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2015-16 Performances

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5.9 Season Average Rating
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The idea that he sprinted out to play the offside trap is hilarious. Blind has some loyal supporters on here. He made a poor decision. How is that so hard to admit?
The idea that he sprinted out to play the offside trap is hilarious. Blind has some loyal supporters on here. He made a poor decision. How is that so hard to admit?

It's equivalent to the cult of Kagawa. So ridiculous, it's going to start making you dislike a player you have nothing against.
I probably shouldn't be but I'm surprised at the length and depth of the debate over the goal regarding Blind specifically, the bigger issue came from midfield anyway IMO.

When the season started I was annoyed that we were using him as a starting CB based purely on him being left footed and a good distributor, but I think he's done a really good job for us, it might not be a fit long term but he's held his end up for the bulk of the season IMO.
It's a bit odd trying to focus the blame on one player when you've got the CB at the RB position, the RB in the CB position marking no one, the DMC in front of the the RB marking no one and the LB behind the line marking no one. Focusing on the CB who's got two players and has to make a split second decision is odd. Cushy enough to sit in your chair and judge but we can't hear the players speaking about who's supposed to mark who. It's a bit pointless without the facts and every argument here is based on each person's perception of what happened.

Simply put it was a series of mistake that started at Chelsea's box and I'm sure the manager was angry with the team as a whole rather than an individual.
The idea that he sprinted out to play the offside trap is hilarious. Blind has some loyal supporters on here. He made a poor decision. How is that so hard to admit?

No it's because there are lots of posters who wait for him to even make a minute mistake to come out with the 'I knew in August he was not a CB' irrespective of what he does. In the Chelsea goal there are at least 5 people more culpable than Blind. CBJ (playing Costa on), Smalling (ball watching and stuck on the wings marking no one), Schneiderlin (same as Smalling), mata (not closing in on fab and making it harder to pass), Memphis (screwing up what was a run of the mill pass and conceding possession). Yet there are people here who act as if he is the sole reason we conceded the goal. Not only that there are posters who actually couple of pages ago said he was the worst player in the season. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

Players like him, Valencia, young and are all players who will get scapegoated if they make even a single mistake but give leeway to the likes of Herrera, Smalling, and all get more leeway because people have a liking for them. Whatever blind does is seen as error which may not be the case if it was someone else. For instance if Smalling and Blind had swapped their roles in the goal, people would blame Blind for being lazy and for his poor positioning. He is bound for critiscism every time whatever he does.

At the end of the day, I would also like to upgrade CB position and get someone else in but I don't engage in intense critiscism for no reason.
Players like him, Valencia, young and are all players who will get scapegoated if they make even a single mistake but give leeway to the likes of Herrera, Smalling, and all get more leeway because people have a liking for them. Whatever blind does is seen as error which may not be the case if it was someone else. For instance if Smalling and Blind had swapped their roles in the goal, people would blame Blind for being lazy and for his poor positioning. He is bound for critiscism every time whatever he does.

At the end of the day, I would also like to upgrade CB position and get someone else in but I don't engage in intense critiscism for no reason.
Funnily enough it was just a couple of weeks ago when Blind got blamed for a goal when Smalling went chasing out, lost a header and then chased a ball he had no chance of winning. Blind was blamed for losing a header which he won and some even tried to say he chased out when in reality he dropped back watching his man right after winning his header.
Funnily enough it was just a couple of weeks ago when Blind got blamed for a goal when Smalling went chasing out, lost a header and then chased a ball he had no chance of winning. Blind was blamed for losing a header which he won and some even tried to say he chased out when in reality he dropped back watching his man right after winning his header.

Yeh exactly. Most people blame him for every goal that we concede. Of course he did have errors that led to goals like the Bournemouth goal where he left josh King free but there are few other goals where he is culpable individually. A lot of people before the game itself decide that blind will have mistakes and then every Single mistake he commits will be shown to prove he is incompetent. If we don't make any mistakes, then the opposition were poor who didn't take advantage of his incompetence. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Funnily enough it was just a couple of weeks ago when Blind got blamed for a goal when Smalling went chasing out, lost a header and then chased a ball he had no chance of winning. Blind was blamed for losing a header which he won and some even tried to say he chased out when in reality he dropped back watching his man right after winning his header.

