Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?

His passing's absolutely fine. Nothing amazing, but good.

My only concerns with Gibson are about his athleticism. Games can also pass him by without him influencing them much but I'm not worried about that, he's very young for a CM.

I was unsure whether he had the drive and winning mentality after a few years in the reserves where he didn't seem to be progressing much, but it seems I was wrong.
It can be learnt, but you need to be light on your feet as well.. Gibsons a big lad, so it'll be harder for him to improve on his swiftness of foot when it doesn't come natural to him. Hopefully he can though as Carricks mobility isn't that amazing either so He should aspire to reach that level at least.

Gibson doesn't have the technical ability of Carrick. There's not much he can do about that.
He can, however, improve his reading of the game. Right now, it's not very good - but this is to be expected as he's still relatively young and inexperienced.
His passing isn't that bad tbh. I just think he just lack that special magic to make it at United but I have been wrong about that before....
His passing's absolutely fine. Nothing amazing, but good.

My only concerns with Gibson are about his athleticism. Games can also pass him by without him influencing them much but I'm not worried about that, he's very young for a CM.

I was unsure whether he had the drive and winning mentality after a few years in the reserves where he didn't seem to be progressing much, but it seems I was wrong.

In terms of his actual passing ability, it's right up there with Scholes as he can pass very well long or short on either foot, but he's still nowhere near used to the pace of the games yet, I'd say, which means he's very often rushing himself.
see him as a regular fixture next season. He does not have Fletcher's positioning for example and no spectacular passes. But what a powerful player...and if he can get one hit like that out of every 3 or 4 we will be very happy.
In my opinion he looks more promising than Fletcher was at his age.
In terms of his actual passing ability, it's right up there with Scholes as he can pass very well long or short on either foot, but he's still nowhere near used to the pace of the games yet, I'd say, which means he's very often rushing himself.

Good observation.

Links in with what Plech said about games sometimes passing him by. His biggest weakness IMO is his speed of thought, rather than any technical or physical limitations.

Hopefully that will improve with experience.
I dunno, Fletcher's technique has come on massively the last few years.

Fletcher's always had the technique (though it's not close to the level Scholes or even Carrick), but he struggled to apply it. Whether that was down to his lack of strength at the time, or just a lack of confidence in his own ability, I'm not sure.
When he's got time and space he can be lethal. It's just when he's under pressure he's a lot more shaky than any of our other midfielders.

I agree with this. Which is why the decision to play as the more advanced midfield was the reason his performance suffered, as there you are playing in and amongst the opposition midfielders, and they are right there, they will pressure you into making the mistake if you aren't able to deal with.

I'm sure with time he will learn that quickness of thought to move the ball on quickly.
Sir Alex said:
Sir Alex feels the two apprentices will have learnt a thing or two from the experience.

“They are both only young boys of 22 and 21 years of age. They are going to be great players, and they accept that Paul Scholes is the finished article. They see a man who has been doing it for 15 years at the highest level. He’s a great example to them and it will rub off I’m sure.”
I am glad SAF looks and wants to give Daniel Gibson his chance.
Trap again
He was talking about Anderson and Gibson
Everyone loves good ol' David Gibson.
Damon is looking like he might make it here after all, helluva shot on the boy.
another fantastic strike today.....still unsure about him but i think overall his performance was better than that vs spurs - shots at goal apart. today he almost manged to sent rooney 1 on 1 with the keeper with a defence splitting pass
another fantastic strike today.....still unsure about him but i think overall his performance was better than that vs spurs - shots at goal apart. today he almost manged to sent rooney 1 on 1 with the keeper with a defence splitting pass
Agreed. He was still fairly quiet, but he was getting himself into positions to recieve the ball a bit more than against Spurs. Although I think that was more because Scholesy was the one constantly recieving the bal from the defence and then passing it onto Gibson, whereas against Spurs nobody was giving the defenders the easy option until Carrick came on.

It's his movement and positioning that are my main concerns about him. If he can work on them then he'll be a good weapon for us from the midfield.
Agreed. He was still fairly quiet, but he was getting himself into positions to recieve the ball a bit more than against Spurs. Although I think that was more because Scholesy was the one constantly recieving the bal from the defence and then passing it onto Gibson, whereas against Spurs nobody was giving the defenders the easy option until Carrick came on.

It's his movement and positioning that are my main concerns about him. If he can work on them then he'll be a good weapon for us from the midfield.

