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Both claims now seem to be linked, Ashworth is claiming he was fired because they can't prove a resignation so now Newcastle are demonstrating he already had agreement with us.

Very doubtful they'll side on him being fired unless more comes out, written formal resignation isn't a legal requirement.

Still think they'll judge our compensation offer as more than fair though.
Both claims now seem to be linked, Ashworth is claiming he was fired because they can't prove a resignation so now Newcastle are demonstrating he already had agreement with us.

Very doubtful they'll side on him being fired unless more comes out, written formal resignation isn't a legal requirement.

Still think they'll judge our compensation offer as more than fair though.
Depends what's in his contract which he and you'd imagine us have seen.
It will be difficult but how much time will it take? I guess we can't expect Ashworth to join before the window shuts. What happens to our summer window then? Actually, our desire to get a structure up and running? Is next season basically a write off while we try to sort out everything?

Again, I hope he is worth the troble.
I think it goes into arbitration next month.

If the email debacle suggests anything, it's that the structure is in place, with Berrada already acting in his role.
Depends what's in his contract which he and you'd imagine us have seen.

Not by my understanding, an employer can accept verbal even If it's in the contract as it's not a constraint on them. They often do as it stops an employee from being able to rescind the resignation. You should never resign in an argument thinking it's fine as it's not a formal method.
I think it goes into arbitration next month.

If the email debacle suggests anything, it's that the structure is in place, with Berrada already acting in his role.

Hmmm... let's hope so. I would hate it if our summer and long term plans hang in a limbo while we are trying to get this guy.

Interesting. It sounds as though Ashworth is claiming constructive dismissal, as he alleges that Newcastle did not follow proper procedures when they placed him on garden leave (which would constitute a breach of contract). If correct, it would be incredibly stupid of Newcastle.
We all saw this coming. Guys at this level talk to each other and I’m sure Freedman has been onto Ashworth.

Newcastle is an attractive job, but you don’t want to be tied to them and their pettiness when a big club comes calling.

Eddy Howe is the problem. Cliquey
Interesting. It sounds as though Ashworth is claiming constructive dismissal, as he alleges that Newcastle did not follow proper procedures when they placed him on garden leave (which would constitute a breach of contract). If correct, it would be incredibly stupid of Newcastle.
This is why I thought the email route was incredibly stupid, because sure it works for serious things like criminal activity, but you better have all your ducks in a row if you start being that petty. Seems like they don't and it could end up costing them.
This is why I thought the email route was incredibly stupid, because sure it works for serious things like criminal activity, but you better have all your ducks in a row if you start being that petty. Seems like they don't and it could end up costing them.

To be fair, you often see this kind of carry on (albeit less publicly) on the eve of legal proceedings. Each side tries to talk up their case, with promises of untold embarrassment for the opposing side if the proceeding is heard. It often ends with a last-minute settlement and I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's what transpires here. The piece in The Telegraph (from a journalist who is well-known to have close connections to NUFC) indicates that Newcastle intend to reopen negotiations on the eve of arbitration to see if the whole sorry mess can ultimately be avoided - don't rule out a compromise being reached regarding compensation with everyone walking away and a start date being secured for Ashworth.
Interesting. It sounds as though Ashworth is claiming constructive dismissal, as he alleges that Newcastle did not follow proper procedures when they placed him on garden leave (which would constitute a breach of contract). If correct, it would be incredibly stupid of Newcastle.
Yeah and it sounds like they will use the leaked emails as a reason they stuck him on gardening leave without the notice, the problem with that argument is that could be considered constructive dismissal.
What they should have done instead is suspend and potentially dismiss him, however they obviously did not want to do that as he could then leave for free.
To be fair, you often see this kind of carry on (albeit less publicly) on the eve of legal proceedings. Each side tries to talk up their case, with promises of untold embarrassment for the opposing side if the proceeding is heard. It often ends with a last-minute settlement and I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's what transpires here. The piece in The Telegraph (from a journalist who is well-known to have close connections to NUFC) indicates that Newcastle intend to reopen negotiations on the eve of arbitration to see if the whole sorry mess can ultimately be avoided - don't rule out a compromise being reached regarding compensation with everyone walking away and a start date being secured for Ashworth.
For sure, it just seems very odd this all went public, as I can't imagine Newcastle will come out of this very good considering their original stance was £10m+.
Surely there is an easier and more amicably way for solutions since Newcastle already have someone in mind to replace him. Discuss and agree a fair and sensible compensation and case closed. It's Newcastle being unreasonable first by demanding 20M when they only paid 2M for him from Brighton?
If true it doesn't exactly fill you with confidence that he's worth all the fuss. Basic stuff.
Yeap, doesn't feel like we are signing a genius mastermind there.

Just saying....
I've said it before but our off the pitch recruitment and the entailing sagas are more exciting than the football we've played this season. I'm on the edge of my seat reading these tweets :lol:
Fecking idiots :lol:

It's what makes this whole thing so weird. Even all that email stuff they leaked earlier today. Ashworth probably didn't think it would kick up such a fuss and Newcastle would start demanding £20m for him, otherwise he probably would have been far more circumspect.

