Oh definitely. And he would fall into that category too. I know he did have a pretty strong wrestle with his conscience before taking the job, but to be fair, if you're in the field of journalism, and one of the most hit websites on the planet gives you column inches, you'd have to be fairly strong-willed to turn it down.A mate I used to work with recently moved from their personal finance desk onto the business desk. He is pretty liberal- just a decent job and pretty well paid with a few nice perks thrown in.
It's definitely a misconception that most of the journos that work there actually believe the bile they spew out.
Oh definitely. And he would fall into that category too. I know he did have a pretty strong wrestle with his conscience before taking the job, but to be fair, if you're in the field of journalism, and one of the most hit websites on the planet gives you column inches, you'd have to be fairly strong-willed to turn it down.
I despise the paper. But would jump at the chance to work on their sport desk.
Interesting view from the US on the Daily Mail- is a long article so won't cut and paste it.
I cannot remember the last time I enjoyed an article so much, I laughed out loud at points.
For all of you people who are against the Daily Mail you sure know a lot about it's contents! hmmmmmm
For all of you people who are against the Daily Mail you sure know a lot about it's contents! hmmmmmm
The story bangs on about how things are difficult here, how there are no short or long term prospects and that they are leaving for Australia. This guy has no overtly special skills, he has no job lined up yet the Daily Mail glosses over that and the fact Australia has a reputation for being especially strict on immigration.
I am not 'against' it, its stance on many things annoy me.
Though I read all the newspapers here on at least a semi-regular basis, to test my views of affairs and breakout of the reinforcement theory of reading articles aligned to your own stance.
I'd like to tell you how easy it was for my Dutch brother in law and his then Non working Chinese wife, to get Australian Citizenships and Passports
But i wont, because then you might realise what you wrote is nonsense
I too have no special skills and am doing 10 times better than i would be in the UK
That is the first time I have ever heard of anyone comment that Australia is easy to get into, all previous reports and examples I have heard is of how difficult it is if you are not on the required skills shortages list.
That is the first time I have ever heard of anyone comment that Australia is easy to get into, all previous reports and examples I have heard is of how difficult it is if you are not on the required skills shortages list.
You listen to the wrong reports, something you confirm with a lot of posts
Just because I hear of one doesn't mean I change my position.
So wait just a minute......They are happy to ban children's books. Books which really would cause no long term damage and are helping children to read......Yet they are not concerned about banning video games that involve highly gratuitous violence?!?
Although its ok, once they reach 11 to give them a laptop in their bed room; with full internet access.
Oh didums...yet another story about children and how everyone must bow down to their protection. Those who do not have children have to suffer this constant barrage of tosh about other peoples precious children. Why don't the parents exercise more control over their own offspring instead of looking at laws to control them?
You can have free speech and read what you want, BUT only if they agree with it. Looks like it's true, if you have a big fat mouth then you can censure everybody.
what the hell is this country coming to!! I read these books when i was younger and i do not have a problem with my children reading them. Personally i think its the parents looking too much into it, they will be top shelf reading soon!
There is no evidence that the books are harmful. They are full of excitement and adventure so why remove them. Kids will spend even more time online or sat in front of the telly. Just a tiny handful of misguided activists are complaining. 300 complaints in 5 years across 98 libraries is not significant. That is about 6 complaints per year per library??? The minority view is being taken by some anti-everything dimwit PC committe. This dictatorial attitude creeping into our everyday lives sanitising and controlling us must be stamped out.
As a woman, I particularly dislike the double standards of the DM - they will print apparently sympathetic stories about women with eating disorders for instance, and then also print pictures of some perfectly normal-looking D-list celeb with a dimple on her thigh and make barbed comments about how she's let herself go.
No wonder so many young women are anguished about their appearance, to the detriment of everything else.
According to Newsworks, the highest demographic of Mail readers is women over 55 (incidentally anyone under 44 account for less than 25% of their readership*) More often than not married, stay at home or retired, and obviously quite well off.
I always thought it was a fairly recent shift, but very much not apparently. According to that great New Yorker piece, it was specifically rebranded towards women in the 70s, with the strapline “Every woman needs her Daily Mail.” Brilliantly managing to combine a female friendly appeal with light chauvanist patronisation.