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I seriously cannot understand how can anyone watch this video and claim he stepped out to make an offside trap. :lol:

Few moments earlier before he comes out he does hold the line, but in next few seconds he thinks the the ball is going to be played to Terry and he sprints to intercepts it totally forgetting about Costa and realising it was a wrong option so that's why he slipped. It was instinctive and bad reaction, he thinks Fabregas will pass it to Terry and that's why he came out to intercept it, no way he thought of making offside trap there.

It's not the worst mistake in the world, but it's really interesting how some people won't accept it's his mistake and make the stuff up for him like the one about offside trap.

It's batshit mental. I mean people are claiming that Blind "stepped up" and yet he ended sprinting past everyone?! I mean, in what world is that "stepping up"?!

It's funny too, because as the play builds you can clearly see him hold his arms out as if to say "here's our line" and CBJ does exactly the same, then he just decides to leg it half a second before Cesc passes, meaning unless CBJ is a mind reader (he isn't) there is pretty much nothing he can do about it.

It's also funny how people are absolving Blind of going to mark someone else instead of THE BLOKE WHO SCORED THE SODDING GOAL :lol:
I'm really not understanding the defences of him for that goal. I mean, I see what the main point is, in that he's trying to go to Terry...but even from that point of view, he fails hilariously by falling over. It's like Wayne Rooney putting a tap-in from one yard over the bar, and people defending it by saying, "Well, he messed it up, but he was in the right position and would've scored if he'd gotten it on target." If Blind decides to run to Terry, then it's surely his job not to slip and to, you know, get the ball? The fact that he does slip mean he's unable to make a quick recovery once the ball is played through, and it's quite clearly an error.

CBJ is also culpable for playing Costa onside, but I'm really not sure if Blind should be leaving Costa, the most dangerous player in Chelsea's side, in the first place. Terry's hardly the fastest, and again, leaving Costa unchallenged, on his own, is quite clearly a daft thing to do...especially when you then fall flat on your arse in the process.
How can anyone think that they are not playing an offside trap there? :confused: Everyone except CBJ was in one line and Costa was well behind that line. Either it's an offside trap or its one hell of a coincidence.:rolleyes:
How can anyone think that they are not playing an offside trap there? :confused: Everyone except CBJ was in one line and Costa was well behind that line. Either it's an offside trap or its one hell of a coincidence.:rolleyes:

Because that would be stupid on the edge of the box in the 93rd minute. Blind doesn't just step up to be level either, he goes charging out past everyone like a lunatic. Not a smart way to set an offside trap :rolleyes:
Because that would be stupid on the edge of the box in the 93rd minute. Blind doesn't just step up to be level either, he goes charging out past everyone like a lunatic. Not a smart way to set an offside trap :rolleyes:

In the 28th second they show the replay of the pass to Costa. Everyone other than CBJ are in one line. Costa is clearly behind blind played onside by CBJ. What happened next is actually completely irrelevant because even if he hadn't slipped going to cover terry, he wouldn't have bothered to move like anyone else as they had (or they thought) just played him off and expected the play to be stopped anyway. There's nothing stupid about that. It's the most sensible thing to do and what we would see most intelligent defenders like Maldini baresi and all do.
The point is Blind is sprinting out without knowing where his team mates are. He's running out to Terry for no reason at all. He goes past everyone. It's a stupid thing to do and if he's not sure he should be marking Costa instead of taking risks
The point is Blind is sprinting out without knowing where his team mates are. He's running out to Terry for no reason at all. He goes past everyone. It's a stupid thing to do and if he's not sure he should be marking Costa instead of taking risks

Which is the point isn't it? He can't mark Costa without playing him on and he can't obviously account for CBJ playing him on. You are actually blaming him for not realising that the CBJ was not in the line that all the defenders were holding instead of blaming CBJ for not getting into the line in the first place? Wow. :confused:
I already stated that I think he made an error of judgement in rushing out. The fact that I agree with your overall summation, to some extent, doesn't make everything you say valid, true or fair game.

I took exception and responded to the fact that you clearly misused his interview to stamp home your opinion and infer that Blind himself supported your argument. He admits to the mistake of slipping, no-one here is arguing that the slip was a good idea but some feel that him attempting to win the ball in the first place isn't blameworthy. The fact that he admitted to a separate mistake has no relevance or bearing on the discussion surrounding his initial actions (rushing out) and shouldn't be used against him or those arguing another point of view regarding his initial actions.

