Danny Welbeck | Arsenal player

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He doesn't play for us anymore, our manager was tossing himself off about smart he was replacing him with Falcao (despite Falcao being on 200k a week more meaning we'll have made no profit after 1 year) and that he wasn't good enough. He scored the winning goal in a big game cup quarter final, he's showing respect to the club that actually wants him. I never had an issue with replacing Welbeck, he isn't quite good enough to start for a top team, but he always gives his best for whoever he plays for and he'd definitely get in our team given the form of Falcao and Van Persie.

1) I can't really remember that but if LVG's done that then Welbeck could've as well run to LVG and celebrate right in his face for all I care.
2) I don't negate that.
We sold him, he didn't ask to leave. He scored the winner to send his team to Wembley, he celebrated without berating the fans, nothing wrong with that. If he had pushed for a move and rubbed it in the fans faces when he scored then it's a different story but he didn't so fair play to him. The sycophantic clapping for him from some of our support was a bit cringe worthy mind.
Ronaldo's a knob but the guy showed respect when he scored for us against Sporting and against us. That's what makes him a top player. Welbeck may have scored the winner, he might even think he made a point but the fact is he scored an open goal. We sold him because he is has not history of scoring 20+ goals a season. He should remember that the next time he scores with no one in goal....

Big goal? Absolutely, but lacking class. He won't be a 25+ goal man with that kind of attitude because it seems to pass him by he's never proven himself.

This, actually. Ronaldo is not so insecure that he needs the attention.
No problem with his celebrations but am tired of the narrative of how poor little Danny was forced out and had no choice but to leave. Daniel Taylor today said again that he was manoeuvring to leave way back in April. Then there was Van Gaal's comments at the end of the window that he needed to control his environment, implying that he was being influenced and even the rumors that he did a medical early he was that keen to get his transfer.
Don't really care about the celebrations to be honest. But what he did show tonight is that we sold a bang average player. It will show how he's no loss when we sort ourselves out and get a decent striker in.
1) I can't really remember that but if LVG's done that then Welbeck could've as well run to LVG and celebrate right in his face for all I care.
2) I don't negate that.
Fair enough, it's just the nastiness and smugness on here has been a bit tiresome when our strikeforce have been stinking the place out.

Van Gaal in November - "Why do I have to prove that? I have already said what I think – he was not a line-up player, he was more a substitute than a line-up player. He was already, with different coaches, not a line-up player, but then with Mr Van Gaal, the world is changing? No, the world is not changing. They are the facts. And then also we could buy Falcao. When that is not enough reason then I don’t know what is – then I’m not a very good manager."
No problem with his celebrations but am tired of the narrative of how poor little Danny was forced out and had no choice but to leave. Daniel Taylor today said again that he was manoeuvring to leave way back in April. Then there was Van Gaal's comments at the end of the window that he needed to control his environment, implying that he was being influenced and even the rumors that he did a medical early he was that keen to get his transfer.
Keep it down, he was left abandoned outside the Emirates in a box with a blanket and a note. Or was he sent down the Manchester Shipping canal in a basket and later discovered in the reeds? I forget which.
Tonight proved nothing.

He was poor so those saying we regret selling him were not justified.

He scored the winning goal so those saying he doesn't score enough weren't justified.

But he scored the winner in the quarters to send his team to the final. Against a manger who said he doesn't score enough.

If I was Sam arsenal fan I'd be furious he didn't celebrate.
Fair play Danny.