It's a problem with several players, they overpursue when marking or pressing. Blind do it very often and it was one of the main criticism when he was playing DM last season, Fellaini did it often this season but has been a lot more disciplined lately. And like you said Smalling was guilty of it against Derby.
It's a bit odd trying to focus the blame on one player when you've got the CB at the RB position, the RB in the CB position marking no one, the DMC in front of the the RB marking no one and the LB behind the line marking no one. Focusing on the CB who's got two players and has to make a split second decision is odd. Cushy enough to sit in your chair and judge but we can't hear the players speaking about who's supposed to mark who. It's a bit pointless without the facts and every argument here is based on each person's perception of what happened.

Simply put it was a series of mistake that started at Chelsea's box and I'm sure the manager was angry with the team as a whole rather than an individual.

Agree that the goal was a bit of a clusterf8ck. It is true Caf style to have pages of debate on a single players blame in that one moment. Yes Blind made a mistake, but so did the midfielders and CBJ, if only one or two players had made a mistake, no goal. But we had a series of cascading failures in the build up to the ball going into the back of the net. Poor defending/lack of concentration from about half the team was the real culprit
It's equivalent to the cult of Kagawa. So ridiculous, it's going to start making you dislike a player you have nothing against.
Or Smalling, or Herrera.

Only cults that should be justified are De Gea's and Martial's.

To the point in case, Blind made a mistake, no doubt there. I think CBJ's mistake is even bigger considering that he played Chelsea in onside position. I would also argue that Smalling, Schneiderlin and Darmian made 'mistakes' because they were doing, like nothing, and Blind had either to follow Terry and play Costa offside (assuming that CBJ did his job), or just mark Costa and let Terry free. Unfortunately, he decided to do both (or neither), and so did a great Phil Jones impression, with CBJ playing Costa onside, while the other defenders were just looking curiously what Chelsea was doing. And Memphis after somehow missed a pass which my grandma (she died before I was born) wouldn't have missed, jogged as slow as when Pirlo is having the ball, should have a major part of the blame.
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No it's because there are lots of posters who wait for him to even make a minute mistake to come out with the 'I knew in August he was not a CB' irrespective of what he does. In the Chelsea goal there are at least 5 people more culpable than Blind. CBJ (playing Costa on), Smalling (ball watching and stuck on the wings marking no one), Schneiderlin (same as Smalling), mata (not closing in on fab and making it harder to pass), Memphis (screwing up what was a run of the mill pass and conceding possession). Yet there are people here who act as if he is the sole reason we conceded the goal. Not only that there are posters who actually couple of pages ago said he was the worst player in the season. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

Players like him, Valencia, young and are all players who will get scapegoated if they make even a single mistake but give leeway to the likes of Herrera, Smalling, and all get more leeway because people have a liking for them. Whatever blind does is seen as error which may not be the case if it was someone else. For instance if Smalling and Blind had swapped their roles in the goal, people would blame Blind for being lazy and for his poor positioning. He is bound for critiscism every time whatever he does.

At the end of the day, I would also like to upgrade CB position and get someone else in but I don't engage in intense critiscism for no reason.

No there are not. This is a thread about Daley Blind where people are talking about Daley Blind. That's literally all it is. That's why people come in here and point out the things he does, because it's the EXACT POINT OF THE THREAD. For some reason you and others have convinced yourselves it's some kind of weird vendetta, as if Blind is the only player on here who's performances people discuss, even though this thread is in the Player Performance Forum, where there is a thread for literally every single player who plays, most of which are posted in after every game.

You will find other players get criticised when they make mistakes, or in general. Rooney gets criticised, Depay, Fellaini, Darmian, Schneiderlin, Van Gaal...basically anyone who's been a bit shit, has been criticised, often brutally.

