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2015-16 Performances

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5.9 Season Average Rating
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Fellaini is starting because Schweinsteiger and Carrick have both been out. I said it in the Ander thread, Blind has 33 starts and Fellaini only has 15. Such correlation. I wonder why we didn't need to start Fellaini because of Blind in those other 18 matches.
@noodlehair agenda-driven posting has reached a new level, but that doesn't surprise me at all.

Making the blasphemy in this forum, I think that Blind is actually a better CB than Smalling, or at the very worst case, he has been better than Smalling for the majority of this season. Of course, he isn't English, isn't 7 foot tall and doesn't put the ball in Row Z everytime a player is 50 yards near him, so he isn't good in the eyes of many.

That's just nuts if you believe that.

some of the defensive work he does in these videos are exemplary. Yet there are people who claim that all he does is pass and that him at CB has ended up with him being bailed out by Mike most of the time. :rolleyes:
Chelsea 1:1 Man Utd
Not sure what the hell he was thinking for their goal. Did he think Terry was a threat 22 yards out with his back to goal in a tight space? If we're going to challenge for things next season he can't be our CB. You need either pace or strength and a strong positional awareness.
I thought our back line played to a decent standard, but I think the main culpability falls to him for their goal.
He makes a couple of errors every game. Not a CH and its costing us.
Constant pressure from opposition with 93% possession and eventually any centre back pairing will let you in.

Point the finger all you like - it's symptomatic of Van Gaals crap management and preparation for various scenarios in a game.
Some of his positional play today was quality and I thought he did well against Costa. If you pick apart the goal we conceded there are several culprits.
For two players who have been playing together all season, him and Smalling really don't seem to be on the same wave length a lot of the time.
Where was he even going for the goal? I mean, CBJ obviously shouldn't be playing everyone onside... but feck if I know what Blind is trying to do.
Think he played well in general, but definitely a big mistake for the goal.
Where was he even going for the goal? I mean, CBJ obviously shouldn't be playing everyone onside... but feck if I know what Blind is trying to do.

He does that kind of stuff quite often but people ignore it for some reason and call it great defending. Weird.
Isn't a centre back and never will be, makes far too many costly mistakes but nobodys arsed cause he plays a nice pass. Jones being a waste of time is part of the problem but not buying an actual centre back when we clearly needed one last summer is all on Van Gaal. If your going to be so slow then you'd expect them to have the physicality to make up for it and he has neither. Not his fault at all but should be playing at LB or CDM.
I actually think he's been playing a lot better at centreback for the last month or so, to the extent that if he can keep it up I don't think getting a new centreback to partner Smalling is an absolute top priority. Don't get me wrong, I'd hope we still would. But it would drop behind a couple of other things in terms of priority.

Not sure what was happening for the goal though. I really need to watch a replay of it and see just where everybody is.
felt he and Smalling were both really good but they do lack the presence of a Terry/Vidic/Ferdinand

a super passer and a very intelligent player
Got a text by a Chelsea mate at 80 mins saying Blind is still to have a moment! Fecking unbelievable he's not a defender that's for sure but he's a decent player. But hope we buy someone better in the summer to play alongside Smalling. Blind our number 3 centre half Jones 4th choice and Rojo on your bike son.
If Mourinho becomes manager there's very little chance he will continue at CB. Still, Blind is ace and we picked him up for a bargain fee.
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Where was he even going for the goal? I mean, CBJ obviously shouldn't be playing everyone onside... but feck if I know what Blind is trying to do.

He always does that. Even when he's playing in midfield. It's fecking annoying and downright stupid.
Where was he even going for the goal? I mean, CBJ obviously shouldn't be playing everyone onside... but feck if I know what Blind is trying to do.
It was annoying they analysed it to death on Sky. He clearly follows Terry out, not realising Costa was behind him.

Blind goes up for the ball because smalling works best as the last line of defence. In the last couple of games- our goals against have been predominantly caused by Smalling going for balls that he has no chance of getting - in return leaving blind as the last line of defence which is nowhere near as poignant as it is the other way around.

Blind almost plays in front of smalling because he reads the game well & he can also pass the ball from deep predominantly in to forward positions.

Again, when we have the majority of the ball the need for a Rio/vidic type defence is not needed half as much.


Nonsense. Blind is not the reason why Fellaini is in the middle. From 21 conceded premier league goals, we have only conceded 5 from corners or free kicks delivered into the box.

In contrast, Blind has to step up so often, because midfield has gone missing. It's basic level defending, anyone who has ever played in a half decent football team should know this.

If a player looks as if he is about to receive a ball around the 30 yard mark (the "hole") without being challenged, one of the two defenders must step up. If one of them didn't step up, a striker would turn to find two back peddling defenders and 10 yards of space to run into. It's not a case of Blind winning the ball, the purpose is to step up and stall the player whilst midfield and fullbacks tighten the gaps.

