Daniel James | Officially Signs

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He appears to have bags of heart, desire and yes gigantic balls. something we haven't seen in so long some of you might have forgotten about. I've watched him playing end to end, sprinting back to slide guys in his own box and then getting up to attack again and pushing forward. like a JS Park/Wazza lite hybrid. This level of fitness, hustle and fight and pure un-corrupted LOVE for playing is what this squad is missing. I am optimistic and welcome him with open arms.
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too many people wanting quick fixes. been trying that for the last six years its not worked. we arent going to recover 31 points in a summer. Might take us 2 summers maybe 3.

if this is part of the long term lets get behind it.
If he actually runs fast he's an improvement .
If he actually runs when we haven't got the ball even better.
This is his full match compilation against Stoke which is a close to premier league team. Here he shows lots of good touches, flicks and link up play. He shows his tremendous pace, dribbling and crossing. Based on this, he is way more than a kick and rush merchant.

If anything that shows him as nothing but a kick and rush merchant to me, not one single 1 v 1 won with anything other than pace, looks technically shite.
If anything that shows him as nothing but a kick and rush merchant to me, not one single 1 v 1 won with anything other than pace, looks technically shite.

Shite is a bit harsh but he does need to work on his dribbling. Passes look ok though and he seems to think about what he is gonna do next which tends to be an issue with speedy players.
Shite is a bit harsh but he does need to work on his dribbling. Passes look ok though and he seems to think about what he is gonna do next which tends to be an issue with speedy players.

Can you get technically better at dribbling at the age of 21? I’m not so sure, he’s going to spend an awful lot of time getting knocked on his arse in the PL.
Can you get technically better at dribbling at the age of 21? I’m not so sure, he’s going to spend an awful lot of time getting knocked on his arse in the PL.
Find this notion extremely weird, see it a lot on here. Of course you can, it would be exactly the same concept as finishing, it’s a technical skill. If you train it enough, practice it enough in real game scenarios, you’ll get better.
I actually like the fact that he's relatively unknown, young and cheap. Time to put our scouts to work and begin to create legends - rather than buying them - as the mantra goes.

Not saying this lad is destined for that kind of thing (though we all hope) but still, it fills me with a bit of optimism to see we are actually adopting a different strategy to the failed scatter gun approach consisting of overpriced, over-the-hill mercenary players.
It’s a long term rebuild not a short term splurge. It needs to be done right so best buckle up your expectations for the next 2 years

I have very low expectations for the upcoming season or 3 but they'll be even lower with players of this level as part of it, that's a road heading into a cul de sac IMO.

Can't say I saw much of him before his Arsenal move.... when he was older than James is now? Guessing you watched a lot of Dutch football? (don't think YouTube around then?)

I'm not sure how old he was when he left Ajax but their games were often on the European football that was shown back then as they were one of the most exciting sides to watch, I'm not saying I watched him every week or anything but I saw him plenty of times and was pissed off when Arsenal got him over us.
I simply stated that United haven't had any recent successes signing players from lower leagues, isn't that fair? 20 years is a huge sample. You can go back further if you wish, even beyond the PL era but dont you think recent signings show a clearer picture? I don't care if other clubs have had successes with lower league players, has united? Im not saying its impossible, but history is against it.

The following is a list of 'low risk' player signings from lower leagues comparable to the mooted Daniel James signing the club has made going back to 1990 (I may be missing some, probably not worth mentioning but enlighten me): Bebe, Obertan, Diouf, Powell, Varela, Buttner, Manucho, Angelo Henriquez, Zoran Tosic, Kleberson, Djemba-Djemba, Liam Miller (Came from Celtic, but a similar punt nevertheless), Vanja milinkovic-savic, Lindegaard, Ritchie De Laet, Rodrigo Possebon, Tim Howard, Fangzhuo Dong, Bojan Djordjic, Jonathan Greening, Dion Dublin and Pat McGibbon. I won't mention Bellion because he was signed from a PL club, but similar.

My point is United have had very little success with signings like this. Tim Howard is the only standout
What about Hernandez?
If anything that shows him as nothing but a kick and rush merchant to me, not one single 1 v 1 won with anything other than pace, looks technically shite.