For the record he slips well before the ball has gone by him as indicated in the picture below (he's already on his knees at this point). It doesn't change anything in terms of my assessment of the situation but does suggest that you are over-egging it a little.

I didn't realise how isolated Blind was in this situation, Fabregas is given all the time in the world to pick a pass and Blinds marking two Chelsea players without another United player even remotely near him.
I'm not even absolving CBJ of all blame like you seem to think. If you think he is playing an offside trap why doesn't he just step up in line with Smalling instead of running ahead of him?

because Schneiderlin who was marking terry lost terry and ended up doing little to nothing instead. So blind moved forward with te intention of cutting out the pass to terry which was the most obvious pass because both Costa and Ivanovic were offside again by the same. He slipped so yes that's stupid from him but to blame him for the goal where he did most things right(the slip shouldn't even have mattered as the play would have stopped if CBJ was in the same line as martial blind Schneiderlin and Smalling) is just dumb. And if you think marking Terry doesn't serve any purpose, ask Everton.
I honestly don't understand all the debate regarding Blind and whether or not he made a mistake for that Chelsea goal.

I really can't understand the sort of fan that hammers a player for this type of thing. If it was happening every week, ok - understandable. Blind on the other hand has been excellent for us all season. I must admit, I had my concerns about him playing centre back at the start of the season... but I was wrong. Even with all of our defenders fit, he'd probably still be our second best central defender ahead of Jones and Rojo who are both more experienced in that position.

Also if there was anyone in our team who you would bank on learning from any mistake... it's probably Daley Blind as he's one of the most intelligent players in the side.
Possibly the instinct of his central midfield days - stepping up and pressing like that?

Either way, CBJ shouldn't have been that far behind the line. I think they both made a mistake there.
I really, really rate blind. Fair play to him making such an effort in defence. without him who knows where we would be. Saying that, I still want a proper CB that isn't Jones or rojo.

In the 28th second they show the replay of the pass to Costa. Everyone other than CBJ are in one line. Costa is clearly behind blind played onside by CBJ. What happened next is actually completely irrelevant because even if he hadn't slipped going to cover terry, he wouldn't have bothered to move like anyone else as they had (or they thought) just played him off and expected the play to be stopped anyway. There's nothing stupid about that. It's the most sensible thing to do and what we would see most intelligent defenders like Maldini baresi and all do.

Lets break it down:

23 seconds: Blind and CBJ hold out their arms as if to say "this is our line" Blind is actually marginally behind CBJ, but that's neither here nor there. Important thing to note is that Darmian, instead of looking around and seeing who he could mark, just decides he'll walk back over to right back... not a great idea considering where the ball is, and the fact that we had men over on his side.

25/26 seconds: With Darmian wondering right, Blind has two men to pick up. Him and CBJ are still in a line together, but Blind decides he should mark Terry, not Costa (the incorrect decision for a number of reasons, not least because you should always pick up the player closest to your goal) - so he begins his sprint.

26/27 Seconds: Blind has sprinted away from CBJ and even past Martial. Leaving Costa unmarked and alone. There is absolutely no chance in hell that CBJ would a) know that Blind was going to choose that exact moment to sprint out of defence - especially as moments earlier they both put there arms out to indicate where the line they were holding should be - and b) could react in literally a second to match his movements and step-out... if you want to be critical, you can say that CBJ isn't even watching the play, which is poor from him, but even if he was, do you think he could have matched Blinds run and moved to be in line with Martial?

28 Seconds - The ball goes through to Costa, Blind realises he's moved the wrong way and falls over trying to adjust his body position. He was nowhere near the ball though (for people saying he'd got it if he hadn't slipped, freeze the clip at 35 seconsds - he's a few yards away from the ball). Costa - the man he should be picking up - has a free run at goal.

People can say all they want "Well what if Terry gets the ball? shoots and scores?" but a) that didn't happen and b) I would rather have John Terry have the ball outside the box then Costa have a 1vs1 inside the box. Ultimately though, if Terry gets the ball, then that's a new situation and we defend the new situation accordingly.