It happens on a regular basis as it is an obviously practiced routine.

Blind has is physical vulnerabilities, no one can deny that, but some of the claims on here are absurd, especially when the stats are proving he is a extremely capable defender.

Watch the end of the game today did we lads? Or are we just sweeping that one under the carpet or going to pretend he wasn't at fault for the goal? Because otherwise, that point I (and as it turns out quite a few others) made about him costing us games due to not knowing how to play at centreback, well...

You also might notice his complete piece of non defending when Fabregas got in and De Gea bailed us out. He literally just stood there and watched it happen even though he was the one who came over to pick Fabregas up. These just aren't isloated incidents at all and that's the problem. When he has to actually defend, he has no idea how to, and it costs us.

@noodlehair agenda-driven posting has reached a new level, but that doesn't surprise me at all.

Making the blasphemy in this forum, I think that Blind is actually a better CB than Smalling, or at the very worst case, he has been better than Smalling for the majority of this season. Of course, he isn't English, isn't 7 foot tall and doesn't put the ball in Row Z everytime a player is 50 yards near him, so he isn't good in the eyes of many.

Sorry but I have to single this one out. Accuse other people of being agenda driven then immediately reveal yourself to have a massive insane agenda about bias towards English players :lol:

In the games we have defended badly - Wolfsburg, Newcastle, Arsenal - Smalling was definitely the worst centre back in each of them.

Wolfsburg? seriously? I mean, the Newcastle game was mad and against Arsenal we were poor defensively as a unit, so I at least wouldn't single him out as being THE problem in those games, but the Wolfsburg game he was an absolute mess :lol: You have to watch it back and actually pay attention to him if you think otherwise. It's the worst game he's had for us by quite a way. Wolfburg saw the weakness and were quite impressively ruthless about it. Though there were people on here praising him afterwards which figures.

Are you making up stuff? We played with Schneiderlin schweini and Carrick for most of the games til October and played Fellaini only due to injuries. We also never 'hoof it to fellaini'. If hoofing means keeper kicking the ball and him winning it at halfline (which again doesn't happen that often) then I donno what pulis and Klopp (with caulker) do.

You seem to have these cliched opinions. If Fellaini plays 'we good it to him' irrespective of the reality. If blind has a bad game then 'he is the worst player of the season' and 'his height and pace limitations have cost us lots of points'. Try actually watching matches for a change maybe?

You seem to have decided he is shit at the beginningand remain in denial irrespective of his performances

Edit - Bournemouth game? We had McNair CBJ and varela in the back 4. He had a mistake in the game but with that back 4?

No I'm going on the basis that Fellaini is very clearly quite useful at defending in the air and from set pieces, while Blind is not (and a centreback is expected to be strong in that department). So it is logical to assume that Fellaini's recent run in the team at the very least has something to do with this. I mean, if someone said to Van Gaal "is part of the reason Fellaini is a usefull player to have in the side his strength in the air at set pieces" and Van Gaal said "no", Van Gaal would either be lying or an idiot, wouldnt he?

I don't get what our line up in October has to do with it. I'm talking about the team that is being picked at the moment, not about 30 games ago. When Schweinsteiger is fit again maybe he will replace Felllaini as LVG willl see him as more beneficial. At the moment thoough he sees Fellaini as more beneficial to the team than more accomplished/natural midfielders like Schneiderlin and Herrera. If you have a better theory on why this might be then please tell.

We very definitely did hoof it to Fellaini. We haven't done so more recently from memory but denying this is something we were doing at one point is strange to say the least, coming from someone accusing others of not watching the games. It was causing absolute uproar by the time it stopped happening!

You've also made up a bunch of barely comprehensible stuff literally no one has ever said and then accused me of saying it in order to accuse me of having false opinions. Why bother? What does this prove to anyone?

This here is so very true, and something of a common mindset among people, especially on the caf in players threads, they just repeat common misconceptions about a player non stop, sometimes it makes me wonder, surely if they are fans, they must be watching the players surely. Its like no one is capable of forming their own opinions nowadays, just go with the common consensus regardless of the truth in the origin of the statements

It's just weird isn't it? A lot of the time I read stuff on here and think "surely you don't watch football and think that?" and the common theme is it'll always be some bandwagon opinion that started as a lazy cliche and somehow ended up being considered fact...then it ends up, for some reason, ruling over other factors like using your eyes to actually watch the game. It's what pundits do except you can expect it from them as they wont sit there watching every game for every team, so they have to assume to a degree. With fans on here it's baffling because they are watching the games then somehow ending up with an opinion on the game that was clearly formed before the game happened. The best part is how aggressive people are with it. If you talk to people in real life or go to games and stuff this just doesn't exist...it's some kind of internet disease.
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It was annoying they analysed it to death on Sky. He clearly follows Terry out, not realising Costa was behind him.
Of course he knew Costa was there, he was standing next to him literally 5 seconds before, he doesn't just disappear.