It's only you and the other members of the Blind brigade who seem to think this is some agenda or other that relates solely to him, and this all seems to be based on the fact people were concerned about him not being a centreback, which is a weird thing to not accept as a valid concern. He isn't built like a centreback, he doesn't play like a centreback, he doesn't have the attributes typically required of a centreback, he didn't play there last season despite us being desperately short in that area...so it is not farfetched that people might suggest he isn't suited to playing there. Particularly when he makes silly errors in games.

I mean, from the point of view of the rest of us, you get someone telling you that Depay losing the ball in the opposition corner flag is a bigger DEFENSIVE error than one of the centrebacks running off randomly and leaving the opposition striker free to score a goal, and then they find a way to blame most of the rest of the team for this as well, and then a second later they're telling you that YOU are the one with an agenda for thinking they are being a bit thick.

One person even claimed that what Blind did for Chelsea's goal was "the mark of a great centreback", another invented the position "ball playing centreback" so that they could call Blind "the best ball playing centreback in the league", as if this is suddenly a thing...You just make yourself look like completely deranged loons.
Also, Smalling got criticised a hell of a lot for the Newcastle game, and for the Derby goal, and people have been calling Herrera a bit shit for a while, so this idea that there are players immune to criticism and aren't called out for their mistakes - on the Caf of all places - is completely incorrect.
No there are not. This is a thread about Daley Blind where people are talking about Daley Blind. That's literally all it is. That's why people come in here and point out the things he does, because it's the EXACT POINT OF THE THREAD. For some reason you and others have convinced yourselves it's some kind of weird vendetta, as if Blind is the only player on here who's performances people discuss, even though this thread is in the Player Performance Forum, where there is a thread for literally every single player who plays, most of which are posted in after every game.

You will find other players get criticised when they make mistakes, or in general. Rooney gets criticised, Depay, Fellaini, Darmian, Schneiderlin, Van Gaal...basically anyone who's been a bit shit, has been criticised, often brutally.

It's only you and the other members of the Blind brigade who seem to think this is some agenda or other that relates solely to him, and this all seems to be based on the fact people were concerned about him not being a centreback, which is a weird thing to not accept as a valid concern. He isn't built like a centreback, he doesn't play like a centreback, he doesn't have the attributes typically required of a centreback, he didn't play there last season despite us being desperately short in that area...so it is not farfetched that people might suggest he isn't suited to playing there. Particularly when he makes silly errors in games.

I mean, from the point of view of the rest of us, you get someone telling you that Depay losing the ball in the opposition corner flag is a bigger DEFENSIVE error than one of the centrebacks running off randomly and leaving the opposition striker free to score a goal, and then they find a way to blame most of the rest of the team for this as well, and then a second later they're telling you that YOU are the one with an agenda for thinking they are being a bit thick.

One person even claimed that what Blind did for Chelsea's goal was "the mark of a great centreback", another invented the position "ball playing centreback" so that they could call Blind "the best ball playing centreback in the league", as if this is suddenly a thing...You just make yourself look like completely deranged loons.

I mentioned 5 players who were more culpable than him. Smalling for instance goes to the wing to mark Willian in the absence of darmian. Then darmian comes back to mark Willian and Smalling just whiles away doing nothing. Same with Schneiderlin who leaves the one player he was marking. Anyone with a little common sense will tell you that when three players are in a line and the fourth is well behind, it's the mistake of the fourth player. There you have silly and useless excuses like 'he didnt organise the defence' properly and stuff. The matter of fact is had CBJ moved up with martial (who is right beside him) Blind's slip wouldn't even have mattered as Costa and Ivanovic would be offside. If he isn't as good as Smalling at organising defence then where is Smalling? And why does CBJ have to be told what to do when martial who isn't even a defender seems to know? I saw your post in CBJ's performance thread where you wrote the goal wasn't CBJ's fault? Which, I'm sorry, is just crap. He is young and inexperienced and I don't hold it against him but it's definitely his fault. If he has not done the basic job of a defender in holding a line with the other 3 then yes you are to blame. Instead you blame it all on Blind's lack of sense in playing centre half? I mean really? At the time of passing the ball, Costa is behind the line. The line had Smalling martial darmian and blind. CBJ is at least 2 yards behind. It's not even close. The slipping was blind's mistake but had CBJ been more alert in the first place that wouldn't even have mattered. Plus the leader of the defence smalling,who im assuming you think highly of as a CB (as he is obviously built for a CB), is standing well away from the action. Where is his organisational sense and positional sense there? The fact is our midfield and defence fully screwed up with Blind maybe 3rd or 4th in line for the culpability.