As people have said, the fact that Schneiderlin takes up a naff position isn't great, and yes, you could argue that CBJ should be more aware of whats going on, But he has such little time to react to Blinds movements (if you want to maintain he was playing offside AND stepping out to Terry fine, though you at least have to concede it's a massive risk on his part and not one he should be taking) ... ultimately, considering the fact that Blind wanted to hold a line where he and CBJ were literally seconds before he sprinted away, makes me believe he wasnt' playing for offside and instead tried to guess what was going to happen and went to go stop it (the move of a midfielder).
The goal happened because of a mistake each by Blind (by rushing and then slipping) and by CBJ (by not being in line with Smalling and others when the pass was made). I dont know why people are arguing as if these two things are somehow mutually exclusive and therefore blaming one player automatically means that the other player is without any blame!
The goal happened because of a mistake each by Blind (by rushing and then slipping) and by CBJ (by not being in line with Smalling and others when the pass was made). I dont know why people are arguing as if these two things are somehow mutually exclusive and therefore blaming one player automatically means that the other player is without any blame!

Because literally a second or two before the pass is made, he and Blind are in a line together.
Because literally a second or two before the pass is made, he and Blind are in a line together.

Yeah, but if CBJ chooses to look at Martial instead of Blind (where Martial incidentally also moves up along with Blind) then he should also be moving up. He gets caught out of concentration in my opinion. So its not a clear cut case of one single mistake for the goal.
Yeah, but if CBJ chooses to look at Martial instead of Blind (where Martial incidentally also moves up along with Blind) then he should also be moving up. He gets caught out of concentration in my opinion. So its not a clear cut case of one single mistake for the goal.

Yeah, like I said, you can certainly criticise him for not concentrating on the play. But it's still a big ask for him to react to Blind sprinting out of defence and moving up himself all in the space of a second.
Lets break it down:

23 seconds: Blind and CBJ hold out their arms as if to say "this is our line" Blind is actually marginally behind CBJ, but that's neither here nor there. Important thing to note is that Darmian, instead of looking around and seeing who he could mark, just decides he'll walk back over to right back... not a great idea considering where the ball is, and the fact that we had men over on his side.

25/26 seconds: With Darmian wondering right, Blind has two men to pick up. Him and CBJ are still in a line together, but Blind decides he should mark Terry, not Costa (the incorrect decision for a number of reasons, not least because you should always pick up the player closest to your goal) - so he begins his sprint.

26/27 Seconds: Blind has sprinted away from CBJ and even past Martial. Leaving Costa unmarked and alone. There is absolutely no chance in hell that CBJ would a) know that Blind was going to choose that exact moment to sprint out of defence - especially as moments earlier they both put there arms out to indicate where the line they were holding should be - and b) could react in literally a second to match his movements and step-out... if you want to be critical, you can say that CBJ isn't even watching the play, which is poor from him, but even if he was, do you think he could have matched Blinds run and moved to be in line with Martial?

28 Seconds - The ball goes through to Costa, Blind realises he's moved the wrong way and falls over trying to adjust his body position. He was nowhere near the ball though (for people saying he'd got it if he hadn't slipped, freeze the clip at 35 seconsds - he's a few yards away from the ball). Costa - the man he should be picking up - has a free run at goal.

People can say all they want "Well what if Terry gets the ball? shoots and scores?" but a) that didn't happen and b) I would rather have John Terry have the ball outside the box then Costa have a 1vs1 inside the box. Ultimately though, if Terry gets the ball, then that's a new situation and we defend the new situation accordingly.

As people have said, the fact that Schneiderlin takes up a naff position isn't great, and yes, you could argue that CBJ should be more aware of whats going on, But he has such little time to react to Blinds movements (if you want to maintain he was playing offside AND stepping out to Terry fine, though you at least have to concede it's a massive risk on his part and not one he should be taking) ... ultimately, considering the fact that Blind wanted to hold a line where he and CBJ were literally seconds before he sprinted away, makes me believe he wasnt' playing for offside and instead tried to guess what was going to happen and went to go stop it (the move of a midfielder).

