Daily Mail

Derp derp, fank u daley mira.

That's fairly sensible
You can reuse the abutments...
Probably a third of the cost of a second bridge and new abutments / approachs
That's fairly sensible
You can reuse the abutments...
Probably a third of the cost of a second bridge and new abutments / approachs
I just love the picture. Its probably one of my most favourite ever.

Poor girl. I'd just avoid fairgrounds altogether. Whenever I see one, all I see it possible ways to die, and I don't want to become another statistic because some idiot couldn't be bothered to tie something down or screw something in properly.
Enjoy. :lol:

Mail said:
Meet Raul, Yong Bao and Ashima - the new multicultural characters brought in to help revamp Thomas the Tank Engine

The new friends are very different to the ones Thomas originally had at the start of the hit series, including Percy, James and Gordon


So how long before they remove Thomas altogether because he's no longer representative of the children being born in Britain?

I think the fact that he's a train means that he's already unrepresentative of babies born in the UK.

Having seen the new TTTE ones, they'll probably hang leeks and rugby balls from it, mate.
Headline from the Guardian:

Daily Mail: Eurosceptic editor received £88,000 in EU subsidies in 2014
Surely a wind-up? I mean, those lines about football matches being like an education camp run by the Chinese Communist Party can't be serious?
Mother saves £11k after ditching shampoo, toothpaste and toilet paper

‘Zoe tried a range of alternatives to keep clean without loo roll - and said he favourite was a water pistol - however she concluded the amount of water wasted did not make the switch very economical.’

‘I really like cleaning my teeth with bicarbonate of soda - although I did have to have a filling after just using it, but I suspect my dentist was looking extra hard.’

Zoe tried a range of alternatives to keep clean without loo roll - and said her favourite was a water pistol

She must be a contortionist to aim that properly.

So let me get this straight. He is annoyed that football is trying to become anti-sexism, anti-homophobia and anti-racism after decades of failing in those areas.

I can't understand someone surveying the injustices in the world and deciding to get annoyed at this.
The Mail has ten(!) stories about foreign aid today, including a petition they've set up.

In other Mail 'news', columnist Rachel Johnson lands another blow for women:

Are mobile phones and instant and constant communication so much a part of life that sexting should be tolerated within the rules of modern marriage – or is a ‘virtual relationship’ a dealbreaker too?

After all, when God handed Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, He had no idea what was coming down the pike when He said ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’ and ‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife/neighbour’s ass.’ He had no idea that His tablets of stone would soon – in only a couple of thousand years – be competing with smartphones and electronic tablet devices.

Given how easy it is to send a picture of your bits to a stranger (and how difficult it is to avoid seeing pictures of naked strangers online and ‘coveting’ them), I believe it is a stretch to think our God would have said ‘Thou shalt not sext’ with quite the same degree of cold command.

I’m not condoning or excusing what Kay did. It was an act of emotional betrayal and a humiliation of his wife. And it could have gone even further. But I do understand it.

Vernon Kay + a smartphone + a busty, blonde, single, younger glamour puss was an accident waiting to happen. And it happened. Twice.

If everyone chucked out their partner for sending fruity texts, or drunken tweets, there’d barely be a marriage left standing.

Vernon Kay is a bit of a chump but he needs help, not the order of the boot and a broken home. Sexting is sleazy but divorce is far, far worse for everyone.

I’m sure Tess Daly is furious, and she has every right to be.

But she shouldn’t throw out the baby (in this case, her 41-year-old husband) with the bathwater. Not for something so silly.
The Irish Daily Mail sent an undercover reporter to pose as a mourner to the wake of the poor family who died in that pier accident in the north of Ireland a few weeks ago. She took her own kids to round out the scam and printed a private conversation she had with the poor woman who lost most of her family in the tragedy as an exclusive interview.
At the wake. After she pleaded for privacy so she could mourn.

Look at this

The Irish Daily Mail sent an undercover reporter to pose as a mourner to the wake of the poor family who died in that pier accident in the north of Ireland a few weeks ago. She took her own kids to round out the scam and printed a private conversation she had with the poor woman who lost most of her family in the tragedy as an exclusive interview.
At the wake. After she pleaded for privacy so she could mourn.

Look at this

fecking hell, what utter twats
If only we could set up an inquiry that could investigate and then advise on what regulation was needed for media organisations. But, lol, that would just be stupid because they clearly don't need to be told what does and doesn't constitute illegal or immoral activity.
That's horrific. Hope they get the book thrown at them (they won't).
If only we could set up an inquiry that could investigate and then advise on what regulation was needed for media organisations. But, lol, that would just be stupid because they clearly don't need to be told what does and doesn't constitute illegal or immoral activity.
They'd just write about how it's a waste if taxpayer's money to set up an inquiry and instead the money should of been used for more pressing matters.


The magic of Easter was ruined for the family of a 10-year-old girl after she discovered a live worm wriggling around in her chocolate egg.

Dad Craig Hunt said he was 'disgusted' when his daughter Lucy found the creepy crawly with what appears to be a trial of eggs behind it in her strawberry Pavlova flavoured treat.

But claimed that the worst part was when his son five-year-old son Ethan asked: 'Why did the Easter Bunny do that?'
Back to the future with the Mail's sub-editors...

Pictures from the dawn of photography: Incredible images show Britain in the 1940s - including Nelson's column and Sir Walter Scott's monument being built


And the second-top-rated comment on the latest 'is THIS the ghost of...' story:

Mail said:
Is this Britain's most haunted house? Police searched for 'evil' forces lurking in the seven-bedroom property after 'children's shadows and moving knives' are reported

Comment said:
An ideal place for immigrant housing.