From your post a few pages back in which you said 'he is responsible for us dropping MANY points' and 'when playing CB, he is the worst player in our squad' (or something of that ilk), it's clear that you had already formed an opinion on him in August and wait for every time he makes mistakes to come in here to complain about. None of that screams to me like you are an 'arbitrary and objective viewer' like you seem to imply. In fact a few others even seem to twist every goal that we concede into something wrong that Blind did. For instance as @limerickcitykid said, a few posters even blamed him for the Derby goal when in fact it was Smalling's mistake which clearly proves there is in fact a tendency to critiscize him for little to no reason. I have seen annihilate now praise him in games before so he seems objective enough.

And not fit for CB is something people have been crying about since the start of the season yet Smalling has more errors leading to goal than Blind. Also he has much better performances that actual CBs in other top 4 contenders like Otamendi, mertasacker, Vertonghen and all. People were crying for otamendi in the summer yet he has flopped massively this season. Even stones has been massively poor this season. All this should ideally prove to any average human being that built for a centreback doesn't really qualify into being a good centre back.

I don't claim that he is suddenly the answer to our CB or whatever. In fact as I said in some posts before, I am not at all against the idea of an upgrade but frankly he has been our most consistent performer along with de gea martial and Smalling (even CBJ and shaw whenever they played) and this whole he doesn't know how to play as a CB is nonsense.
the OP in this thread though :lol::lol:

I think even Blind himself has admitted he made a mistake, it happens. He's been good enough this season to look passed it.
Also, Smalling got criticised a hell of a lot for the Newcastle game, and for the Derby goal, and people have been calling Herrera a bit shit for a while, so this idea that there are players immune to criticism and aren't called out for their mistakes - on the Caf of all places - is completely incorrect.

They are critiscized but they get a lot of leeway imo. For instance Herrera needs to play at least a run of 5 games before people will even acknowledge he is playing poor. Then he will be dropped. Cue in two weeks the Same people will claim that 'all he needed was a run of games to prove his class but LvG hates him so won't play him'. People blame everyone from van gaal to Fellaini and lately, even Blind for his poor performances (the logic being that because blind plays, we have to play Fellaini to help out in corners and if a good CB plays, Herrera would be first name on the sheet).

Players like blind, Valencia and all start from negative before the game starts in terms of appreciation for good performance. Meaning if they play well they would be at best mildly praised but if they don't then heavy critiscism.
I mentioned 5 players who were more culpable than him. Smalling for instance goes to the wing to mark Willian in the absence of darmian. Then darmian comes back to mark Willian and Smalling just whiles away doing nothing. Same with Schneiderlin who leaves the one player he was marking. Anyone with a little common sense will tell you that when three players are in a line and the fourth is well behind, it's the mistake of the fourth player. There you have silly and useless excuses like 'he didnt organise the defence' properly and stuff. The matter of fact is had CBJ moved up with martial (who is right beside him) Blind's slip wouldn't even have mattered as Costa and Ivanovic would be offside. If he isn't as good as Smalling at organising defence then where is Smalling? And why does CBJ have to be told what to do when martial who isn't even a defender seems to know? I saw your post in CBJ's performance thread where you wrote the goal wasn't CBJ's fault? Which, I'm sorry, is just crap. He is young and inexperienced and I don't hold it against him but it's definitely his fault. If he has not done the basic job of a defender in holding a line with the other 3 then yes you are to blame. Instead you blame it all on Blind's lack of sense in playing centre half? I mean really? At the time of passing the ball, Costa is behind the line. The line had Smalling martial darmian and blind. CBJ is at least 2 yards behind. It's not even close. The slipping was blind's mistake but had CBJ been more alert in the first place that wouldn't even have mattered. Plus the leader of the defence smalling,who im assuming you think highly of as a CB (as he is obviously built for a CB), is standing well away from the action. Where is his organisational sense and positional sense there? The fact is our midfield and defence fully screwed up with Blind maybe 3rd or 4th in line for the culpability.