The 23rd second action is towards everyone behind because at the time even Smalling CBJ and martial were clearly behind blind (much behind CBJ too) and he was rallying them to not go in too deep and play everyone on. Then they(Smalling and martial) went more forward to Schneiderlin's line at which time the game had changed and now blind is deeper and had to move forward. It's the basic requirement that you need to adapt to each change and what's true 2 seconds back may not be true now. So he went forward expecting the offside. Him rushing out was to intercept the ball. He would definitely have intercepted even the pass to Costa had he not slipped. So the slip was poor from him. Not anything else.

And all these while Smalling is marking no one. Blind ended up having to mark 2 players because Schneiderlin is ball watching after he left Terry, darmian is marking Willian and Mike is standing there marking no one in Particular. If that was Blind in place of Smalling doing the same things then the same posters would have talked about how the 'helpless Smalling who has to do everything by himself whereas the incompetent blind is not even in the area'.

The question is whether you blame blind for reacting to everyone else, all of whom went for a higher line and not informing CBJ of it (whatever that means) or CBJ for not realising it himself when he can see that everyone are at least 2 yards away. In a football pitch you can't give 2 minutes advance notice before doing stuff like that. CBJ and other defenders should be alert enough to see what is happening. If that was Blind who had played him on the posters would have expected him to instantly react to everyone else and no one

The only thing we can even blame him for is slipping. Which again I don't know if you can actually blame him for it but still. To blame him for doing something 90% of all the defenders are doing or rather are supposed to be doing is just crazy

The pass to Terry was the only alternative to the pass to Costa and as he intended to play him offside and expected cesc to go for the next alternative he went to cut the pass to Terry. I don't see it as such a big crime that he shouldn't have done. He left Costa because he already took care of that problem (or so he thought).
I seriously cannot understand how can anyone watch this video and claim he stepped out to make an offside trap. :lol:

Few moments earlier before he comes out he does hold the line, but in next few seconds he thinks the the ball is going to be played to Terry and he sprints to intercepts it totally forgetting about Costa and realising it was a wrong option so that's why he slipped. It was instinctive and bad reaction, he thinks Fabregas will pass it to Terry and that's why he came out to intercept it, no way he thought of making offside trap there.

It's not the worst mistake in the world, but it's really interesting how some people won't accept it's his mistake and make the stuff up for him like the one about offside trap.

It's just completely baffling why people do this. It's a very obvious mistake. I think it is a pretty bad one purely because it happened to result in the ball going into our goal. It's clever play from Costa to move up but what Blind does there isn't something any experienced half decent centreback would do...and this is the issue I have.

It's not a one off incident. Even earlier in the game Fabregas ended up with a clean shot on goal from about 6 yards because Blind tried to anticipate which way he'd turn and got it wrong, instead of just marking him properly. He does it far too often...he does a decent job there for someone who isn't a centreback, but against teams who attack us a non centreback doing a decent job of pretending to be one will always get exposed. Something you can witness every time we play a decent side.

On here though, there's a gang of people who just wont accept Bllind can do any wrong, for some unknown reason...and who'll just make stuff up about our games. I guess because they really WANT him to prove he can play there? But it is futile for example denying an error happens when the result of the error is the ball going into our goal. It achieves nothing other than making people look deluded and childish.

I was only trying to demonstrate that its a common practice...but thanks for the compliment.

Blind and CBJ were not inline. Blind and Martial have both moved up before the pass is made, CBJ is looking at Martial and remains stationary. He is 1 or 2 feet behind the line when the pass is made.

Blind slips when he tries to stretch and intercept the ball. If he didn't slip, it's perfectly conceivable he would get the ball. Why would he lie about this? Covering up a mistake wouldn't save him from LVG's analysis.

And you clearly do have an agenda. I pointed out that Schniederlin, Mata, CBJ and Memphis all made mistakes...but I haven't gone into all their performance threads to say they a shit and cost us the match. Just admit you don't like Blind and move on.

They were in line, and then Blind sprinted off after Terry. Any clip of the goal clearly shows this, many of which are in this thread. It's not up for debate or a point of view. Its not even something you can get away with fibbing about. It's just what happened vs making stuff up.

He thought he could get the ball I'm sure, but the replays seem to suggest he was a fecking mile away from getting near it. There's also the most key indicator of all...the FACT he didn't get within a fecking mile of it. Though you may as well just pretend he did?

