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2022-23 Performances

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6.2 Season Average Rating
Clean sheets
Yellow cards
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Hoping he doesn't sign, I'm still worried we'll pull out of the Onana transfer and suddenly they'll be no money for a new keeper
Incredible servant to the club during over a decade of mediocrity sprinkled with some good times. Before that he won a league title under SAF which is a testament to his talent at such a young age. Deserves a testimonial and wish him all the best wherever he goes.
He's done us proud many times. Wish him every happiness.
Is that a saying or did you make that up?
Could just be from experience

DDG between 2012-2019 or whatever was one of our goalkeeping greats. Was a diamond in the rough that was the post SAF era. But the games left him behind as has his previous standards and a change was long overdue.
Lovely man and has made some of the best saves i've ever seen. If he goes, I hope he find a fanbase better than ours. His time might be up , but he saved our asses in many many games.

Dave saves!
Seems a kinda sad way for him to go, didn’t get any kind of send off or anything. Surely we must have known we weren’t going to re-sign him.

Wish him all the best.
He has his best ever season, when he was genuinely the best keeper in the world, under Mourinho.
Yes and no. His shot stopping was unreal in 17-18, but his distribution, which had been fine pre-Jose, had been ruined by Jose’s love of hoofing it long.
Was one of my favourite players when he joined, saved our asses countless times. Time catches up to us all, and its time to go. Thanks for everything, DDG. Legend.
Fantastic servant for this club over the years he's been here.Incredible goal keeper,saved us countless times,games & points during his legendary time here.One of my favourite players during your time here.

Thanks David for the all the unbelievable saves.All the best for the future.

I remember the time I wished him 'good luck,what ever you decide to do' in the mix zone after a match at Old Trafford when it looked like he was leaving for RM.As he walk away,after getting a selfie with him,he turned around and said 'thank you'in that gentle voice of his.Nice,humble bloke.
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He had a difficult time adapting, but he’s been nothing short of incredible in his time with us. Time has caught up with him and the game has changed and he has been exposed time and again, but he’s still one of the best keepers we’ve ever had. Good luck Dave!!
Still the best save i have ever seen that reach was insane it was going in off the top right corner of the bar, absolutely beautiful free kick.


I could never wrap my mind around the fact that Mata never looked as good for us as he did for Chelsea. I was ecstatic when we signed him but he was really underwhelming for most of his time here.
Incredible servant to the club during over a decade of mediocrity sprinkled with some good times. Before that he won a league title under SAF which is a testament to his talent at such a young age. Deserves a testimonial and wish him all the best wherever he goes.

Incredible servant as you say but I can't help but see him as the face of a mediocre period, the ever present, the common denominator.

I know it's not the case but I see it nonetheless.
Great servant to the club over the years. Some really hard years as well. Unfortunately just not at the level we need now, wish him all the best.
Great servant to the club for a long time. He is the absolute best keeper to have when we get a lot of shots against.

Some people including Rio are going out with sentimental messages against the club for the behaviour against him. I get that, but David himself knows that in every sport it’s performance that matters.

The way we want to play suggests we need a more modern approach, also including the goalkeeper and his responsibilities with and without the ball. That type of goalkeeper is not DDG.

I got only respect and appreciation for David and if he stay with us knowing he needs to fight for his place in the starting lineup, I would be very happy.
Great servant to the club and pulled us out of trouble time and time again with some fantastic saves. The best shot stopper in Europe. Unfortunately he’s just declined over the last few years… time to move on with a ball playing keeper. He may decide to stay as number 2 but unlikely. I just hope if he stays we still sign a new keeper. He’s getting married this weekend and then the club are gonna carry on talks with him.
It’s a shame he won’t get the send off he deserves to be honest, wasted his best years because of our shit recruitment post Fergie.
Fantastic goalkeeper at his best and very loyal to stay with the club after Fergie retired even when he had the chance to go to Real.

Last season I thought he was generally pretty good except for a few blunders towards the end of the season. His main issue is he is missing being dominant in his box and the footwork needed for a modern day style of play.

Above everything else I loved the fact that during the previous seasons when we weren't playing well he would always come out to face the media and seemed genuinely hurt that we were playing so appallingly. Showed how much he genuinely loves the club.

Wish him the best and hope he gets to play at a decent club for the remainder of his career.
Fantastic goalkeeper at his best and very loyal to stay with the club after Fergie retired even when he had the chance to go to Real.

Eh? His move to Madrid broke down for reasons out of his control. He wanted the move but they never came back in for him. Let’s not pretend he only stayed United out of loyalty. If he’d had his way he would have been a Madrid player. We then gave him 375 thousand reasons not to look to move again.
Disgraceful how he has been treated by the club and some of the fans. Been with us since 2011, saved our asses multiple times, gave us some of the greatest and most incredible saves in a United shirt and broke numerous goalkeeper records for the club. Deserved much better than this, whatever the outcome may be.

Will always be a legend for me, and a lot of people will realise how good he was when the next keeper concedes goals that David would easily save. If he leaves, which he should after all of this, I wish him the very best in his career and his life.
If we’re going to cut him loose we should’ve had the stones to just say so, rather than pulling a contract offer then asking him to hang around in case we don’t sign his replacement.
DDG is a club legend in my eyes - spanning across both the glory and dismal eras of the club. But the time has come to usher in a new style play.
Yeah, maybe back in 2018. Since then he hasn’t been “saving shots that no other keeper would.”
In their minds he’s still doing it. In matchday threads there will be times where an opposition player will kick the ball straight at DDG and it’ll bounce off his face or something and they’ll all be like ‘Dave saves’ or ‘David De God’ and claim this proves that he’s absolutely worth £375k a week and we’re all idiots for thinking otherwise.
He really did carry us over and over again in that 2014-2018 gloomy period, but we really should move on from him for us to progress.

Still a United legend in my book.
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