. If only Lingard was smart enough to realize he should be part of this show too…
Personally, I am not sure anyone could've followed SAF full stop. However, with that squad on it's last legs and following SAF? Not sure anyone could've done, unless they got a grace period.

Moyes was out of his depth (although I think he is a great manager for a team that wants top 8 and the odd run at 4th) however he was given a poor hand to work with.
Yeah but how many teams would have done well with adding one of our aging players as a final piece, we should have sold half the team after that year and given the manager time to rebuild. But orders from the top should have been - sell a lot of the squad and re invest. Of course if we did that in fergies last season we could have lured up and coming talent off his name alone.
I am glad for Moyes he deserves this, very good bloke who was treated like shit here. Good to see him back in the groove.
Uh yeah it was he was the fecking manager.
Yeah I never understand this conspiracy of someone else was telling him how to play. He just wasn’t big enough for here and I appreciate him trying it didn’t work but am glad he is doing well at West Ham
Yeah I never understand this conspiracy of someone else was telling him how to play. He just wasn’t big enough for here and I appreciate him trying it didn’t work but am glad he is doing well at West Ham

Yeah it's nonsense. Moyes just wasn't suited to managing any big club let alone United. Just doesn't have the talent, character or personality. Getting a smaller side to punch above their weight and in around the Europa League places is his level. He done it 20 years ago with Everton and he looks to be doing it again now.
I am glad for Moyes he deserves this, very good bloke who was treated like shit here. Good to see him back in the groove.
Nice to see another United fan thinking this way, and saying so out loud. Agree he was treated badly by Utd, and was on a hiding to nothing following Sir Alex. Glad he’s found a club he can thrive at, even if it is West Ham!
Arsenal should poach West Ham's scouts. They've purchased wisely and aren't carrying any lightweights.
Yeah it's nonsense. Moyes just wasn't suited to managing any big club let alone United. Just doesn't have the talent, character or personality. Getting a smaller side to punch above their weight and in around the Europa League places is his level. He done it 20 years ago with Everton and he looks to be doing it again now.
Yeah that’s it as I said he wasn’t big enough or good enough for the huge step up. He does do well with these kind of teams that have ambition to get top 5-8 and have a decent squad. He certainly has West Ham looking the part considering how they were when he took over.
Yeah, agreed. The whole “he inherited the title-winners!” argument makes it seem his job was way easier than it really was. All our best/oldest players went into sharp decline at once and none of the youngsters at the time ever turned out as good we’d hoped/assumed they would turn out. Welbeck, Chicharito, Nani, Anderson, Jones, Smalling, Januzaj, Lingard (ha!), Powell and Kagawa is a brutal amount of deadwood to inherit for any new manager. And they were supposed to be the core of a title-winning team!

We’ve basically had to replace that entire squad to get competitive again. Not to mention the enormous short term shock to the system of Fergie stepping down.

I actually think he had the toughest job of any of our post-Fergie managers.
That's true. People don't seem to get it but the team that won the title in SAF's last season was on its last legs and needed a massive, massive overhaul. A combination of old aged players making one final push for a title before retiring and average players masked by SAF's tactical and man management abilities and RVP's brilliance. This wasn't a good team at all. SAF just extracted the last possible achievement for them then left them for the next manager to start the rebuild cycle.

It showed later after Moyes and LVG came and just sold the majority of the team.

Doesn't change from the fact that he failed though. He couldn't cope with the pressure of succeeding SAF and he was probably also surprised by the fact that the team needed a massive rebuild. He had higher expectations of the quality of players the club could sign as shown by his interviews later about Kroos, Bale, Fabregas and stuff. He probably thought during the season that first season won't matter and the board will give him another market to try and bring some world class talent, but the board had different plans.

Glad I'm not alone in thinking this. I tried to put these arguments forward at the time but, like I mentioned, I don't think most of us realised the true extent of the rebuild needed.

For perspective, Fergie had been doing the "no value in the market" spiel over the previous years, which was fine as he could still win with what we had as he was that good and had a connection with these players.

I remember when Moyes said we needed 6 or 7 world class signings and there was a massive thread on here ridiculing him. How much have we spent since? Hindsight is great but sometimes people just can't see what's right in front of them.
Funny to say but I think this is the Moyes we thought we were getting from Everton.

Ultimately though, the job was too big for him and it was probably the wrong time for him as well. Succeeding SAF needed a stronger personality than the comfort zone he was in at Everton and now at WHU. He couldn't deal with such pressure.

I'd say he probably needed the backing and support that Ole is getting.
Yeah it's nonsense. Moyes just wasn't suited to managing any big club let alone United. Just doesn't have the talent, character or personality. Getting a smaller side to punch above their weight and in around the Europa League places is his level. He done it 20 years ago with Everton and he looks to be doing it again now.

Ask yourself why that is though. Why are West Ham players fighting for him, believing in him and playing collectively better than they are on paper? West Ham have some big players, we're not talking Sunday league. Same with Everton.

I think there was a feeling that he wasn't a glamorous enough manager so perhaps some players and most fans didn't buy into it here. Had he brought more players in himself, who wanted to play for Manchester United under Moyes, things would have been different. They would have bought into his plan. You can't tell me that if we didn't play as well organised as West Ham, with our better players, we wouldn't look bloody good.

Fact is Woodward shit the bed before Moyes even had chance to put his stamp on things.
Ask yourself why that is though. Why are West Ham players fighting for him, believing in him and playing collectively better than they are on paper? West Ham have some big players, we're not talking Sunday league. Same with Everton.

I think there was a feeling that he wasn't a glamorous enough manager so perhaps some players and most fans didn't buy into it here. Had he brought more players in himself, who wanted to play for Manchester United under Moyes, things would have been different. They would have bought into his plan. You can't tell me that if we didn't play as well organised as West Ham, with our better players, we wouldn't look bloody good.

Fact is Woodward shit the bed before Moyes even had chance to put his stamp on things.

You could be right but we will never know. Kroos would have been a very nice start of a new chapter. Mata and Fellani though…. All those crosses against Fulham, the dire defeatist attitude (although let’s face it he probably could see we were in for a rough few years and most likely knew he wouldn’t get long enough)

The job was a catch 22. To be honest if Ole can have us challenging with continuity, proper recruitment processes and obviously the financial backing that goes with managing here I’m sure Moyes probably could have eventually turned it around too. He never had the players respect here. I think that was the biggest thing.
Ex United players, manager and staffs doing well in another club shocker.

I'm pretty sure if Mike Phelan becomes manager of Real Madrid he will build an empire there and win anything possible.
Ask yourself why that is though. Why are West Ham players fighting for him, believing in him and playing collectively better than they are on paper? West Ham have some big players, we're not talking Sunday league. Same with Everton.

I think there was a feeling that he wasn't a glamorous enough manager so perhaps some players and most fans didn't buy into it here. Had he brought more players in himself, who wanted to play for Manchester United under Moyes, things would have been different. They would have bought into his plan. You can't tell me that if we didn't play as well organised as West Ham, with our better players, we wouldn't look bloody good.

He didn't have the personality or the mentality to manage a club like United. The players would no doubt have picked up on that, from day one at United he set about adapting United to be as much like Everton as possible instead of him adapting to United.

Managing a mid-table team hoping for a top 10 finish and one of the worlds biggest clubs with ambitions to win League titles and compete in the Champions League are very different things. Moyes had no experience of the latter, which was clear as day during his year at United.

Fact is Woodward shit the bed before Moyes even had chance to put his stamp on things.

Woodward had no choice really Moyes was never going to turn it around at United. Not in 6 years, probably not even in 16.