Fallen Muppet. Lest we never forget
Tacking the issues that matter.
With a handy guide on 'how to wash your underwear' at the bottom

Tacking the issues that matter.
As others have pointed out. Women don't 'show their curves', they 'flaunt' them in DM parlance.I guess I'd never been on the site before. I doubt I'll be back unless it's to find out more about some vapid celebrity "showing their curves at the beach in a daring polka dot bikini."
Peppa Pig has been accused yet again of teaching a youngster to swear, with another parent claiming that an iPad-style toy says the 'F-word'.
Back in the day it was written for 14-year-olds not by 10-year-olds.Good grief...
Ed & Nicola, a Jackie magazine special: We imagine how the Labour and SNP leaders' relationship might look in the teen casebook
Trust Labour? I'd rather trust Jimmy Savile to babysit, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN
Can you imagine what this paper's reaction would be if a Labour supporting journo at a left-leaning paper like the Mirror had written an article with a headline like that about the Tories?
"Not someone who works as a cnut"Trust Labour? I'd rather trust Jimmy Savile to babysit, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN
Can you imagine what this paper's reaction would be if a Labour supporting journo at a left-leaning paper like the Mirror had written an article with a headline like that about the Tories?
The top rated are understandably appalled, but no idea what the ratio of pro/anti is given there are over 1,100 comments. Would be surprised if they don't get complaints over that headline. Not read the article.Practically every time they publish an article like that, readers' comments show that it's backfired.
I find that quote funnyJesus Christ, just look at the state of the 'Best Rated' comments under this article:
'Sorry your train is delayed, someone couldn't be bothered to live any more': Fury over shocking announcement made by First Great Western after death halts service:
There's obviously a complete lack of empathy with the victim and sympathy for his family. I can understand people's concern about the driver, but the commuters' frustrations is sadly no surprise. Equally sadly, when you move to London, the initial shock and horror of hearing the old 'person under a train' announcement' does give way to a feeling of mild annoyance and concern about explaining why you got into work so late etc...It may sound heartless and it probably is, but even the most compassionate of people end up being cnuts when it comes to tube delays.Jesus Christ, just look at the state of the 'Best Rated' comments under this article:
'Sorry your train is delayed, someone couldn't be bothered to live any more': Fury over shocking announcement made by First Great Western after death halts service:
Is this a FAIRY in the woods?
I thought you were taking the piss with that pic. 'Is this a real life fairy or has someone superimposed ZX Spectrum graphics on the picture?'
Calling it 'disgusting', Anne fumed: ‘We have been coming here for almost ten years. We like to eat, drink and relax. But this time the atmosphere has changed.
'It’s really dirty and messy here now. And it’s awkward. I’m not going to sit in a restaurant with people watching you.’
Another British couple on holiday with their grandchildren from Birmingham said: ‘We have never been before but we don’t like it.
‘We won’t be coming back if it’s like a refugee camp again next year.’
How would you like it if you forked out loads on a holiday and the whole place was littered with homeless peopleThey've feckin outdone themselves this time, in a lovely piece entitled:
'Holidaymaker misery as thousands of boat people from Syria and Afghanistan set up migrant camp to turn popular Greek island into 'disgusting' hellhole.'
feck people.
I'm deadly seriousI almost bit. Almost.
I'm deadly serious
I would be gutted if that happened to me
If I was on a City break I would expect to see an element of povertyReally? Your over riding thought upon seeing thousand of people fleeing for their lives and living in poverty would be 'gosh, this sucks for me.'?
How would you like it if you forked out loads on a holiday and the whole place was littered with homeless people
I don't think I would go back again the following year, that is for sure
Drunk Brits annoy me too in fairness. But usually in resort places like this the only locals are in the tourism industry, so they rely on them to earn a living. I can't imagine the Greek government are very happy with this either as the industry will take a hit...obviouslyThe disgust of holiday makers arriving in another country only to be disgusted by the other people arriving in that country, doesn't strike you as daft?
I bet I could find a shit load of disgruntled Greeks who are disgusted by the drunk Brits who turn up their every year.
And if you arrived on your nice holiday all excited I refuse to believe you wouldn't be a little disappointed if you arrived in the scenes pictured in the paper.
And if you arrived on your nice holiday all excited I refuse to believe you wouldn't be a little disappointed if you arrived in the scenes pictured in the paper.
Not reallyWhich only highlights how shit people are.
Not really
It's nobodies fault. It would just be a shitty situation
People pay to go on a nice relaxing holiday, if they don't get that it's going to be disappointing
No, being disappointed at the scenes rather than the situation or the plight of the people is shitty.
Do you know how much a family holiday costs for a week or two?No, being disappointed at the scenes rather than the situation or the plight of the people is shitty.