From your post a few pages back in which you said 'he is responsible for us dropping MANY points' and 'when playing CB, he is the worst player in our squad' (or something of that ilk), it's clear that you had already formed an opinion on him in August and wait for every time he makes mistakes to come in here to complain about. None of that screams to me like you are an 'arbitrary and objective viewer' like you seem to imply. In fact a few others even seem to twist every goal that we concede into something wrong that Blind did. For instance as @limerickcitykid said, a few posters even blamed him for the Derby goal when in fact it was Smalling's mistake which clearly proves there is in fact a tendency to critiscize him for little to no reason. I have seen annihilate now praise him in games before so he seems objective enough.

And not fit for CB is something people have been crying about since the start of the season yet Smalling has more errors leading to goal than Blind. Also he has much better performances that actual CBs in other top 4 contenders like Otamendi, mertasacker, Vertonghen and all. People were crying for otamendi in the summer yet he has flopped massively this season. Even stones has been massively poor this season. All this should ideally prove to any average human being that built for a centreback doesn't really qualify into being a good centre back.

I don't claim that he is suddenly the answer to our CB or whatever. In fact as I said in some posts before, I am not at all against the idea of an upgrade but frankly he has been our most consistent performer along with de gea martial and Smalling (even CBJ and shaw whenever they played) and this whole he doesn't know how to play as a CB is nonsense.

I know you said five other players were more culpable, but the fact you can watch that goal and come to this conclusions should really disqualify anything you say afterwards straight away. If Blind doesn't make a very silly mistake the goal doesn't happen. The problem here isn't what half the rest of our team was doing, it is your blunt refusal to accept this, even with it put literally right in front of your face.

We have already established that Blind and CBJ WERE in line before BLIND decided to run off after Terry. He wasn't playing an offside trap. Again this is clearly visible and the only course to claim otherwise is to just make stuff up. It is not up for debate, it is what happened and was caught by various television cameras. Even now though, you right a fecking aggressive essay denying that this is what happened. There are clips of it IN THIS THREAD. Why are you still pretending to believe a fantasy version of events? It is not CBJ's job to sprint randomly up the pitch whenever Blind does, otherwise we'd lose every game about 10-0.

Those posts you quote from me "forming an opinion in August" are from about a week ago? They also reference Blind's performances this season, which I generally have not been impressed with, due to his consistent poor defending. Again, you are making stuff up. I cannot pre-form an opinion in August based on referencing things that happened after August. This is not possible unless I can travel in time...which if it were possible would just make it much more likely that I am right.

I'm not sure how naming people like Otamendi helps anyone's cause. He's been awful. Stones also has been poor all season and only now are people on the caf beginning to realise this. What does this have to do with Blind?

Smalling generally has been very good this season so I'm not sure where you're getting your ideas from. He's been our best defender by a very large distance (most of the others can barely stay fit for a week). I'm not sure why you keep mentioning Valencia either as he's been injured nearly all season.

It also seems to be this running sneery theme to laugh off the idea that Blind isn't suited to play at centreback, but he is not strong, or tall, or particularly fast, and he doesn't have good positional discipline, so he isn't in fact particularly suited to playing there. He hadn't been deemed suitable to play there last season despite there being as much need then as there is now. It's very odd to just ignore this.