Glad someone else said it, I watched that one the other day and was surprised to see it being used as a supposed example of him being a quality talent, lots of loose touches, very little in terms of close control or skill.
Because the defenders will be tired and James is fast?

Man, what a season we’re in for if that’s plan A.

Nah haven't you heard? All the other teams are on drugs and won't be getting tired.
Nick Powell comes to mind. I can't think of a player United has purchased from a lower domestic league that has been a success in the PL era. Maybe im missing someone? The Mexican league is stronger than the championship
Sorry I'd missed you mentioning Hernandez in this earlier post. However, you cited Obertan, who came from the French league, which is as strong as the Mexican league, if not stronger.
Will we force him to compete with the lot for a spot on the left. We have JLingz and Hugz for the right anyways.
Have we not signed our pound shop right winger yet?

Negotiations being held up due to a disagreement over the transfer fee. Swansea looking for 15 million for the player but Woodward is insisting on paying 20 million
I can see people are already bashing him, claiming he is shite, nothing bus a speed merchant.
Lad hasn’t even signed yet, can’t wait for match day on his debut...
You people are something else.
United fans: We've had enough of washed up superstars. We want young dynamic hungry players who will come in and give the club new life.

*United sign excited 21 years old winger*

United fans: he's only played in the championship! This is madness!

What United fans really want are young, fast, talented, technical, established lower division and cheap with Ronaldo level potential who are available and a sure thing -- because within 3 games they will suss them out to be a Premier League player or in reality only a Championship player in disguise.

How fookin hard can that be to find?
I can see people are already bashing him, claiming he is shite, nothing bus a speed merchant.
Lad hasn’t even signed yet, can’t wait for match day on his debut...
You people are something else.

It's amazing isn't it? Some of the worst supporters imaginable. Truth is very few of us know anything about the the lad. So the supporters will welcome him, hope for the best and offer support. The zealots will bash him, slate the club and throw their toys out of the pram because he isn't some flavour of the month galactico.

The thing is, this signing is not our main bit of business. It's a punt on a young guy that may just come good. If we ONLY have £15m to spend, I could understand. I just don't know how some of these guys can call themselves supporters when they offer such little support.
Bale was a pace merchant.
Just leaving it out there in case people forgot
I had a strong opinion on Fred prior to his signing as well and I bet you'd find less than 20% of the Caf that would give a shit if we sold him this summer, and I'd wager most want Mourinho's two lugs gone as well, both players I said were bad buys, just because James is a bit younger and plays in a crap league I don't see any reason not to plant a flag, same as if we sign de Ligt I'll say he'll be a world class player for us, that'll be ok though because it's positive, I find it incredibly cheap when people hang back on predicting from what they've seen, waiting for the bandwagon to see if they can join in with the crowd whichever way it goes.

You also had strong opinions on players like Belotti, Morata (how he is so much better player than Lukaku), Kovacic (how he is an elite talent) and many more.

Lets not forget gems like
I just don't see it with Mane, he's fast and his footwork is decent, but when I watch him I just don't see a player that gives us the kind of top wide forward we desperately need.

Stockpiling mediocrity at high prices is not the answer, and his best performances have been as a SS not as a RW.

Are you saying that we would get 20 goals out of Mane is we played him as a second striker behind Martial?
Guess who scored 22 league goals this season?

Not sold on Firmino either
He's the player I thought you were angling towards with the specifics of your suggestion. Personally I'm not sold on him, but I'm not sold on Memphis or Firmino either so it's all the same to me.

It did? Ok then man, well it wasn't as there's nothing to be blamed for, just two United fans shooting the shit and getting off course, if I am going to be a dick about something I'm very direct.

Van Dijk
Gimenez has played with a lot more pressure and at a higher level expectation than van Dijk who will likely cost £20M more at least, I'm not convicned that either are exactly what we need but Gimenez is equally viable and no greater or lesser risk.

Not bothered about van Dijk but don't want them to get Keita.

You are really overrating van Dijk mate, he's decent but nothing more, I am not even massively pro Gimenez, I just don't see any huge upside to van Dijk over him. There's zero to prove he has the capacity to step up, Gimenez stepped up at a top club and forced a quality CB into moving in order to get a starting spot.