Very good post this. I saw the problem, but I thought the defenders were just hooting the ball forward. Your post clarifies things for me. Thanks.
Does this observation about Gibson implies that it will serves as well if use him as an attacking mid? Or try and make him a box to box mid? Clearly he will be wasted as a DM so it is out of the option.
yep - also noticed defenders lumping the ball forward a bit too often for my liking which is just playing into their defenders hands.

Thought Gibson's general performance better than vs Spurs in that he was involved more but although he's no worse than Anderson still gives the ball away too much or passes to players in poor positions putting them under pressure. Agree with Pogue that a lot of it is speed of thought and awareness esp, which is bound to improve with experience. His experience with a high tempo game, so far is fairly limited, afterall.
Gibson needs to ask for the ball more often and get into the rhick of play more. Too often, it was Scholes, Giggs and Anderson who were holding the play and stringning the passes together. Gibbo was just jogging around them without actually getting much of the ball. But I feel this is a case of nerves due to inexperience of not regularly playing in 1st team. Fletcher recently said in an interview that such a tendency of not asking for the ball was also a feature of his play earlier in his career when he let Scholes, Keano do most of the ball play in midfield. Maybe, Gibson will foloow suit once he gets mre confidence and more games in starting 11. He needs to come out of his shell. If we did not play in midfield of 5 across the pitch yesterday with only 2 in the centre, Gibbo would have been shocking.

Fair play to Fergie for realizing this and packing the midfield yesterday such that Gibbo's inxperience in the middle of park went relatively un-noticed except on this Cafe.

Cafeposters must understand that it must be shocking for a young midfielder to play in the centre of the field especially in the EPL. The pace of the game flies right past you, your first touch has to be brilliant, you have opposing midfielders waiting to clip you ankles and harry you down, rushing you into making mistakes (Hence, why Fletcher was played on the right for 1-2 years when it was clear he was not a RM and even Gibbo was played on the right a few times, heck even Giggsy played on the wings although Fergie was initially sure that Giggs was a centre forward who would figure in the centre BUT he played so well on the wings that he stayed there for over a decade). Go easy on Gibbo. He wil learn his trade with more games in the centre. Even Lampard, Carriack (in their West Ham central midfield days) struggled to impose themselves in the first few years. A CM needs 2-3 years to become a constant feature in the centre. Only prodigees like Fabregas take to it like a duck to water.

Yesterday= Gibbo 6.5/10
Agree with that. He doesn't look anything special or good ATM except for his shooting, but Fletcher didn't impress too until a few seasons back. I remember being impress with him years back in one of our friendlies(or games he's involved) in the way he receive the ball and pass it on quickly. Reminded me of someone. Since then he's been on loan/reserves and seem to have been forgotten. But now it seems he's back in the picture. His shooting is really good. Not sure if there's anyone better than him at this point. Power and accuracy, not many have both. He just need to work on his game, and try to get himself involve with the first team. In time, he'll grow into his role, like Fletcher has.
Gibson needs to ask for the ball more often and get into the rhick of play more. Too often, it was Scholes, Giggs and Anderson who were holding the play and stringning the passes together. Gibbo was just jogging around them without actually getting much of the ball. But I feel this is a case of nerves due to inexperience of not regularly playing in 1st team. Fletcher recently said in an interview that such a tendency of not asking for the ball was also a feature of his play earlier in his career when he let Scholes, Keano do most of the ball play in midfield. Maybe, Gibson will foloow suit once he gets mre confidence and more games in starting 11. He needs to come out of his shell. If we did not play in midfield of 5 across the pitch yesterday with only 2 in the centre, Gibbo would have been shocking.

Fair play to Fergie for realizing this and packing the midfield yesterday such that Gibbo's inxperience in the middle of park went relatively un-noticed except on this Cafe.

Cafeposters must understand that it must be shocking for a young midfielder to play in the centre of the field especially in the EPL. The pace of the game flies right past you, your first touch has to be brilliant, you have opposing midfielders waiting to clip you ankles and harry you down, rushing you into making mistakes (Hence, why Fletcher was played on the right for 1-2 years when it was clear he was not a RM and even Gibbo was played on the right a few times, heck even Giggsy played on the wings although Fergie was initially sure that Giggs was a centre forward who would figure in the centre BUT he played so well on the wings that he stayed there for over a decade). Go easy on Gibbo. He wil learn his trade with more games in the centre. Even Lampard, Carriack (in their West Ham central midfield days) struggled to impose themselves in the first few years. A CM needs 2-3 years to become a constant feature in the centre. Only prodigees like Fabregas take to it like a duck to water.