I don't have an agenda...I'm in the Daley Blind thread talking about Daley Blind. I dont know why you keep saying this. It just makes you sound like a complete idiot.You can't just pretend everyone who disagrees with you does because they have an agenda. I mean, what is this agenda exactly? Did Blind rape my dog?

I already stated that I think he made an error of judgement in rushing out. The fact that I agree with your overall summation, to some extent, doesn't make everything you say valid, true or fair game.

I took exception and responded to the fact that you clearly misused his interview to stamp home your opinion and infer that Blind himself supported your argument. He admits to the mistake of slipping, no-one here is arguing that the slip was a good idea but some feel that him attempting to win the ball in the first place isn't blameworthy. The fact that he admitted to a separate mistake has no relevance or bearing on the discussion surrounding his initial actions (rushing out) and shouldn't be used against him or those arguing another point of view regarding his initial actions.

For the record he slips well before the ball has gone by him as indicated in the picture below (he's already on his knees at this point). It doesn't change anything in terms of my assessment of the situation but does suggest that you are over-egging it a little.


There are numerous clips in this thread showing him getting nowhere near the ball and slipping after it's too late to rectify this vs this blurred image of him which proves I'm not sure what since the pass has clearly already been played. Either way, he didn't get to it, and if he'd stayed where he was he would have.

Also, I said he called it a "shit moment from him", which he did. It's pretty obvious he THOUGHT he'd get to the ball, otherwise he wouldn't have gone for it. Fair enough if you think I''m tarting it up a bit. In my view he's made a pretty silly mistake that's cost us the game. Suggesting otherwise seems somewhat daft as evidenced by the daft arguments of people attempting to do so. It was a massivley cheap goal to give away.
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They were in line, and then Blind sprinted off after Terry. Any clip of the goal clearly shows this, many of which are in this thread. It's not up for debate or a point of view. Its not even something you can get away with fibbing about. It's just what happened vs making stuff up.

He thought he could get the ball I'm sure, but the replays seem to suggest he was a fecking mile away from getting near it. There's also the most key indicator of all...the FACT he didn't get within a fecking mile of it. Though you may as well just pretend he did?

I don't have an agenda...I'm in the Daley Blind thread talking about Daley Blind. I dont know why you keep saying this. It just makes you sound like a complete idiot.You can't just pretend everyone who disagrees with you does because they have an agenda. I mean, what is this agenda exactly? Did Blind rape my dog?

He's certainly wasn't marking your dog, that's for sure!
What the feck was Blind doing? Even if Terry had received the ball there, he wouldn't have done anything useful with it. Leaving Costa completely unmarked was idiotic.

I like him as a player, but when we have to defend a lead, he's a complete liability.
What the feck was Blind doing? Even if Terry had received the ball there, he wouldn't have done anything useful with it. Leaving Costa completely unmarked was idiotic.

I like him as a player, but when we have to defend a lead, he's a complete liability.

Look at him there, I will never understand how a left back can let an attacker mark a winger, Blind positioning makes no sense, he can't even pretend to mark the midfielder since it's not his responsibility and there is midfielders and a CB in the area.

Look at him there, I will never understand how a left back can let an attacker mark a winger, Blind positioning makes no sense, he can't even pretend to mark the midfielder since it's not his responsibility and there is midfielders and a CB in the area.

There are way too many examples of his lack of positional awareness and misjudgement of certain situations in the CB position this season. Don't get me wrong, he's doing a decent job as a whole (especially for a player who isn't even a CB) , but his mistakes are way too many and are costing us dearly. His reactions are slow as well.

He also has the tendency of having a brainfart while trying to distribute the ball from the back and is slipping way to often. Why the feck does he slip that much?
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Look at him there, I will never understand how a left back can let an attacker mark a winger, Blind positioning makes no sense, he can't even pretend to mark the midfielder since it's not his responsibility and there is midfielders and a CB in the area.

Blind is marking the winger. It's Glen Johnson that gets behind Depay.
He's right beside Shaqiri. Who was actually Stokes winger. Trying to paint that as anyone other than Depay at fault is ridiculous.

He is defending out of his zone, in a zonal marking scheme while the opposition is actually attacking in his zone. Memphis makes a really stupid mistakes but Blind makes one too.

