Daily Mail

So you want him to resign?

Why? There's a massive problem in this country for people to be forced into resignation for something they didn't do, like in your example.

Dacre, and no-one at the Mail really cared whether she resigned or not. He just wants to sell papers. She should have remained in her post and waited for it all to blow over. Even the Mail forget about you eventually.

That's this year's "Put yourself in the shoes of a middle class person for a change"
So, hold on. Your argument is "The Mail don't really mean it, so they shouldn't need to hold themselves to the same standards they hold everyone else to?"

I don't really care what happens to him, though on a personal level I enjoy the Mail-esque karmic harranging he's currently getting, and would prefer he's sacrificed to the public lust than any actual damage gets done to press freedoms through his petty abuse of them. It would be rather poetic.
So, hold on. Your argument is "The Mail don't really mean it, so they shouldn't need to hold themselves to the same standards they hold everyone else to?"

I don't really care what happens to him, though on a personal level I enjoy the Mail-esque karmic harranging he's currently getting.

The Mail are hypocritical, but they don't care. It's all one massive wind-up anyway. Far too many people take all their articles seriously, including yourself. They don't hold anyone to any standards - they're just writing for high sales.

I do wonder how many hits they've had on the article and how much they're earning from it. Dacre's probably chuffed.
You can pretend to take the moral high ground on anything by saying "yeah but it was all a laugh really" It's neither here nor there. Even trolls get their c'nuppins.
I'm sure they lied about and insulted Miliband's dead father just to crack a few smiles in Mail central. Scallywags.
Al when a kid in school bullies someone else and then says "I was only messing" when they're disciplined we generally don't go "well that's alright then, at least you got the attention you were looking for, off you go".
Just because the Mail is a joke, it doesn't mean there's any humour in its methods; just like your cheeky, soaraway Sun, with its funny funny headlines about hamsters and..er...Hillsborough. The jokes, if any, are always at our expense.
The Tory conference was so boring that it was never going to be that big a news story anyway.

And for what it's worth, I generally agree with you, and the public have every right to criticise the article. What I didn't understand was why on Newsnight, they discussed whether they were justified in printing it. It's an awful article, but it's the Mail's right to have it in there. Campbell just ended up getting a bit hysterical.

I didn't see the inteview so fair enough. That said it takes a special kind of cnutery to unify everyone against the Mail. They are getting more zenephobic and hateful by the day.
Oh christ! The local morning news show has a segment where they link to celeb stories on the Daily Mail. It's on a big screen so you just know that the fecktards who like this sort of stuff will start googling the DM.
I hate the Daily Mail, but I would honestly rather have them still print the horrible shit they write, by horrible journalists they employ like Peter Hitchens, employed by horrible human beings like Dacre than the government basically being given the power to silence any journalist they don't like through this potential reform. I mean already libel cases have to be paid fully by the newspapers, even if they WIN the damn cases they have to pay the accusor and not the other way round. I agree with what Ian Hislop said:

The Mail comments seem far more rabid than the Stormfront ones, chief.
That's the key. Stormfront know they're outcasts and so try to appear more reasonable. Mail readers think they speak for the majority so don't censor themselves.
Plus the Stormfront lot will read a few cod science articles that 'prove' their crackpot racial theories and will spout said nonsense in a doomed bid to sound more intelligent than the average DM reader.
From the comments section of an article about a Jack the Ripper suspect:

Ashby66, Blabbermouth, Fl USA
Jack the Ripper was mild compared to today's standards.

chimneysweep, london, United Kingdom
yeah, and in those days victims didn't keep complaining about everything.
It's very hard to get shocked by a Mail comment these days. They are only one up from youtube.

SteveJ I know you love the DM really and try as you might to deny it, you need a regular fix of their inflammatory polemic.
*closes Mail tab swiftly*
The story of the year:

Danniella Westbrook sets a bad example by posting a dangerous picture of herself squeezing into a tumble dryer


The comment something left about posing next to a vacuum cleaner being more apt made me chuckle though.
Apologies if already posted, it probably has been, but I couldn't bring myself to trawl through 40 pages of Daily Mail stories. It's worth seeing again anyway..

Surprisingly, it isn't April 1st:

Could we condemn criminals to suffer for hundreds of years? Biotechnology could let us extend convicts lives 'indefinitely'

Sentencing a criminal to 1,000 years in an artificial hell may one day become a reality. At least, that is the claim of scientists at Oxford University who have been exploring technologies that could extend human life. They say billions are being invested in techniques that could mean the cruellest criminals will be kept alive indefinitely in condition befitting their crime.

Because, you know, that's obviously the first springs to mind when provided with the means by which to extend human life.
‘Some crimes are so bad they require a really long period of punishment, and a lot of people seem to get out of that punishment by dying,’

:lol: :lol: :lol: The sheer cheek!
That is fantastic. The best I've seen since their story on whether there was Nazi treasure buried under the underground Antarctic lake that the Russians were drilling down to a couple of years ago.
Ubik's quote has convinced me that Chris Morris is writing for the Mail.
A fecking stonking issue today; lots of great, right-wing stuff; i, for one, was salivating and getting reet riled up!