Yesterday= Gibbo 6.5/10

good post
My dislike for Gerrard and liking for Gibson prompted me to make the statement to my brother that "Gibson's got a better shot than Gerrard" about 4-5 years ago when he just started out playing for the Reserves - he had a go at me for talking bull at the time but safe to say I've remembered it and childishly gloated over the last few days and there'll be more to come now thanks to another great strike.

I've watched Gibson play since he was 17 for the Academy, he was actually one of my favourite youngsters because he was an all-round midfielder and reminded me of Robson (and oddly enough Gerrard) but after he burst on to the scene looking like a box-to-box powerful midfielder, his progress had certainly slowed down. I think (guessing really) that he may have struggled to adapt to the pace of Championship football which made him struggle when he was on loan to Wolves, the Reserves became too comfortable for him. Now his confidence is really up, we should persevere and give him the chance he's earnt and deserved because he is getting closer to the point where it will be a case of sink or swim. I hope the best for him, have to say I really don't know whether he will ever make it or not - he has the perfect model in Fletcher to learn from how to break into the first team.
Great post
here is a good read for you.

FEW PLAYERS achieve what Darron Gibson has by the age of 22.

After just five Premier League appearances, eight senior international caps and a handful of games on loan at Wolves and Royal Antwerp, the Derryman was written off. Utterly.

'He's never a player', said Eamon Dunphy, after Gibson's first competitive start for Ireland – and before he even started a Premier League game for Manchester United.
But now, after a Carling Cup performance in which he scored twice in the first half against a near full-strength Tottenham team on Tuesday night and yesterdays scorcher at West Ham, the egg timer has been turned upside down.
Will Gibson prove himself in the time remaining? Will he be the new Roy Keane – or the new Liam Miller?
Truth be told, he's already closer to Keane. Like the Ipswich boss, the midfielder polarises like a pair of Raybans – he's the Marmite of midfielders, you either love him or hate him.
To some he's a 22-year-old 'kid' who will take time to mature. But others point out that Ballon D'Or winner Leo Messi is only four months older.
He's 'slow and lacking the mentality' to make it at Old Trafford say his critics, but others see hints of Frank Lampard and Bobby Charlton in his strength and those long range strikes.
So where to for Gibson?
The answer would be easier to find were he anywhere but United. But it would hardly be a question asked with such interest if he were.
When he made his competitive debut under Giovanni Trapattoni against Cyprus last November Gibson had yet to make an appearance in the Premier League – but that didn't stop the youngster being spoken of as a failure – an opinion no doubt formed after RTE's pundits pored over many DVD's of the player's career.
“He's wrong, wrong, wrong... he's not a player,” was how Trap's decision to start Gibson was received by Dunphy. “He's a United reserve, and that's where he's going to stay, he should not be playing for Ireland.”
It was then suggested that Gibson was being pushed by Ferguson to add to his future transfer fee – but this claim ignored the fact that Ferguson didn't hand Gibson a Premier League start until after Trapattoni did.
And if Trapattoni was so influenced by club managers – well, everyone knows a certain other midfielder would be in the Ireland team.
Gibson ignored the over the top abuse he received after his Croke Park debut (which Ireland won 1-0, by the way), but in replying, gave an indication as to why he didn't give his best performance.
“I don’t care what anyone is saying about me, to be honest,” he said. “The manager told both Glenn Whelan and myself to sit deep and help with defending. It was a different role than what I’m used to playing at Manchester United, I suppose I’d rather be bombing forward and be more attacking.”
Watching United on Tuesday, it was clear Gibson was keen to attack when the opportunity arose. His first goal came when both he and midfield partner Anderson were in the last third of the pitch – a geographical setup unlikely in a green shirt.
Both strikes showed quality of technique and confidence – the latter something that can affect the performance of players at any level.
But will he get the chance to improve on that confidence and perform to a consistently high level?
Darren Fletcher claimed a first-team game for Manchester United can be the equivalent of playing '10 or 20 anywhere else,' and if that is the case then Gibson's recent 90 minutes have all but eclipsed his time on loan at Wolves and Antwerp.
Loan spells can also give false appearances – witness Anthony Stokes at Falkirk, but Gibson's year in the midlands with Mick McCarthy did have a positive impact, despite it's apparent failure.
“I was lazy when I was younger, I admit that,” said Gibson, “I don't think I was ready physically for the Championship...the box-to-box midfield role.

