Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?

I hadn't thought of it like that.

The contenders, where depth goes, look to be:

Arsenal: Fabregas, Nasri, Song, Wilshere... Diaby, Denilson
Chelsea: Essien, Lampard, Mikel, Ramires... McEachran
Liverpool: Gerrard, Meireles, Lucas, Poulsen... Spearing
Man City: Yaya, Silva, Barry, De Jong... Vieira
Spurs: VdV, Modric, Huddlestone, Palacios... Jenas, Sandro

Which, looking at those last names, puts Gibson in a strong position. Who would you swap him for?

But I still don't rate him particularly highly and would prefer Giggs playing inside.

Plus you've got to take into consideration that most of those teams (arguably all if you include Spurs now) play with a 3 man midfield in their primary formation. We play 4-4-2 more than we do 4-3-3 so you would expect us to be a bit lighter in our midfield options but a bit stronger in our striking ones.
theres that same rubbish again. Gibson is a good passer

its the off the ball stuff and imposing himself on games that he needs to improve
He may have the ability to be a good passer hidden somewhere within him but he's shown anything but that so far for us. Apart from those two passes the other day he's regularly proven to be a nothing player on the ball. I hope these abilities are actually there and come through, but there is a reason people think all he does is have a decent shot on him, and that's because he hasn't shown anything else to the fans. Whether it be passing, or technical ability on the ball or work rate or strength or tackling, he's been poor to average at all of those.

He also needs to work on his ball control, it is atrocious at times. The amount of times he has a bad touch giving possession away when not given ample of time and space is amazing.

Anyways, hopefully those two passes the other day were indicative of his ability rather than just a one off that can happen with any player, and he grows from strength to strength now.
Lampard is miles better than Gibson ever can dream of being. Lampard scored 27 goals and 20 assists last year, even if Gibson played every game he wouldn't come close to those numbers. Gibson is just such a peripheral figure on the pitch when he doesnt have the ball and nice shot aside isn't really that good when does have the ball. I don't think he will make it at Unïtéd, but he could make it a lower tier club in the league. Č

Lampard had the chance to break through at West Ham, Gibson United. It's hardly fair to condemn Gibson for not being good enough for a team which wants to win the CL when he has hardly reached 100 career games!
That depends on what sort of passing you mean. I personally don't rate his one touch game at all and he seems to take an age to get ball out of his feet in tight spaces. His long range passing is quite good though.

Next time he is playing please give me at least 2 examples of when he takes an age to get rid of the ball out of his feet, i don't mean to sound a prick but its just i think & have said a few times now that the lad has a very good 1st touch, i think he is very good at getting rid of the ball as soon as he gets it, i agree with you on his long range passing, Fletcher, Sheasy & Evans in an interview a while back said he was 2nd to Scholes in that department on the training pitch too.
Next time he is playing please give me at least 2 examples of when he takes an age to get rid of the ball out of his feet, i don't mean to sound a prick but its just i think & have said a few times now that the lad has a very good 1st touch, i think he is very good at getting rid of the ball as soon as he gets it, i agree with you on his long range passing, Fletcher, Sheasy & Evans in an interview a while back said he was 2nd to Scholes in that department on the training pitch too.

Now that's just the sheerest nonsense. Even when pressed moderately, he coughs up possession. It's one of his greatest weaknesses, his first touch. How anyone can descrive it as 'very good' is beyond me.
Next time he is playing please give me at least 2 examples of when he takes an age to get rid of the ball out of his feet, i don't mean to sound a prick but its just i think & have said a few times now that the lad has a very good 1st touch, i think he is very good at getting rid of the ball as soon as he gets it, i agree with you on his long range passing, Fletcher, Sheasy & Evans in an interview a while back said he was 2nd to Scholes in that department on the training pitch too.

Well tell him to do it on the pitch!! He doesn't show nothing in games and his 1st touch is average.. don't know what you've been watching.
Well tell him to do it on the pitch!! He doesn't show nothing in games and his 1st touch is average.. don't know what you've been watching.

Well i haven't a clue what you have been watching either, on several occasions now i have watched Darron Gibson like a hawk & made notes of what exactly he has done in matches he played in (every single thing, positive & negative) & i can honestly tell you that Darron Gibsons 1st touch is second to none, next time he plays i'll post exactly what he did in the match & then we'll see who's talking shite here.
Well tell him to do it on the pitch!! He doesn't show nothing in games and his 1st touch is average.. don't know what you've been watching.