Edit: If everyone was disciplined Fellaini would have been near Shaqiri, Memphis where Fellaini was and Blind where Memphis was.
He is defending out of his zone, in a zonal marking scheme while the opposition is actually attacking in his zone. Memphis makes a really stupid mistakes but Blind makes one too.
But you're complaining him not marking a winger and that a full back always should and then saying he should be marking a zone. At least be consistent here. Blind plays zero part in us conceding that goal.
But you're complaining him not marking a winger and that a full back always should and then saying he should be marking a zone. At least be consistent here. Blind plays zero part in us conceding that goal.

By winger I meant the player on the wing, the only one actually attacking.
He is defending out of his zone, in a zonal marking scheme while the opposition is actually attacking in his zone. Memphis makes a really stupid mistakes but Blind makes one too.

Edit: If everyone was disciplined Fellaini would have been near Shaqiri, Memphis where Fellaini was and Blind where Memphis was.
It's fairly standard fare for a winger to pick up full backs on the overlap. It's not Blind or Fellaini's fault Depay is shite at it.
By winger I meant the player on the wing, the only one actually attacking.
No you didn't. If he'd left Shaqiri and the ball went to him and he'd scored then he'd be getting blamed for not marking his man. A full back can't be expected to pick up every player on their flank.
It's fairly standard fare for a winger to pick up full backs on the overlap. It's not Blind or Fellaini's fault Depay is shite at it.

And it's fairly standard for a fullback to protect the outside and be the first defender on the wings.
And it's fairly standard for a fullback to protect the outside and be the first defender on the wings.
Not if it means leaving your man completely unmarked a few yards infield when your winger is marking his man. Do you actually expect a full back to be constantly swapping with the winger on who they should be tracking?
Not if it means leaving your man completely unmarked a few yards infield when your winger is marking his man. Do you actually expect a full back to be constantly swapping with the winger on who they should be tracking?

It's a zonal scheme they don't track, they defend on the player entering their zone, he left his zone to defend in the midfielders zone. If we were in individual marking he would be right but we are not, unless he is the only player on the field in indvidual in that case, I will look at the coaches.
It's a zonal scheme they don't track, they defend on the player entering their zone, he left his zone to defend in the midfielders zone. If we were in individual marking he would be right but we are not, unless he is the only player on the field in indvidual in that case, I will look at the coaches.
It's not like is stood on the right side of our defence. Say Blind marks Johnson and the ball goes to Shaqiri and he scores you'd be here complaining that he was marking a full back. You've already complained about being in an area and not picking up a man when you thought Glen Johnson was Blinds man.
It's not like is stood on the right side of our defence. Say Blind marks Johnson and the ball goes to Shaqiri and he scores you'd be here complaining that he was marking a full back. You've already complained about being in an area and not picking up a man when you thought Glen Johnson was Blinds man.

No, I wouldn't because I already told you that while Blind shouldn't be where he was, other players should have been where he was, if Shaqiri had the ball while Blind was in his zone it would have been someone else business. And you are still in man marking when I'm in zone marking. My problem here is that he left a winger defend alone at the edge of the box, in fact I have a problem with the entire defensive positioning of about 8 visible players, Blind and Memphis included.
No, I wouldn't because I already told you that while Blind shouldn't be where he was, other players should have been where he was, if Shaqiri had the ball while Blind was in his zone it would have been someone else business. And you are still in man marking when I'm in zone marking. My problem here is that he left a winger defend alone at the edge of the box, in fact I have a problem with the entire defensive positioning of about 8 visible players, Blind and Memphis included.
You specifically complained about him not man marking. We've both said our piece but for me Johnson is Depay's responsibility all day long. And that would be common place in football.
You specifically complained about him not man marking. We've both said our piece but for me Johnson is Depay's responsibility all day long. And that would be common place in football.

I specifically complained about his positioning, but I did said winger thinking about the player attacking on the wing at that time (I had no idea who it was), and Memphis should defend infront of the fullback not in place of him but since Fellaini is defending where Memphis should be I suspect that someone else, probably Memphis butchered its assignment. And the reason why your suggestation isn't good is because of what happened, you want a defender to deal with this type of balls, Fellaini or the other midfielders are perfectly able to mark a player inside but the ball played by Memphis is only usual for defenders.
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