The Derryman returned to United and improved his fitness, a lesson he attributes to former Ireland boss Mick McCarthy.
“Mick explained it to me but I don't think I saw it until I came back to United,” said Gibson, “It was probably the biggest lesson I will learn.”

Since then he's won the Carling Cup, playing in every round last season, and signed a new three year deal in July of this year. But Federico Macheda signed a four year deal this week – and neither can be guaranteed a place in any matchday squad.
Grabbing your chance is key at United, but even doing that – as Macheda can attest to, sometimes isn't enough. The Italian has struggled to match his end of season run – but things are even tougher in midfield.
Darren Fletcher, Paul Scholes, Michael Carrick, Anderson, Ryan Giggs and the injured Owen Hargreaves are ahead of Gibson in the pecking order at United. Fletcher shows that it's worth persevering at United – but he got games on the wing in his formative days, and no such option is open for Gibson.
On the positive side Scholes and Giggs are closing in on the after-dinner circuit, while Hargreaves is unlikely to ever enjoy a season without substantial medical input. In his programme notes on Tuesday Ferguson wrote that he has "to protect the future of United, especially with inflated transfer prices, by producing stream of our own players", which surely bodes well for Gibson – if not agents the world over.
Following the departure of Ronaldo, United lack goals from areas other than the forward line and Gibson's ability to score from midfield, as seen on Tuesday night, could be the biggest weapon in his battle for first team football – and for respect.

GIBSON'S United debut
v Barnet, League Cup

Man Utd:
Tim Howard (Everton)
Phil Bardsley (Sunderland)
Wes Brown (Man Utd)
Gerard Pique (Barcelona)
adam Eckersley (Port Vale)
Lee Martin (Ipswich) (Gibson ,75 )
Liam Miller (Hibernian)
Ritchie Jones (Hartlepool)
Kieran Richardson (Sunderland)
Sylvan Ebanks-Blake (Wolves)
Giuseppe Rossi (Villarreal).
Subs not used: Ji Sung Park (Man Utd), Alan Smith (Newcastle), Mikael Silvestre (Arsenal), Luke Steele (Barnsley).

JOHN O'SHEA on Gibson: “Sometimes people think he's quiet but he's not as quiet as he looks. He's a good character, a very strong character and hopefully with more experience, he'll show himself a lot more and get the confidence.”
WOLVES FAN on Gibson (after his poor season on loan): “If McCarthy signs Gibson permanently, then my season ticket is going back. If his eye for a player is that bad, then the season will be a complete write off.”

GIO TRAPATTONI on Gibson: “The first thing about Gibson is he has height and the second is he has confidence. He plays at Manchester United. Before the ball comes (to his feet), he looks. If he is serene, he will play."
My answer to the thread is most definately Yes!

I thought Fletcher was absolutely woeful at first and i have to admit
i was wrong on that one,I think Gibson is better than Fletcher was at first
as long as he can get as many chances (and games) as Fletcher has had then there is no reason that he wont make it.
My answer to the thread is most definately Yes!

I thought Fletcher was absolutely woeful at first and i have to admit
i was wrong on that one,I think Gibson is better than Fletcher was at first
as long as he can get as many chances (and games) as Fletcher has had then there is no reason that he wont make it.

Fletcher was used as a right midfielder at first which made him look worse than he actually was. He looked quite good (not as good as now admittedly) in midfield from the first moment.
Fletcher was used as a right midfielder at first which made him look worse than he actually was. He looked quite good (not as good as now admittedly) in midfield from the first moment.

I have to disagree on the looking quite good from the first moment,its my opinion,but i have to admit that
He has improved enormously due to the amount of games, he has had,If ever a player has been created then its Fletcher ,He in my opinion has had more
chances than any other United player under Fergie has ever had.

I.m not knocking that i think its brilliant,it shows that if you have faith in a player then in the end he will come through,But if Gibson get the same chances that fletcher has had in my opinion he has the physique,and tools to be a better player.
I have to disagree on the looking quite good from the first moment,its my opinion,but i have to admit that
He has improved enormously due to the amount of games, he has had,If ever a player has been created then its Fletcher ,He in my opinion has had more
chances than any other United player under Fergie has ever had.

I.m not knocking that i think its brilliant,it shows that if you have faith in a player then in the end he will come through,But if Gibson get the same chances that fletcher has had in my opinion he has the physique,and tools to be a better player.

