Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?

the trap is spot on

trying to grab a game by the scruf of the neck is exactly what took Fletchers game to the next level
A fair comment from Trappatoni, but I still don't agree with playing someone like Green ahead of Gibson. Green is a poor poor footballer. Even if Gibson has not been playing for United lately he's still light years ahead of Green.
It's hard to try to compare Fletch to Gibson as their strong points are totally different and they are totally different types of MF's...

But Trap does have a point, a point which mostly the people who DO watch Gibson has pointed out that its his positioning in MF that needs work, getting involved in games, demanding the ball, making himself free to receive a pass, thats the basics that Gibson has yet to show of...

If he does though, play consistently like what he did in the Bayern match, showing great work rate, making a few simple but effective passes, I still think he will be valuable to our squad and can possibly become a key player.

So many gaps will be left open after the Scholes/Giggs/Hargreaves/ ( Our aging MF's ) decide to move on.
Yes, he does have a point. Hopefully Gibson will take it as a piece of very very good advice. Maybe it's already been said to him by our own coaches because it's the obvious weakness in his game. He has to be a lot more assertive on the field with and without the ball.
Good man management. Didn't try and alienate him, gave constructive critiscism.
And yet he's called a poor passer by the average caftard...hmmm.

Maybe because he doesn't ask for the ball and always receives it in bad positions not allowing him to excell... Probably like what Trap is saying!! :smirk:
Good man management. Didn't try and alienate him, gave constructive critiscism.

Always good to see. I cant help but like Trap even though hes a stubborn aul fecker. He's building a team, an effective unit, not just constantly assembling our 11 best players and expecting them to get to major champioships on their reputations alone.

Its frustrating at times but then again remember Stan :lol:
I'd say he get overshadowed by the players around him.

I think so too, but then I think that has more to do with his own game than the players he's playing with. It's definitely been a problem of his in how uninvolved he could be for long spells.

Maybe because he doesn't ask for the ball and always receives it in bad positions not allowing him to excell... Probably like what Trap is saying!! :smirk:

None of which has anything to do with being a good passer though...getting in good positions is reliant on intelligence, playing good passes is reliant on technique - he's got the latter, or at least Trappattoni thinks so.
No thanks!! I know what i was saying... Read my comments again!!

Yeah, I know what you're saying too.

It doesn't explain why people think Gibson is a poor passer of the ball, nor does it have anything to do with what Trappatoni said, which is about him needing to stamp his authority on the game, to work harder to get the ball back and to demand more of the ball. Which has got feck all to do with how good or bad he is at passing the ball.
Yeah, I know what you're saying too.

It doesn't explain why people think Gibson is a poor passer of the ball, nor does it have anything to do with what Trappatoni said, which is about him needing to stamp his authority on the game, to work harder to get the ball back and to demand more of the ball. Which has got feck all to do with how good or bad he is at passing the ball.

Did I say he was a bad passer?!! No. I was claiming the fact that maybe if he worked harder on what people say 'creating their own space' we would get to see more of vision that not only Trap but Fergie claims he has. Stamping his authority on the game and creating space and demanding the ball isn't too far off is it. Gibson's problem is that he doesn't see enough of the game in his head he's quite happy to watch it develop round him.
I think so too, but then I think that has more to do with his own game than the players he's playing with. It's definitely been a problem of his in how uninvolved he could be for long spells.

None of which has anything to do with being a good passer though...getting in good positions is reliant on intelligence, playing good passes is reliant on technique - he's got the latter, or at least Trappattoni thinks so.

I'm not denying that.. But you can be a good finisher but it's pretty useless if your never in good position to shoot isn't it?!
I'm not denying that.. But you can be a good finisher but it's pretty useless if your never in good position to shoot isn't it?!

It is a bit, yeah, but then that's not really what I was getting at. He's been called a poor passer on here plenty of times, all I was pointing out is that Trappattoni obviously doesn't think so or he wouldn't have highlighted his passing for praise.

He still doesn't really do the basics in midfield well enough, but if he does start to improve on that he's got the passing to really make a difference as well.
It is a bit, yeah, but then that's not really what I was getting at. He's been called a poor passer on here plenty of times, all I was pointing out is that Trappattoni obviously doesn't think so or he wouldn't have highlighted his passing for praise.

He still doesn't really do the basics in midfield well enough, but if he does start to improve on that he's got the passing to really make a difference as well.

Not only that but an awful lot of people on here think he has absolutely nothing to his game but a powerful shot.

Obviously Trapattoni (and Fergie) are far better judges of his talents than the average caftard.
Nobody who comes though the Man Utd youth system this far is a "bad passer". The only reason he's still here is because they obviously see that his weak areas can be improved on and that will make him a top quality player.
He's clearly got good technique, its his decision making and mobility I have an issue with, for someone built like a tank he does seem to be awful floaty around the pitch, and not in a good way like Messi. If he cant manage costant harassing and running like Fletcher or Keane, he can still so the short little runs Scholes does around the midfield to get into key areas, that requires a clever player who can read the game well however.
Maybe he is a good long passer, but I have never seen it in football matches. Trapattoni watches him in training though.
Maybe he is a good long passer, but I have never seen it in football matches. Trapattoni watches him in training though.