The PL proven part is irrelevant, there is no less risk as we've seen by the failures of other Southampton players to thrive outside of their releative comfort zone.

I said Gimenez is more athletic because he is, athleticism isn't about height and heading, it's about mobility and agility on the ground. As far as him being built like a bull, he is, I never said van Dijk wasn't a powerful athlete, I simply stated that Gimenez is as well.

Agreed, we really need to play Di Maria and Herrera in the more offensive midfield positions to begin with, so I don't see De Bruyne being the best use of the war chest at the moment as we need a more defensively sound CM and for the forward line we need a pacey dribbler as opposed to another #10..

On Mkhi vs Mane
Then we get Mkhitaryan or James or Ounas or Embolo, there are loads of options out there without paying silly money for this mediocre player with a bad attitude IMO.

Yeah, youtube videos is all that matters, so you are replying on the person who makes these compilations. if he thinks the basic stuff is not enough to put on youtube, you don't watch it and then complain how you haven't watched him do the basic stuff.

Shame how everyone wants to watch the player before passing any judgement rather than acting like a 'know it all' without watching anything.

We all have made stupid posts but when you go with "I told you so" posts, post some of them you got very wrong too.
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You also had strong opinions on players like Belotti, Morata (how he is so much better player than Lukaku), Kovacic (how he is an elite talent) and many more.

Lets not forget gems like

Guess who scored 22 league goals this season?

Not sold on Firmino either

Van Dijk


On Mkhi vs Mane

Yeah, youtube videos is all that matters, so you are replying on the person who makes these compilations. if he thinks the basic stuff is not enough to put on youtube, you don't watch it and then complain how you haven't watched him do the basic stuff.

Shame how everyone wants to watch the player before passing any judgement rather than acting like a 'know it all' without watching anything.

We all have made stpuid posts but when you go with "I told you so" posts, post some of them you got very wrong too.

And that's game,set and match :D
You also had strong opinions on players like Belotti, Morata (how he is so much better player than Lukaku), Kovacic (how he is an elite talent) and many more.

Lets not forget gems like

Guess who scored 22 league goals this season?

Not sold on Firmino either

Van Dijk


On Mkhi vs Mane

Yeah, youtube videos is all that matters, so you are replying on the person who makes these compilations. if he thinks the basic stuff is not enough to put on youtube, you don't watch it and then complain how you haven't watched him do the basic stuff.

Shame how everyone wants to watch the player before passing any judgement rather than acting like a 'know it all' without watching anything.

We all have made stupid posts but when you go with "I told you so" posts, post some of them you got very wrong too.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but that's a mic drop right there.
If anything that shows him as nothing but a kick and rush merchant to me, not one single 1 v 1 won with anything other than pace, looks technically shite.

So basically someone like Kanchelskis then ? Yeah that would be bad!
You also had strong opinions on players like Belotti, Morata (how he is so much better player than Lukaku), Kovacic (how he is an elite talent) and many more.

Lets not forget gems like

Guess who scored 22 league goals this season?

Not sold on Firmino either

Van Dijk


On Mkhi vs Mane

Yeah, youtube videos is all that matters, so you are replying on the person who makes these compilations. if he thinks the basic stuff is not enough to put on youtube, you don't watch it and then complain how you haven't watched him do the basic stuff.

Shame how everyone wants to watch the player before passing any judgement rather than acting like a 'know it all' without watching anything.

We all have made stupid posts but when you go with "I told you so" posts, post some of them you got very wrong too.

Ouch :lol:
You also had strong opinions on players like Belotti, Morata (how he is so much better player than Lukaku), Kovacic (how he is an elite talent) and many more.

Lets not forget gems like

Guess who scored 22 league goals this season?

Not sold on Firmino either

Van Dijk


On Mkhi vs Mane

Yeah, youtube videos is all that matters, so you are replying on the person who makes these compilations. if he thinks the basic stuff is not enough to put on youtube, you don't watch it and then complain how you haven't watched him do the basic stuff.

Shame how everyone wants to watch the player before passing any judgement rather than acting like a 'know it all' without watching anything.

We all have made stupid posts but when you go with "I told you so" posts, post some of them you got very wrong too.
Burn :lol:
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