Fletcher has improved a lot, I agree but the initial common opinion of him being a poor player came from his right midfield days. He was indeed a waste of space there, especially as everytime he played there it was instead of Ronaldo who was a far better option. Once he was moved to midfield he started looking a lot better, although still not good enough I thought. He's come a long way since then.

As for Gibson, I doubt he will become as influential as Fletcher is at the moment. He's already 22 and has had little experience in the first team. He may well become a valuable squad player though and I'm glad that he has finally made a step up, it was clear this would be a crucial season for him and he's done well so far.
I have to disagree on the looking quite good from the first moment,its my opinion,but i have to admit that
He has improved enormously due to the amount of games, he has had,If ever a player has been created then its Fletcher ,He in my opinion has had more
chances than any other United player under Fergie has ever had.

I.m not knocking that i think its brilliant,it shows that if you have faith in a player then in the end he will come through,But if Gibson get the same chances that fletcher has had in my opinion he has the physique,and tools to be a better player.

He was good from his first start in central midfield. But he's improved to become thrice the player and one who would start in almost any team in the world.
GIBSON'S United debut
v Barnet, League Cup

Man Utd:
Tim Howard (Everton)
Phil Bardsley (Sunderland)
Wes Brown (Man Utd)
Gerard Pique (Barcelona)
adam Eckersley (Port Vale)
Lee Martin (Ipswich) (Gibson ,75 )
Liam Miller (Hibernian)
Ritchie Jones (Hartlepool)
Kieran Richardson (Sunderland)
Sylvan Ebanks-Blake (Wolves)
Giuseppe Rossi (Villarreal).
Subs not used: Ji Sung Park (Man Utd), Alan Smith (Newcastle), Mikael Silvestre (Arsenal), Luke Steele (Barnsley).

Tell you what, that's quite a list of players who were "definitely" going to make it for us.

Pique, Martin, Jones, Rossi and Eagles (not mentioned, but from that era) were all the nail-ons according to most. Bardsley, Richardson and Ebanks-Blake were hardly written off, either.

Just shows you.
GIBSON'S United debut
v Barnet, League Cup

Man Utd:
Tim Howard (Everton)
Phil Bardsley (Sunderland)
Wes Brown (Man Utd)
Gerard Pique (Barcelona)
adam Eckersley (Port Vale)
Lee Martin (Ipswich) (Gibson ,75 )
Liam Miller (Hibernian)
Ritchie Jones (Hartlepool)
Kieran Richardson (Sunderland)
Sylvan Ebanks-Blake (Wolves)
Giuseppe Rossi (Villarreal).
Subs not used: Ji Sung Park (Man Utd), Alan Smith (Newcastle), Mikael Silvestre (Arsenal), Luke Steele (Barnsley).

Tell you what, that's quite a list of players who were "definitely" going to make it for us.

Pique, Martin, Jones, Rossi and Eagles (not mentioned, but from that era) were all the nail-ons according to most. Bardsley, Richardson and Ebanks-Blake were hardly written off, either.

Just shows you.

Who are the "most".

Pique and Rossi WOULD have made it, but wanted to leave.

Personally, I never thought Martin, Jones, Richardson or Eagles were good enough for United.
Who are the "most".

Pique and Rossi WOULD have made it, but wanted to leave.

Personally, I never thought Martin, Jones, Richardson or Eagles were good enough for United.

People I spoke to at the time. Be it match day goers, mates or just browsing forums. Given we get as much negativity about players as hype, I took each opinion with a pinch of salt but I do remember people raving about some of those names.

Pique and Rossi is obvious, I was also pointing out that only Brown and Gibson from that night still remain with us. They've done excellently elsewhere and were widely considered the best.

I know a lot of people who thought Jones was brilliant. Eagles too. I never saw enough of the former, was never a fan of the latter.
As long as he keep things simple and scored us goals, I'd happy to have him on the pitch.
Based on a small sample of people I have talked to, those who heavily criticize D.Gibson are mostly those who have never played midfield in their lives. I don't mean at a high level, I mean, the indoor, Saturday, Sunday kick around stuff. They have never had the chance to know how easily the game can pass you by. It is a touch act and you don't master it with like 70 odd games.
Lets not even talk about the speed of the premiership.
He will be a great player for us.
I'd guess Fergie wants to give him a run today, and then again on Wednesday night so he can have had a run of minutes and see does it help his performance.

Looks like I was right, and also that Fergie was right in that it did help his performance.