All they've done is drag their own reputation through the mud.
Nothing about any of this looks incompetent, either from United or Ashworth. It's just a bloke wanting to change jobs.

If anyone is coming out of this worse off it's Newcastle, who are coming across as a bit petty.
They are fecking seething on the Newcastle forum, properly foaming at the mouth :lol:

They are also reading this thread and laughing at us.

Cretins. Nobody fecking cares about Newcastle lads. Soon as Ashworth got a whiff of United he fecked them off big style.
Just read it yeah, seems like we think we have a pretty solid case.

You would imagine that Ashworth has shown us his contract and we've looked over it and are reasonably confident what they did was wrong.

seems like a very weak case to me if they have an email from him to United saying he wants to join us before we'd approached them, which it appears they do

that sounds like a reasonable response to finding out a director with confidential information about your company is planning on jumping ship to a rival

especially when said email includes confidential information, which also appears to be the case (unless reports are untrue)

I don't see how anyone would side with him/United in that instance. It would make getting out of such contracts a piece of piss and render them meaningless.
seems like a very weak case to me if they have an email from him to United saying he wants to join us before we'd approached them, which it appears they do

that sounds like a reasonable response to finding out a director with confidential information about your company is planning on jumping ship to a rival
It just seems like posturing from Newcastle to get a deal agreed ahead of arbitration. They don't seem confident so are trying to control the narrative with this shite.
It just seems like posturing from Newcastle to get a deal agreed ahead of arbitration. They don't seem confident so are trying to control the narrative with this shite.

Yeah, it's a bit of posturing. They are never going to get the gardening leave to extend as long as they want, I'm sure they know that. But they have a solid case if the email reports are true, and are using this to attempt to up the compensation most likely. I don't think it's a bad idea either.
Yeah, it's a bit of posturing. They are never going to get the gardening leave to extend as long as they want, I'm sure they know that. But they have a solid case if the email reports are true, and are using this to attempt to up the compensation most likely. I don't think it's a bad idea either.
I think there is something to the claim that they didn't follow process correctly and effectively dismissed him. Seems to be making them nervous and trying to throw shit back.
I'm sure we could have found a perfectly competent sporting director elsewhere for far less hassle than this. It really is in our DNA to do things the hard way.
I agree with this.

Late 2025? Seriously? It's madness. He can't be the only fully capable candidate in the world.
I think there is something to the claim that they didn't follow process correctly and effectively dismissed him. Seems to be making them nervous and trying to throw shit back.

Well if the email reports are true they've done nothing wrong in my view. He broke the contract first. After that they have the right to dismiss him if they wish. But obviously they wouldn't do that as it removes all their claims to compensation, so they put him on gardening leave. Seems perfectly logical and sound.

If however they didn't/don't have that email, then I'd agree he has a case it wasn't due process.
Well if the email reports are true they've done nothing wrong in my view. He broke the contract first. After that they have the right to dismiss him if they wish. But obviously they wouldn't do that as it removes all their claims to compensation, so they put him on gardening leave. Seems perfectly logical and sound.

If however they didn't/don't have that email, then I'd agree he has a case it wasn't due process.
I don't see it that way. They did what they did irrespective of what Ashworth did (They weren't aware of it at the time)

They are putting this out now to try and make us look bad becasue they know they fecked up initially. That's my read on it anyway.
I don't see it that way. They did what they did irrespective of what Ashworth did (They weren't aware of it at the time)

They are putting this out now to try and make us look bad becasue they know they fecked up initially. That's my read on it anyway.

How could you prove they weren't aware of it? He sent the email. They have access to his email. The email broke the contract.

Where exactly do you go from there? It's watertight.
How could you prove they weren't aware of it? He sent the email. They have access to his email. The email broke the contract.

Where exactly do you go from there? It's watertight.
It said in the article today they only recently discovered that it happened.

From the Athletic

The email, which was discovered during Newcastle’s preparation for the arbitration case, also included confidential information on the package paid to facilitate Ashworth’s move from Brighton to Newcastle.
It said in the article today they only recently discovered that it happened.

From the Athletic

It doesn't say it was recently discovered and it would be a mistake to admit to that, so I doubt they did. But yeah I see where you're coming from with it.
It doesn't say it was recently discovered and it would be a mistake to admit to that, so I doubt they did. It's gonna be impossible to argue they weren't aware of the tapping up before they took any actions. Everyone knows United tapped him up. After that preparing for such an outcome makes perfect sense from a legal standpoint.
It clearly does mate. Us taking them to arbitration is recent, they discovered the email in preparation of said arbitration.
It said in the article today they only recently discovered that it happened.

From the Athletic
I still don’t see why package paid to Brighton is such a confidential information.
He is an employee and most employee reveal financial details of their current employment to potential employers.
Newcastle acting like he's got the Vatican secrets or something.

Let the man go!
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