They are critiscized but they get a lot of leeway imo. For instance Herrera needs to play at least a run of 5 games before people will even acknowledge he is playing poor. Then he will be dropped. Cue in two weeks the Same people will claim that 'all he needed was a run of games to prove his class but LvG hates him so won't play him'. People blame everyone from van gaal to Fellaini and lately, even Blind for his poor performances (the logic being that because blind plays, we have to play Fellaini to help out in corners and if a good CB plays, Herrera would be first name on the sheet).

Players like blind, Valencia and all start from negative before the game starts in terms of appreciation for good performance. Meaning if they play well they would be at best mildly praised but if they don't then heavy critiscism.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who's mentioned this theory that Fellaini plays to help out at set pieces, and I definitely didn't say Herrera would be the first name on the team sheet if not. Again you're just completely making stuff up. I'm also not sure how you get from that to suggesting I'm blaming Blind for Fellaini playing poorly.

You just seem to REALLY want this agenda thing to be true, but it just isn't. I don't dislike Blind at all I just think he is being misused. I would rather see him in midfield where I don't think he's been given a fair chance yet. I think he's a victim of poor squad management since we've left ourselves for the second year running horribly short of centrebacks who can keep themselves fit (let alone play well). I don't think you'll find anyone on here who hates Daley Blind just because. At worst you'll find people who have become more likely to criticise him just because they know it will annoy people like you.
Blind is marking the winger. It's Glen Johnson that gets behind Depay.
Truly staggering you're still trying to attribute blame to Blind for that goal. First you say that he should be marking the winger (he was) then you say he's marking no one (you can see from the video that's completely wrong) and then you say because it was 'zonal' defending that should allow his winger to wonder in field alone, this isn't netball! Smalling was a free to cover any ball inside so Blind is perfectly fine to press instead of inviting pressure.
The players were positionally absolutely fine, it was just an atrocious header.
Also, Smalling got criticised a hell of a lot for the Newcastle game, and for the Derby goal, and people have been calling Herrera a bit shit for a while, so this idea that there are players immune to criticism and aren't called out for their mistakes - on the Caf of all places - is completely incorrect.

It's nonsensical. It's not the only thread where it's happened either: the Fellaini one is a primary example, wherein fans will try to deflect criticism by saying that he's being scapegoated when people are pointing out legitimate errors.
Noodlehair is spot on, to be fair. It. Blind misjudged the situation and it cost us. Wasn't his first brainfart in the CB position and won't be the last either.

Sometimes he, just like Van Gaal, tries to be too clever and it often leads to stupid mistakes. There was absolutely no need to close Terry down, even if the ball was heading towards him. Terry is a centre-back. He wouldn't have done anything useful with the ball anyway. Had Blind stayed in his position, he wouldn't have had any problems dealing with Fabregas' pass.

As far as I know, Bortwick-Jackson is not Nostradamus to foresee Blind's random actions.
No it's because there are lots of posters who wait for him to even make a minute mistake to come out with the 'I knew in August he was not a CB' irrespective of what he does. In the Chelsea goal there are at least 5 people more culpable than Blind. CBJ (playing Costa on), Smalling (ball watching and stuck on the wings marking no one), Schneiderlin (same as Smalling), mata (not closing in on fab and making it harder to pass), Memphis (screwing up what was a run of the mill pass and conceding possession). Yet there are people here who act as if he is the sole reason we conceded the goal. Not only that there are posters who actually couple of pages ago said he was the worst player in the season. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

Players like him, Valencia, young and are all players who will get scapegoated if they make even a single mistake but give leeway to the likes of Herrera, Smalling, and all get more leeway because people have a liking for them. Whatever blind does is seen as error which may not be the case if it was someone else. For instance if Smalling and Blind had swapped their roles in the goal, people would blame Blind for being lazy and for his poor positioning. He is bound for critiscism every time whatever he does.

At the end of the day, I would also like to upgrade CB position and get someone else in but I don't engage in intense critiscism for no reason.