Yes. That's definitely the most likely explanation.

He's got some weird ability of passing the ball accurately over long distances that he can only ever use in training matches, never in a competitive game.

My money's on the alternative explanation of you not being very observant.
I don't think he's a great passer of the ball. There, I said it.

I think he has the ability to ping the occasional "Hollywood Ball" but he has no consistancy with it. Also, he often makes really silly mistakes with the simple 5 yard passes.

Just having the ability to make a raking 50 yard pass doesn't make you a good passer of the ball, you have to be doing it on a consistant basis.

I'm not saying he's poor with the ball, because he isn't. But to say he's anymore than a decent passer of the ball is wide of the mark imo. Much like some of Gibbo's passes! :) I'm only joking with that last comment, obviously.
Gibson's probably one of those players who are shit-hot in training but can rarely seem to replicate it in a real match. With his passing and eye for goal he has plenty going for him, but he needs to step it up in terms of demanding the ball. We're (Ireland, that is) crying out for a midfielder who can do more than tackle a bit then pass it 5/10 yards sideways or backwards.

He's obviously no world beater, but if he develops his game then he could be very useful for United and a mainstay for the Ireland team. Didn't Solskjaer say Gibson was like a Ferrari stuck in 1st gear, or something to that effect? Maybe I dreamt it.
Gibson's probably one of those players who are shit-hot in training but can rarely seem to replicate it in a real match. With his passing and eye for goal he has plenty going for him, but he needs to step it up in terms of demanding the ball. We're (Ireland, that is) crying out for a midfielder who can do more than tackle a bit then pass it 5/10 yards sideways or backwards.

He's obviously no world beater, but if he develops his game then he could be very useful for United and a mainstay for the Ireland team. Didn't Solskjaer say Gibson was like a Ferrari stuck in 1st gear, or something to that effect? Maybe I dreamt it.

Yeah, Gibson at his best is pretty much exactly what the Irish team needs.

Just a shame we rarely see him at his best (for club or country) and the average Gibson performance usually involves aimlessly walking around the pitch, wondering where everyone else is running to.
I like his ambling, makes me feel he knows something.

I do feel that a different International manager might build a midfield around what talent he does have and that game time and repsonsibility might make him the player all his coaches said he was going to be. Time is now though.
You mean he looks fat, slow and chubby in a way ?

I assume that he's slightly faster than Scholes.

No I don't think he's fat. That seems to be another baseless CAF assumption. He is just barrel-chested so looks big.

I just think he doesn't get around the pitch very well. He's slow to react and close situations down/make himself available. Some of that is probably more mental than physical.

If you look at Scholes his anticipation and off the ball movement is excellent. He's always looking to get into space and is quick to close down situations.
I like his ambling, makes me feel he knows something.

I do feel that a different International manager might build a midfield around what talent he does have and that game time and repsonsibility might make him the player all his coaches said he was going to be. Time is now though.

He's not Requilme!!
No I don't think he's fat. That seems to be another baseless CAF assumption. He is just barrel-chested so looks big.

I just think he doesn't get around the pitch very well. He's slow to react and close situations down/make himself available. Some of that is probably more mental than physical.

If you look at Scholes his anticipation and off the ball movement is excellent. He's always looking to get into space and is quick to close down situations.

Yeah, he isn't fat but he looks very big on TV :lol:

Well, I do agree that he reacts slow, but he does try to be aware of the situation, but you need regular games to really be sharp and Scholes has played consistently in almost his whole career so hopefully time will help Gibbo..

I do agree with this off the ball part, he just doesn't try to find enough space or create space where he can be effective yet.

The only way he can be a regular is to pop in those situations where he threads a through ball out wide or in the middle and it helps the team.

He hasn't been producing that so far and has only gone for goal which in my word he has done really well for a young MF...
And yet he's called a poor passer by the average caftard...hmmm.

Obviously that's because he tends to give the ball away a bit when he shouldn't. Everyone knows he has the potential to be a very good passer, so when he gives it away when he shouldn't, he gets critisised because people get frustrated with him. It's the same when playing for ireland.
Yes. That's definitely the most likely explanation.

He's got some weird ability of passing the ball accurately over long distances that he can only ever use in training matches, never in a competitive game.

My money's on the alternative explanation of you not being very observant.

Or he can pass the ball long distances, but his role doesn't require him to because Carrick and Scholes are better at it, and his short passing to one of them is more reliable.
He isn't intelligent enough to make full use of his very nice ball striking technique.

I will be shocked if he is still here next season.

Am not even sure what you are trying to say here.

And I am not shocked that you are saying you'll be shocked if yet another player isn't here next season.
Do you think Gibson will be here next season?

3 games into the season - haven't played a single cup game yet and you are seriously asking me that question?

If anything many agree this is the season for him to prove himself - so for that to happen the season needs to actually play out before making a educated guess if he'll be here next season.