Get told you're a shite striker who doesn't score enough goals, then proceed to knock former team out of the FA cup and send his new team to Wembley.
I really don't get this idea that when a player leaves a club they should automatically have such an emotional attachment to their former employers that they must never celebrate scoring against them. Sure there are famous examples of players who've left United, scored against us and not celebrated (Whilst others have mentioned Ronaldo, for people my age it's Denis Law that stands out) and that's fine. But it's not a requirement - not something written in the clouds by the gods of football. Most players who leave a team celebrate after they've scored against them - and that goes if it's an important FA cup game or a Sunday league match. He scored a goal, of course he's going to celebrate. And for the record I'm no fan boy of Danny and thought (and still do) that it was right to sell him. If anything, it's not classy complaining about a player celebrating scoring a goal - I think the games too short of passion on the pitch, and complaining about people showing passion is what's not classy.
People giving him stick for celebrating are living in cloud cuckoo land. He was shown the door by LvG and then publically criticised as not good enough, and he's just scored the goal that sends his team to the semi-finals of a major cup. What's he supposed to do, apologise? We kicked him out, not the other way around.
It's funny. When he left I wasn't too disappointed. He's never really done it for us. But this season, looking at how immobile and static our forwards have been, he'd probably have had a pretty good season for us if he had stayed. He's the type of player we need.

Now, that's not me saying he's the answer to our problems. Far from it. I don't think he's good enough to lead the line for us at all. But just with how this season has gone, he'd have been a nice alternative to RVP and Falcao on many occasions this season. Either way, even if we had kept him, we'd still need to be in the market for a top class forward this summer.
No problem with the celebrations what so ever. I'd expect the same of any player.
It's funny. When he left I wasn't too disappointed. He's never really done it for us. But this season, looking at how immobile and static our forwards have been, he'd probably have had a pretty good season for us if he had stayed. He's the type of player we need.

Now, that's not me saying he's the answer to our problems. Far from it. I don't think he's good enough to lead the line for us at all. But just with how this season has gone, he'd have been a nice alternative to RVP and Falcao on many occasions this season. Either way, even if we had kept him, we'd still need to be in the market for a top class forward this summer.

Spot on.

Plus he's allowed to be happy he scored. Obviously.
It's funny. When he left I wasn't too disappointed. He's never really done it for us. But this season, looking at how immobile and static our forwards have been, he'd probably have had a pretty good season for us if he had stayed. He's the type of player we need.

You see I semi agree with that assertion. I think he has been so overrated by some on here mainly due to how poor our forwards have been. I would have definitely kept him this season and not signed Falcao. All in hindsight of course. He certainly isn't the answer to our striking problems and if he was here, I doubt he would have more than 8/9 goals. One of the problems is how our forwards have been starved of proper service.

He did show tonight that he's no great loss and has consistently done since he left. He's pretty average and will be nothing more than a good squat player for Arsenal.
Did none of you see his interview where he just talked about how hard it was to know he's knocked you out and how much respeck he still has for the fans?

Feckin' drama queens....focus on that mallet-headed, melty-face twat manager that you have and why he's into route-one Fellaini ball instead of actually playing proper footy.
Danny fecking Welbeck. And you know what pisses me off even more? Danny actually played pretty poor overall game tonight and got the winner. Normally his overall play is pretty good but he doesn't score, which is how fans describe a typical Welbeck performance.
We sold him, he didn't ask to leave. He scored the winner to send his team to Wembley, he celebrated without berating the fans, nothing wrong with that. If he had pushed for a move and rubbed it in the fans faces when he scored then it's a different story but he didn't so fair play to him. The sycophantic clapping for him from some of our support was a bit cringe worthy mind.
Of course he did. Twice his agent came out and said he wanted to go.
We sold him, he didn't ask to leave. He scored the winner to send his team to Wembley, he celebrated without berating the fans, nothing wrong with that. If he had pushed for a move and rubbed it in the fans faces when he scored then it's a different story but he didn't so fair play to him. The sycophantic clapping for him from some of our support was a bit cringe worthy mind.

Welbeck asked to leave twice iirc.
Wanted to say that too, wtf? If you dont mind him celebratimf, fair enough but why should we clap for that bloke? He went off to the rivals, bye.

You chose to sell him to Arsenal. He didn't run his contract down or force a move.

He was at United since he was a child. It's understandable that some fans clapped him as they literally watched him grow up.
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