Pretty much spot on.
I'm sorry but anyone who has played defender can tell you that CBJ is not to blame for that goal. I actually really rate blind (above the average ratings) but he clearly makes the main mistake for the goal. He overushes, slips(which is unlucky) but that slip causes the gap to open up. Even blind himself said if he hadnt of slipped he would have cut out the pass. CBJ is literally stood in the perfect position tho right alongside blind, so i've no idea how people are pinning it on him.:lol:
Daley Blind's view on the goal: "it was a shit moment from me"

Even when Blind personally admits, on national television, that he made a silly mistake, people on here will STILL pretend something completely different happened.

a) Why on earth would we be deliberately playing an offside trap when we were practically sat on our own goal line? This is NEVER something any team would do
b) Why on earth is it ever the "correct thing to do" for a centreback to ignore the opposition striker in order to run off after someone else who's running AWAY from goal, and then fall over?

Why do people invent the completely absurd just to avoid admitting what they saw with their own eyes?

He made a very clear mistake, then came out afterwards and admitted, to alll of you, that he made a mistake. You're like babies refusing to accept being spoon fed sometimes.
Way to take it out of context. What he said is, he was "sleeping" and read the pass late. That's what his mistake was according to him.
Way to take it out of context. What he said is, he was "sleeping" and read the pass late. That's what his mistake was according to him.

Where in my post have I said that isn't what he said?

He admitted he fecked up and some people still want us all to believe he didn't, that was my only point there.

I have you now telling me he said he was sleeping and read the pass late, and therefore I took what he said out of context, and someone else telling me he said he slipped and would have got to the ball otherwise, and therefore I'm taking what he said out of context.

So not only do you invent contexts people haven't even put in place but you can't even make your fecking minds up amongst yourselves about what he actually said.

It's genuinely baffling.
Really genuinely seriously, some of you are actually insane.

You're inventing things that never happened and inventing things people never said in order to convince yourselves there is an internet vendetta against Daley Blind playing at centreback.

If you're going to turn into a batshit mental conspircacy theorist, at least choose something more interesting to be batshit mental about.
It seems like it's inevitable in this place, a poster takes a disliking to a player (culprit directly above) and will go out of thier way to prove how terrible they are, someone will defend the player over zealously to compensate for the ridiculousness of the first poster and it spirals to 'can't be blamed for anything' vs 'can't do anything right'.
It seems like it's inevitable in this place, a poster takes a disliking to a player (culprit directly above) and will go out of thier way to prove how terrible they are, someone will defend the player over zealously to compensate for the ridiculousness of the first poster and it spirals to 'can't be blamed for anything' vs 'can't do anything right'.

Every time I open this thread, noodle is whipping a dead horse...but apparantly he's not bias.
It seems like it's inevitable in this place, a poster takes a disliking to a player (culprit directly above) and will go out of thier way to prove how terrible they are, someone will defend the player over zealously to compensate for the ridiculousness of the first poster and it spirals to 'can't be blamed for anything' vs 'can't do anything right'.

Every time I open this thread, noodle is whipping a dead horse...but apparantly he's not bias.

I'm replying to people replying to me. That's what happens on a forum.

Are either of you able to explain to me why I or anyone else would "dislike" Daley Blind? Since you seem so determined to believe this is the case?

I'm not sure why I apparently dislike him but have already been forced to explain why I don't dislike him in detail once, which was pointless as it has conveniently been completely ignored, despite other things I never said at all being quoted to prove I dislike him.

I am not sure how this approach is supposed to convince me that I'm not conversing with loons.

On the other hand if someone keeps telling me "five other people were more to blame for the goal than Blind" then I will keep telling them they are wrong, because someone needs to tell them before their idiocy takes over this place completely.
Dont know why people think mourinho (or any couch for that matter) will immediately drop him.
Carvalho wasn't exactly a monster.

Meh, one of the few positions in our team i'm happy about (cover would be nice though).
Carvalho was a centre-back.
6.0 Average rating
6.0 Your rating

That's Blind to me. A perfect 6. Not a world beater in any position, but can do an Ok job as CB and DM.