Blind thought the ball was going into Terry and he tried to pro act and cut the ball out. Unfortunately he misjudged it and when he tried to stop and run back he slipped. Really he should have just held his position and defended it when it came into the feet, but that's what happens when you play a pressing midfielder in CB.

Overall he actually does a really good job as a CB, considering many thought he is slow and weak, he's better than 3/4 of the CBs in this league. He could probably go to Barcelona and be a star in La Liga.
Of course he knew Costa was there, he was standing next to him literally 5 seconds before, he doesn't just disappear.

Blind thought the ball was going into Terry and he tried to pro act and cut the ball out. Unfortunately he misjudged it and when he tried to stop and run back he slipped. Really he should have just held his position and defended it when it came into the feet, but that's what happens when you play a pressing midfielder in CB.

Overall he actually does a really good job as a CB, considering many thought he is slow and weak, he's better than 3/4 of the CBs in this league. He could probably go to Barcelona and be a star in La Liga.

The main culprit of our goal. No idea what he was doing. I thought he was shaky late this game.
Didn't our last goal(against Derby?) also come with him* pushing high and leaving acres of space behind, not even realising there is a player behind him, which not only intelligent, but even players like Rojo wouldn't do?
I seriously don't understand why people praise his intelligence all the time when he really isn't showing that he is that intelligent when he is playing as a CB.

*Both Smalling and Schnaiderlin were bigger culprits for that goal though, but still Blind's defending was terrible, him acting like this happens really quite often.
Sure you laugh, but in a league where Physicality isn't over used and technical ability is more important it suits his game to a tee. You can't say he doesn't tackle and positon himself really well, the only time he's ever really found out is in a quick foot race or a striker backing into him.
Watch the end of the game today did we lads? Or are we just sweeping that one under the carpet or going to pretend he wasn't at fault for the goal? Because otherwise, that point I (and as it turns out quite a few others) made about him costing us games due to not knowing how to play at centreback, well...

How can you blame that one on Blind. He was marking two players (why was he marking two players anyway) and at the time made the correct choice - Terry stepped out to receive the ball in space, Blind knew Costa was offside (or should have been if CBJ held a line) so he made the correct choice to close the free player.

It's easy for you to sit in your armchair with hindsight and blame Blind, but unlike us at home, he hasn't got an Birdseye view to see a poorly positioned CBJ.

Mata is the most accountable for not making a challenge in the dying ends of the game, he allowed the player to take several touches to control, sidestep and produce a simple pass. He never even wanted the ball, complete disgrace.
Of course he knew Costa was there, he was standing next to him literally 5 seconds before, he doesn't just disappear.

Blind thought the ball was going into Terry and he tried to pro act and cut the ball out. Unfortunately he misjudged it and when he tried to stop and run back he slipped. Really he should have just held his position and defended it when it came into the feet, but that's what happens when you play a pressing midfielder in CB.

Overall he actually does a really good job as a CB, considering many thought he is slow and weak, he's better than 3/4 of the CBs in this league. He could probably go to Barcelona and be a star in La Liga.
He's certainly confounded expectations as CB overall. The goal was a collective failure, obviously. A galling one at that.
Of course he knew Costa was there, he was standing next to him literally 5 seconds before, he doesn't just disappear.

Blind thought the ball was going into Terry and he tried to pro act and cut the ball out. Unfortunately he misjudged it and when he tried to stop and run back he slipped. Really he should have just held his position and defended it when it came into the feet, but that's what happens when you play a pressing midfielder in CB.

Overall he actually does a really good job as a CB, considering many thought he is slow and weak, he's better than 3/4 of the CBs in this league. He could probably go to Barcelona and be a star in La Liga.

Agree with him knowing Costa was there. All I can say to this, both him and Smalling have been doing this same thing all season. Stepping out into play when the partner is not there to cover the space left behind.
Btw United have conceded quite a few chances because of this same dumb thing from the CBs. I know they do it thinking the CDMs will cover it but the gamble today was costly because the CDMs were already on the back foot.
It was a brainfart. Has happened to the best defenders out there.. I wonder how many times we'll have to cut Smalling loose too or declare him not good enough.
So in theory, if Blind failed to step out, Terry received the easy pass , to either shoot at goal or slide a runner in, would Blind still be at fault?

It was a no win scenario for him.
So in theory, if Blind failed to step out, Terry received the easy pass , to either shoot at goal or slide a runner in, would Blind still be at fault?

It was a no win scenario for him.

If Terry gets the ball, then Blind steps out to him... he shouldn't try to read what's going to happen before it happens. He should mark his man.
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