Daily Mail

:lol:I think the Bath Chronicle could use a new sub. Tbf though, a lot of websites are subbed by the reporters and editors with the subs just working on the print title. Is a recipe for disaster, especially when you are self-publishing in a hurry.

Can we try and win one of those. The Caf could give one of the handbags a memorable send off…
Tory party falling apart over Europe? Remind Mail readers of how much they dislike Blair and New Labour.
She's got a nice body. The guy filming it had the world's shittest camera phone, judging by how grainy it is. I watched it to try and understand how offended I should be.
Shit protest sign.

Beverley Army veteran wages war on Co-op over £626 energy bill


The comments are unreal. You'd think she was parading in front of a giant glass window rather than drying her hair in the supposed privacy of her own hotel room!
I genuinely can't decide which comment is the worst. The only thing that does surprise me is the downvoting from other mail readers.
She's only got herself to blame, what the hell is she playing at being nude in her hotel room?!
Flaunting her toned pins. She's hardly a vestal virgin and it boosted her career.
This sounds more Guardian tbh.

She's doing what? Artist begins 'vaginal knitting' the sexist comments she receives online from people abusing her for creating works using wool inserted into her private parts
  • Casey Jenkins, 36, is 'vaginal knitting' the negative comments for display
  • The Melbourne artist was called 'gross' when she began knitting in 2013
  • She hopes to discuss social shaming and sexism through the project
  • Ms Jenkins said the most hateful comments were surprisingly from women
‘I think the expectation when you’re showing the vulva is that people are going to feel fear and revulsion.’
‘So by linking the vulva to something that people find warm and fuzzy and benign and even boring, such as knitting for a long period of time, I hope that people question their fears and the negative association with it,’ she said.

I had fun for a few seconds replacing 'the vulva' with 'the Donald'.


Jermain Defoe has given fans an insight into what’s fuelling his good form with Sunderland by sharing an Instagram snap of his dinner
Urgh! She can stick that cardigan she made me up her arse. Allegedly.
What artistic merit could you possibly attach to vagina soiled knitting? Sounds like a publicity cnut stunt.
Come on, baby, light my fire extinguisher
The DM isn't yet ready to accept gay 'marriage'.

Picturing big Steve pounding that little man has done nothing for my state of mind today.
Picturing big Steve pounding that little man has done nothing for my state of mind today.
They had a programme on C5 about age gap relationships and had some bloke in his late 20s who was nailing a pensioner. Was a grim programme, conjuring similarly dark mental images.
The Daily Mail is a 'newspaper'.
Continuing on the same theme...

The comments keep coming as the trial rumbles on.

Maria the Princess, Orlando, 20 hours ago
I've seen the video. Five minutes of using an iron or blower on her head. Plus fondling her buttocks. Is she ashamed of her body? What's the big deal? More likely she conspired with someone to produce this and is faking her hysteria to make millions of bucks.

wubba3, london, United Kingdom, 20 hours ago
Erin Andrews should have to pay her stalker money because no one has ever even heard of eein Andrews before he made his video

Chime Meyer, college park, United States, 18 hours ago
Going by how special she seems to consider herself, she would be completely satisfied only with the guy hanged, the hotel out of business, she paid half of US GDP, and the eyes gouged out of all those who watched the video.

Fishskins9473, Dah-bih-leh, United States, 19 hours ago
Why didn't she put some cloth on before showering?

himmiefan, Nashville, United States, 19 hours ago
In the privacy of her own room???

Jacqscat, Sheffield, 19 hours ago
Pardon, what? Who showers clothed?