Darron Gibsons ability to pass a ball at long range was clear for all to see in the Airtricity match (pre-season) when he sliced open the Airtricity defense with a through ball from the half way mark to Antonio Valencia inside the 6 yard boxfor him to finish it. It was also clear quite a few times in the Rangers match at Ot this season where he was arguably our motm & again last Saturday, he is also in my opinion the best corner kick taker we have in the squad, 9 times out of 10 he lands them in or around the 6 yard box, watch out for that next time.
My view is that this club just has some very spoilt fans who are never going to be happy(not just with Gibson); I've seen them at games, I've heard them on the radio and I've read their views on the internet. When Gibson pulls on a United shirt I support him and wish him all the best but it seems like some would rather he failed and don't bother getting behind him because they just want a good moan.

The last sentence especially is cheap lazy tripe Bobo. Care to name any names? Why on earth would anyone want him to fail? I've never seen anyone even come close to suggesting that

Very different to not thinking he's good enough for the level he's playing out. I don't think its an issue of being spoilt either, football fans of every club up and down the land have players they love, players they don't rate, players they wished were replace, players they'd love to bring in etc. It's the conversation of football

We support the players wearing the shit on match day, but ultimately we're not supporters of 'them', we're supporters of the football club and its greater prosperity. I think sometimes its easy to forget that subtle difference, feeling instead that universal adoration for all is the only means by which to show your support
Well, you can tell me that, but it's still nonsense; you've somehow managed to delude yourself on this point, which brings to question your accuracy/objectivity about everything else.

'Second to none'? - Really?

Pop in here for a chat so next time he lines out for us, good lad.

I'm not feckin' deluded on this point at all.
Well i haven't a clue what you have been watching either, on several occasions now i have watched Darron Gibson like a hawk & made notes of what exactly he has done in matches he played in (every single thing, positive & negative) & i can honestly tell you that Darron Gibsons 1st touch is second to none, next time he plays i'll post exactly what he did in the match & then we'll see who's talking shite here.

okay. Well if he plays tonight go ahead. He never see's the bigger picture and thats because he takes too long picking the next pass.
Yes, but you're saying his touch is as good as Berbatov's, as Xavi's, as Messi's...

No chance.
He very rarely gives the ball away when he gets on it & is very good in the final third of the pitch for making himself available for a pass & knocking it around, keeping the ball moving etc..

So he has a better first touch than say Berbatov? Who has one of the best first touches probably in the world.
The attitude towards him on here is getting to be pretty fecking disgusting. People are forgetting that the last time he played this role in Europe was his best ever game for us. Well, best half anyway, he disappeared like everyone else after Rafa got sent off.
I pretty much expected him to start once Anderson was declared unfit.

Carrick and Scholes cannot play the advanced midfield role so it was either one or the other.

Can't believe people are so outraged that he is starting. It makes perfect tactical sense. I mean would rather have Obertan playing that role?
I reckon he's gonna surprise a few people tonight, including myself.
The attitude towards him on here is getting to be pretty fecking disgusting. People are forgetting that the last time he played this role in Europe was his best ever game for us. Well, best half anyway, he disappeared like everyone else after Rafa got sent off.

.....and he hasn't played a good game since!
Would Rooney not be better in this advanced midfield role everyone is going on about?

Has better attributes than Gibson for the job in every department..

Just to play devils advocate
Big chance for him tonight, in probably his ideal position. Let's hope he makes the best of it.
Would Rooney not be better in this advanced midfield role everyone is going on about?

Has better attributes than Gibson for the job in every department..

Just to play devils advocate

Maybe, but then who do you play left? Obertan? Fabio/Evra?
Possibly yes, so far from Gibson I haven't seen anything which would suggest playing Rooney there and Fabio on the left would be a worse idea?

I think that's a fair opinion. Personally, I wouldn't play Fabio left wing as I think he could be a bit lost. I would quite liked to have seen Obertan get a chance. I mean on form neither Gibson nor Obertan deserve a shot, but we probably need to play one of them and I'm not a fan of pushing our best player into an unfavoured position.
Would Rooney not be better in this advanced midfield role everyone is going on about?

Has better attributes than Gibson for the job in every department..

Just to play devils advocate

Who plays on the left then? Obertan? Bebe?

They are both in worse form that Gibson. Or play Fabio in a big knock out tie, a guy who has never really played there and has a questionable fitness record.

I don't particularly rate Gibson but from a team point of view with those we have available he was the best choice.
The one big positive for me in Gibson playing at the top of a midfield three is we won't be relying on him to get his defensive positioning right. Because he's a bit shite at that really.

If he can somehow find the time and space to show off some of his passing and get a few cracks at goal then hopefully MacMUFC won't be the only surprised caftard tonight.
Either way, come 2130 ish this thread is going to be bumped my a lot of Caftards

Hopefully of the happy variety!

Come on Gibbo, prove us all wrong. For me this is really the last chance I am going to give you!