Would i like him to stay? yes, as a back up utility player.

Objectively, i think he will be gone once LvG is gone, maybe one season later. Thats £75,000 weekly, that we could redirect to better players.
It seems like it's inevitable in this place, a poster takes a disliking to a player (culprit directly above) and will go out of thier way to prove how terrible they are, someone will defend the player over zealously to compensate for the ridiculousness of the first poster and it spirals to 'can't be blamed for anything' vs 'can't do anything right'.

So true. :lol:
I'm replying to people replying to me. That's what happens on a forum.

Are either of you able to explain to me why I or anyone else would "dislike" Daley Blind? Since you seem so determined to believe this is the case?

I'm not sure why I apparently dislike him but have already been forced to explain why I don't dislike him in detail once, which was pointless as it has conveniently been completely ignored, despite other things I never said at all being quoted to prove I dislike him.

I am not sure how this approach is supposed to convince me that I'm not conversing with loons.

On the other hand if someone keeps telling me "five other people were more to blame for the goal than Blind" then I will keep telling them they are wrong, because someone needs to tell them before their idiocy takes over this place completely.
Oh I dunno, somewhere between saying he's been our worst performer this season and saying he's a poor passer of the ball. Dislike him all you want but when you down play his passing ability you start to sound like a mentalist. But yeah, your 19 posts in this thread have been completely balanced.
The main argument about why blind isn't a CB seems to be hes not tall or strong enough.
Which is clearly bolox.

Carvalho was quick though. Same with Mascherano, it compensates for their lack of size.
Carvalho was quick though. Same with Mascherano, it compensates for their lack of size.

And they are extremely intelligent players, Blind isn't at that level yet. Maybe someone like Mourinho can help him develop the mental aspect of defending.
And they are extremely intelligent players, Blind isn't at that level yet. Maybe someone like Mourinho can help him develop the mental aspect of defending.

That's a big maybe! He's had a good season but he isn't some sort of rookie. If we're gonna try and develop someone into a top class CB why not just buy a good young CB?
That's a big maybe! He's had a good season but he isn't some sort of rookie. If we're gonna try and develop someone into a top class CB why not just buy a good young CB?

Because I have seen Ancelotti transform Matuidi into a world beater, I want to see an other miracle.
That's a big maybe! He's had a good season but he isn't some sort of rookie. If we're gonna try and develop someone into a top class CB why not just buy a good young CB?

I dont remember carvalho being that quick tbh. I remember him being smart mostly.
Its his first season playing cb and i think he's gradualy improved.
Its mostly just that i dont see an issue at cb, we concede the odd goal and the pair of them have had a few feck ups but who doesn't?

The goals that have pissed me off most are the ones where they walk through our midfield too easily, or the slightly inevitable ones like against chelsea. In both cases i'd lay the majority of hte blame elsewhere.
Otherwise i think theres bigger fish to fry and very few obvious improvements (i like stones a lot but at this particularly point in his development he wouldn't be an improvement imo).
I dont remember carvalho being that quick tbh. I remember him being smart mostly.

He was pretty rapid - for a CB anyway. I know what you mean to an extent, Blind at CB is hardly one of our main concerns. Jones and Rojo, however, are hardly reliable options, which is especially worrying given that Blind is obviously gonna have a tough time against certain opponents.
He was pretty rapid - for a CB anyway. I know what you mean to an extent, Blind at CB is hardly one of our main concerns. Jones and Rojo, however, are hardly reliable options, which is especially worrying given that Blind is obviously gonna have a tough time against certain opponents.

I'm not sure what Rojo's done to earn his generally poor reputation on here. He generally looks very solid to me, and there've been one or two really exceptional games that show what he could do as part of a settled partnership.

Regardless, Blind has been good for too much of the time to be considered a problem. I don't see his position as being in any sort of peril, and for me Rojo and Jones between them constitute good back-up, especially with some promising youngsters coming through in that position.
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